orange-locust · 2 years
covering a few months structured in essentially two acts, then FOUR YEARS structured in three.... delicious television
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orange-locust · 2 years
I am still thinking of the “I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong” line. it broke me methinks
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orange-locust · 2 years
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Happy [bittersweet] Andor day!
I haven’t felt super inspired to make posters these past few days but I wanted to at least try so that I could properly commemorate what is easily the best thing to come out of Star Wars
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orange-locust · 2 years
is miss mon mothma framing her husband for the missing money???
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orange-locust · 2 years
I am not smart enough to really explain all the amazing things about Andor. I love it so much. So instead I will recommend A More Civilized Age episodes about Andor! Episodes 43-52 are about Andor (they’ve also done episodes on the prequels, and five seasons of the animated clone wars show!)
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orange-locust · 2 years
Anyways. Brasso 👁🫦👁 am I right
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orange-locust · 2 years
super interesting that in 2019 just before production started on Andor, diego luna visited the EZLN film festival in Chiapas. He's said before that their initial uprising in the 90s was defining moment for him so I would be super curios to know if that visit and that struggle had any impact on the direction of the show, since luna was also executive producer
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i dont think the show is like secretly about that or anything but i do have a feeling it had some impact on the decision to change cassian's backstory to originating from a group of people who are clearly meant to be read as indigenous and suffering under extractive industries (that giant open pit mine from episode 3) instead of fest
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orange-locust · 2 years
Andor really just said riot and beat fascists with bricks huh
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orange-locust · 2 years
It's worth having a nuanced discussion about how corporations like Disney commodify anti-establishment rhetoric while still benefiting from the systems in place.
That being said, Andor went full mask-off for 12 episodes, giving us a complex condemnation of modern powers all while being tense, beautiful, heart-wrenching, cathartic, and incredibly entertaining. It went beyond being good Star Wars and good TV and skyrocketed into being one of the best pieces of science fiction of the last decade.
2024 can't come soon enough.
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orange-locust · 2 years
dear writers, please show us how ed does his hair. I just want to know. it's so pretty and the hairstylists did an amazing job thank you
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orange-locust · 2 years
stede and frenchie would both say 'sorry about this' right before stabbing someone but key difference between them is that frenchie is being genuine and stede is lying
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orange-locust · 2 years
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You’re surprisingly well-adjusted for a orphan raised by a nun to be a killing machine. - She’s a lot. But she’s my only family.
OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH - 1.07 “This Is Happening”
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orange-locust · 2 years
i need to sit down and write longform about this but i love ofmd as a refutation of the romcom setup where you have a romantic pursuer and a romantic prize
for so, so many reasons including the gross gender binary that narrative tends to promote and how it treats consent as something you can obtain by going “buuuuut how bout now, will you fuck me/date me/marry me now?” over and over and over until somebody is worn down and just says yes because oh baby is that a kettle of unexamined cultural values fish
but also because: what the fuck? that’s weird. healthy relationships and romances aren’t predator and prey, kitten and fuckin cruise missile, they’re about people who like each other and want to hang out together, semi-permanent-like (even when they have moments where they very much do NOT want to be around each other) and who know they don’t own each other.
the joy ed and stede take in each other, the comfort and ease jim and oluwande share, the open passion and affection from lucius and pete… idk, it just feels cool and good and oddly revolutionary to have a show be like, but what if open communication and validation and respect were things we found very sexy and hot and if there wasn’t anything like “i am settling for comfort but longing for passion, things are only sexy/glamorous when they’re emotionally bad for you”
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orange-locust · 2 years
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blackbeard / edward teach / the kraken
watch my speedpaint of this here, and my commentary vid here.
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orange-locust · 2 years
I already said it in the tags but I don’t want it to get buried, but that moment after Oluwande says “I could be family” and Jim has to look away, and when they look back at him they look like they just experienced the revelation of the century. And they did! I’m certain that was the very moment they realized Oluwande was in love with them, and for a brief brief moment they let themself live in that feeling, leaning forward to kiss him like nothing else mattered. Stede’s interruption snapped them out of it and they fell back into the habit of revenge, because it was familiar and comfortable and the entire purpose of their life, right? Happiness, love, those were things other people got to experience, not them. Isn’t until that heart to heart with Jackie when they realized they wanted more out of life, and that ‘more’ was waiting for them on a ship
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orange-locust · 2 years
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Spanish Jackie doodles i forgot to post
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orange-locust · 2 years
you can literally feel your brain become fully developed at age 25 btw. i was dumb as shit before then. i still am but in different ways
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