orcflorist · 5 hours
orcs would love noise/performance art group hantarash
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orcflorist · 2 days
i wish cow tools were real
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orcflorist · 2 days
Canadians: Act now to support guaranteed basic income!
The Canadian government is about to vote on starting the process of instituting a guaranteed basic living wage.
If you are a Canadian resident, please consider contacting your representatives about it! MP Leah Gazan has a tool on her website that makes showing your support easy. Just put your name and postal code into this tool and it will automatically send a message to your MP, the Prime Minister, and several Cabinet Ministers: https://www.leahgazan.ca/glbi_letter_2024#newmode-embed-20407-68031
If you’re Canadian, please show your support! If you aren’t, please share this post so your Canadian followers can see it.
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orcflorist · 4 days
saw not one but two zaza plants over the last week. whole new world we're living in
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orcflorist · 4 days
they should make a playstation for orcs
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orcflorist · 4 days
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new bear just dropped 🏹 he's my next dnd character!
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orcflorist · 6 days
they should make a playstation for orcs
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orcflorist · 6 days
fuck the anon button!! you're an orc. i'm an orc. orc time
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orcflorist · 9 days
in my small hometown. my parents have a huge zaza plant and it's all the house smells like. also my mom has a skull shaped butane lighter that my brother gave her as a gift. this rules
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orcflorist · 9 days
orc time is scheduled for September 12th, 3:30 PM CST. please be ready for it
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orcflorist · 11 days
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it says orc right in my display name 😔
i think everyone deserves a large rock a short distance from their home. i dont like that discussions about walkable cities never include plans to allow wider access to large rocks. the people need large rock
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orcflorist · 12 days
would a guided ayahuasca trip fix garrosh
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orcflorist · 14 days
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whenever i see a lovely image of a huge muscular orc in the modern day I'm like who teleported him here. I would be so mad if you took me out of Fantasy World where magic is real and put me in Earth Where Twitter Exists
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orcflorist · 15 days
sometimes i wonder what björk is up to. what ever it is i hope she's having a good time
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orcflorist · 15 days
i think it's funny that some dipshits were getting paid by a foreign government to be an asshole online. i think a foreign government should instead pay me for being a cool and friendly gay orc online instead. c'mon cuba, you like gay orcs right
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orcflorist · 16 days
in my country they just leave large rocks moved in there by the ice age to be. like there will be random large rocks in cities and streets and parks and yards.
i'm really grateful for this earnest response to a post i made in jest. they do this in my region too. i hope you're having a nice day.
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orcflorist · 18 days
ive spent most of the last two weeks watching daria and leftist political youtubers and listening to 90s "slowcore" if anyone's curious where i'm at
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