



Den jedenacty, dvanacty a trinacty: Prijezdova cesta do San Francisca vklidu, tvl co to je? Jeste nejsme ani ve meste a uz platime 5 dolaru za prejezd mostu. Tvl foť to, tady vickrat nepojedem. Stavime v airbnb doma. Je to studentsky dum. Slecna vypada v klidu, Typci huli.. taky v klidu! Jedem do mesta. Downtown LA jsou spinave, smradlave a nebezpecne stoky krasneho mesta San Francisco, ktere ma i svou originalni dusi. Z tri mest ktere jsme navstivili jednoznacne vede SF. Cable car fici po cestach a rozrazeji davy otravnych lidi, Lombard street je zkroucena jak dešťovka a rozdava pohledy fotografum, pier39 pekne molo plne obchodu a na konci lachtani party! Je jich tu aspon 100, rvou jeden na druheho a smrkaji po sobe! Chinatown je proste chinatown, cinane, cinske jidlo, cinske ulice, cinska vyzdoba, cinske upominkove predmety... Silicon valley - z Facebooku vidime budovy, security kteri ridi dopravu a thumb up sign, trochu nuda, nemuzem dovnitr. Google ma stylove barevne kola, security chybi ale maji obchod a vypada to o kapku lip, nemuzem dovnitr, Tesla auta vsude jak u nas Skoda auta, Apple - ridici se nadsenim zveda hlasek, pouze Appel store ani znacku tady nemaji na foceni, nemuzem dovnitr. Tesla! S chlebem v ruce vchazime do maleho obchudku s badass auty! Zamestnanec nas uvadi do kouzelneho sveta elektrickych aut, muzem dovnitr! NASA - stavime pred branou, ptame se ochranky zda muzem projit, straznik se nas pta proc? No proc asi vole. Chcem se podivat dovnitr. A mate ID? Coze? NO JISTE, tady mas NASA ID! Microsoft - budovy, nuda! Standfordska universita krasa, krasa, uz nevnimame jako rano, unava si vybira svou dan. Golden Gate Bridge je cerveny a ne zlaty, stavbari nekde udelali chybu. Ale je cool. Hikujem na plaz kousek od mostu a loucime se s oceanem, ten doma nemame. Vyjizdime na Twin Peaks, vyhled 360° na SF v pritomnosti šaolinskych mnichu v oranzovem županu. Vyrizujeme posledni detaily a stavime do outletu. Nedokazu rict zda to byla chyba ale ten obchod je jak droga! Je nam lito neco nekoupit, ja kupuju 5 nepostradatelnych veci za cenu jedne v CR. Posledni vecere, posledni zapad slunce pod Golden gate bridge, posledni mile v aute, posledni natankovani, posledni zabrzdeni, rozlouceni s autem a spanek na letisti.
Čas v autě celkem: 1day 14 hrs 30 minutes +
Najeto mil celkem: 2848mi (4557km)
Day eleven, twelve, and thirteen: The road to San Francisco, nothing happens... what's that? We are not even in the city and we pay $ 5 for the bridge crossing. “Take pics here, we wont go here again.” We live in an airbnb house. It's a student’s house. Girl looks cool, the guys smoke ... it is fine! We go to the town. Downtown LA is the epitome of the dirtiest, smelliest, and most dangerous sewers of the beautiful San Francisco. SF has an original spirit. San Francisco beats all three cities we have visited. A cable car runs along the paths and break up crowds of poisonous people. Lombard Street is twisted like a earthworm and gives a views for a photographers. Pier39 is a nice pier full of shops and in the end of the pier there is a sealion party! There are at least 100 of them, one on top of the other and sour on themselves! Chinatown is simply a chinatown, chinese, chinese food, chinese street, Chinese decorations, chinese reminder objects ... Silicon Valley - Facebook - we see buildings, security that leads traffic, and facebook thumbs up sign. A bit boring, we can’t go inside. Google has stylish colored bikes, security is missing but it has a Googlestore. It looks a bit better, but we can’t go inside. Tesla cars are everywhere as Skoda cars in Czechia. Apple - drivers voice raises by joy, there is only Apple store, no Apple sign to take a pic with, and we can’t go inside. Tesla! We go inside a shop with bread in hand, small shop with badass cars! The employee puts us into the magical world of electric cars, we can go inside! NASA - we stand in front of the gate and ask a guard if we can go through, “why do you want”? “Well, why not dude, we want to look inside.” “Do you have an ID?” “What? OF COURSE, here's the NASA ID, douchebag! Microsoft - buildings, boring! Standford University. Nice, nice, we are basically zombies who just want to break through the doors of NASA at this point. Too tired for our own good. Golden Gate Bridge is red, not gold, construction engineers have made a mistake. But it's cool. We hike down on the beach just by the bridge and say farewell to the ocean. We don’t have it at home. We go to the top of Twin Peaks, a 360° view of San Francisco in the presence of Shaolin's monks in an orange robe. We do last important stuff and stay in the outlet. I can’t tell if it was a mistake, but the shop is like a drug! It is a pity to not buy things. I buy 5 indispensable things at the price of one in Czech Republic. The last evening, the last sunset under the Golden Gate Bridge, the last miles in the car, the last gas station, the last breaks, say farewell to the car, and sleep at the airport.
