optimaprime8 · 2 years
((Pink and especially orange))
((You are also Pink and orange but also yellow.))
9 notes · View notes
optimaprime8 · 2 years
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Go ahead and do this please
4K notes · View notes
optimaprime8 · 2 years
Optimus gave a small giggle. He thought Megatron being like that was really cute. “It’s alright.” Optimus said while still holding Megatron’s hand as Megatron moves so the medic can do the checks he needs. Optimus was loving how cute Megatron was being pouty and grumpy because they were interrupted.
“Yes, they loved it when you tormented me and nearly caused me spark attacks.” He said while nuzzling her. 
“Exactly. Maybe we should have Jazz and Random plan the party together?” She asked while looking at Magnus. 
Transformers Animated RP
With @optimaprime8 ^^
The weather was nice this particular day in Detroit, almost like a respite from dealing with the Decepticons, the Autobots were mostly doing their own thing.
Bumblebee was playing video games with Sari, the yellow bot gave a whine as he lost…again, and the organic child gave a whoop of victory.
Bulkhead was sat at his easel as he painted, be was still a bit rusty when it came to painting in general, but at least he wasn’t accidentally damaging things.
Ratchet was in his Medbay as he cleaned his tools, grumbling every now and then about ‘young bots’ when he would hear Bumblebee.
Prowl, unsurprisingly, was meditating outside, it wasn’t uncommon to see him somewhere around the base meditating, he was still a little aloof but not as bad as when he had first met Optimus and his team.
Speaking of Optimus, the red and blue mech was reading his datapad, he was always curious a out Earth things, but he also checked any news outlets for any possible Decepticon sightings.
Ome was sat a bit away from the group, most of the younger bots had always assumed that she was always quiet and not smiling much, but the older bots knew differently.
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optimaprime8 · 2 years
Megatron purrs into the kiss as the young Prime kisses him back. He can’t help but to run a servo up one of Optimus’ leg. He and Optimus will be the true beacon of hope for unity between the two factions. Megatron is also loving the taste of the Optimus’ lips.
“Maybe Optima can help you learn a bit better than I can. But you were a unique sparkling. That would end up in locations that I still don’t know how you got to them.” He said while nuzzling her. 
“Agreed. And I will help with the council as much as I can as well. We will always be ready to help Optimus as much as we can. I am sure once things settle, we will start trying for a sparkling. But I think for now, we should start off with planning a celebration to help ease tension between Autobots and Decepticons.” She said while looking at Magnus. 
Transformers Animated RP
With @optimaprime8 ^^
The weather was nice this particular day in Detroit, almost like a respite from dealing with the Decepticons, the Autobots were mostly doing their own thing.
Bumblebee was playing video games with Sari, the yellow bot gave a whine as he lost…again, and the organic child gave a whoop of victory.
Bulkhead was sat at his easel as he painted, be was still a bit rusty when it came to painting in general, but at least he wasn’t accidentally damaging things.
Ratchet was in his Medbay as he cleaned his tools, grumbling every now and then about ‘young bots’ when he would hear Bumblebee.
Prowl, unsurprisingly, was meditating outside, it wasn’t uncommon to see him somewhere around the base meditating, he was still a little aloof but not as bad as when he had first met Optimus and his team.
Speaking of Optimus, the red and blue mech was reading his datapad, he was always curious a out Earth things, but he also checked any news outlets for any possible Decepticon sightings.
Ome was sat a bit away from the group, most of the younger bots had always assumed that she was always quiet and not smiling much, but the older bots knew differently.
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optimaprime8 · 2 years
“Yes the pain will never fully go away but it will become easier to deal with in time.” Megatron said while looking at Optimus. “So let us be the first to show others that love can conquer, and heal.” He said as he gently turns Optimus’ head towards him and gently gives the young Prime a kiss. 
“Take all the fun out of it.” Omega teases as he then nuzzles her. “I know I won’t be an object of fear. Magnus and Optima wouldn’t allow that. If anything they will have me help tend to sparklings.” He chuckles. He remembers when Ome would climb all over him and in places she shouldn’t have gone, like his thrusters, cannons, and he is still trying to figure out how she managed to get to those locations in the first place.
