oprative 15 hours
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be honest with me. would you.
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oprative 6 days
atum'en'ativ, core-name 'mena' / eldest brother of atyur'os'eko, and traitor of the ascendency and empire. when atum'en'ativ was sixteen years of age, he made the conscious and independent decision to defect from the ascendency; having seen the horrors that would have been promised to him were he to dedicate himself to the ascendency, and subsequently work under the thumb of the empire, he knew that there was no life for him in that place. as it were, there seemed to be nothing and no one who could slip past his youngest brother, atyur'os'eko - as he prepared to escape and run for the high hills towards the republic, he was stopped, however briefly, by atyur'os'eko. he attempted to reason with his brother and convince him to come with him. his brother refused, swearing to him that if he ever saw him again, he would kill him himself. atyur'os'eko did not stop him from leaving, and atum'en'ativ made it to the republic, where, after rigorous interrogation by the SIS, he ended up enlisting in their military. the better of two evils, he tried to tell himself. at 26, he joined havoc squad; within the year, he was leading it. when the alliance is formed, and havoc squad is recruited by theron shan and lana beniko, it is inevitable, that atum'en'ativ would see his brother again. his brother, who does not kill him as he had promised; who does not even try to fight him. their relationship is strained and awkward, and neither knows where they stand.
raina temple / imperial loyalist and agent, operating (without deceit) within the chiss expansionary defense force [CEDF]. raina is the daughter of two imperial agents, raised on their stark sense of patriotism and likewise reflecting it. in an unlikely turn of events given the chiss's secretive and walled-off nature, she was, eventually, accepted for a transfer from imperial intelligence to the CEDF, finding herself stationed on the ice planet hoth and operating under aristocra saganu. here, she eventually comes to meet atyur'os'eko, a chiss imperial agent on an otherwise unspecified - and apparently top-secret - mission. as he acquisitions aid from the aristocra, she is temporarily placed in atyur'os'eko's charge, which, despite the strange circumstances, she is enthusiastic about. the events of hoth unfold, and despite everything, including atyur'os'eko's own biases, the two click. there is a level of understanding between them, a mutual pragmaticism and focus that the rest of their crew seem to lack, and for reasons that atyur'os'eko cannot quite explain - or does not want to explain - he finds himself fond of her. likewise, although raina has spent her whole life dedicated to the empire, she realizes, on the day that their names are wiped from the empire's databanks, that if there was anything, anyone, she would follow to the ends of the galaxy, it is him. the two of them are best friends, and are each other's trusted confidants. they know for certain they would never betray the other.
taizi mohtos / dark lord of the sith and the emperor's wrath. before taizi had gained his standing as a dark lord of the sith, and while he was still operating as apprentice to the sith lord baras, atyur'os'eko was assigned as his personal imperial agent - intended to feed him insight and manage the bulk of his operations. in the year that the two of them worked together, they sparked a rather risky relationship; one that was not inherently explicit in nature, but which was not ideal for either of them. eventually, atyur'os'eko would be called away by the ministry of intelligence and sith lord jadus - the two would not see or hear from each other for the next four years. by the time of their reunion, taizi would have risen to his position as the emperor's wrath, and atyur'os'eko, to aristocra; taizi, glad to see an old friend and in desperate need of a break from the responsibilities upon his shoulders, would treat atyur'os'eko to dinner, and in turn, was invited to the aristocra's nearby estate. the night goes exactly how one would expect, even if it had not been either of their intentions to do anything. they find comfort in one another. they love one another. they keep their life together a secret from all.
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oprative 1 month
characters of interest / the chiss / agent storyline (prologue, act 1, act 2, act 3)
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