Time spent in the car in total: 1day 14 hrs 30 minutes +
Mileage in total: 2848mi (4557km)
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Den desátý: dnes zacnu trochu smutne, vjizdime do Yosemite NP, vsimame si bile pokryvky na zemi a cernych stromu, to je snih! Neni... Yosemite NP horel! Ten bily prach je popel ze spalenych stromu ktere lezi smutne na zemi, kolem cesty doutnaji uhliky. Spaleny les strida les zdravy ale pohled na forest fire nas jeste ceka. Na krajnici mijime cedule "reduce speed". Duvod je opravneny, pred nami se rozprostira kourova clona, 3m od cesty plapolaji plaminky na zemi. Rangeri a hasici se prochazeji lesem a hasi zbyvajici ohne. Ve vzduchu je stale kour ale po ceste dal se situace zlepsuje. Prvni zastavka: Taft Point! Opet vyhled bere dech, z hodinoveho hiku se stava hike dvou hodinovy. Beru dalekohled co jsem "koupil"... "to je zmrd!" odveti kamarad s usmevem. Po ceste dal zahledneme v dali neco uzasneho, je to vyhled do dali! Vyhled ze ktereho se taji dech! Sede skaly mirici do vysek, protkane zelenymi stromy a uprostred toho vseho giganticky kamen zasazeny na skale se jmenem Half Dome! Pokud zde chcete vysplhat musite doufat ze vas vyberou mezi 300 jedinci. Snad priste! Posledni dve zastavky jsou trochu vlhke... ehm. Vodopády samozrejme! Pohoda i kdyz druhy je trochu zahul, stoupame po schodech do 100. patra a kochame se pohledem z vrcholu vodopadu kde veverky nas berou utokem a cekaji dobrotu. Pri ceste dolu vidime slecnu v papucich, ruzovem sáčku a sukni. Amerika ma talent na zivo!
Hodin v autě: 4:18
Najeto mil: 145
Day ten: I begin to be a little bit sad today. We enter to Yosemite NP and we see the white coat on the ground and the black trees. That's snow! Not ... Yosemite NP has burned! The white coat is ash from the burnt tree that lie sadly on the ground, smoldering pieces of wood around the road. Burned forest changes to healthy forest but look at forest fire awaits us. On the edges of the road, there are "reduce speed" signs. The reason is justified, the smoke curtain ahead of us, 10 feet from the path of the road there are fires on the ground. Rangers and firefighters walk through the forest and extinguish the remaining fires. There is still smoke in the air but on the way ahead the situation has improved. First stop: Taft Point! Again, the scenery takes a breath. One hour hike takes two hours. “I’m going to take the binoculars what I "bought" ... "what a faqer!" my friend says with a smile. On the way ahead, there is something weird, it's an overlook! A look that takes your breath away! Grey rocks that lead into the highs are intersected by green trees and in the middle of all of it the giant ROCK called Half Dome sets on a mountain! If you want to climb here, you have to hope to be chosen between 300 individuals. Maybe next time! The last two stops are a little wet ... uh. Waterfalls of course! Easy, even the second one is a bit tough, we climb the stairs to the 100th floor and look from the top of the waterfall where the squirrels take us by attack and wait for candy. On the way back down, we see a lady in slippers, pink suit, and skirt. America’s Got Talent: LIVE!
