oof00foof00f · 8 days
Little Steve who gets lost on a shopping trip in Chicago once. He’s bored and wanders towards a window display while his mommy is at the perfume counter, everything is so neat and perfectly in place. By the time he turns around, he can’t see his mommy anywhere.
Steve takes a deep breath and starts walking, ready to go looking for her, only to realize just how big the department store is. He’s overwhelmed and ducks into the middle of a clothing rack, curling up into a little ball, his lip wobbling as he makes peace with the fact he will have to live at the department store. He knows there’s food there because they already had lunch, and they walked past a whole department full of candy. There are little beds in the home department that will be just the right size for him, even if Mommy always says he shouldn’t climb on them and not to embarrass her. There’s even a giant teddy bear in the toy department, so really, living here won’t be so bad!
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“Steve! Stevie! Oh my god! Steven!”
Steve perks up. That’s his mommy. He crawls out from under the rack, through a curtain of suit coats.
“Mommy!” He runs to her and she crouches down to pull him into her arms.
She cries as she holds him and apologizes, words more for herself than for Steve. “I’m sorry, Stevie. I thought you were right next to me. Oh god! What if something had happened to you?”
He gets a new toy truck, a nice one with working doors, and Mommy holds his hand the rest of the trip. They get ice cream. It’s the best day ever, and Steve was only scared for a minute.
A month later, Steve is bored at home. Daddy is in his office and Mommy is on the phone.
Every time he tries to talk to Mommy she says, “Not now, Steve. Mommy’s busy.” Daddy’s office door is locked.
So, Steve decides to run away. If he’s missing, Mommy will want to find him and hold him close. He puts on his shoes, carefully tying the bows on his laces, and leaves.
The sliding door into the backyard is quiet as he closes it behind himself, and he sets off with a determined gait.
Steve makes it far enough into the woods that he can’t see his house anymore. Then far enough that he comes out on a field that he doesn’t recognize. Another little boy is in the field, very focused as he stares at a patch of clover. “What are you doing?” Steve asks as he approaches.
“Catching moths!” The boy points to an open mason jar with leaves and twigs inside, then to the clover, a handful of white and yellow moths among the plants. He smiles at Steve, a gap where one of his baby teeth has already fallen out, then turns back to the clover, taking slow steps and crouching, trapping a moth between his cupped hands. “Can you grab the jar?”
Steve does, holding it carefully as the older boy places the moth inside, holding a hand over the jar’s mouth. “Thanks! My name’s Eddie, what’s yours?”
“Wanna help me catch some more?”
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Together, the boys catch a few more moths (Eddie catches all of them, Steve keeps scaring them by moving too fast). Eddie puts them in the jar, closing the lid, holes already punched in the metal, and they watch the little insects walk along the twigs and languidly flap their wings. Then Eddie unscrews the lid, giggling as the moths fly away.
“Why’d you do that? We worked so hard!”
“Moths can’t live in jars. Mama always says I can look but I can’t keep ‘em,” Eddie answers with a smile. Then Steve’s stomach growls loudly, and Eddie looks up to see how low the sun already is in the sky. “I’m hungry too. It’s almost dinner time, so we should head home.”
“I don’t know how to get home,” Steve says softly, suddenly realizing he got pretty turned around in the woods and home could be anywhere.
Eddie takes Steve’s hand. “That’s okay, you can come with me!” Eddie knows exactly what to do, leading Steve with all the confidence of a six-year-old, ready to start 1st grade next month. They quickly arrive at the trailer park, Eddie knocking at a door before walking straight inside, tugging Steve after him. “Uncle Wayne!”
“Hey there, Bug, who’s your friend?” Eddie’s uncle is tall, with kind eyes. Even if Eddie hadn’t brought him there, Steve’s pretty sure he would like Uncle Wayne.
“This is Steve.”
“Steve’s folks know where he is?”
“He doesn’t know how to get home.”
“Ah, shhh—” Wayne winces, cuts himself short, and Steve’s pretty sure he was gonna say a bad word. “Steve, do ya know your phone number?” Wayne asks, crouching down to be eye-level with the boys.
” That’s a lie. But he needs to make sure Mommy and Daddy are worried about him. If he gets sent home too soon, they’ll just be mad.
