operastudyblr · 3 years
We need to talk about LingoHut
I’m supposed to be studying some Italian, but instead, I was googling in my computer how to learn a new language (no, googling how to learn will not teach you shit, you have to sit down and learn your target language not how to do it, I know but I’m lazy.) and I came across LingoHut, and I have to share it.
I don’t know if someone ever talked about this page, but if they did is worth mentioning again.
So basically you go to the website and in the Home Page you have to choose what is your first language and what language are you trying to learn.
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Once you choose it’ll take you to another page in which you have tons of lessons, for ex. In Italian, there are 109 lessons.
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I haven’t checked every lesson yet but for example, the first one is greetings and such. You click that lesson and you have 16 flashcards that will show you the word in your target language and the translation, at the same time that someone pronounces the words.
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Below the flashcards, you have this  ⬇️
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And basically is a bunch of game, an easy matching words kind of game, some kind of tic tac toe with words, a memory game do you know the one that kids play in which they have to find the matching pictures? Same but with words and lastly a listening and matching game.
Below the bar of the games, we have the vocabulary list of the words we are taught in that lesson, and you can click the word and listen the pronunciation.
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In the end, you have a bunch of the next lessons.
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The lessons vary from the content it can be greetings, numbers, health stuff, office words, computer terminology, etc.
The website doesn’t have every language in the world, but it has a lot of them. choose your target language, in my case Italian, and enjoy, is fun and simple if you want to practice or do something related to your target language but you don’t have the willingness that day to study something more consistent like structure.
And the best part is that as far as I went looking around in this page it’s fucking free. Sure, you won’t end the one hundred and something lessons speaking like a native from whatever target language you’re learning, but it can be useful to expand your vocabulary.
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operastudyblr · 3 years
German Flirting Phrases💘
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You have a cute smile - Du hast ein süßes Lächeln
I like the way you carry yourself - Ich mag deine Art
Do you come here often? - Bist du öfters hier?
That shirt suits you - Das Shirt steht dir
You look good - Du siehst gut aus
Oh really? - Ach wirklich?
Do you want to get coffee sometime? - Hast du Lust mal Kaffee trinken zu gehen?
I enjoy spending time with you - Ich verbringe gerne Zeit mit dir
You always look pretty - Du siehst immer hübsch aus
Handsome like you? - Gutaussehend wie du?
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operastudyblr · 3 years
Do you have a favourite german idiom? (+ literal english translation maybe )
One? Just one? No, my friend. I cannot do that.
I can, however, do more than twenty, and I can do them in alphabetical order based on the most important keywords involved in them. Not all of them are idioms, some are just things people like to say in certain situations, but all of them are amazing or interesting in their own way. (t. =  literal translation, m. = meaning)
abwarten und Tee trinken - t. to wait and drink tea, m. just wait and see
Wo man singt, da lass dich nieder; böse Menschen haben keine Lieder. - t. Where there’s singing, settle down; bad people don’t have songs. m. this is not exactly a typical saying, but an old piece of wisdom my grandmother always quotes.
Ich bin fuchsteufelswild! - t. I am foxdevilwild!, m. I am so goddamn angry right now
Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen - t. to move heaven and hell, m. German equivalent for “to move heaven and earth”, but more badass
das ist ein Katzensprung - t. that is a cat’s jump, m. something is just a tiny distance away, only as far as a cat can jump!
auf den Keks gehen - t. to walk on someone’s cookie, m. to annoy someone, but much sweeter (get it? Okay, sorry.)
da kannst du Gift drauf nehmen - t. you can take poison on that, m. you can bet your life on that, it will definitely happen (how morbid, I love it)
die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt - t. (the) hope dies last
das Leben ist kein Ponyhof - t. life is no pony farm, m. life is tough and no fun, suck it up (a very German saying, also good for anyone that’s not into horses)
es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen - t. a master has never fallen from the sky, m. to master something you need to practice 
hinterm Mond leben - t. to live behind the moon, m. to be away from reality, lost in dreams, or not up to date with trends
hier spielt die Musik - t. the music plays here, m. usually said to get someone’s attention when they are distracted, often sarcastic or annoyed (or is that just me…)
in einer Nacht-und-Nebel-Aktion - t. in a night-and-fog-action, m. doing something secretly, away from the public, hidden (oooh spooky!)
jetzt haben wir den Salat - t. now we have the salad, m. look at this disaster that we now have 
sich freuen wie ein Schneekönig/Honigkuchenpferd - t. to be happy like a snow king/honey cake horse, m. to be very very happy (isn’t this cute?)
nicht alle Tassen im Schrank haben - t. to not have all cups in the cupboard, m. that someone is crazy (obviously, with that many cups missing…)
das kommt mir spanisch vor - t. that seems Spanish to me, m. that something is suspicious or strange, because apparently emperor Karl V. once imported court etiquette from Spain that nobody understood and got confused by, amazing?