Hours in the Car: 4:18
Mileage: 145
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Den devaty: auto prede jako kote, nejsou s nim zadne problemy. Co nam ale obcas dela problemy jsou sto a vice kilometrove prejezdy z mista A do mista B, v americe delka a cas nabira uplne jiny rozmer. Byt v Evrope, uz jsme nejmin 4x byli v Chorvatsku na dovolene. Ale dnes jedem do Sequoia National Park. Park zacina nevinne. Normalni stromy, trava, proste nic zvlastniho. Rekli byste, ze takove lesy jsou i u nas, avsak po chvili jizdy se stromy meni. Jsou o kapku hrubsi, nacervenalejsi, a vyssi... Čum na ten mega strom! Ty kravo, ten je mega, to me poser! Les je smiseny s malymi a gigantickymi stromy. Sequoie stavaji samostatne. Zni dute jako lidske lebky nekterych jedincu. Nektere z nich jsou vysoke i 82 metru, obvod i 33m, tezke 1300 tun a stare vice nez 3200 let... pohoda, zasadim doma na zahrade a budu sledovat az vyroste. Sisky dlouhe i 20cm, sakra umazal jsem se od smuly! Utiram se na zemi do jehlici ... co to je? Cerna vec pod listim? Co dela prirucni taska na kraji silnice? Omg to je dalekohled! Tak si to rekapitulujem, zasatvime uprosted niceho, za umyslem vyfotit sisku. Umazu se od smuly z sisky, kterou sem vzit nemusel, mohl jsem se utrit do travy kdekoli ale ja si vyberu zrovna tohle misto, v tenhle okamzik a najdu novy dalekohled?? NAHODA!? nemam paru ale cely den nad tim dumam. V Sequoia np splhame na Moro Rock coz je skala, ktera vypada jako kus kamene narazeny na skale... je zde vyhled do vsech svetovych stran, vsude mlha. Asi protoze sequoia a yosemite np nedavno horeli. Delame fotky a valime k Sherman Tree coz je nejvyssi strom s nejvetsim objemem, kde se tvori fronty lidi aby se vyfotili. General great tree ma nejvetsi obvod a Tunnel Log je spadla sequoia kde ridici nechapou vyznam jednosmerky a cpou se pod strom aby se vyfotili i s autem. Celodenni vylet nas utahal a zpatky ridim s jednim okem zavrenym, olizuju prednimy koly kraje vozovky a jsme radi ze v jednom kuse vjizdime do campu. Sprcha, jidlo a spat bo zitra dalsi ale posledni National park.
Hodin v autě: 4:13
Najeto mil: 179
Day nine: The car goes like brand new piece. But what is the problem, hundred and more kilometers crossings from point A to point B. In America the distance and time takes another dimension. In Europe, we would be at least 4x further in Croatia for holidays. But today, we go to Sequoia National Park. The entrance of the park is innocuous. Normal trees, grass, just nothing special. You would say that it is just as a forest in Czechia, but after a few, the trees change. They are a bit thicker, redder, and higher ...LOOK at that huge tree! Holy cow, that's giant, faq me! The forest is mixed with small and gigantic trees. Sequoias stand alone. They sound hollow like human skulls of some individuals. Some of them are 269 feet tall, 108 feet volume, 1300 tons, and older than 3200 years ... well, I will plant one tree at home in the garden and watch it grow. Cones long 8 inch, damn I touched a sap! I'm wiping my hand in the tree needles ... what is it? Black thing under leaves? Why is small bag by the road? Omg there is a binocular inside! So let’s recapitulate it, we stopped in the middle of nowhere for a cone to take a picture. I wiped my hand bc of sap and cone I didn’t have to take, I could have wiped out in the grass anywhere but I chose this place at this point and find a new binocular? CHANCE!? I don’t even know. I’ve been thinking about it the whole day. In Sequoia NP we climb on Moro Rock, which is a rock that looks like a piece of stone on a rock ... there is a view to all the world sides, fog is everywhere. Probably because the Sequoia NP and Yosemite NP have been burning. We take pics and then we go to Sherman Tree then, the heaviest tree with the largest volume, where people create queues to take pictures. General grand tree has the largest circumference and Tunnel Log is a sequoia tree where the drivers don’t understand the meaning of one way and jostle under the tree to take a picture with the car. It was a tough day, I drive back with one eye closed, the front tires lick the edge of the road and we’re glad to see our camp. Shower, food, and go to sleep bc next day's we will go to our last National Park.
Hours in the Car: 4:13
Mileage: 179
0 notes



Den sesty, sedmy a osmy: UNIVERSAL STUDIOS!!! rano bude stacit vstat v 8h.. chyba. Dalnice zasekana jak svina, na miste jsme o hodku pozdeji, platime dalsich 25 babek k uz tak drahemu listku a tlacime se ve vytahu z parkoviste, ktery se nechce zavrit. Na povrchu se otevira novy svet, svet sceny, hercu, specialnich efektu a cvicenych domacich mazlicku. Hele prvni draha! To bylo super! Prohlasuji vsichni. Hele dalsi! Jeden clovek nas ale ceka venku, vypada ze ma dost. My predbihame celou 25minutovou frontu cesko-slovenskym stylem a uvelebujem se pekne v sedacce. 3D jizdy a roller coaster nam kouzli usmev, radost a lehkou nevolnost na tvari. Je to skvely zazitek, videt vsechny ty zname mista, plochy, postavicky a budovy z filmu a serialu. Atmosfera je bombasticka. Mohl bych takhle vypravet a spoilerovat vse, ale lepsi je si tohle misto uzit na vlastni kuzi! My odchazime spokojeni s pocitem kvalitne straveneho dne v Universal Studios a drahy listek se razem meni ve skvelou volbu utraty penez. Los Angeles downtown, jedno velke zklamani! Ulice rozbité, domy stare popraskane, v ulicich bezdomovci, smrad moči, spina a odpadky, obchody vlastnici mexicani stejne jako v CR vietnamci, mimo cca 10 mrakodrapu a jedne pekne ulice zde neni absolutne nic!! Vecer vas zde nekdo odpraskne a divoci psi a krysy pachnoucich stok los angelskych si na vas pochutnaji.
