openxhesky-blog · 6 years
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Alright so I’m ending my year or so hiatus on this blog and bring back all the usual suspects back.
That being said I am going to make some changes. I’m not going to be affiliating the muses with the Fate fandom. That being said I’ve already started to cull some of the people I follow or whom are mutuals. And I’m going to continue that.
That being said if you still want to rp then like this post. I’m also going to have to get new icons since I deleted all of mine. I’ve saved some of the ones I used on the blog at least. 
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
Send me “📝 + (fandom)” and I’ll reply with a character I would RP from that fandom
On a personal note: my friends, this doesn’t mean I will RP any of these characters.
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
Yet Another Munday Meme  Send me a symbol and I’ll answer ooc 
ѩ - Are there any characters that you love, but simply cannot role play? 
Җ - What’s your greatest source of inspiration when it comes to role playing? 
ℛ - Are you religious? 
♬ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music? 
ᚡ - Random fact about the mun? 
✒ - Do you have a preference when it comes to gender regarding your muses? 
ಹ - Share a story from your childhood! 
෴ - Tell us about your day. 
㉘ - How do you usually spend your birthdays? 
⨌ - If you ever had the opportunity to clone yourself, would you? 
ᚖ - Do you wear makeup?
༺ - Do you have any siblings? What’s your relationship with them like? 
๛ - Share an embarrassing story about yourself! 
❤ - Are you and/or your muse currently in love with someone? 
ℳ - Do you think you have a good handwriting? 
☢ - When was the last time you went to the cinema? What movie did you watch?
⨕ - Are you a jealous role player? 
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
Munday-questions "How do you rp" edition
Send me a symbol for a question to the mun:
◊: Do you bing-reply or prefer reply-queueing? ●: Which time of the day, do you rp best? ☺: Do you prefer memes, or plots? ☻: Which genres do you find the easiest to play? (angst, fluff, smut, etc.) ☼: Which tropes do you find overused/boring? ♀: What is an AU, you really want to play with your muse? ♂: Is there any kind of music, you hear while writing? What kind of music? ♠: How many muses do you have? ♣: Can you play more than one muse, at the same time, or do you divide your rp-time between your muses? ♥: Are you selective, if yes, what makes you selctive? ♦: What can ‘kill’ your muse/ your inspiration? ♪: Name three things, that are absolutely mandatory for you, to be able to roleplay! ♫: Is there any kind of muse, you cannot play? ♯:  Is there any kind of muse, you would like to play, but don’t dare? Why?
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
I highly recommend you follow the person I reblogged this from.
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
Send me ⊙0⊙ to see a glimpse of a canon character I’ve played/considered playing
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
Symbols for the mun
💝 I ship our muses, but we’ve never interacted
✨ I think your portrayal is on point, but it also intimidates me
💍 I want to be exclusives with you 
⭐️ We don’t rp, but I desperately wish we did
☀️ I want to rp with you, but I’m not sure how
💔 We’ve rp’ed in the past, but now we don’t
🎂 I’m new to your blog, and I want to be friends
🎉 We’ve been mutuals for ages, and this makes me so happy!
💡 I have a thread idea for us!
💌 I just think you’re amazing
💥 We’re not mutuals, but I wish you’d notice me
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
I highly recommend you follow the person I reblogged this from.
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
Like this post if you want a starter with Sora Takeuchi. Especially if we’ve never interacted before.
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
      「What a claim〜 I’ll have to try this ramen out then〜」 Mukuro spoke with a small smile, a laugh。 Instant ramen wasn’t something she usually ate but maybe on days where she’s not feeling energetic enough to cook a meal。
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      「And it’s a small little Korean barbeque stand, actually。 Family run I think but it’s the best street food I’ve tasted in a long time。」
“Ain’t nothing like it.” he said with a grin. He couldn’t get enough of instant ramen, though you’d think that he would get tired of it after awhile. 
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“Korean, eh?” he thought for a moment. “Eh. Alright, I’m curious enough to try it out. “ he was someone that was too set in his ways. Often times he’d fight with people to change his ways, especially when it came to his eating habits. “So you wanna check it out now? Or somethin’“
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
openxhesky :”
Cloak was getting very irritated. Not only was he having to alternate his focus between this brat and the battle, but the idiot didn’t even have a clue as to why the battle was being waged to begin with. And then there was this nonsense about local myths and legends… As if there was still such a thing as guardian spirits and deities in the modern age.
Suddenly, though, Cloak’s attention was drawn upwards, toward a very unusual bird. Northstar? What was this? Some form of familiar? Damn it, he didn’t have time for this right now. However, to his surprise, when he looked back at the image of the fight, Lancer seemed to be fleeing. Berserker began to chase after, but Cloak willed her to let the matter go. They couldn’t afford the time for this right now.
Cloak turned his attention back to the bird. “I see… So some mage must be trying to pass off his familiar as some kind of local deity… Clever.” He pocketed the trinket as all the wooden eyes started to return to him, looking back towards Ikki. “And just what do you know of Servants?” Clearly not much, if he didn’t even seem to realize the magnitude of this fight or why they were here.
“Or maybe you old mage types are just a little dense when you go out of your little hole.” he said rolling his eyes. He looked up towards the sky trying to see if his crow had followed him and he huffed a sigh. “That damn bird.” he said under his breath.
He turned his attention towards Cloak. “Servants were originally people who are summoned as Heroic Spirits after their death who were once either heroes, mythical creatures, occassionally fictional characters or non-heroes needed to counteract a horrible event and sometimes deities to fight in a war trying to get the Holy Grail so that either their Master can get a wish and only wish or that they can get a wish and only wish.” he paused for a moment. “Well something like that at least” he said with a shrug.
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
“Do not get me started on her, that body double bitc-”  Ereshkigal refrained herself from using such language, “The point being, a Goddess or God cannot enter the body of a mortal if they are not like them. THink of it more as borrowing.”
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A mischievous smile formed all of a sudden. “Oh? Or maybe I do want to get you started, I’m kind of curious.” She nodded her head. “That makes sense, though typically with borrowing, one must ask for permission, no?”
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
If someone like.. gave me flowers.. I’d cry
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
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                          ❝ Muscle is good, but craft is better! ❞
promo credit / x , x , x , x , x , x
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
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openxhesky-blog · 7 years
Send a muse + an ending
GOOD END- The ideal end to my muse’s story where everything is resolved and they can live a good life.
BAD END- The bad guys win. Everything that can go wrong for my muse had gone wrong.
TRUE END- Bittersweet ending. Some things go right, other things go wrong. Some sacrifices have to be made, but most people are happy in the end.
EVERYONE LIVES- No one has to die in my muse’s story, be it for Better or for worse.
WE ALL FALL DOWN- No one is safe in the end of my muse’s story. Everyone important to the story has perished. This can include your muse or not.
WENT DOWN IN HISTORY- Your muse’s story is passed down through the ages, sometimes being stretched or exaggerated in places until it becomes a legend told in storybooks and campfires as poems, tall tales, etc.
SECRET END- Crack. Come up with the silliest end to your muse’s story as possible.
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