orbit-the-pony · 8 months
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Crescent beetle
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orbit-the-pony · 9 months
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orbit-the-pony · 10 months
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At long last, The Planet Glow series of prints is back in stock! These are beautiful reproductions of my original gouache paintings based on imagery from the James Webb and other telescopes.
Due to a happy accident, instead of high quality paper prints I ordered printed canvas for the Saturn Glow series! These are absolutely gorgeous, and look like original paintings in person. Once these sell out, they will be gone forever!
Shop here!
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Thank you for your support! Signal boosts are appreciated!
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orbit-the-pony · 1 year
Come on [tumblr] where’s my Mars Bear fanart?
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orbit-the-pony · 1 year
Basically my parents
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orbit-the-pony · 1 year
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orbit-the-pony · 1 year
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orbit-the-pony · 1 year
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orbit-the-pony · 1 year
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orbit-the-pony · 2 years
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orbit-the-pony · 2 years
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The 12 full moons of 2022 by loonarpix
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orbit-the-pony · 2 years
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Space! ft. NASA
It was a big year in our part of the cosmos. We’ve invited our friends at @nasa​ to recap all the stunning scientific advances that gave us a deeper glimpse into the galaxy around us this year.
JWST Showed Us Space with New Eyes
In July 2022, we saw the first full-color images and data from the largest and most powerful space observatory ever made: the James Webb Space Telescope. This landscape of “mountains” and “valleys” is speckled with glittering stars, and called the Cosmic Cliffs. It’s the edge of the star-birthing Carina Nebula. Usually, the early phases of star formation are difficult to capture, but the infrared Webb can peer through cosmic dust thanks to its extreme sensitivity, spatial resolution, and imaging capability.
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Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI 
Artemis I Flew Us Beyond the Moon 
NASA’s most powerful rocket, the Space Launch System (SLS), lifted off for the first time on November 16, 2022, launching the Orion spacecraft on a journey around the Moon. Orion has now traveled farther from Earth than any other spacecraft designed to carry humans to deep space and safely return them to Earth. The Artemis I mission is the first part of a new era of deep space exploration. The program is designed to take astronauts back to the Moon and eventually on to Mars.
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Credit: NASA
This One’s for the Dinosaurs
NASA’s DART mission successfully redirected an asteroid—the first time humanity has ever changed the orbit of a celestial object in space. On Sept. 26, 2022, the vending-machine-size spacecraft slammed into the stadium-size asteroid Dimorphos, slightly shortening its orbit around its much larger companion asteroid Didymos. Neither asteroid posed a threat to Earth before or after the test. The objective was to test this “planetary defense” technique, should an asteroid ever pose a threat. Note: there are no known asteroid threats to Earth for at least the next 100 years, but NASA is keeping an eye on the skies, just in case.
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Be sure to follow @nasa​ for more!
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orbit-the-pony · 2 years
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orbit-the-pony · 2 years
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(( Mod still AFT [away from tablet], but i saw this trending on twitter again so bandwagon! Share your oc’s emojis too I’d love to see! :3 ))
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orbit-the-pony · 2 years
Tonight’s the last blood moon until 2025
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orbit-the-pony · 2 years
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Total lunar eclipse; last one until 2025 l Rami Ammoun
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orbit-the-pony · 2 years
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