Rada pro vsechny: city center Los Angeles stoji za vyliz prdel, ani sem nelezte, usetrite cas! Plaze jsou ale uplne jiny pribeh, pribeh o slunci, tepleho pisku, molech, nenazranych raccich, krasneho oceanu a hratkach s vlnami. Blbnem jak male deti ve vlnach a smejem se, kdyz neci plavky priplouvaji od nekud! Tvl ty jsou moje! Vlna mi dava pesti primo do obliceje. Kratka tematicka prochazka po Venice beach, kde poulicni bavici zapojuji prihlizejici a delaji z nich tulpase pred ostatnimi, je to sranda k popukani, nee, me neberte! A ted prijde kontrolni otazka: jestlipak vite kde na svete si muzete slapnout na zname osobnosti ci bytosti? Ano, a kde jeste? No na Walk of Fame vy t*pci !!! Velte odchod! Posledni den v LA mel byt rychly, jedem jeste k hollywood sign, opet par fotek ale nic zvlastniho. Proste napis Hollywood! Uz par dni chodime do asijske restaurace ale az dnes opravdu jdem. Tvl co to je? Zapadly pajzl u benzinky, mrize na futrech a vylohach. Vchazime dovnitr, vita nas s usmevem thaisky vypadajici Yoda. Starsi shrbena dama nas vyziva at si vyberem misto.. vahame, ale sedame. Objednavame si... tykraso to je lahoda! Vietnamci v cesku, stydte se! Tahle starsi dama by vas nastrkala vsechny do sve malinke kapsicky, a vite co.. nejlepsi asijsky obed v LA uprostred Hollywoodu! Ps: pamatujete na karticky s "pokemony"? Vecer u grilu zjistujem ze kamarad je ma stale u sebe hned PRED fotkou sve pritelkyne. Hodin v aute: 3 Najeto mil: 100
The Day Six, Seven, and Eight: UNIVERSAL STUDIOS !!! Wake up at 8am will be enough .. fault. The freeway gets freaking jammed, we're in finish line hour later, we pay another 25 bucks, and we squeeze ourselves in the elevator that doesn’t want to close from a parking lot. The new world, the world of the scene, the actor, the special effects, and the homegrown trained dogs, open on the surface. Look, a first rollercoaster! That was great! Declared everyone. Hey another one! But one of us isn’t going, he looks sick of rollercoasters. We overtake the whole 25-minute queue in the Czech-Slovak style and take a nice fit sit in the seat. 3D racing and roller coaster conjures smile of joy and nausea in our faces. It's a great experience to see all those places, the faces, the buildings, and spots from movies and series. Atmosphere is bombastic. I could tell and spoil all of this, but it is better to see this place in your own skin! We leave satisfied with the feeling of a high quality day in Universal Studios, and the expensive ticket turns into a great choice for spending money. Los Angeles downtown, one big disappointment! The streets are broken, the houses are cracked, homeless in the streets, the smell of urine, filthiness and garbage, the shops owned by the Mexicans as well as the Vietnamese in Czechia, out of about 10 skyscrapers and one nice street there is absolutely nothing !!! You could be shot during night and dogs and rats of the stinky sewers of Los Angels will feed on you.
Advice for you all: Los Angeles downtown isn’t worth for barely look, don’t even go there, save your time!
The beaches, however, are quite a different story, story of the sun, the warm sand, the piers, the greedy seagulls, the beautiful ocean, and the playing in waves. We behave as children in the waves and we’re laughing when shorts float from nowhere, DAMN these are my! The wave punches me right in the face. A short thematic walk around Venice Beach, where street entertainers attract the watching people around to their shows and make douchebags of them, it's fun to pop out, NO, don’t take me! And now comes the question: do you know where you can step on famous people or beings in the world? Yes, and where else? Well on the Walk of Fame, goddamnit !!! The last day in LA should be fast, we go to the Hollywood sign, a few pics again, but nothing special. Just Hollywood sign! For a few days we have wanted to go to an Asian restaurant but we are finally going today. What's that?! It is weird looking restaurant by the gas station, bars on the windows and door. We enter inside and there is a woman with the smile and look of Yoda. Elderly stooped lady chooses place to sit to us .. we hesitate, but we sit anyway. We order food ... HOLYSHIT it's fantastic! Vietnamese in Czech, shy! This old lady would put all of you in her little pocket, and you know what ... the best Asian lunch in LA in the middle of Hollywood!
Ps: do you remember "pokemon" cards? In the evening, we find out, our friend still has them in his wallet just right in front of his girlfriend’s photo.
