origami-moon · 4 years
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This is so wholesome
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origami-moon · 4 years
Ok, I need some perspective
Is enough alarming stuff happening that we should gtfo of the US before those of us who survive this pandemic are all “Under his eye”-ing and “Blessed be the fruit”-ing? 
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origami-moon · 4 years
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suddenly remembered this poem as i was making breakfast this morning & frantically googled “poem remembered to buy eggs?????????” & somehow managed to find it & it utterly knocked the wind out of me just as much as when i first read it
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origami-moon · 5 years
Explain your DnD character(s) in one sentence in the tags.
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origami-moon · 5 years
Man I remember when I was a kid and my mom would take me to the library and I'd come out with a stack of books like a foot+ tall - sometimes the librarians had to override the computer which told us we were checking out Too Much. And I'd get home and I'd plow through like three four five six chapter books in an afternoon and then I'd emerge for dinner only to go back for one more book, which I was still up reading two hours past bedtime and like damn those were the days huh.
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origami-moon · 5 years
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all sorts of echoes in these caverns
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origami-moon · 5 years
Not knowing for certain, but refusing to give way to those who claim certainty, was a privilege I had never allowed myself. My life was narrated for me by others. Their voices were forceful, emphatic, absolute. It had never occurred to me that my voice might be as strong as theirs.
Tara Westover, Educated (via larmoyante)
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origami-moon · 5 years
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some things I need to remind myself daily tbh
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origami-moon · 6 years
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Mt Rainier
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origami-moon · 7 years
You would stand in the room so still sometimes, so wordless sometimes, as if the greatest betrayal of yourself would be to reveal one more inch of your character.
Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient (via victoriajoan)
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origami-moon · 7 years
What the fuck is ‘slut shaming’? How do you shame a concept that grows out of shame? ‘Slut’ is in and of itself a concept of shame to police women’s behaviour. There is no such thing as a slut. To call a woman a slut is to shame her.
Gail Dines, speaking at the Institute of Education (via queerquarks)
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origami-moon · 7 years
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Susan Kare, famous graphic artist who designed many of the fonts, icons, and images for Apple, NeXT, Microsoft, and IBM. (1980s)
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origami-moon · 7 years
When I get lonely these days, I think: So BE lonely. Learn your way around loneliness. Make a map of it. Sit with it, for once in your life. Welcome to the human experience. But never again use another person’s body or emotions as a scratching post for your own unfulfilled yearnings.
Elizabeth Gilbert (via quotemadness)
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origami-moon · 7 years
But the wolves have a way of arriving at your hearthside. We try and try but sometimes we cannot keep them out.
Angela Carter, from The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories; “The Company of Wolves” (via thesatellitemind)
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origami-moon · 7 years
how very accurate
special times for cat people
when they’re cleaning their feets and spread all their little toes out
when they smelled something weird and make a stinky face
when they walk up to you making little chirpy purrs of inquiry
when they get distracted by a noise mid-lick and a tongue blep occurs
when they see a bird and do that ekekekk thing
when they become possessed by the devil and tear around the house with demonic speed and then pause mid-vicious-attack of a scratching pole to whip their head around and fix you with their all-pupil stare of unhinged terror
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origami-moon · 7 years
As I get older I’m finding that a lot of the “intellectuals” I used to admire are actually just condescending and pretentious. And also realizing how much more important it is to be present, considerate, and empathetic because nobody really knows what they’re talking about and anyone who claims to know everything about anything is feeding you bs.
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origami-moon · 7 years
I love this so much. 
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So I found this caterpillar on my way to class
We’re bros
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