Optima smiles at Magnus. “As long as we get to cuddle I am will be happy.” She said while smiling at him. Ratchet chuckles at the love birds. 
“So that’s what it will take for you to stay in the berth?” Ratchet asked while looking at her. “Magnus, next time she needs to remain in the berth you are going to be staying in it with her.” He teases. 
“Well hopefully that won’t be for a long while.” Optima said while nuzzling Magnus. 
“Well if he gets you carrying, it might be sooner than you expect.” Ratchet said while looking at them. Optima blushes a bit. She does want sparklings eventually. But she was going to wait until Magnus retired then they can have a sparkling and they both can give the little one or ones the family life they deserve with Carrier and Sire home with them at all times. 
Transformers Animated RP
With @optimaprime8 ^^
The weather was nice this particular day in Detroit, almost like a respite from dealing with the Decepticons, the Autobots were mostly doing their own thing.
Bumblebee was playing video games with Sari, the yellow bot gave a whine as he lost...again, and the organic child gave a whoop of victory.
Bulkhead was sat at his easel as he painted, be was still a bit rusty when it came to painting in general, but at least he wasn't accidentally damaging things.
Ratchet was in his Medbay as he cleaned his tools, grumbling every now and then about 'young bots' when he would hear Bumblebee.
Prowl, unsurprisingly, was meditating outside, it wasn't uncommon to see him somewhere around the base meditating, he was still a little aloof but not as bad as when he had first met Optimus and his team.
Speaking of Optimus, the red and blue mech was reading his datapad, he was always curious a out Earth things, but he also checked any news outlets for any possible Decepticon sightings.
Ome was sat a bit away from the group, most of the younger bots had always assumed that she was always quiet and not smiling much, but the older bots knew differently.
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optimaprime8 · 2 years
“I know that. But there is still a lot of bad energon between the two factions. A lot have lost friends to the other side and refuse to forgive them, Blitzwing will probably forever fear Autobot medics. I am not surprised that he was outside the building when I arrived. He still fears all medical areas. Because he wasn’t normally a triple changer. He is actually three mechs forced into one body. Each one was a their own Decepticon that was captured and experimented on, because the Autobots were trying to find ways to make themselves into triple changers.” Megatron said while looking at Optimus. “It will take time for the wounds to turn into scars.” He added.
“Yes, I will help in the execution of all that was willing to ally with Sentinel.” Omega said while chuckling. 
Optima whines a bit. “I am restless, I know I am still weak but I need to move.” She said while pouting a bit.  Ratchet soon enters the room. “Alright lets see how she is doing, but know this Magnus. You are going to have your servos full if I do release her. She was supposed to stay in the medical berth no matter what, but she still came and saved our afts back there on Earth. Not that I am grateful, but she will not lay still except for when she was giving you energy and strength.” Ratchet informed while Optima pouts as she is ratted out. 
Transformers Animated RP
With @optimaprime8 ^^
The weather was nice this particular day in Detroit, almost like a respite from dealing with the Decepticons, the Autobots were mostly doing their own thing.
Bumblebee was playing video games with Sari, the yellow bot gave a whine as he lost…again, and the organic child gave a whoop of victory.
Bulkhead was sat at his easel as he painted, be was still a bit rusty when it came to painting in general, but at least he wasn’t accidentally damaging things.
Ratchet was in his Medbay as he cleaned his tools, grumbling every now and then about ‘young bots’ when he would hear Bumblebee.
Prowl, unsurprisingly, was meditating outside, it wasn’t uncommon to see him somewhere around the base meditating, he was still a little aloof but not as bad as when he had first met Optimus and his team.
Speaking of Optimus, the red and blue mech was reading his datapad, he was always curious a out Earth things, but he also checked any news outlets for any possible Decepticon sightings.
Ome was sat a bit away from the group, most of the younger bots had always assumed that she was always quiet and not smiling much, but the older bots knew differently.
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optimaprime8 · 2 years
"We are. It's going to be a bit of a rough road ahead of us because the Autobots and Decepticons are going to have to learn to live together. And not try to kill each other on sight." He said while sighing a bit. "But we will get through this." He added while kissing Optimus' hand again. "I will make sure of it for you my little Prime." He added.