Was für ein Teufelskerl! - t. What a devil’s guy! m. a bit old-fashioned, but still cool; describes a really awesome, brave, or otherwise attention-pulling man
viel hilft viel - t. a lot helps a lot
den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehen - t. to not see the forest because of all the trees, m. being unable to see the big picture because of distracting details
mit allen Wassern gewaschen sein - t. to be washed with/in all waters, m. someone who knows every trick in the book, is mischievous
Zieh dich warm an! - t. Dress warmly!, m. this is a threat. no, seriously, means that someone should prepare because you’re gonna do something very unpleasant to them soon
es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter, nur falsche Kleidung - t. there is no bad weather, just wrong clothes, m. Germans are used to rain and it’s no reason to not do what you are supposed to be doing
Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat. - t. Comes time, comes advice. m. over time, a solution or advice will be found/appear
Those are all for now. Thank you for the ask, and let me know if you’d like more.
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operastudyblr · 3 years
German Practice discord server!
I made a discord server so we can all chat in German to help practice our skills!
Link here
If there’s any problems at all, either PM me on discord or IM me here to let me know and I’ll try to fix it. I’m a newbie on there so I’m still a little unsure of what i’m doing!
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operastudyblr · 3 years
German pop/rock music :
Most of these songs were released pretty recently and are on the radio quite often:
Joris- Wilkommen Goodbye
die Ärzte- Strand (Die Ärzte is one of my favorite German bands, they have a lot of albums!)
Wincent Weiss - Wer, wenn nicht wir
Wincent Weiss, Johannes Oerding - Die guten Zeiten
Johanes Oerding - An guten Tagen
Knappe - Tschau
Mark Forster, LEA - Drei Uhr nachts
Mark Forster - Übermorgen
Namika - Je ne parle pas francais, Lieblingsmensch
Tim Bendzko - Hoch
Revolverheld - Abreißen
Max Giesinger - Irgendwann ist jetzt
Some other German artists:
Rosenstolz, Glasperlenspiel, Jan Delay, Sido, Udo Lindenberg, Clueso, Bosse, Sasha, Adel Tawil, Herbert Grönemeyer, Die Toten Hosen, Unheilig, Die Fantastischen Vier, Silbermond, Peter Fox, Juli, Sportfreunde Stiller, Ich &Ich, Cro, Philipp Poisel, Jupiter Jones, ...
Some German artists who sing in English/Spanish:
Michael Schulte (you might remember him from ESC)- For a second
Michael Patrick Kelly- Beautiful Madness
Alvaro Soler (half-German, half-Spanish)- Magia
Robin Schulz, Felix Jaehn - One more time feat. Alida
Nico Santos - Play with Fire
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operastudyblr · 3 years
Das Präsens (regular verbs) || Conjuguemos
Games and practice for regular present tense German verbs.
(The site has way more than that)
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operastudyblr · 3 years
Vocabulary: First Meetings
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I realize that I haven’t really made any specific vocab lists as of now. So, what could you actually need to be able to greet someone and introduce yourself in German? This list will include a lot of different phrasings (some of which you might not even need), and not all of them are easy at the beginning but as you get better it’ll all come together. 