Hours in the car: 3
Mileage: 100
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Den pátý: dnes se "moc neděje". Máme před sebou dlouhatánskou cestu. Jen se zastavíme v údoli smrti kde teplota dosahuje i 110°F. Klima v autě uchovává stálý chládek. Stačí otevřít okno na jeníčkův prstíček a už se dovnitř dere teplo z rozpálených kamen čarodejnice! Cesta je dlouhá, okolo jsou tmavé hnědé hory kontrastující se světle žlutými, zvláštně zkroucenými solnými dunami a tomu vše kraluje solná plocha velikosti moře. Death valley je opravdu mrtvé, nic tu není, jen "lidé se zde potí tolik ze za sebou zanechali tuny soli" pronáší kamarád. Opravdu, za 10minut se stáváme lidskými křížalami a supi krouží nad hlavami. Po koupeli z potu kupujem vodu za $6 a doplňujem tak ztracené litry. A teď... zase do auta, směr město Andělů aneb Los Angeles! Přijíždíme pozdě večer, k přízemnímu americkému typickému domku s příjezdovou cestou a krátce striženým trávníkem. Airbnb rocks. Vsazujem kód do dveří, pokládame tašky plné piva a vína na zem, lehce se zduníme a jdem spát bo zítra Universal studios!!! Hodin v aute: 7 Najeto mil: 405 Day five: there is not much going on today. We have a long way ahead. Just stopped in the Death Valley where the temperature reaches 110 ° F. The airconditioning in the car keeps us cold. If we open the window by size of Hansel’s pinkie, the Witch’s freaking stove heat is getting inside! The path is long, around are dark brown mountains, contrasting with the light yellow, the highly curved salt dunes and the salt surface of the sea size. Death Valley is really dead. Nothing is here, just “people here sweat so much that they leave tons of salt left behind" says my friend. Indeed, in 10 minutes, we become dried human chips and vultures fly over our heads. After bathing in sweat, we buy water for $ 6 to supplement the lost liters. And now ... back to the car, direction to city of Angels or Los Angeles! We arrive late in the evening, to the ground typical American house with a driveway and a short lawn. Airbnb rocks. I put a code to the door, we put the beers and a bottles of wine on the floor, we get drunk a little bit and we go to sleep... because Universal Studios is tomorrow !!! Hours in the car: 7 Mileage: 405
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20. 9. 2017
Den čtvrtý: ráno se budíme bez budíku, už je zase čas vyjet. Balíme a sedáme do auta. Tlak v pneumatice je na 6 PSI. Docouráváme se na benzinu, foukáme kolo. Auta máme dost, plán je ho vyměnit na prvním checkpointu. Fičíme na jednu pařbu ve Vegas. 322 km do Las Vegas po cestě rovnější než nejrovnější rovnost. Nížina mezi horami kam oko dohlédne a 140 km/h na tacháči. Kamiony ve 100 km předjíždějí karavany a blokuji tak na chvíli oba pruhy. Je libo trochu adrenalinu? Plně naložené auto, 4 lidi uvnitř, benzín vstřikuje hektolitry do motoru a my rveme silnici na kusy při 160 km/h za dunivých bas Kabátu! Kamióny mizí ve zpětných zrcátkách spolu se školními autobusy. Welcome to Las Vegas! Vjíždíme do půjčovny a vypravujeme příběh o tom, jak nám problémy s autem zkazily výlet! Což ovšem není tak úplně lež. Hele trpajzlík! Tvl to je zaměstnanec! Tak tedy ten trpaj..zaměstnanec nám bez problému vyhovuje přání a mění auto za vetš��! Stěhujme si věci a pochlebujeme si nad velikosti půjčeného letadla. Další zastávka je hotel s kasínem. Pokoj super! Výhled na druhou stranu Las Vegas.. aaah whatever. Procházka čeká. Sbíráme peněženky, foťáčky, gopročka, vody a jdem do rušných ulic Las Vegas. Je libo Řím, Benátky, Eiffelovku, New York, Egypt nebo Disneyland? Ve dne parno jako sviňa už aby byl večer.. večer: tvl my tu, asi umřeme! Noční LV je úplně jiný. Z repráku v křoví hraje hudba, světýlka mnoha tvaru a barev poutají pozornost na věžácích a hotelech. Postarší lide rozdávají kartičky se sprostými holkama. Kámoš je poctivě sbírá a obhajuje se tím, že sbírá pokémony. Přítelkyně krouti hlavou s úsměvem na tváři. V kasinu pod hotelem doufáme ve štěstí a vhazujeme první dolar! $20 výhra! Po chvíli je jasné že automat je vyčůranější než jsme mysleli. No dobře kasino tentokrát asi vyhrálo ale příště si ten Chevrolet Camaro odvezeme s námi jako výhru! Ps: Trump ma v LV hotel ze zlata a vypadá to, že není jediný.
