oramrod · 4 years
The myth of the transactional society
(from a facebook group, no author known)
This morning, I awoke to find that I was out of coffee; so I took myself down to the coffee shop to buy myself a pound of beans. Our local Peet’s has set up its cash registers in the doorway, so you stand on the sidewalk to place your order and wait, rather than going inside.
I found myself standing in a line with a bunch of other middle-aged white people in masks.
The guy in front of me got to the front of the line and said, “Hi, I’d like my usual, please.”
Dude’s standing there in a mask, asking for “his usual.”
The cashier was like, “Uhhhh…” And the dude eventually had to actually come out and actually say what he wanted.
And I had a sudden revelation: That guy was standing there, at a chain coffee shop ordering a generic fucking drink, in order to feel like he was participating in civic life. Like, his whole reason for being there was to feel like he belonged to a community where somebody would remember his name and treat him nice.
This is the reason people are so pissed off about not being able to go fucking shopping: It’s because for them, the retail experience is the whole and all of their civic participation.
They’ve fully bought into the idea that their role in society is to go to work and earn money, and that with that money they get this transactional sort of membership in the body politic, or the body societas, or whatever.
This is why Karen wants to speak to your manager, and why she’s so entitled about it: She’s exercising all the power she’s got, in order to demonstrate to herself that she’s got an important role in society.
Karen doesn’t go to meetings. She doesn’t do art. She doesn’t participate in collective endeavors of any kind. Even though she espouses religious beliefs, she doesn’t go to church – and if she does, it’s a megachurch where she’s not actually required to do anything except sit in the pews and pony up to the collection palate.
All her participation in the culture is transactional: She gets paid, she buys things, and she votes.
No wonder they’re so upset. They actually bought the idea of a transactional society, and now it’s being denied them.
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oramrod · 4 years
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oramrod · 4 years
The state is reconsidering its policy after a hacker released a script that automatically submits junk data to its ‘COVID-19 fraud’ website, which allows employers to report workers who refuse to work during the pandemic.
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oramrod · 4 years
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oramrod · 4 years
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oramrod · 4 years
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I detected 0 lies in this post🤷🏾‍♂️
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oramrod · 4 years
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oramrod · 4 years
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oramrod · 4 years
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oramrod · 4 years
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oramrod · 4 years
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oramrod · 4 years
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oramrod · 4 years
“Rep. Adam Schiff said America would not reopen without “a plan to get the virus under control” and accused President Donald Trump of making “alarming” claims of absolute power. The House Intelligence Committee chairman said Trump’s “incompetence” was absolute in a Monday night tweet responding to the president’s remarks at a White House coronavirus press conference. “There is no ‘reopening’ without a plan to get the virus under control and keep it that way,” the California Democrat tweeted. “Trump’s false claims of absolute power are alarming, of course. But his failure to scale up testing is unforgiveable and deadly. His power isn’t absolute—but his incompetence is.””
Adam Schiff Says Donald Trump’s Power Isn’t Absolute ‘But His Incompetence Is’ After Coronavirus Briefing
Trump is a Fascist who believes he is a dictator with absolute power. He is allowed to behave this way because he has unwavering support from the entire Republican Party, minus Mitt Romney.
When the history of this horrible time is written, the Republican Senate, and Republican Governors, will be remembered as the Quislings they are.
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oramrod · 4 years
hey y’all! wanna take a minute of your time to help fight for the USPS?
if you haven’t heard, tr*mp is refusing to help the postal service financially during this pandemic (and beyond) in an effort to starve it of funds/resources and kill it off so it can be privatized. also:
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obviously this is not great, as tons of us rely on the USPS for all kinds of different reasons, and the privatization of this essential service would have a dramatic effect on the entire nation. namely: voting by mail would become nonexistent (❗️), and the cost of shipping mail and goods will change astronomically.
if this sounds terrible to you (and if you live in the us, then it should!), then text USPS to 50409 to sign the petition and instantly send a signed letter to your senators and representatives. it’s fast, easy, and it’s action that you can take right now.
the letter urges your senators to make the financial support of the USPS a priority, and outlines why the USPS is an essential service in our country that must be defended. here’s my letter:
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don’t want to use the text service/send an electronic letter? mail a paper letter to your senator’s office.
you can also call your senators and house representatives at (202)224-3121 and urge them to support the USPS financially.
you can also buy a roll of stamps right now to help financially support the USPS on an individual level!
in conclusion: please take a minute to help support the USPS in any way you can. this is an important issue that affects all of us here in the US.
it would be AWESOME if you could reblog this & spread it, or if you’d rather not reblog this post, then i encourage you to make your own post on the social media of your choice and share with your friends.
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oramrod · 4 years
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Posted @withregram • @joanjett #NationalDoctorsDay #BeatTheVirus #StayHomeSaveLives https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Yu-JljMZ4/?igshid=1ge7zolbe4pm
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oramrod · 4 years
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oramrod · 4 years
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