“Your address?”
“How about your last name?”
Steve just shakes his head, tears welling in his eyes. He had so much fun with Eddie, and now everything is falling apart. He should have stayed home

Wayne ruffles his hair. “It’ll be okay, kiddo. We’ll get you home.” Steve’s stomach growls again. “How about we have a snack? Everything looks better on a full stomach.”
Eddie is still holding Steve’s hand, and brings him over to the little table, letting go so they can climb onto chairs. Wayne gives them chocolate-covered mini donuts and orange soda, asking them about their afternoon, Eddie doing most of the talking.
Then the phone rings, and Wayne answers. “No, he’s here, Bets, Eddie’s with me. — What?” He turns to look at the boys, staring at Steve, before continuing, “Nope, you saved me some trouble. You know Eddie, he picked up a stray. — Pretty sure it is. Yep, I’ll drop Eddie off after.” He hangs up, smiling again. “Hey, Steve, I think I know how to get you home now, so don’t you worry.”
Wayne loads the boys into his truck. He drives the backroads, quickly arriving outside Steve’s house, his mommy throwing open the door when she notices their arrival. “Thank you,” Steve says quickly, scrambling out of the truck and running to his mother.
She holds him close and cries, yells her thanks. Steve waves goodbye to Eddie as he is carried inside. Mommy kisses his hair and tells him he isn’t allowed to go outside without telling her, that he scared her half to death.
Steve just hides his face against her shoulder, snuggling close.
When Daddy gets home he yells, scolds Steve for causing so much trouble, for scaring Mommy and making them call the police. He gets a spanking before be sent to his room for the night.
Steve never runs away again.
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oof00foof00f · 8 days
Steve and Eddie work together in an aquarium, and Eddie is losing his mind. He's in love, he's got the most embarrassing crush, but Steve doesn't even notice him.
They barely interact, and Eddie only knows Steve's first name. He doubts Steve knows he exists, he's just one of many tour guides (but he's amazing with kids and especially teenagers, so he's actually a great tour guide, thank you very much!)
Back to Steve. Steve, with his lean muscles, easy smile, thick hair and beautiful, but somehow sad eyes. That Steve.
The Steve who works in the aquarium as a merman.
Eddie could watch him for hours, floating in the tank with grace Eddie didn't know existed, with his sparkly yellow mermaid tail, flowing hair and chest hair, and that man can hold his breath for so long? Think of the options, the possibilities!
The mermaid show is insanely popular among all the kids and teens, even adults. His best friend Chrissy was the one who recommended Eddie to the aquarium, she's the main mermaid, and god, if Eddie wasn't gay, she'd have him at her feet. She always looks so effortless, twirling underwater in her emerald green mermaid tail, spinning around Steve. They make such a beautiful pair, it makes Eddie want to weep.
Fortunately, she's already in a happy relationship, so Steve is reportedly still single. Chrissy makes Eddie massage her feet in the evenings - he offered, they're cramping from a bad fit of the tail - and graciously answers all Eddie's reasonable questions, such as "how do his hands feel?" ("Wet. We're swimming, remember?").
She keeps telling Eddie to ask Steve out, but Eddie isn't stupid. That man is the god Poseidon himself, and Eddie is but a humble crab in his kingdom. So he admires him from afar, longing, pining and making Chrissy's head hurt.
But Steve's just so good with kids, Eddie can't keep his mouth shut. He always mutters something to Steve as he's ushering the kids away. "Great show, sweetheart," or "I love that smile, Stevie," or "need help getting that tail off?" He's only a man, and no one can hear him.
Except for a nosy tour coordinator listening in through his earpiece, Robin Buckley. She also happens to be Steve's best friend, Chrissy's girlfriend, and a menace to society.
And maybe one day she tells Steve to just smooch the tour guide, maybe she spills a few of the longing whispers and wishful stares, but she's only human too. A human who's had to listen to Steve's ramblings about the cute guy who always pulls the kids' attention like a magnet, who even through the blurry glass tank seems to be having an amazing time. Steve sometimes asks Robin for an extra earpiece and listens to the rest of Eddie's tour after the show. He loves his enthusiasm. Once Eddie even drew a heart on Steve's tank, can you imagine that, Rob?!