"Now I am hoping Megatron hands him over to me. I will give him the same fate I did with Starscream." Omega growls while holding Ome to him in a more protective manner.
~I will be right there. Red Alert just kicked me out if surgery anyways. She told me to go take a break.~ He grumbles as he heads towards Optima's room.
Optima was still attempting to at least sit up on her own. She was still a little weak. But she was trying to regain her strength.
Transformers Animated RP
With @optimaprime8 ^^
The weather was nice this particular day in Detroit, almost like a respite from dealing with the Decepticons, the Autobots were mostly doing their own thing.
Bumblebee was playing video games with Sari, the yellow bot gave a whine as he lost…again, and the organic child gave a whoop of victory.
Bulkhead was sat at his easel as he painted, be was still a bit rusty when it came to painting in general, but at least he wasn’t accidentally damaging things.
Ratchet was in his Medbay as he cleaned his tools, grumbling every now and then about ‘young bots’ when he would hear Bumblebee.
Prowl, unsurprisingly, was meditating outside, it wasn’t uncommon to see him somewhere around the base meditating, he was still a little aloof but not as bad as when he had first met Optimus and his team.
Speaking of Optimus, the red and blue mech was reading his datapad, he was always curious a out Earth things, but he also checked any news outlets for any possible Decepticon sightings.
Ome was sat a bit away from the group, most of the younger bots had always assumed that she was always quiet and not smiling much, but the older bots knew differently.
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optimaprime8 · 2 years
𝚁𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙾𝙽𝚂 𝚃𝙾 𝙺𝙸𝚂𝚂.ㅤㅤbelow you will find a compilation of scenarios in which our muses may find a reason to kiss. feel free to specify a scenario, or sendㅤ[ RANDOM KISS ]ㅤfor the receiver to decide.ㅤdo not copy and redistribute this as your own.
our muses are at a party, and have been dared to kiss.
while playing ‘seven minutes in heaven’, our muses are locked in an enclosed space together.
at the end of the night, one muse walks the other muse home and they kiss goodbye on the doorstep.
discovering that one muse is leaving, the other muse kisses them in protest, when words fail to come out.
waiting out a rainstorm, our muses are confined to the close proximity of inside a phone box, where one takes the opportunity to finally kiss the other.
one muse is willing to sacrifice themselves for the other, so the other muse distracts them with a kiss before they make the sacrifice instead.
after being separated for some time, our muses welcome each others company with a kiss.
after believing one muse was dead, the other rushes towards them and kisses them upon discovering that they had survived.
our muses had previously gotten into a fight, that can only be resolved through a form of kissing.
our muses are secretly in love with each other, and those feelings come to a head in the heat of the moment.
our muses are pretending to date, but the kisses are starting to become real.
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optimaprime8 · 2 years
Megatron chuckles. "Well, you did impress me, my little Prime." Megatron purrs at Optimus. He was loving how humble and bashful the young mech is.
"Yes there is that but I am glad you didn't. I don't want that mech anywhere near you unless you have someone with you." Omega said while holding Ome closer to him in a more protective manner. "If you met him earlier you might have become the focus of his obsession." He added
Optima smiles at Magnus. "Fine. And you are the adorable one, not me." She giggles while holding his hand tighter. She can't wait for them to start their lives together, and to be carefree about it.
Transformers Animated RP
With @optimaprime8 ^^
The weather was nice this particular day in Detroit, almost like a respite from dealing with the Decepticons, the Autobots were mostly doing their own thing.
Bumblebee was playing video games with Sari, the yellow bot gave a whine as he lost…again, and the organic child gave a whoop of victory.
Bulkhead was sat at his easel as he painted, be was still a bit rusty when it came to painting in general, but at least he wasn’t accidentally damaging things.
Ratchet was in his Medbay as he cleaned his tools, grumbling every now and then about ‘young bots’ when he would hear Bumblebee.
Prowl, unsurprisingly, was meditating outside, it wasn’t uncommon to see him somewhere around the base meditating, he was still a little aloof but not as bad as when he had first met Optimus and his team.
Speaking of Optimus, the red and blue mech was reading his datapad, he was always curious a out Earth things, but he also checked any news outlets for any possible Decepticon sightings.
