orangebooks123 · 5 years
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My magnum opus
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orangebooks123 · 6 years
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So quick background I am from Dominican Republic I was born there and I came here when I was 10 years old so I don’t come from much money. I am now 18 and I started to transition almost a year ago and the more I’ve been transitioning the more I have realize that it is unsafe for me to go out and live my truth without facial feminization surgery. Being a black trans woman I have a huge target on my back as it is, but it’s a lot harder when you can’t pass. At first in the beginning of my transition I thought I wasn’t going to get any surgeries or anything but I quickly realized that for me and my transition it’s a necessity. If you can’t donate that’s completely ok, I know that some people just can’t. I am one of those people, every time I see my trans sisters with a fund me account I want to donate so bad but then I have to worry about what I’m going to eat the next day. So if you can’t donate that’s completely ok, but if you can it’s greatly appreciated regardless thank you so much for reading my story and visiting my page. I hope everyone has and awesome day and stay safe. http://www.gofundme.com/2i4srdo
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orangebooks123 · 6 years
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                       !!!!!!!!! BREAKING NEWS !!!!!!!!!!
The Tennessee Supreme Court ruled former sex slave Cyntoia Brown MUST serve 51 years in prison before she is eligible for parole.
According to them:
“In today’s unanimous decision, the Tennessee Supreme Court explained that, under state law, a life sentence is a determinate sentence of 60 years,” the court wrote. “However, the sixty-year sentence can be reduced by up to 15 percent, or 9 years, by earning various sentence credits (good behavior. & getting involved in prison based education programs while incarcerated) Therefore, the Supreme Court concluded that a defendant serving a life sentence for a first-degree murder committed on or after July 1, 1995, may be eligible for release after serving at least 51 years of the sentence.“
For those of you who haven’t yet caught up to this story:
Cyntoia Brown was a 16 yr old girl, who at the time of the incident was living in a room at a Nashville InTown Suites with Allen (the man who propositioned her for sex) because her pimp and boyfriend Garion McGlothen, nick-named “Kut Throat,” insisted that she needed to earn money.
Kut Throat abused her physically and sexually throughout the approximately three week period in which she lived with him.
After Allen took her to his house, he showed Cyntoia multiple guns, including shotguns and rifles. Later in bed, as she described in court, he grabbed her violently by the genitals, his demeanor became threatening and, fearing for her life, she took a gun out of her purse and shot him.
You can sign this petition 
Call Governor Bill Haslam (615)-741-2001. she has a Clemency hearing May 23rd. DEMAND JUSTICE!!
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orangebooks123 · 6 years
“theyre homophobic but theyre good people!!!” hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. are they really. are they REALLY. are they. are theyr eally. Are the
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orangebooks123 · 6 years
me, using a ouija board: A… L… I… V… E…
friend: alive? ALIVE?? is it saying it’s alive????
me: idk i’ll keep going
me: S.. T.. A.. Y.. I.. N… A.. L.. I.. V.. E..
me: shit this is a Bee Gee board
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orangebooks123 · 6 years
I don’t even procrastinate anymore I just straight up neglect 100% of my responsibilities
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orangebooks123 · 7 years
“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”
No. Shut the FUCK up.
Guns. Kill. People.
If we had gun control, none of this bullshit would have happened.
Don’t come at me with that “They’d just do it illegally anyway!!!!” Shit. Maybe so, but it would be more difficult for them to do so. Cruz got his gun legally, he had no problem doing so even though he had been reported to the FBI before.
Don’t blame this on mental illness
Don’t blame this on mental illness because this kid was mentally ill, but he also had easy access to guns.
And that’s what killed people.
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orangebooks123 · 7 years
Today was a hard day for many people. I normally don’t get involved in anything other than the fandom and if you unfollow me because of what I say, then good riddance.
Something has to change. Some of you say that your right to bare arms is that - your right. Sure. Sure it is. Why not. If you use guns responsibly and follow laws and rules - then sure. As a Canadian, I have no right to judge you for that.
But I am judging you. I am judging you for the countless lives lost here because your “right to bare arms” that has zero accountability is fucking killing people. You can argue that it’s people killing people. Go ahead. But their weapon of choice isn’t their fists, is it?