Maybe Robin and Chrissy have to work together to give the two idiots what they need, because Eddie considers himself too nerdy and plain for Steve, ans Steve thinks he's too dumb and shallow for Eddie.
Maybe Chrissy fakes slipping into the mermaid tank and drags Eddie with her. Maybe Robin is there and quickly gets Steve to jump after him. Maybe she makes the innocent mistake of insuating that Eddie can't swim.
And maybe, when Steve and Eddie are back on firm ground, confused and wet, Chrissy splashes them with water and asks if pretending that it's mouth to mouth resuscitation would help, or if they can finally kiss and stop pining for each other.
And one more maybe...maybe in a few weeks, when Eddie ushers the children away after the show, he kisses his palm and presses it against the tank, and watches Steve do the same, before he can give him a proper kiss after their shift.
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oof00foof00f · 9 days
Eddie, who is intently watching Steve, fidgeting every so often. If Eddie was a cat, his tail would be flicking back and forth with rapid increasing movements as he got ready to attack.
Steve, who was so innocently watching the game, happens to realize he hasn't heard Eddie say anything for awhile. Which means one (1) thing: he's up to mischief.
Steve barely has time to turn his head to look when Eddie tackles into him. Steve falls back further onto the couch with a grunt as his boyfriend wrenches his shirt up. "The hell-" Steve's hands are in the air, unsure if he should pull Eddie closer or push him away.
The hesitation gives Eddie enough time to attempt to slither under his shirt. Eddie can only fit his head and the tops of his shoulders under Steve's form-fitting t-shirt, but it's enough. His eyes light up at the torso covered in hair and freckles.
Eddie lays his head against Steve's chest with a dull thud, echoing the thudding of Steve's heart. Eddie snakes his arms around Steve's waist. Eddie can feel Steve slowly place a hand on his back, and stroke up and down his spine.
Steve lightly pulls the neck back so he can look down his shirt at Eddie. Eddie doesn't see it, the look on his face, content to just lay there with his eyes closed. But the adoration, love, and pure glee can't be held back on Steve's face.
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oof00foof00f · 9 days
hc that steve actually likes metal and listens to it regularly, just always pretty quietly. so when eddie, who never has his stereo turned down to anything below 40 and even that's too quiet sometimes, gets in steve's car one day to hear metallica playing through the speakers with the volume only set to like 7, he's immediately torn between being ecstatic that steve is listening to one of his favorite bands and outrage that he's not giving it the proper listening experience it deserves
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oof00foof00f · 11 days
Ive been seeing a lot of milk ads for some reason the ad is like
“I make sure she’s comfortable, happy, relaxed blah blah blah I know how much milk she produces”
And all I can think of every time I see it is hybrid cow Steve with farmer eddie
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oof00foof00f · 11 days
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silly steddie designs i doodled and obsessed over (still obsessed) (amputee eddie you are forever in my heart)
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oof00foof00f · 11 days
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visits to uncle waynes house
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oof00foof00f · 11 days
Rating: Teen and Up CW: Unspecified Eating Disorder, Food Insecurity Tags: Post-Season 2, Pre-Season 3, Pre-Relationship, Pre-Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Different First Meeting AU, Eddie Munson Takes Care of Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Worried Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington Has Self Esteem Issues, Insecure Steve Harrington, Lonely Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Strangers to Friends, Sharing Food, Food as a Metaphor For Love, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Steve Harrington Has Rich Parents, He is Not Rich, Dialogue Heavy Originally, this was going to be 5+1 where Eddie shares his food five times and once where Steve shares his food, but I just couldn't finish the original plot.
đŸ„Ș——————đŸ„Ș There’s a boy in Eddie’s lunch period that doesn’t have anything to eat. It’s weird because he knows who this kid is; Steve Harrington—cocky and rich and bitch with no bite—the kid who’s fallen from grace thanks to a few punches to the face. And the same kid who doesn’t really talk to anybody.