Hallo - Hello (standard) Hi - Hi (informal) Hey - Hey (informal) Moin - Hey (informal, popular in northern Germany) Guten Tag/Morgen/Abend - Good day/morning/evening (casual, formal) Grüß Gott - God bless [you] (casual, used in southern Germany and Austria) Willkommen - Welcome (used when inviting someone, like in English) 
Wie geht es dir/Ihnen? - How are you? (informal/formal) Wie geht’s? - What’s up? (informal, casual) Was ist los? - What’s up?/ How’s it going? (informal, only in certain parts of Germany) Alles klar? - Everything alright? (informal, only in certain parts of Germany)
Topics of Conversation
Conveying basic information:
Mein Name ist […] - My name is […] Ich heiße […] - My name is […] / I am called […] Ich bin [Nummer] Jahre alt - I am [number] years old Ich bin [Alter] - I am [age] Ich komme aus [Land] - I am from [country] Ich bin [Nationalität] - I am [nationality] Meine Nummer ist […] - My number is […]
Ich lebe in [Stadt/Region/Land] - I live in [city/region/country] Ich gehe zur Schule - I go to school (before higher education) Ich gehe auf die Akademie - I study at an academy Ich gehe zur Uni/Universität - I go to university Ich studiere […] - I study […] (higher education, uni/academy etc.) Ich arbeite als [Arbeitsposition] - I work as [job position]
Talking about interests:
Ich mag […] - I like […] Mich interessiert […] - I’m interested in […] (singular, 3 per) Ich [Verb] gern - I like to [verb] Ich habe […] - I have […] Ich besitze […] - I own […] Ich übe [Verb] - I am practicing [Verb] Ich spiele [Instrument/Spiel/Sport] - I play [instrument/game/sport] In meiner Freizeit [Verb] ich - In my free time I [verb]
Ich mag zu [Verb] - I like to [verb] Ich mag [Essen] zu essen - I like to eat [food] Ich mag [Getränk] zu drinken - I like to drink [drink] Ich höre gerne [Musik] - I like to listen to [music] Ich lese gern […] - I like to read […] Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist [Farbe] - My favourite colour is […] Mein Lieblingstier ist [Tier] - My favourite animal is […] Mein Lieblingsessen ist [Essen] - My favourite food is […] Mein Sternzeichen ist [Sternzeichen] - My star sign is [star sign]
Ich kenne das nicht - I don’t know that / I am not familiar with that Ich verstehe dich nicht - I don’t understand you Ich kenne das Wort nicht - I don’t know that word Ich bin verwirrt - I am confused Ich weiß nicht - I don’t know
Short expressions
Bitte - Please/Excuse me Entschuldigung - Excuse me  Danke - Thank you Danke schön - Thank you very much Gern - With pleasure Tut mir leid - I’m sorry Warte - Wait Moment - One moment Keine Ahnung - No idea Lecker - Tasty
Krass - Cool/Rad  Cool - Cool Geil - Cool/Amazing (actually translates to “horny”)
Kann ich etwas fragen? - Can I ask something?
Was meinst du? - What do you mean? (informal) Was meinen Sie? - What do you mean? (formal) Was bedeutet das? - What does that mean? Kannst du dich wiederholen? - Can you repeat yourself? (informal) Können Sie sich wiederholen? - Can you repeat yourself? (formal) Kannst du das wiederholen? - Can you repeat that? (informal) Können Sie das wiederholen? - Can you repeat that? (formal) Sollte ich das wiederholen? - Should I repeat that?
Was ist das? - What is that? Wie macht man das? - How do you do that? Kennst du ihn/sie/es? - Do you know him/her/them/it? (informal) Kennen Sie ihn/sie/es? - Do you know him/her/them/it? (formal)
Wie heißt du? - What is your name? (informal) Wie heißen Sie? - What is your name? (formal) Woher kommst du? - Where are you from? (informal) Woher kommen Sie? - Where are you from? (formal) Wo wohnst du? - Where do you live? (informal) Wo wohnen Sie? - Where  do you live? (formal)  Wie alt bist du? - How old are you? (informal) Wie alt sind Sie? - How old are you (formal) Als was arbeitest du? - What is your job? (informal) Als was arbeiten Sie? - What is your job? (formal) Kann ich deine Nummer haben? - Can I have your number? (informal) Kann ich Ihre Nummer haben? - Can I have your number? (formal)
Was ist dein/-e Lieblings[…]? - What ist your favourite […]? (informal) Was ist Ihr/-e Lieblings[…]? - What ist your favourite […]? (formal) Was machst du in deiner Freizeit? - What do you do in your free time? (informal) Was machen Sie in Ihrer Freizeit? - What do you do in your free time? (formal) Kannst du mir etwas über […] erzählen? - Can you tell me about […]? (informal) Können Sie mir etwas über […] erzählen? - Can you tell me about […]? (formal)
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operastudyblr · 3 years
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Hey guys!
I’m so excited to share this language learning challenge that I created with you!
It’s called Brick-By-Brick Language Learning Challenge and it’s made for anyone who already knows the basics of their target language and wants to improve their knowledge :)
If you participate in this challenge, make sure to use the hashtag #brickbybricklearning and to tag me here on tumblr (@mylinguisticadventure) and on instagram (@mylinguisticadventure). 
That’s it for now. Happy language learning!