Ome was sat a bit away from the group, most of the younger bots had always assumed that she was always quiet and not smiling much, but the older bots knew differently.
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optimaprime8 · 2 years
“How can I not Little Prime? You have shown a great deal of courage, and now that we are on the same side, I could tell you were trying to show off your skills for me.” Megatron said while smirking at the young mech. 
“I know, it was the only way at the time. But I am sure there could have been a better solution. I am very proud of you Ome. You have grown so much while I was in stasis.” He said while letting her feel how happy and proud he is to have her as his daughter. 
Optima pouts a bit. “But I want to cuddle.” She said in a playful whine. “Maybe see if it is okay for me to leave the hospital and then we can go home, and cuddle in our berth?” She asked while caressing his cheek. A part of her couldn’t believe that all this has happened, but she is happy that it has. 
Transformers Animated RP
With @optimaprime8 ^^
The weather was nice this particular day in Detroit, almost like a respite from dealing with the Decepticons, the Autobots were mostly doing their own thing.
Bumblebee was playing video games with Sari, the yellow bot gave a whine as he lost…again, and the organic child gave a whoop of victory.
Bulkhead was sat at his easel as he painted, be was still a bit rusty when it came to painting in general, but at least he wasn’t accidentally damaging things.
Ratchet was in his Medbay as he cleaned his tools, grumbling every now and then about ‘young bots’ when he would hear Bumblebee.
Prowl, unsurprisingly, was meditating outside, it wasn’t uncommon to see him somewhere around the base meditating, he was still a little aloof but not as bad as when he had first met Optimus and his team.
Speaking of Optimus, the red and blue mech was reading his datapad, he was always curious a out Earth things, but he also checked any news outlets for any possible Decepticon sightings.
Ome was sat a bit away from the group, most of the younger bots had always assumed that she was always quiet and not smiling much, but the older bots knew differently.
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optimaprime8 · 2 years
Megatron chuckles. “See Little Prime. There is more to you than meets the optic.” He said while taking the young Prime’s servo and kisses it. 
Omega chuckles. “I blame Ratchet.” He teases as he nuzzles her. “I am just so happy I am finally awake and able to spend time with you.” He said while having missed this greatly. 
Optima smiles at him. “If you need my advice on anything love, you can reach to me through our bond, and you can access the matrix that way as well.” She purrs as she tries to get up so she can get on his lap and cuddle with him. 
Transformers Animated RP
With @optimaprime8 ^^
The weather was nice this particular day in Detroit, almost like a respite from dealing with the Decepticons, the Autobots were mostly doing their own thing.
Bumblebee was playing video games with Sari, the yellow bot gave a whine as he lost...again, and the organic child gave a whoop of victory.
Bulkhead was sat at his easel as he painted, be was still a bit rusty when it came to painting in general, but at least he wasn't accidentally damaging things.
Ratchet was in his Medbay as he cleaned his tools, grumbling every now and then about 'young bots' when he would hear Bumblebee.
Prowl, unsurprisingly, was meditating outside, it wasn't uncommon to see him somewhere around the base meditating, he was still a little aloof but not as bad as when he had first met Optimus and his team.
Speaking of Optimus, the red and blue mech was reading his datapad, he was always curious a out Earth things, but he also checked any news outlets for any possible Decepticon sightings.
Ome was sat a bit away from the group, most of the younger bots had always assumed that she was always quiet and not smiling much, but the older bots knew differently.
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optimaprime8 · 2 years
"Ah yes, you may not be aware of it but we were watching from the clouds. Starscream is lucky he has a piece of the Allspark in him. Or he would be offlined right now." Megatron said while smiling at the young Prime. "But know this Little Prime, you are selling yourself short. Not many bots can hold their own against me and survive as often as you did." Megatron said while taking Optimus' servo into his.
"But you act like that little creature." Omega teases and then brings her up to his face plants and gives her a kiss.
"That is perfect for Lugnut. I will probably go to the archives and help out down there. Or help with the school system. Preserving our history and taking care of our future are our priorities right now." She said while looking at Magnus.