As it is, Steve is sitting by himself at one of the lunchroom tables. Arms crossed on the surface, head down on his forearms, hair limp at the crown of his head. Unusual and unseen. His shoulders are hitched, shaking like he’s crying unsubtly, yet quietly—unseen and unheard. It’s weird, he thinks, because Steve had just been looking out one of the windows, eyes a little hazy, glazed like he’d been gearing up to cry. Eddie had caught Steve pushing his hands into his hair, tugging like he was trying to rip it all out. But then he’d gone ahead and collapsed into this sad, huffing little heap onto the table.
Eddie maybe keeps his eye on Steve for too long, too often. To know the multitudes. The little fractures in his mask—spider webs, that’s what they were, spreading and sprawling. He supposed that, at some point, the web would be completed and be easy enough to knock down. Leaving in its wake a sad, mole-dotted, half-bruised, white-scarred face.
A face with a hungry maw, if the way Steve clutched his stomach said anything.
He makes a last minute decision today. Eddie curves his path away from the Hellfire Club’s table. Lunchbox dangling in his hand—a measly bologna and mustard sandwich, a baggie of salted pretzel sticks, and a Yoo-hoo he didn’t need to refrigerate all clinking against the metal interior. And then he plops himself down in front of Steve without a peep, just the hard clink of his wallet chain on the bench and his too big rings on the table.
All at once, slow, yet purposeful—Steve’s head springs up. He looks worse up close. Mottled purple. Swollen and shiny. There’s one of those terrible scars on the edge of his hairline, though this one’s different: pink, long, jagged, and fresh.
Steve squints at him. Covers the side of his face by the window, hand cupped around his one good eye, and swallows hard enough Eddie almost recoils. “Munson?” Steve croaks—literally, Eddie notes, like a strangled, old frog—“what’re you doing?”
“Mm, having lunch with my pal,” Eddie answers, prying open his lunchpail, food pulled out one thing at a time. He catches his thumbs in the Ziplock fasten, and from it produces that sad, drooping sandwich his uncle made last night. It’s a little soggy in his hands, too much mustard. And the bologna is sort of
lukewarm, but not inedible. Eddie digs around in one of his vest pockets, pulls out a small Swiss Army knife, and cuts the sandwich in half. Licks the blade, mustard just a little left of what’s meant to be tastefully sour. Then, he pushes a portion of the sandwich across the table to sit right in front of Steve. “Usually, I’d bring a lunch of your preference, but this is all I’ve got right now. So, hope you don’t mind some bologna.”
“I don’t wanna take your food away from you, man. I’ll be fine until I get home.”
Selfless is a trait he didn’t think Steve could really have. Well, from the assumed version he has in his head anyway. But it’s a trait he’s learning he probably won’t like. Not all the way, at least.
“Right,” Eddie murmurs, “and you clutching your stomach out of hunger seems like something to be fine about.” He picks up his half and takes a large bite, licks the bit of mustard from the corner of his mouth. With his mouth full, “It’s weird, y’know, I never see you in here with food. Not even lunch lady Donna’s mashed potatoes and gravy. If you wanna know my opinion, that’s one of the better lunches she makes, and it’s something anybody should try at least once.” He wrestles around in his lunchbox again, a glass bottle of Yoo-hoo now in his grip. The cap pops off satisfyingly and he takes a small swig, swallows the incredible glob in his mouth, and then offers the drink across the table. “Or, y’know, I thought maybe a rich kid would have their own lunch. With all of the good brand stuff. Like uh
Pringles? Yeah, Pringles and Coke? That seems like your game.”
Steve sniffs, looks down at his sandwich, and picks it up gingerly. He keeps staring at it, though. Not out of thought, like maybe he’s wondering if he should give it back. Something more
somber. “Correction,” he mutters, “I have rich parents. I’m just the kid they let live in their house.” Finally, he takes a bite with a gentle, low hum. As if it’s the greatest thing he’s ever put in his mouth. Which can’t possibly be true because, even though Eddie knows this meal is one of Wayne’s specialties, it’s honestly one of the shittier ones. If anything, this sandwich is just placeholder food—something that’ll get them by until Wayne gets paid next, if he gets paid on time.
Eddie hums, taking in the information. “They can’t even bother to send you on with at least a little something? Dude, tell me you at least get some breakfast. You’re breakin’ my heart over here.”
