orange-nimon-cross · 1 year
masterlist/wip list
sunflower girl (COMING SOON)
- dong sicheng x reader, fluff
- barista au where sicheng is your sweet regular
walking in a winter wonderland
- dong sicheng x reader feat jung jaehyun, fluff, friends to lovers
- sicheng saves you from an awkward situation with your ex at a christmas party
best friend (COMING SOON)
- huang renjun x reader feat hwang hyunjin, pining and fluff
- renjun is your best friend. and he was kind of content being your best friend... until someone else came into the picture.
she wants me (to be loved) (COMING SOMEDAY I PROMISE)
- TWO ENDING FIC. xiao dejun or dong sicheng x reader
- college au, angst, fluff, and pining
- your best friend xiaojun calls you one night, wasted out of his mind and the only thing he says is that he wrote you a song...
- park jisung x reader, idiots to lovers
- jisung walks into a dusty, run-down antique store one day and tries to chat up a cute girl who claims the store is magic... but magic isn’t real. is it?
Stray Kids
- han jisung x reader feat hyunjin, unrequited love, angst
another day (COMING SOON)
- yang jeongin, angst, death, reincarnation au
- every time you see him it’s at eighteen. before nineteen, he’s gone, ripping another hole into your heart. but you can’t help falling over and over, with every life
Nine Percent/NEX7/Idol Producer
- cai xukun x reader, college au, fluff
- you get a call late one night from one of your friends to come pick up kun... and when you get there he’s so drunk that he can’t keep secrets anymore
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orange-nimon-cross · 1 year
walking in a winter wonderland
dong sicheng x reader feat jung jaehyun, fluff, friends to lovers
sicheng saves you from an awkward situation with your ex at a christmas party
a/n: yes i know it’s june. please just let me have this i’ve had this written for about three years and i posted it on my last account.
“Hey, did you see Johnny anywhere?” Ten said from the doorway. He peered over at you, Chenle, and Jisung sitting on the floor, surrounded by paint cans and paper.
You turned towards him,awkwardly gesturing with a paintbrush at the paper banners on the floor. “No, but uh… can you help us?”
Ten stifled a laugh at the sight. “God almighty.”
“I know! You know I can’t draw or anything, and I’ve had to put up with Chenle and Jisung this whole time.”
“Hey!” Chenle protested. “We’re a pleasure to be around!”
Jisung looked up too, aggrieved, and accidentally knocked over a cup of paint water.
You, Chenle, and Ten simultaneously screeched, lunging for the banner to pull it away from the water.
You managed to snatch it away, heart beating at a hundred miles per hour. “Jisung!”
Jisung looked sheepish. “Sorry, guys. I’ll go get a rag from the supply closet.”
You sighed. “Okay. Uh, Ten, can you help them? I’m going to go find Sicheng.”
He turned to you, astonished. “Me?? This isn’t even my job!”
“I’ll owe you one.”
“Wait, don’t leave me with Ten,” Chenle broke in.
You and Ten both ignored him. “More like four,” he shot back.
“Sicheng!” you called, hurrying towards your best friend.
He stopped short at the sound of your voice, almost dropping his box of decorations. “Y/N? Weren’t you with Chenle and Jisung making banners?”
You pinched his cheeks,beaming at him. “Got Ten to babysit them instead.”
He pushed your hands away. “How’d you do that?”
You shrugged. “I owe him now. Where’re you going with that?”
“The auditorium,” he said. “Good luck. You know he’ll call it in at the worst possible moment.”
“Whatever. Hey, I’ll come with you.”
��Sure,” he said. “Actually, let’s go back to the storage room and you can carry one too.”
“Fine. Anything to stay with my favourite boy,” you said, reaching over to poke Sicheng’s cheek.
His face turned pink. “Whatever,” he mumbled, and turned away.
Grinning, you trailed after him to the storage room.
Doyoung was there, shifting boxes around. He raised his eyebrows at you. “Aren’t you supposed to be painting banners, Y/N?” 
You smiled cheerfully. “Ten volunteered to take my place!” 
Sicheng scoffed. “Volunteered.”
