idk how but i locked myself out of tumblr on my phone so oops
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Okay I actually carved into this!!!! First time actualy carving!!!
Anyways I kinda bassed this wood carving on a tarrot card. Used a different outfit to give him a more. . . Mage-y look? Ya know what I'm saying.
Anyways. Covered in wood clippings and somehow cut my finger! But hhhhheeeereesss today's work!
(Click for better quality!)
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Meant to post this but Im a procrastinating bitch
Basically what we saw vs what it must have felt like
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OkCupid sure knows what’s up
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me: ugh its hot
also me: wears a sports bra, two shirts and a jacket
still me: why is it so hot
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so I found Remus and deceit’s fusion outfit
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Well I'm fucking sueing everyone now
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what the fuck is a kin-
(no like actual question, ive never heard of it before)
kin discord
hi everyone!! i made a kin discord !! this is for the kins that arent really accepted in other servers;; factkins welcome!! https://discord.gg/YCZ8ZwR 
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ba b y
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I'm really not very happy with this one, and the shading all just feels so wrong to me but I've been working on it for a couple days now and I'm just exhausted with looking at it- but here's a good magician man :)
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“Y o u  W a n t  T o  S e e  S o m e  M a g i c ?
c o m e  h e r e  a n d  I ‘ l l  s h o w  y o u “ ~
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Remus: *counting on his fingers*
Deceit: I just asked how old you are.
Remus: Can you shut the fuck up for a minute?
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Remus: What pronouns do you use again?
Deceit: No pronouns. This is a threat. Do not refer to me ever again.
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okay, so basically
i have super long hair and i’ve always had long hair or cut just above my shoulders when its summer. me and my family are gonna get our hair cut and i REALLY want short boy hair. the problem is that i dont look good with boy hair at all.
so now i’ve just been laying in bed for 10 minutes staring up the ceiling. if i get my hair cut to my shoulders people will still think i’m female, and i’d rather have people be super confused about what i am/think im a boy then them thinking im a girl. but if i get the short hair it might not look good. my dysphoria about my hair is kinda.. meh, but for me its more about how people see me?? i dont want them to see me as female because thats not what i am so i’d prefer,, male? i guess?
idk where this post is going but if you’ve read this far then congrats
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amab enbies just so u know u are just as nonbinary and just as valued in this community as your afab cousins and i love u and am always here for u
no matter if you're masculine, feminine, or truly beyond the binary, you have a place here and you deserve to be respected.
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People who invented music:
Hatsune Miku
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