Again, Steve looks at his sandwich. Somber and small. He won’t look at Eddie, though. But Eddie can see him. His flushed cheeks—blotchy and tear track stained. Red rimmed eyes. Shaky fingers. He’s pale underneath the ruddiness. Lips chapped, eyes sunken, dark circles.
He looks like shit.
“Sometimes,” Steve murmurs, “I used to have a bagel in the morning, but my mom said the carbs were bad. I stopped buying them. So
I dunno. It’s not like she even”—He stops. Shakes his head. Takes another bite.
“She even
Steve catches his eyes for all of a second. Places his sandwich on the baggie it came in. Wipes his cheeks, just barely missing some of the bruising. “She’s not even home most of the time anyway. It doesn’t really matter,” he states quiet and bitter. He clears his throat, the sound strained. Shrugs. Rests his face in one hand, looking out the window again. Face going pinched and pained. “You ever had a fend for yourself kind of day?”
I’ve had fend for yourself nights. But that’s because my uncle works late, sometimes it’s just up to me to figure something out. Those are cereal nights, man.” He watches Steve again. At the way he doesn’t go back for the sandwich. Not even disgusted. Just
blank. “Was today one of those, Steve?” he asks quietly.
No verbal answer. Just one, small, shaky nod. Eddie won’t stand for that.
“What food do you like? Maybe I can help you come up with like a
a meal plan calendar or something. So that you know what you have at all times and you can, like, make sure you’re eating good.” Steve still doesn’t say anything. Lips rolled tight to his teeth. Eddie tries again, “Or at least just eating, Stevie. I know we don’t really know each other at all, but I see you in here everyday. No lunch. Not even one of those stupid boxes of raisins. You gotta eat, man. Or else, y’know, that shit catches up to you.”
Across from him, Steve sniffles again and wipes the back of his hand on his nose. “I don’t know what I like,” he says, “sandwiches are fine, I guess. It’s fine”—
“Good, great actually. Steve Harrington is getting a tour of the Munson sandwich recipes. Passed down from my uncle, the master of sandwich art. Y’like black forest ham? Maybe a bit of grilled chicken? Tomatoes?” Steve’s finally staring at him now. Wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Mouth dropped ajar with slight disbelief. “What?” Eddie says, “don’t look at me like that. We don’t have to be friends or anything, but you gotta eat. It’s equity, dude. I already got what I need in terms of food and eating, but you don’t. So, I getcha what you need. I help you out.”
Steve droops, breathes out a little sigh. Digs his thumbnail into the stale crust of the sandwich, picking at it, crumbling it onto the table. “You don’t have to do that, Eddie,” he speaks quietly, “I
I don’t want to assume anything, but I don’t think it’s fair that somebody who makes less money than my whole family has to make up for my parents’ stupidity. It’s not your job to look out for somebody like me anyway, right? Just another screw up who can’t get his shit together, can’t even figure out how he’s going to pay for worthwhile groceries for the month.” He finally stops picking at the sandwich. Wipes his nose again. “Thanks for trying, though. I’m sorry that you have to care at all.”
Eddie eyes Steve for a silent beat. And then, with careful, languid movements, he lays his hand palm up on the table. Steve looks to it, but pretends to pay it no mind. Even if his face crumbles a bit more. “Steve,” Eddie speaks, keeping his voice measured and low, “I want to help. I—I know that my uncle and I don’t make a lot. And, sure, maybe figuring out a way to get you some good homecooked meals is a little out of my budget. But I don’t care. You deserve to eat, man. No matter how much money your parents make.
“If I can make your day a little easier—because, I gotta be honest, it seems like you’re just having
the toughest time a person can ever possibly have—then great. If it means me giving you a dollar for the school lunch or just coming here with an extra sandwich in my lunchbox, whatever.
“Nobody deserves to go without eating because their bullshit parents prioritize work and social lives over their own children—and no child deserves to believe they’re the problem. Let me help, okay? Even if we have to start out small, so be it.” Eddie takes a moment to pause, to breathe, to let the cafeteria background noise mingle around them. He crinkles the edge of the Ziplock baggie, pushes it further into Steve’s space, and does the same with the bag of pretzel sticks. “I want to take care of you. Even if we’re just strangers in the hallway, I want to make sure that you’re doing okay.”
