oops-all-kink · 4 months
I've always thought Kinktober sounded like a fun idea, but there are so many kinks out there, and I only really want to write stories about the kinks I actually like. I don't usually see belly related kinks on the prompt lists people make, so...
I decided to make my own list this year, with prompt ideas specifically catered towards belly kink fics!
1: Warm food on a cold day 2: Pillow 3: Ate too fast 4: Illness 5: First date 6: Kink 7: Stuffing 8: Vacation 9: Eating contest 10: Bakery 11: Trying something new 12: Rumbles and growls 13: Surprise 14: Button popping 15: Stomachache 16: Hand feeding 17: Belly rubs 18: Weight gain 19: Indulgence 20: Drink 21: Emeto 22: Cooking 23: Hunger 24: Content creator 25: In public 26: Drama king/queen 27: Party 28: Sleepy 29: Spicy food 30: Kisses 31: Sweets
I mostly included ideas/kinks I personally like, while avoiding ones I don't like at all. Some of the prompts are a little more general than outright kinky, like party and surprise, but I thought it would be fun encouraging people to really use their imagination to fill those prompts. ;)
Kinktober is supposed to about having fun though, so you can use this list as a start for ideas, and replace any of the prompts you don't like with ones of your own.
If you use my list I would appreciate a link back to it, but it isn't necessary.
Have fun, my fellow belly lovers! <3
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oops-all-kink · 5 months
Oops, I can't believe how long it's been since I last made a post to this blog. Just haven't had a lot of kinky thoughts to share, I guess. 😅
But I return here today because I recently rediscovered two original, short kink stories I wrote as a teenager. They were posted to forums that are now dead/gone, and I thought it would be a shame to let my old works just fade and be forgotten. (As amateur as I think they are, lol!)
(And yes, I was posting stories to forums like Stomachache Cafe as a teen. Was it smart or a good thing to do? No, not really. Not the point of this post, though.)
So I posted them to AO3. Hopefully they will enjoyed.
Simple Misunderstanding
Grace and Josh are a happy young couple, until a silly misunderstanding threatens to end their relationship.
Josh decides to give Grace time to calm down so they can talk it out and clear everything up. Later on, Josh's friends come up with the idea of having an eating contest. Not the best idea, but it will help distract him while Grace is cooling down.
Is being distracted really worth the stomachache, though?
Breakfast for Sister
Wendy has been missing her older sister, Jade, a lot since she went to college. So when when Jade comes home for the summer, Wendy makes a special breakfast to celebrate her family all being together again. But when Jade already has plans to meet with her friends, and their father has to work in the morning, Wendy is left alone with the big breakfast she made. What's an upset, lonely girl to do? How about challenge herself to eating all of the food herself?
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oops-all-kink · 1 year
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I really spent about an hour making this crappy avatar. lol, it's kind of lame, but I don't hate it.
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
*A walks in to find C laying on B's lap while B rubs their belly* A: What's wrong with C? B: Oh, they just have a little tummy ache. C: I do not! C:... C: I have a big tummy ache.
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
Just tried this out and oh god it's so good!
This could be an amazing way to cure my writer's block. (Or just a fun way to waste time, lol.) Hmm... 😈
Oh yeah, it's definitely ReZhong tummy fic time, ehe.
new sickfic RP generator!
If you saw my last post, you know I created an AI sickfic RP generator using Character.AI. That one was restricted to a clinic setting. This new one I've made is more liberal. (I also think the quality of the writing is much better.)
You can write out your prompt as a sentence, but the AI will likely respond better to this format — Name: (insert name). Personality: (insert personality traits). Receptivity to help: (AKA how they'll react to you). Setting: (anything from bedroom to Antarctica). Source of pain: (indigestion, food poisoning, etc.). You can forgo any of these categories if you'd like.
Example convo (sorry for the blurriness):
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Fun things to remember!
Swipe on the AI's generated response and it'll give you more potential replies!
The more you vote (stars at the bottom), the higher quality it'll grow to be!
If you insert a fictional character for the name, the AI should mimic the character (to an extent)!
Have fun!
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
I love this so much 🥺
what if tummy but it hurts so it gets a kiss
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
A stuffing trope I just adore is when someone is so full that just patting their belly brings out a burp.
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
Tummy rubs = literally the most wholesome and pure form of comfort/cuddling in existence.