Transformers Animated RP
With @optimaprime8 ^^
The weather was nice this particular day in Detroit, almost like a respite from dealing with the Decepticons, the Autobots were mostly doing their own thing.
Bumblebee was playing video games with Sari, the yellow bot gave a whine as he lost…again, and the organic child gave a whoop of victory.
Bulkhead was sat at his easel as he painted, be was still a bit rusty when it came to painting in general, but at least he wasn’t accidentally damaging things.
Ratchet was in his Medbay as he cleaned his tools, grumbling every now and then about ‘young bots’ when he would hear Bumblebee.
Prowl, unsurprisingly, was meditating outside, it wasn’t uncommon to see him somewhere around the base meditating, he was still a little aloof but not as bad as when he had first met Optimus and his team.
Speaking of Optimus, the red and blue mech was reading his datapad, he was always curious a out Earth things, but he also checked any news outlets for any possible Decepticon sightings.
Ome was sat a bit away from the group, most of the younger bots had always assumed that she was always quiet and not smiling much, but the older bots knew differently.
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optimaprime8 · 2 years
Optimus blushes. "It's how I was kicked out of the Elite Guard and made a repair bot. Magnus had pulled a lot of strings and was able to make me a Prime of my crew now." Optimus said while ducking his head. "And I will never forget the words, Magnus said to me that day. For me to not try and be a hero because it is not in my programming." Optimus said while looking down. "But then Optima came and told me that I will prove him wrong one day. I just had to have faith in Primus. Then she left and I met with Ratchet, Ome, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee. And I was not aware that my ship was the Omega Supreme." Optimus said while looking at Megatron.
Jazz chuckles and smiles as he heads to go to work. And leave Ome to her fate with her sire. Omega was kind of mimicking that cute kitten videos that we've stored on one of his computers thanks to Sari and Prowl. He can not help but chuckle at his daughter's cuteness. He then brings up the video so she can see what he is doing. "You remind me of that cute Earth creature. So I had to see if you would have a similar reaction." He chuckles as he goes to tickle her some more.
"I agree with that choice. Ome will keep the council true and honest. Optimus should be a part of the council until you are ready to retire, and so should Jazz, Megatron, Shockwave, Blitzwing, and Starscream, and we should get a couple more Decepticons in there. I don't think Lugnut would be a good idea. And also you should allow Starscream to rule over Vos again." She suggested while looking at Magnus. She was keeping herself out of it because she is Magnus' mate so she would be helping in guiding them whenever they needed. But for the most part, she would rather be an archivist or a teacher.
Transformers Animated RP
With @optimaprime8 ^^
The weather was nice this particular day in Detroit, almost like a respite from dealing with the Decepticons, the Autobots were mostly doing their own thing.
Bumblebee was playing video games with Sari, the yellow bot gave a whine as he lost…again, and the organic child gave a whoop of victory.
Bulkhead was sat at his easel as he painted, be was still a bit rusty when it came to painting in general, but at least he wasn’t accidentally damaging things.
Ratchet was in his Medbay as he cleaned his tools, grumbling every now and then about ‘young bots’ when he would hear Bumblebee.
Prowl, unsurprisingly, was meditating outside, it wasn’t uncommon to see him somewhere around the base meditating, he was still a little aloof but not as bad as when he had first met Optimus and his team.
Speaking of Optimus, the red and blue mech was reading his datapad, he was always curious a out Earth things, but he also checked any news outlets for any possible Decepticon sightings.
Ome was sat a bit away from the group, most of the younger bots had always assumed that she was always quiet and not smiling much, but the older bots knew differently.
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optimaprime8 · 2 years
Optimus blushes and looks away. “I-I am not worthy of such an honor. I failed Elita, and I use to be friends with Sentinel.” Optimus said while looking down a bit. He thinks so little of himself. 
Jazz chuckles a bit. ~If ya father don’t tickle ya to death then we have a date.~ Jazz said while watching Omega as he is still trying to tickle Ome. He would pull his finger away before he attempts to attack again. It is making Omega laugh. 
Transformers Animated RP
With @optimaprime8 ^^
The weather was nice this particular day in Detroit, almost like a respite from dealing with the Decepticons, the Autobots were mostly doing their own thing.