He does his best to lean across the way, to block off the rest of the cafeteria from their table. As Steve lays his shaky hands flat on the surface and his face turns bright red, tears steadily streaming down his face. Eddie digs the bandana out of his back pocket and slides it across the table, too, offering it up in silence.
Steve takes it with a shaky hand and pats the tired fabric on his tacky skin. He blows a sharp, wheezing, snotty breath from his nose. “If you’re sure, then I like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches a lot. But I
I wanna make sure I can pay you back, okay? Don’t wanna—I don’t wanna like abuse your generosity or something.”
“You wouldn’t be,” he quickly amends. “I’m offering, man, don’t worry about it.”
“Yeah, but I
I don’t think you understand,” Steve adamantly presses, “I know it’s gonna make me sound all whiny and like uptight or whatever, but I don’t earn an allowance from my parents anymore. Not since
well, I’m sure you know how stupid I am.”
“Hey,” Eddie gently scolds. “You’re not stupid, Steve. You know what you’re talking about, I’ve heard you.”
Steve snorts like Eddie said something funny. “Try telling that to all my college rejection letters and my dad’s crumbling expectations of his only son. I’m sure they could find a million ways to explain just how
how worthless I am. That I’m a burden or
or a stain.”—those last sentences sound like echoes, if Eddie cares to explore it enough. Like they come from a different, more expectant mouth. Steve continues, “How am I even supposed to get a mediocre job? Just feels like I’m too nothing for anything out there. I don’t even know how I’m gonna pay you back, Eddie. Shit, I just shouldn’t accept. I have no idea how I’m supposed to get back up from all this garbage—I—I’m such a fucking loser now. I don’t even have anything going on anymore.”
Eddie furrows his eyebrows, not sure which part of any of that to unpack. Instead, he goes with, “You’ve got sports, Stevie. Surely you can figure something out with that. I’ve seen you perform, man, you’re fucking phenomenal.”
“My brain’s too fucked up now to play,” Steve quietly admits, “too many concussions. Coaches say I’m too befuddled to make heads or tails of where my targets are. Sports are over for me. I literally have nothing.” He blows out another wet, shaky breath. “So, I’m just saying, I’m sorry if I can’t make this up to you.”
“Steve,” Eddie says firmly, “look at me.”
At the demand, he’s met with Steve’s sad, hazel eyes. Clogged with discontent and miserableness he never thought he’d see out of a guy like Steve. Every part of him wants to reach out, cradle Steve’s face in his hands, wipe away his tears, caress his injuries with a tenderness he’s sure Steve has long forgotten. A part of him wants to hold Steve forever, no sign of letting go. 
Heart in his stomach, shattered yet beating, he speaks as softly as he possibly can manage. “You owe me nothing, Steve. You don’t owe me your best. You don’t owe me your money. You don’t owe me payback or
or a job on your back. There’s nothing that I want from you, I promise. But if you want to give me something
how about just being my friend, huh? Just sit down with me at lunch, share the food I brought, give me as much of a conversation as you want, and just
just let yourself be cared about.
“That’s what I’ll ask of you. If you feel the need to give me something, give me friendship. That’s it. Nothing more than that. Anything else that arises in the future, we worry about then. Bridges waiting to be crossed later, y’know? That’s doable, right? Just being a friend.”
Steve nods in slow understanding. “You wanna be friends with me?” He asks in a whisper. “You know that I’m not the best company, right? I’m
I’m stubborn and I’m bitchy and I—I know sometimes that I don’t use my brain half the time and I just say shit before I really think about it. And I
I’ve been a jerk and I’m—I’m sort of bullshit, Eddie. Is that really something you want in your life?”
Eddie merely shrugs. “You think I don’t have my own flaws? Everybody’s got shit. All of us have baggage. You’re just a teenager, as am I, and we’re still figuring shit out. At least you’re aware, right? Means you can try and
and be more thoughtful about what you do, how you act. And, besides, stop giving me reasons to leave you alone. I want to be your friend. I’ll say it from here to fucking Mars, man.” He raps his fingers against the table, darts his eyes to that sandwich. There’s not really a good way to keep drilling the want of it all into Steve’s head. So, finally, he relents. Gives Steve the step away that he wants. “Go ahead and eat, Steve. I’ll bring you a PB&J tomorrow, yeah? You like grape or strawberry jelly?”