A gun gets the job done better, doesn’t it? The most pain, the most damage as quickly as you can fire that gun off. As many bullets as you can stuff in your pockets. You’ve counted how many lives you’re going to take with those bullets that you stuff in your pocket.
Do you know how many shootings have happened since the beginning of this year in America in a school? 8. That’s 8 preventable shootings. One shooter was a 15 year old. Why was a 15 year old allowed access to a gun?
At what point is it okay to have no gun controls in place that prevent a fucking 19 year old from picking up a rifle and killing 17 people at a high school. Never mind the injured ones.
The answer is - surprise: it’s not okay. The point is this is not-o-fucking-kay.
I’m absolutely sick to my stomach today. My friend goes to that school. She could have died today. She had friends who died today. She had her friends family die today.
And for what?
What reason can you give me that will excuse what happened today? What excuse can you provide to me that will allow me to see why it’s so important for you to carry a gun, to leave it laying around for a kid to pick up. For a toddler to accidentally kill a family member. For a child to kill themselves.
For a teenager to ruin the lives of 17 families. And traumatise the lives of the 3000+ students who have to walk through the halls next Tuesday that their friends and teachers bled in, screamed in, died in.
I saw videos from students phones. I heard that gun go off. I saw the smoke. I saw a laptop with bullet holes through the screen. That was a video. I was this affected by a video. Please tell me how the students today, how every survivor of a school or event shooting at any given time goes on with their lives. And why you having a gun at the ready is more important than the fear, the PTSD that 3100 more students will now struggle with after today.
Tell me.
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orangebooks123 · 7 years
“He bought a gun at 18, but if he wanted to buy a beer he’d have to be 21.”
- BBC reporter throwing shade
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orangebooks123 · 7 years
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orangebooks123 · 7 years
“don’t judge a book by it’s cover” is a beautiful powerful sentiment that i fully ignore when book shopping
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orangebooks123 · 7 years
so im trying to decipher this chart on wikipedia that has common vampire weaknesses in it and
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a ‘green/yes’ is a weakness, a ‘red/no’ is something that isnt a weakness, and a ‘?’ is something that has never been addressed but fucking riddle me this
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in what lore are vampires weak to getting soggy in milk
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orangebooks123 · 7 years
Years ago, you promised your firstborn to a witch. Since then, despite your best efforts, you can’t seem to get laid. The witch is starting to get pretty pissed.
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orangebooks123 · 7 years
2018 calls for more traveling, more moments of love, more saying “yes”, and less giving into fear.
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orangebooks123 · 7 years
Yesterday I went to buy some yarn and so you know how annoying it is when fucking people put those stupid bullshit “don’t use this, wool is murder” PETA stickers on the label?
First of all, stop defacing stock in someone’s store. You’re not clever or saving the planet or anything. You’re making it hard for customers to shop and see the info they need on the label (yardage, weight, dye lot)… You’re making employees spend hours peeling the damn things off, and in some cases, you’re causing damage to the label and or yarn itself. That means loss to the company, which affects employees who probably make minimum wage, you shit bags. You want to make change happen? Contact corporate, you fuckhead. That’s where decisions are made.
Second of all, wool is not murder. Are you fucking stupid? (Obviously the answer is yes). It’s a fucking haircut for a sheep. They’ve been domesticated so long that if we don’t sheer them, it’s bad. Yes, some sheep don’t live in ideal conditions. Got a problem with that? Going to a yarn store and putting stickers on things isn’t going to change it or the minds of customers. For fuck’s sake, you absolute cockwomble, go to the yarn companies. Make them use wool providers that use humane conditions for their yarn, like A LOT OF YARN COMPANIES DO.
And third of all.
You. You precious, empty-headed little shitnugget. You complete and total sawdust-for-brains.
You put your fucking stickers all over acrylic yarn.
There’s no fucking wool in there. It’s all synthetic fiber. Basically, it’s plastic.
You fucking dumbass.
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orangebooks123 · 7 years
Me, when I buy 24 roombas and an amazon alexa
Me: Alexa, unleash the roombas
*24 roombas emerge slowly from under my bed, consuming everything in their path*
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orangebooks123 · 7 years
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if you dont have me on facebook you are probably not missing out on any posts but the comment section is important too lmao
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