Whenever a character is sick, starving, stuffed, or is just in need to be comforted—tummy rubs is my favorite form of medicine for them~! Rubbing a character’s tummy because their stomach is upset is just?? too heckin cute?? It’s just so comforting/soothing, and it just eases the poor character enough to where they become sleepy—gOSH IT’S TOO CUTE
And a character who rubs their own tummy just,, makes my heart melt; and I don’t know why. Either it’s because their absolutely famished, and they attempt to calm the organ down by sheepishly rubbing it—or if they have a bit of an upset stomach/indigestion, they just whimper quietly; doing all they can to ease the horrible cramps wrecking their tummy w/ lil’ rubsand gentle pats. Hungry characters suffering from really bad hunger pangs, who just quietly wince and press into/rub their tummy as the organ sadly complains—uGH it makes my heart mELT
Long story short.. tummy rubs are literally the best thing ever, and whoever disagrees can FITE ME
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
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- characters with an upset stomach who moan and whine and whimper and wallow in bed demanding someone rub their belly and give them pity, or - characters who try their very hardest to conceal that their tummy hurts, covering it with their hands/clothes or saying “no i’m fine” even as they’re obviously wincing from its angry, rumbling protests
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
Had a little thought last night:
A: B, don't eat all of that.
B: What? Don't think I can do it?
A: Oh no, I know you can. But it's going to give you a really bad tummy ache.
B: Pff, I'll be fine!
*B proceeds to eat all the food and ends up with a really bad tummy ache*
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
Can't stop thinking about this, tbh
A character who’s just eaten way too much laying back in bed, and they’re a groaning, burping mess as they gently rub their big, aching tummy to try and soothe it.
Hhhhhggnnn 😩
Bonus points if someone else comes in to help settle their tummy.
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
I’m back with yet another random scenario idea.
Character A really likes having their belly rubbed when they can’t sleep. They find it comforting and it helps them fall asleep, but they’re too shy/embarrassed to ask their partner. So some nights they pretend to have an upset stomach, because they know their partner B will fuss over them and offer to rub their belly to help them fell better.
At first, B worries about A’s semi-frequent nighttime tummyaches. Are they just eating too much before bed, or is it something more serious? Should A see a doctor? Eventually though, they somehow figure out what’s really going on. 
B isn’t very mad about it; they’re just glad A isn’t actually sick. Their shyness over wanting a belly rub is kind of cute, so B continues to play along whenever A says they don’t feel good, never letting on that they know the truth.
One night, A acts a little different than usual when they complain about their stomach hurting. B soon realizes that, for once. A really does have a tummyache this time.
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
A random idea I had after watching a humorous video about “textdoor” neighbors: 
One night A has an upset stomach and they text one of their friends to vent/ask for advice. In their haste, A accidentally gets the last digit of their friend’s number wrong and sends the text to B instead. (Why do they manually enter the number instead of going to their contacts list? Perhaps A had to get a new phone recently and hasn’t had time to save any numbers yet.) 
Whether A notices right away or chats with B for a while before realizing, they’re mortified when they noticed their mistake. But it turns out B has good advice for dealing with stomachaches and is happy to talk with a complete stranger when they’re in need.
Before the night is over, B tells A to hit them up anytime A doesn’t feel good. And thus a new friendship is born.
Does B secretly have a belly kink, or did they just feel bad for A and want to help? If B does have a kink, will they ever confess to A? Would A be okay with that? Do A and B ever meet in person? Does their friendship blossom into romance??? I’ll leave all of that up to you to decide!
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
When a character is curled up clutching their stomach and they pitifully whimper to their caretaker, “Make it better.” or “Make it stop hurting.” So heartbreakingly adorable. 😭
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
Imagine your otp lying in bed trying to sleep, but A’s belly is being really noisy and it’s making it hard for B sleep. After a while of trying to ignore it, B finally turns to look at A and teasingly asks, “Is that your stomach, or do we have a monster under our bed?" 
 A, who’s also having a hard time falling asleep and (possibly, depending on why their belly is growling so much) not feeling well, just grumbles in annoyance. (If they aren’t sick and grumpy, maybe they apologize for keeping B awake.) 
 B just scoots closer to them and starts rubbing A’s belly to calm it down so they can both sleep.
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
A concept I like:
A character having a stomachache but not saying anything because they’re too proud/embarrassed. They try to hide it, but their friends/partner eventually find out anyway. 
 That’s nice, but you know what I like even more? 
 A character feeling so bad they put aside their pride/embarrassment and ask someone to take care of them, because they just can’t take it anymore. All they want is to cuddle and have their tummy rubbed until they feel better. That’s really cute.
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oops-all-kink · 2 years
me: why am I turned on by being uncomfortably full of food
brain: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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