A lapse of silence. Wherein they stare at each other. Two things work their way onto Steve’s face. Adamant protests that, in turn, are squashed and cornered into becoming stubborn acceptance. Jeez, Eddie can’t help but think, what’s it gonna take to get this guy to realize that people can care about him?
strawberry, please,” Steve finally decides.
He simply nods. Looks out the window to the courtyard. Cafeteria white noise and Steve’s soft chewing surrounding him. The light hits him just as a cloud begins to move, yellow sunlight, warm and new. It marks the beginning of something unexpected, good, Eddie believes. “I think you’re a good guy, by the way,” he murmurs, “you probably don’t believe me now, but you will one day. Swear on it.”
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oof00foof00f · 12 days
Here's a bit from a fic I'm not sure I'll ever start writing. for context, this is Corroded Coffin's first tour and they brought Steve along (bc Eddie would never even imagine having it any other way)
Jeff and Eddie are walking towards the green room discussing the way their melodies turned out at tonight's show, when Gareth catches up to them, a little winded,
"Hey," he pants, "Freak says he wants to try that tacos place we saw on our way into town, you guys up for it?"
Jeff simply nods and Eddie shrugs, "Sounds good" he answers,
Gareth claps them in the back and says to Eddie "Awesome, I'll go ask your wife",
He goes to skip ahead between them but Eddie grabs him by the scruff of his tshirt and yanks him back, causing his head to slap itself against Eddie's waiting palm.
Jeff snorts but Gareth isn't amused.
"OW dude! What the fuck?!" he demands with wide eyes. Eddie doesn't buy it for a second, launches into the same warning he always gives them,
"I told you! if he hears you saying that he could get really pissed, and then you'll get me into serious trouble!" he still has Gareth by the scruff, so he yanks him again for emphasis,
"Do you want me to be in serious trouble, man?" Gareth shakes his head, Eddie yanks again,
"Do you want me to be in serious trouble because of you?" Gareth frantically shakes his head but holds his palms up as he weasels out of Eddie's hold, half-laughing as he turns to face them and walking backwards as they advance,
"I do NOT say it around him!" Gareth defends, Jeff scoffs beside Eddie and Eddie just narrows his eyes,
"Plus, I told you that he's into you, man!" Gareth continues, Eddie rolls his eyes at that so he can't see the significant look Jeff gives him, agreeing with Gareth.
"This again" Eddie groans, "you're delusional. Just stop calling him that altogether and we'll be good," he insists.
Gareth just sighs "Fine. Can you go ask your very platonic friend, that you share a bed with every night, if he wants tacos? Or should we not even ask his opinion?"
Eddie flicks his ear and Gareth frowns dangerously, meeting the end of his rope.
Jeff says "Okay-" and holds his hands up placatingly, but Eddie doesn't like his chances so he sprints down the hall laughing and Gareth takes off hot in his heels.
Jeff groans as Freak catches up with him,
"Children." Freak states, tutting.
When Steve comes back to the green room he finds Eddie and Gareth wrestling on the floor.
"Um-" he starts and Eddie, who had been making Gareth slap himself turns excitedly to him,
"Stevie!! What did you think?" he asks, wanting to get Steve's opinion on tonight's show, and probably very specifically, the melodies he and Jeff had been working on for weeks now.
Steve's lucky that Gareth pulls on his hair and distracts him by slamming him on the floor, otherwise Eddie would have totally noticed him blushing.
He'll never get over Eddie wanting his input, especially when it comes to something as important to him as his music, his band.
"OW!" Eddie shouts as Gareth pulls his hair again, reaching to pull on Gareth's nose.
That brings Steve back. He ceremoniously places his hands on his hips, and calls "Children!",
It startles Eddie into slapping Gareth's arm away particularly hard and Steve hears muttered apologies as the two of them sit up criss-cross side by side.
"He started it!" Eddie accuses, playing along with Steve's babysitter bit, "He said we shouldn't ask your opinion on dinner," Gareth gasps indignantly and tackles him again.