Bumblebee was playing video games with Sari, the yellow bot gave a whine as he lost...again, and the organic child gave a whoop of victory.
Bulkhead was sat at his easel as he painted, be was still a bit rusty when it came to painting in general, but at least he wasn't accidentally damaging things.
Ratchet was in his Medbay as he cleaned his tools, grumbling every now and then about 'young bots' when he would hear Bumblebee.
Prowl, unsurprisingly, was meditating outside, it wasn't uncommon to see him somewhere around the base meditating, he was still a little aloof but not as bad as when he had first met Optimus and his team.
Speaking of Optimus, the red and blue mech was reading his datapad, he was always curious a out Earth things, but he also checked any news outlets for any possible Decepticon sightings.
Ome was sat a bit away from the group, most of the younger bots had always assumed that she was always quiet and not smiling much, but the older bots knew differently.
287 notes · View notes
optimaprime8 · 2 years
"Well she is going to become it, and we were talking about having you be a part of it, and when Magnus decides to retire you will become Magnus," Megatron said while smiling at the young mech. "Not many are as brave as you and willing to do what you did to get the job done." He added.
Jazz nods. "That's a good idea." He then does just that. ~Ome, love? Just letting you know I am repaired, but I gotta go to work and try to get a head start on things since I am now the acting Second in Command.~
"There probably will be, but we all know they are already guilty. I don't think they realize how the new council is going to do things." He said while trying to tickle Ome with his other hand.
Transformers Animated RP
With @optimaprime8 ^^
The weather was nice this particular day in Detroit, almost like a respite from dealing with the Decepticons, the Autobots were mostly doing their own thing.
Bumblebee was playing video games with Sari, the yellow bot gave a whine as he lost…again, and the organic child gave a whoop of victory.
Bulkhead was sat at his easel as he painted, be was still a bit rusty when it came to painting in general, but at least he wasn’t accidentally damaging things.
Ratchet was in his Medbay as he cleaned his tools, grumbling every now and then about ‘young bots’ when he would hear Bumblebee.
Prowl, unsurprisingly, was meditating outside, it wasn’t uncommon to see him somewhere around the base meditating, he was still a little aloof but not as bad as when he had first met Optimus and his team.
Speaking of Optimus, the red and blue mech was reading his datapad, he was always curious a out Earth things, but he also checked any news outlets for any possible Decepticon sightings.
Ome was sat a bit away from the group, most of the younger bots had always assumed that she was always quiet and not smiling much, but the older bots knew differently.
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optimaprime8 · 2 years
Touch my muse. Be descriptive or simple, tender or violent, fond or hateful - anything goes.
22K notes · View notes
optimaprime8 · 2 years
Optima looks a bit worried. “Promise me you will not die. I don’t want to lose you after I just found you.” She said while trying not to let her fear get the better of her. She lost two mates in the past to them sacrificing themselves to protect her. She doesn’t know if she would survive losing another love. 
Megatrona purrs and moans a little as he licks her chest. “Oh I am aware of it. When you mix perfection with perfection all you get is perfection.” She purrs as she keeps riding him at a slow pace. 
Jazz giggles a bit. “You will be just fine. You are one of the ones blessed by Primus.” She said while smiling at him. “But you are right they made their choices, and we have too much at stake to let them have their way.” She said while pausing. “Oh look! A shooting star! There is an Earth tradition where if you see one, you have to make a wish and it will come true. But you can’t say your wish out loud otherwise it will not come true.” Jazz said  while pointing out the shooting star to Bismuth. 
Order and Chaos
@optimaprime8: Starter
While the blue and white Twin remained aiming, the purple and black began to soften at the beautiful sight. A smirk to his faceplates at how smtiened he is. The third one listened to her words and slowly approached. Servos raised in a soft gesture. Of this universe, they bore human forms, but with metallic insides and skin. Covered in armor unless taken or forced off. ((They take the style of the drawings by ff_dragon))
“You’re the first one I’ve seen of the surface. We’ve been waiting to hear news since the fall of the Primes. Please, Sentius Magnus, Sentius Malus, we must hear her words. Can I help you?” He took off his red cape, wrapping it around her and covering up the missing limb.
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