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operastudyblr · 3 years
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Introducing a new langblr challenge… Langblr Word of the Day Challenge!
Hi all! I feel like I’ve not been making enough original langblr content lately, so I decided to make a langblr challenge! This challenge is quite simple and quite flexible: it starts on the first of February, and every day for the month has a different word (the word of the day). Your challenge is to use the word in your language learning that day, in whatever capacity you feel like! Here are a couple of ideas:
Translate the word into your target language
Find a synonym and/or an antonym for the word
Write a paragraph (or more) based around the word
Write one sentence containing the word
Learn 5 words related to the word
Create a vocab list based around the word
Search the word on unsplash, find a picture you like and describe it
Read and share an article related to the word/with the word in the title
Listen to a podcast about the word/with the word in the title
Watch an episode of a TV show about the word/with the word in the title
Have a conversation with a native or another learner about the topic
Feel free to interpret the word as literally or as creatively as you like.
Here’s the word list - feel free to brainstorm some ideas ahead of time:
Use the hashtag #langblrwotdchallenge so we can find each other and check out each other’s posts. If you want to tag me too, I would absolutely love that!
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operastudyblr · 3 years
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Hey everyone! Today, I’d like to introduce y’all to the 1 Month of Languages Challenge! (aka the #1MonthOfLangs Challenge)
This can be done as a stand-alone challenge, or it can be seen as a subset of the #1YearOfLangs challenge that I created last year! You could do this challenge for each month within the year-long challenge, or you could just do one month of it, or any other possible variation of it! It’s totally up to you and definitely NOT mandatory! This is just to get you started and inspired!
The Guidelines:
Post every day with an update about how your language learning progress is going
Optional: Follow the prompt list below!
Dedicate at least 5 minutes every day of the month to learning your target language
Tag your posts with #1MonthOfLangs so I can see what you’re learning!
The Prompt List (optional):
Goals for the month
Vocab list: basic sayings
Why you chose to study your language of choice
Vocab list: greetings
Vocab list: numbers
Grammar: present tense
Vocab list: food
Write a menu
Vocab list: kitchen supplies
Vocab list: family
Grammar: sentence structure
Write 5 example sentences
Vocab list: colors
Vocab list: animals
What resources are you using to study your language of choice?
Your language learning routine
Vocab list: home
Write a few sentences about your home and family
Grammar: sentence structure of questions
Vocab list: clothing
Look up some random/interesting words
Vocab list: countries
Vocab list: places in town
Vocab list: careers
Grammar: past tense
Vocab list: emotions
Write a diary entry
Vocab list: adjectives
Tips for new (insert language of choice) learners
Recap of the month!
Good luck everyone! x
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operastudyblr · 3 years
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Want to maintain or improve your writing skills in your target language this summer? Try this 30-day writing challenge for June: Every day, answer the following prompts in your target language (in a personal journal or in a tumblr post). Good luck!
Write a short letter to someone you haven’t talked to in a while.
What are your future career goals?
What’s your favorite childhood movie? Why?
If you could learn to cook anything this summer, what would it be and why?
List 5 (or more) things that make you happy.
What is your morning routine?
What is your night routine?
Who is one influential person in your life? Why?
Write a poem about someone (or something) you love :)
List 5 of your pet peeves.
What’s something about yourself that you want to improve?
What’s one place you’ve always wanted to visit? Why?
What’s one thing you’re looking forward to this summer?
What’s one of your favorite things about yourself? Why?
Write a haiku about summertime.
Describe a memorable dream you’ve had.
Who’s your celebrity crush? What do you like about them (besides how cute I’m sure they are lol)?
What’s your favorite summer memory?
Translate 3 of your favorite quotes into your target language.
Write 3 things that scare you and why.
Write about a challenge you’ve overcome!
Who is someone, dead or alive, you would love to meet? Why?
Who is your best friend and why do you love them?
What is your favorite item in your room?
What’s one book you had to read in school that you DIDN’T like? Rant about it.
What’s one good memory from school?
List an insecurity, then refute it by reminding yourself how great you are :)
How do you think someone would describe you?
How do you relax after a stressful or difficult day?
What was your favorite part of this month?
