Hey Guys! Ordinary Sharon here...
I have recently just made a Youtube channel, and I uploaded my very first video! Editing and adding subtitles is something that I am not used to, so please comment on what you think about my editing skills and also give me some advice on how to edit better for future videos :D Would love to hear from you guys! 
This video is just a collage of things that I did in Summer 2018! Since summer is almost here, I wanted to reminisce on what I did last summer with my friends and family :) I really hope you like the video! Subscribe and give it a thumbs up! 
Question of the Day : Tell me something that you did in Summer 2018 that was very memorable!  
Follow me on these Social Media Platforms:
Twitter: @ordinary-sharon
Instagram: @ordinary-sharon
Facebook: Sharon Prasidha
Snapchat: @ordinary-sharon
Youtube: S M 
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Until the Spring days come again... Until flowers bloom again... Stay in that place just a little longer...
                                                                                                   BTS - Spring Day
Today, I went to the cherry blossom park at High Park with my family. Spring is here, and I am in love with it! Spring is my favourite season, because of the cold breeze and rainy days. Rainy days are the best! 
I decided to lay off on studying for a few hours and walk around High Park with my family. I think taking time off from studying and school is so important. BALANCE. To avoid burning out, I think taking a break from studying and school is important. I’m not talking about closing your books or laptop... I’m saying to walk around and get some fresh air and sceneries! It doesn’t have to be nature, it can be your neighbourhood street, or even a near by park! Anything that could take your mind off~ 
Spring also remind me of BTS, because of their song Spring Day! I love that song :) 
Question of the day: What is your favourite season and why? Comment below! Like and Reblog ~ 
Follow me on these Social Media Platforms:
Twitter: @ordinary-sharon
Instagram: @ordinary-sharon
Facebook: Sharon Prasidha
Snapchat: @ordinary-sharon
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Heeellloooo! Ordinary-Sharon, here~
After gathering all your questions on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, I have decided to do a small Q&A as an introduction blog. Whether you started following me a year ago or literally a few minutes ago, I feel like this Q&A blog is much needed. A lot of you would DM me on Instagram and Twitter, asking me about some of the stuff that I will be talking about… So, to make our lives easier, I have compiled some of those questions, and put them in 1 post!
1. I'm a new follower, can you introduce yourself a little?
First of all, Welcome! Join the club and enjoy the ride!
My name is Sharon Prasidha, I am 22 years old, and apparently people find me and my life interesting on social media! I live in Canada, and I am currently in school for Accounting. I am from Indonesia, I am the middle child, I am awkward but I love interacting with people.
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2. Why did you decide to blog daily?
I decided to blog daily for reflection purposes. I recently took the personality test, and learned a few things about myself. One of those things being that understanding myself and my purpose in life is very important to me. I think blogging daily, and journalizing my thoughts in a form of fun pictures, videos, and notes will help me to reflect on myself!
3. When you're not studying and busy with school, what do you like to do?
I love to watch dramas or anime! I love some "Me" time, and having a day just to myself. I love to be around people, interacting, and socializing but I have moments when I need to be alone and recharge! So things like watching a movie by myself, or reading a book at my favourite bubble tea café is something that I love doing when I have some free time.
4. What is your "Dream Job"?
Since I am in Accounting, realistically - I would like to start working in a small to medium accounting firm as a Junior Accountant. But if I have to pick a "dream" job, it would be working at MDD Forensic Accountants as a Fraud Auditor. I am currently taking an auditing course, and learn about fraud auditing and forensic accounting. The process they have to go through to get evidence, and analyzing information with a team is so interesting to me.
5. I am also a Business student, will you be doing any blog related to school?
Of course! Being a student is a huge part of my life, so my life revolves around school and studying. I will for sure blog about school and show you guys some tips and tricks related to school.
That's it for today's blog! Keep your questions coming on the comment sections, I will for sure read them and answer if I know the answer to it. Please like and re-blog~ Show me some love on the comment section to!
Follow me on these Social Media Platforms:
Twitter: @ordinary-sharon
Instagram: @ordinary-sharon
Facebook: Sharon Prasidha
Snapchat: @ordinary-sharon
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My name is Sharon or you might know me as ordinary-sharon on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter (follow me, btw!) 
I decided to create a tumblr account because you guys recommended that I do daily blogging, and I think that is such a great idea! I’m not too sure on what kind of content I will be putting up, just yet. But for now, please comment down any questions you’d like to ask me or any recommendation on what you would like to see on my blog! I’m planning on making a Q & A blog/video soon :) 
Bye for Now~
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Follow me on these Social Media Platforms:
Twitter: @ordinary-sharon
Instagram: @ordinary-sharon
Facebook: Sharon Prasidha
Snapchat: @ordinary-sharon
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