Hodin v aute: 4,5 Najeto mil: 240
Day Four: In the morning we wake up without an alarm clock. It's time to go again. We pack and sit in the car. The tire pressure is 6 PSI. We are going by snail speed to get to the gas station and blow a tire. We are pissed at the car. The plan is to change the car at the first checkpoint. It is time for a hangover in Vegas. 322 km to Las Vegas on a road straighter than straightest is possible. We see a valleys between mountains. The road is never ending as we travel 140 km / h. Trucks at a distance are going 100 km/h and overtake the caravans while blocking both lanes for a while. Do you want a bit of adrenaline? Fully loaded car, 4 people inside, gasoline is injected by hectoliters into the engine and we are shredding the road to pieces at 160 km / h behind the profound bases of Kabat! Trucks are disappearing in the rearview mirrors along with school buses. Welcome to Las Vegas! We enter the rental and tell them a story about how the problems with the car, have ruined the trip! Which, however, is not quite a lie. Look, a dwarf! This is an employee! So, that dwa... the employee complies to our wishes and gives us a new, better, and bigger car! We move our stuff and indulge over the size of our rental plane. Another stop is a casino hotel. Room is cool! The view is of the other side of Las Vegas .. aaah, whatever. Headed for a walk. We pick up wallets, cameras, gopros, water bottle and go to the busy streets of Las Vegas. Do you want Rome, Venice, Eiffel Tower, New York, Egypt, or Disneyland? During the day it is hot as hell. I can’t wait for the evening. Evening: OMG, we probably gonna die! Night life in LV is completely different. speakers play music from bushes, lights of many shapes and colors on skyscrapers, and hotels entice attention. Elderly people are giving away cards with horny girls. My friend dutifully collect the cards and defends himself... he collects pokemon cards. His girlfriend shakes her head with a smile on her face. We hope for luck in the casino under the hotel as we put in the first dollar! $ 20 win! After a while, it is clear that the slot machine is more pisspoor than we thought. Aye casino? You won this time, but next time we will take Chevrolet Camaro with us as a prize!
Ps: The Trump has a golden hotel in LV. It seems he is not the only one.
Hrs in the car: 4,5
Mileage: 240
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Den třetí: v 6 h budíček, tvl vždyť je ještě tma, i sovy spí. Vydatná cereální snídaně s americkou koblihou. Hodinka cesty k cíli. Před vjezdem fotka u cedule. Všichni slintáme nad krásou (no dobře, dobře, tak jsem to byl já!), jako byste otočili list v knize a před vámi se objevil nový svět. Cesta z červeného materiálu koresponduje s červeným, žlutým a zeleným okolím a vytváří jedinečnou pastvu pro oči. Úzké údolíčko poseté zelení a stromy prokluzuje po celé délce mezi dvou tisícovkami z červeného a oranžového kamene. Řeka zavlažuje okolí, naáaji srnky a sem tam pumy. Ale to není hlavní záměr naší cesty, my míříme výše! Doslova! Autobus nás vysazuje na zastávce a stoupáme lehkým stoupákem, který se postupně zvyšuje. V šíleném horku před námi stoji nejtěžší úsek výšlapu, trail užší než šířka ramen. Od pádu z tisícovky metru nás dělí pevný uchop řetězu a nervy ze železa. Šplháme výš, slunce pálí a okolo nás se začíná rozprostírat nejnádhernější národní park co jsme navštívili během našich krátkých kariér jakožto lidských bytostí. Pohled dolů vyráží dech, vše jako na dlani. Tohle je Angel's Landing v Zion Nation Park. Místo kde se rodí andělé zionu! Z 5ti hodin strávených v Zionu si odnášíme úžasné zážitky a jedem dále, protože máme čas. Hele další NP... Bryce NP který nebyl v původním plánu. Spodní čelist zůstává daleko za námi. Kaňon, který lze těžko popsat, ani fotka vám neřekne jak nádherné toto místo je, unikát mezi unikáty. Mít den navíc, půjčujeme čtyřkolky a projíždíme jej skrz. Bilo červený kaňon, v dáli osvětlené skály nalevo a tmavě modrá bouřka sléhá blesky nad městem. Další scéna z příběhu od Tolkiena! Tohle místo shledáváme druhým nejkrásnějším místem a u mě během 1 dne sesouvá Yellowstone z přední příčky na místo 3. Loučíme se s Bryce NP, dofukujeme pneu asi po 5. a večer grilujeme a hodujeme po zaslouženém a úspěšném dni.