If you participate in this challenge and post your prompt answers, make sure to tag me with #studyingsenseless or #writingchallengejune ! I’ll be doing it too :)
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operastudyblr · 3 years
Polyglossa’s 55 Days of Vocabulary Challenge
I thought I need a challenge to motivate myself to learn more Greek vocabulary, because I really need to get back on track with at least some language learning. So I came up with this idea. This challenge is about learning new vocabulary in different topics. For this challenge you only need to pick at least 5 words per day. The topics are the following:
Make up
Computer activity
Musical instrument 
Favorite dish 
Outdoor activities 
Night out
Book genre
Film genre
Vegetarian Food 
Hair cut
Living room
City buildings
Electronic device
Board games
Take away food
If you would like to take this challenge I would be glad if you let me know. If you post about it use the tag #55daysofvocabulary so I can see your post and all the vocabulary you’ll be picking :D
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operastudyblr · 3 years
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So, what even is this?
NVA stands for Noun, Verb, Adjective. The goal is to write a sentence or a small paragraph containing all the words prompted that day, as seen in the images above. You get to be creative, maybe learn some new words, and overall just practice your target language. Win-win!
How do I participate?
Easy peasy - just write! Write in your notebook, on your mirror, on your hand, or post to tumblr, just write something for that day and see if you can do it throughout the whole month. Of course, if you post it online, the whole langblr community can help each other out and come with corrections, so we all learn even more!
Rad! Anything else I should know?
You have to use all three words in your entry for the day, but you may of course conjugate all you want. If you post it online, be sure to tag it either as #nva challenge or #nva june, and I’ll check it out and reblog things! If you still have questions, feel free to message me at any time.
Go forth and conquer your target language!
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operastudyblr · 3 years
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I know december is a busy month for a lot of people because of the holidays but I really wanted a language challenge to do so that I could keep on top of my Japanese studies throughout my end of year holidays want to improve your language skills or just want something to do? join this 31-day language challenge! remember, these don’t need to be long if you don’t want them to be! can be just a few sentences if that’s all you can manage If you want to keep up with this make sure to tag all your posts with #icylanguagechallenge so that I can see them all! also reblog this if you’re joining so more people can see!
day 1: write about your favourite holiday (eg, christmas, easter, national holidays) day 2: write about which city you’d love to visit! can be one you’ve visited before or an entirely new one day 3: write a letter to a friend! you don’t need to give it to them day 4: do you have any pets? want any pets? day 5: do you celebrate christmas? if not, what do you celebrate? day 6: whats your favourite food? explain it day 7: why did you start studying your target language? is it harder than you thought it would be? day 8: where do you live? what do you like/dislike about it? day 9: write about your school/uni/job day 10: why did you want to join this challenge? day 11: what apps do you recommend for studying? why? day 12: how long have you been a part of the studyblr community? why have you stayed? day 13: whats your favourite memory? day 14: whats your favourite subject? how long have you done it for? day 15: describe your room! whats in it? is it clean or dirty? day 16: do you enjoy going to the beach? why/why not? day 17: whats your favourite season? why do you like it the most? day 18: what hobbies do you have? day 20: what kind of music do you like? list your top 3 songs! day 21: do you enjoy going outside? why/why not? day 22: early bird or night owl? day 23: whats your number 1 goal in life? day 24: do you want to go to uni/college? what do you want to study there? day 25: christmas day! take a break if you need! if not then write about what you did/will do today! day 26: whats your favourite animal? what do you like about it? day 27: whats your favourite culture? why? day 28: what kind of style do you have/want to have? day 29: do you watch youtube? whos your favourite youtuber? day 30:  favourite website? why do you like it so much? day 31: last day of the year! write about your new year’s resolutions!
★ please spread this around! i want as many people as possible to join ★
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operastudyblr · 3 years
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Hi everyone, I’m back with another writing challenge for you! I tried my best, but please let me know if I had any repeats from last month. 
If you don’t know about this challenge: Want to maintain or improve your writing skills in your target language this summer? Try this 30-day writing challenge for June: Every day, answer the following prompts in your target language (in a personal journal or in a tumblr post). Good luck!
Translate the first few sentences of your favorite book into your language (make sure to include the author and title!!).
If you could live in any era (i.e. the roaring ‘20s), what would it be and why?
Write a summary of your favorite TV show or movie.
List 3-5 facts about your country (or your family’s country of origin).
What are 5-8 songs that would be on your summer playlist? Translate their titles into your target language.
Look up and list 3-5 slang terms in your language.
Describe your favorite summer outfit.
Name 3 things that have made you smile this week.
Write today’s to-do list in your target language.
How will you improve as a student next year?
What is one goal you hope to achieve by the end of this month?
Name a funny childhood memory.
Where is your favorite study space? Why?
Translate a few lines from a favorite song.