Doyoung gave you a look, but didn’t question it. “Alright. I think we’ll only need one more box of decorations to the auditorium.”
He hefted up a big box. “Think you can handle it?”
You looked at it dubiously. “Uh, I think so.”
Doyoung handed it to you. You stumbled a bit, but managed to walk out into the hallway. 
Sicheng sighed, watching you. You could barely see over the top of the box. “Y/N, come here.”
“Huh?” You turned around unsteadily.
“Switch boxes with me, this one’s smaller and lighter.”
You frowned from behind the box. “I got this, Sicheng.”
He put his box down, and took yours from you. “You can barely see over it.”
You pouted, picking up the smaller one. “Some of us aren’t giants. Stop rubbing it in.”
“Could you even see where you were going?”
You started walking quickly, the lighter box much more manageable. “Yes.”
He caught up to you easily. “Doubtful.”
You stuck your tongue out at him. “Giant.”
“Midget,” he teased.
“I’ll have you know, I’m average height.”
“You are not— wait.” Sicheng turned suddenly, balancing the huge box on one arm. “We’re supposed to go that way.”
You scrambled after him. “Aren’t we heading towards towards the auditorium?”
“Yeah, but the main doors are blocked, so we have to go through the side door.” A couple moments later, he arrived at a dingy door, and balancing his box precariously on one hand, tugged it open. “Ladies first.”
You rolled your eyes, maneuvering yourself through the narrow doorway. “How gentlemanly.”
“Hey, is that the last of it?” Renjun called, from the other side of the large room. 
“Yeah!” you called back. Crossing the auditorium, you tripped over a cable with a squeak.
Sicheng barely managed to catch the back of your shirt, juggling his box onto one arm again. “Watch where you’re walking.”
You set your box down on the floor next to the tree Renjun  was decorating. “Sorry,” you said sheepishly.
Renjun opened your box. “Uh, are these Halloween decorations?”
You reached in and pulled out a plastic skeleton. “Awh, I really carried the wrong box all the way here?” Crouching next to it, you dug through it, only to find more spooky decorations.
Sicheng set his down, pulling out boxes of Christmas tree ornaments. “This one seems to be the right one, at least.”
You plopped down on the floor. “Do we really have to go all the way back and bring back another one?”
He patted your head. “I’ll carry it, you can just come with me.”
You groaned, but let him haul you to your feet. 
You followed Sicheng across the room and back into the hallway. “I’m tired. Can’t I just go home?”
“You signed up for this! You can’t just quit.”
“I didn’t even sign up! I got blackmailed into it by Kun!”
Sicheng raised his eyebrows at you. “Oh, really? What’d he blackmail you with?”
“We’re not even going there.”
“Was it really that bad?” Sicheng asked.
You sighed at the thought of it. “Yes.” 
“Is it something I don’t know?” Sicheng probed.
You clammed up, panic clawing at your chest.
“It is,” Sicheng said, watching your reaction.
You gave him a sheepish smile. “Sorry.”
“Is it something important?”
You looked away. “Ah… kinda?” 
You mentally cursed yourself for giving too much away. Sicheng always read you too well.
“Is it about a guy?”
You laughed nervously. “No? Why would it be?”
He poked your shoulder. “You’re acting awfully suspicious.”
You stiffened. “Sicheng...”
He sighed, backing off. “Okay, sorry. I won’t pry. Just… guys suck, okay? We don’t want a repeat of Jaehyun.”
You stiffened at the mention of your ex. “Why are you bringing him up?”
Sicheng raised his hands defensively. “I’m just saying. You don’t need a boyfriend when you have me.”
You blinked, suddenly flustered. “What?”
He blushed. “Uh, as a best friend. Who needs a boyfriend when you have me, your best friend?”
“Yeah, of course. Um, there’s the storage room.”
“Wow, everything turned out so well,” you said admiringly, looking around at all the decorations and the ornaments. “Even the banners turned out halfway decent.”
Sicheng laughed. “Even with you working on them.”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” you protested.
He raised an eyebrow at you. “What do you think?”
Pouting childishly, you turned away from him. “Whatever. I’m going to get a drink.”