Hodin v autě: 3:35
Mileage: 170
Day three: at 6 o'clock the alarm rings. It is still dark outside and the owls are still asleep. An abundant cereal breakfast with an American donut. 1hr to our destination. We take a pic by the sign before the entrance. We all fall over the beauty (alright, alright, it was me!) Like turning a page in a book and a new world appearing before you. The path of red material corresponds to the red, yellow, and green surroundings which create a unique grazing for the eyes. The narrow valley covered with greenery and trees reaches heights of two thousand meters of red and orange stone. The river irrigates the surrounding area and feeds a deer and cougars. But this is not the main purpose of our journey, we are headed higher! Literally! The bus drops us off at the bus stop. We climb slowly but surely on the gradually increasing trail. In the mad heat the heaviest section is ahead of us, a trail narrower than shoulder width. The drop from a thousand meters is divided by a firm grasp of the chain and nerves of iron. We climb higher. The sun burns. But the most beautiful national park that we have visited during our short careers as human beings is beginning to spread around us. A downward look blows my mind, everything on the palm. This is the Angel's Landing at Zion National Park. The place where the angels of zion are born! From 5 hours at Zion, we take awesome experiences and move further because we have time to take on another NP ... Bryce NP. This was not in the original plan. The lower jaw remains far behind us. A canyon that can hardly be described nor a photo can explain to you how wonderful this place is, unique among the unique. If we would have had an extra day, I would have borrowed quadbikes and driven through it. There is a white red canyon. On the left side of the background shows the sun reflecting on a rock. A dark blue thunderstorm is flickering over the town. Another scene from the Tolkien story! We’ve found this place as the second most beautiful place. Yellowstone has been bumped from first place to third place in my mind. Farewell Bryce NP, we blow the tire for the fifth time. We grill and feast at evening for a well deserved and successful day.
Hours in the car: 3:35
Mileage: 170
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Den druhý: To auto je aušus! Upustila se nám pneu, auto žere jak po roce v gulagu a volant je nakřivo! Co s tím krámem je? Galony tečou proudem, vzduch se upustí a fouká zpět, teď ale do Grand Canyon Village! Původní plán: hodina na foceni, realita: 3 hodiny, je to nevýslovný přírodní úkaz, řeka Colorado se zařezává do tvrdého červeno-oranžového kamene po cele délce státu Arizona a vytváří nezapomenutelný jev. A dost! Musíme jet! Sedáme do auta. Příští zastávka Monument Valley! Arizona "sluncem zalita zem", žlutý a červený písek s malými a středními stromky a keři. Hory kulem vytlačeným ze země mění jinak poměrně rovinaté arizonské plošiny. Vítejte v Monument Valley, kde silnice ukazuje jedním směrem kam až oko dohlédne a v nejbližším okolí je scéna, kterou bys těžko vymyslel. Už je to tu zase, jen v jiné podobě. Pojedeme dál, ještě dal a co ještě kousek, vjíždíme do "indiánské rezervace", platíme $20. To už bylo moc. Není čas, jedem zpět. Valíme to 110 km/h po USA po nekonečných rovinkách, "já chci zatáčku!!" stěžuje si řidič! Stop no.3, místo kde lidí je plno, lidí asijského vzhledu se tlačí na okraj aby se vyfotili na nejlepším místě. V dáli oranžovo žlutý západ slunce osvětluje mraky a vrcholky Grand Canyonu, řeka Colorado opět vyřezala jedinečný obrazec ve tvaru horské podkovy. Ano, Horseshoe Bend! Propast vykrojená říčním korytem. Dole chajda velká jako nejmenší nehet. Výraz v obličeji zkameněl v úžas. Stovky fotek budou stačit, musíme fičet. Walmart na nákup a hurá do campu. Po cestě v naprosté tmě míjíme srnky stojící na krajnici. Mají rády adrenalin? Ne! Jsou prostě blbé!
Hodin v autě: 9 Najeto mil: 531
Day Two: This car is TRASH! The tire blows out, the car consumes gas like an after year in the gulag and the wheel is crooked! What the hell is wrong with this car? Gallons flow, air blows out and blows back, now, to Grand Canyon Village! Original plan: 1 hour for pics, fact: 3 hours, it's an unutterable natural phenomenon; the Colorado River cuts a hard red-orange stone along the Arizona State and creates an unforgettable phenomenon. Enough! We must go! We sit in the car. The next stop is Monument Valley! Arizona, "sunlit land," has yellow and red sand with small and medium trees and bushes. Mountains which launched from the ground change otherwise into flat Arizona platforms. Welcome to Monument Valley, where the road shows in one direction as far as the eye can see. In the immediate vicinity is a scene you have hardly imagined. It's already here again, only in a different form. Let’s go farther, and farther. We enter the "Indian Reserve." We pay $ 20. That is too much! There is no time for that. We go 110 km / h down an infinite line in the US: "I want a turn!" Complains by the driver! Stop Number 3, the place where Asians push themselves to the edge to get the best pic. In the evening, the orange-yellow sunset illuminates the clouds and peaks over the Big Canyon. The Colorado River has once again carved a unique horseshoe shape. Yes, Horseshoe Bend! Pit cuts by the riverbed. There is a cabin at the bottom, yet doesn’t look any larger than the smallest nail. The expression on my face: petrified in stupor. Hundreds of photos will be enough- we need to go. We buy stuff in Walmart and then go to the camp. We pass deers on the edge of the road in darkness. Do they like adrenaline? No! They are simply stupid!