Give a basic physical description of yourself (if you are posting online, protect your own privacy - don’t list anything super specific!!).
Briefly describe some of your personality traits.
What’s one nice thing that you’ve done for someone else recently?
Why do you want to learn the language you are studying?
List 3 useful phrases in your language (such as “Where is the bathroom?” or “There is an emergency.” I feel like we never learn these things in class lol)
Name some terms and phrases that are specific to the career you are pursuing.
Describe your favorite scene from a book, show, or movie.
What would you do with $100? Why?
What’s one good thing about the world in this day and age? What’s one bad thing?
What are some things on your bucket list and why?
What is one thing (food, a scent, a stuffed animal, etc.) that is nostalgic/brings back memories? Why?
What is one thing that stresses you out, and what do you do to de-stress/avoid stress when you have to deal with that thing?
Write a short letter to your past self (maybe 5 years ago?).
What is your Myers-Briggs personality type? Describe it? Is it accurate?
What is one worry/problem you have right now, and what are you doing/going to do to fix it?
What is the nicest thing someone has said to you/about you?
Favorite memory from this month?
If you participate in this challenge and post your prompt answers, make sure to tag me with #studyingsenseless or #writingchallengejuly ! I’ll be liking/reblogging them :)
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operastudyblr · 3 years
↬ Essay Topics
( 1 ) After visiting different places, you and your friend are asking about each other’s travel experiences.
( 2 ) You went to the bank to exchange money, but after talking to the teller, you noticed that the exchange rate was not very good. Therefore, you decided to change the money later.
( 3 ) Last time, you borrowed five Chinese books dealing with grammar, spoken Chinese, translation, and Chinese characters. You have kept these books for over a month. Today when you go to the library to return them, you find out that they are overdue and you have to pay fines.
( 4 ) You have just returned from Beijing. Describe to your relatives the difference between China and your own country, or compare Beijing to a city in your country.
( 5 ) Describe one incident where you had to go the post office to pick up a package or to withdraw money.
( 6 ) You get on a bus and while buying a ticket, find out that you are on the wrong bus. The ticket seller tells you how to change buses to reach your destination.
( 7 ) Write about your hobbies.
( 8 ) Write about your study or work experiences with your friends.
( 9 ) Write about a picture or a movie.
( 10 ) Talk about an interesting experience you had last week.
( 11 ) After watching the movie, you discuss your thoughts about it with your friend. Comment on the plot, music, style, actors, performance, make-up, etc.
( 12 ) Talk about the weather in your city during each of the four seasons.
( 13 ) You go to the airport to see off a friend who is leaving for the United States. Then, you rush off to the train station to pick up your younger brother.
( 14 ) Tell your classmate about the changes you have experienced in the last couple of years.
( 15 ) You rode your bike and knocked down an elderly person. What should you do?
( 16 ) Your notebook computer was stolen from your room. How do you report it to the police substation?
( 17 ) Talk about your own experience of studying Chinese.
( 18 ) Describe one of your travel experiences.
( 19 ) Write a short paragraph to introduce a famous dish.
( 20 ) Is swimming really the best type of sport? 
( 21 ) Pros and cons of globalization.
( 22 ) Pick a topic that everyone is currently discussing. Pay attention to the rumors. 
( 23 ) Are video games bad for kids? 
( 24 ) How is the Internet affecting our intelligence? 
( 25 ) What is the best way to help a friend or relative who is an alcoholic? 
( 26 ) Is homework good or bad for student achievement? 
( 27 ) What rules should parents have for their teenagers?
I hope some of these topics can help you practice writing and vocabulary in the language you are learning! Let’s practice together and be fluent!
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operastudyblr · 3 years
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So, what even is this?
There was some confusion the first time around back in November, so I hope to be more clear now: NVA stands for Noun, Verb, Adjective. The goal is to write a sentence or a small paragraph containing all the words prompted that day, as seen in the images above. You get to be creative, maybe learn some new words, and overall just practice your target language. Win-win!
How do I participate?
Easy peasy - just write! Write in your notebook, on your mirror, on your hand, or post to tumblr, just write something for that day and see if you can do it throughout all of March. Of course, if you post it online, the whole langblr community can help each other out and come with corrections, so we all learn even more!
Rad! Anything else I should know?
You have to use all three words in your entry for the day, but you may of course conjugate all you want. If you post it online, be sure to tag it either as #nva challenge or #nva march, and I’ll check it out and reblog things!
Go forth and conquer your target language!
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