Sicheng rolled his eyes at you. “You go do that. I need to go find Taeyong.”
You turned around, heading for the little snack table on the side, but you hadn’t even made it halfway there before before someone grabbed your wrist. 
“Hey, wait.”
You turned around reluctantly, knowing exactly who the voice belong to. “Hi, Jaehyun.”
“Y/N.” He looked serious, even in his dumb Santa hat. “I need to talk to you.”
You gestured between the two of you. “Sure. Talk.”
He sighed. “I just… Y/N, I want to get back together.”
“What?” You jerked back.
He reached out to take your hand. “I know. I fucked up so bad. I’m so sorry. But… I just… I… I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“Y/N,” he pleaded. “Please. I missed you. Didn’t you miss me too?”
You closed your eyes. “Jaehyun, stop.”
“Y/N, please.”
Someone pulled his hand off yours. “She told you to stop.”
“Sicheng,” you sighed in relief, curling into his side. He slipped his hand into yours.
Jaehyun glared at him. “What are you, her bodyguard?”
Sicheng glared back. “Just because you didn’t take care of her doesn’t mean I shouldn’t.”
Jaehyun eyed you and Sicheng. “What are you, her boyfriend”
You opened your mouth to answer, but Sicheng beat you to it. “Yeah, as a matter of fact.”
You stared at him in shock.
He squeezed your fingers reassuringly. “We have to go now. Don’t talk to her anymore.”
Sicheng pulled you away, leaving Jaehyun behind, aghast.
Still shaken, you were already halfway across the room before you spoke. “Sicheng, I didn’t know we were dating.” You forced a teasing tone into your voice, trying to regain some normal.
He winced. “Ah… yeah. Sorry about that. I didn’t… I’m sorry about that. I don’t know why I said that.”
“It’s okay. Thanks for saving me, though.”
Sicheng took a deep breath. “Um. I kind of also need to talk to you.”
You grimaced. “Oh, God. Hopefully about something good.” Glancing around, you pulled him into an empty corner. “Okay, go ahead.”
He took a deep breath. “Alright. Before I start, you have to promise something.”
You frowned. “Okay?”
“No matter what happens, we stay friends.” He looked dead serious.
“Sicheng, that sounds so ominous,” you said, trying to lighten the mood.
“Okay, I promise,” you said placatingly. “Now what is it?”
He inhaled. “So. I maybehaveacrushonmybestfriend.”
You gasped. 
Sicheng winced. “I’m sorry, uh-”
“Sicheng, I thought I was your best friend. Who is it?” You frowned. “You don’t really talk to anyone but me though.”
He sighed. “Y/N, you are my best friend.”
“Oh. Wait. Oh. Hold on. I uh. I kinda need to process this.” You took a couple deep breaths. “Okay.”
Sicheng awkwardly shifted from one foot to the other. “Did I just ruin everything? I’m sorry. We can just stay friends—”
“No, wait.” You gestured vaguely, blushing furiously. “That’s not a problem, because I have a crush on you too.”
He blinked, ears slowly turning red. “Oh.” 
He bit his lip, and your heart was beating faster and faster. “Can I… can I kiss you then?”
“Okay,” you whispered breathlessly.
Sicheng leaned down, cupping your face in his hands—and then jerked away, startled by a loud bang as a door across the hall slammed open. 
Jisung was standing in the doorway, hand over his mouth. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I need Y/N to… uhh… I’ll come back in a little bit.” 
You broke down giggling as Jisung fled the scene. Sicheng sighed, but he had an amused smile on his face too. 
He waited a couple seconds after the door had closed to turn back to you, eyes glittering mischievously. “So, you wanna try that again?”
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orange-nimon-cross · 1 year
about me
hi! i’m nimon!
my pronouns are she/her
i write for: TXT, Enhypen, Stray Kids, NCT, and Nine Percent/NEX7
i do not write: nsfw anything, member x member
feel free to shoot me an ask or a request anytime, just please be kind and i reserve the right to deny writing requests for any reason
masterlist and wip list here
happy to do taglists! just ask me 
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