Hrs in the car: 9
Mileage: 531
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Den první: noc před dnem prvním letíme z Bozemanu, čumím na nové Game of Thrones. Tvl 2 minuty do startu letadla, letím na odbaveni a sedím v letadle do Seattlu, v Seattlu 1 h zpoždění, 2 hodiny, 3 hodiny zpoždění bo bouřka a už jsem v Las Vegas. Shledávám se s mými roadtripary a uleháme na překvapivě pohodlných sedačkách. Ráno půjčujeme auto, nádherného Dodge. Vyzvedáváme poslední účastnici zájezdu a bloudíme po Las Vegas s dvěmi navigacemi. Vyřizujeme co vyřídit máme, obdivujeme obrovské letiště uprostřed města, nakupujeme potřebné i nepotřebné a hurá směr Hoover Dam, hele přehrada! To je ta z obrázku! Všude plno čechů, je tohle USA? Na konci dne vybalujeme z bordelu v autě věci na camp. V campu: stan nespolupracuje, je to vergl! Umoudřil se, je složený! Grilujeme, pijeme, smějeme se, sprchujeme a uleháme! První den za námi, máme radost.
Hodin v autě: 5 Najeto mil: 240
Day one: the night before we fly from Bozeman, I watch the new Game of Thrones episodes. HolySHIT 2 minutes until take off. I run to check in and I sit on the plane to Seattle. In Seattle: 1h delay, 2 hours, 3 hours delay due to thunderstorms and then I am in Las Vegas. I find my road trip friends and we lay on surprisingly comfortable seats. In the morning, we rent a car: a wonderful Dodge. We pick up the last participant of the tour and wander around Las Vegas with two GPSs. We do what we have to do, we admire a huge airport in the middle of the city, and buy the necessary (and unnecessary) stuff, and here we go towards the direction of Hoover Dam, LOOK the dam! That's the dam from the picture! There are a lot of Czechs everywhere, is this the USA? At the end of the day we unpack and set up camp from the mess in the car. In the camp: the tent does not work, it's pieceofshit! It gets wise, and finally sits up. Grill, drink, laugh, shower and bedtime! The first day is behind us and we are happy.
Hrs by car: 5
Mileage: 240
0 notes





Well... something beautiful began 3 months ago. I expected that it would be a great time spent in nature and out of civilization but I was WRONG! It was more than waves of a tsunami. But every begining has end. It was a living dream and the best experience I've had in my life. During 107 crazy days I've done: 15 weeks in Yellowstone NP or Grand Teton NP 24 incredible enjoyable days off with friends 122 shots of beer in 122 minutes 133 miles of hiking with friends 500+ hours at work 2085 replaced towels 2820 cleaned/inspected toilets 1 350 000+ feet walked at work Seconds, minutes, and hours spent in a car, drunk nights, great trips, shared feelings, friends, family friends dinners... COUNTLESS!!! Thanks to all of you. You made my BIG ASS trip unforgettable. This is the end of my time in Yellowstone, but not in the USA!
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Já s “need help”. Nejdřív jsme pluli bez problému, prý: nebude pršet! O 5 min později ta druhá fotka jak já pádluju, prší, je bouřka, a padají mega kroupy.. úplně nás to pobilo a zmokli jsme.
Me with “need help.” It was a peaceful sail from the begining. Me: it isn’t gonna rain! 5 minutes later, second pic me paddling, raining, storming, hail storming.. beat us down and we got wet!
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Ten týpek s bílým psem v ruce měl 21, už na fotce byl mega na mol, my v pokoji po nočním klidu jsme se snažili být potichu.
That guy with a white dog turned 21. He was already drunk and we are in a room trying to be quiet!
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USA - kámoška píchla, jeden amík se ji snažil vyměnit pneu, ale hned to vzdal. Já ji vyměnil a ještě si mě hned chtěly dvě holky vzít.
Murican friend got a flat tire. One murican tried to fix it, but gave up immediately. I fixed it and got proposed to twice.
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Fotka mě. Mám půjčené gopro, tak jsem na památku udělal foto.
Pic of myself. I borrowed a GoPro, so I took a memory pic.
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Meredith a já. Od toho okamžiku na lavičce se nám dvěma začalo říkat grandma a grandpa. Mě se říkalo grandpa už dřív, ale ona si koupila sudoku, tak se ke mě přidala.
Meredith and me. From this moment on the bench, we have been called Grandma and Grandpa. I have been called Grandpa before, but she bought a sudoku and she became grand too.
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3xichty s Meredith uprostřed. Napravo je Ravi. Jdeme ožralí z pubu a děláme ji guardy.
3 faces with Meredith in the middle, Ravi on right. Being bodyguards, drunk as shit on the way from the pub.
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Skupinovka za zády Union Falls, obrovský vodopád pod kterým jsme byli. Celý den tůra tam a zpátky a skupinu, kterou vidíš je pevné jádro. Pár lidí chybí.
Group pic. Union falls behind. It was a huge waterfall we climbed under and behind. Day hike to the falls and back and with the best group of people. A few peeps are missing.
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