Steve just sighs, used to them buzzing with energy after shows.
He hears Jeff and Freak enter the room and turns to them as if they had been there all along, "Dinner from where?" he asks them,
Freak looks up from the boys wrestling and says "Remember that tacos place we saw on our way in? last Thursday?"
Steve's expression clears with understanding, he nods "Oh yeah! Yeah, that place! Okay. Sounds good." Freak nods and goes to their clothes rack.
"Soon as these two finish," Jeff comments.
Gareth has Eddie in a chokehold now and Eddie is trying to lick his arm while also pulling on Gareth's hair.
"I should record you and put it up on the internet," Steve threatens.
Jeff joins in "It'd humiliate our lead man, but it's a risk I'm willing to take" he claps his approval on Steve's back and goes to the clothes rack as Freak goes to change his outfit.
Eddie taps twice on Gareth's arm to be released and Gareth raises both arms above his head triumphantly.
Eddie points a finger at Steve, then Jeff and says "I'm vetoing that!"
Steve frowns. "I didn't know you had vetoing rights" he teases, tilting his head.
"He doesn't" Jeff and Gareth answer in unison,
"You just said I'm the lead man!" Eddie whines to Jeff,
"I was talking about Gareth" Jeff shrugs.
Gareth puffs out his chest and Eddie shoves him, knocking him on his ass again.
Steve can't help but chuckle at them. Eddie turns to look at him with mirth in his eyes then, extends his arms to be helped up.
Steve pulls him to his feet with his heart in his throat.
"So?" Eddie asks,
"What?" Steve asks quietly,
"What'd you think?" Eddie asks again, quiet too like it's their secret, giving his arm a little impatient tap, reminding him he hadn't answered before.
Steve doesn't remember when he started smiling so big "It was good." he tells him, just as quietly, having created a little bubble for the two of them without meaning to, but not wanting to burst it.
"Yeah?" Eddie asks, the corners of his mouth twitching up,
"Mmhm," Steve confirms, starts fiddling with one of Eddie's many chains, "I think the change you made yesterday was smart, the crowd was definitely wilder tonight" he comments,
"Well, that was Jeff, 'member?"
"Hmmm" Steve hums, letting go of the chain and leaning his elbow on Eddie's shoulder to turn to Jeff,
"Well that was a very smart change Jeff!" he calls loudly, enjoying Eddie's flinch. He has to clear his throat because his voice comes out raspy for some reason.
Jeff frowns, confused.
"The new arrengement from yesterday," Eddie clarifies, eyes on Steve. Jeff ignores him, but takes the clarification all the same,
"Oh! thanks! Man, did you see the crowd tonight?" Jeff marvels,
Steve says "That's what I was just telling Eddie!" and they launch into specifics that Eddie misses.
He's thinking he usually doesn't like being teased but his cheeks are burning and he can't feel anything other than a pleasant warmth right now, Steve Harrington broke him.
He shakes his head and comes back to reality just in time to see Steve turn to him and say, "You did great tonight, Eds. You were super comfortable using the space on stage tonight, people loved it,"
Eddie doesn't say he was only comfortable because he had a clear view of Steve in the crowd.
"Thank you Stevie" he tells him instead. Steve smiles brightly at him. It makes Eddie want to rub his face on Steve's shoulder.
He pinches Steve's waist instead, gets all up in his space, still buzzing with energy from running around on stage.
"Help me pick something out for tacos?" he requests, hopeful. He loves the idea of Steve thinking about what would look best on him.
"Yeah," Steve agrees, grabbing the hand that pinched him and leading Eddie to the rack.
Gareth rolls his eyes at Eddie as they walk past him and Eddie flips him the bird.
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oof00foof00f · 12 days
The One Where Steve Feels Smart
“Where are Jon and Argyle?” Steve asks Nancy. The rest of the group gathered around the table for their weekly group dinners.
“Jonathan said that he has a lot of work to do, and Argyle is working closing. Said they would try to come later if they could.” Nancy sits at the table, acting as if the information doesn’t bother her.
Steve doesn’t buy it. “I thought Argyle never closed on Fridays.”
“I don’t know,” Nancy shrugs, annoyed. “Maybe he’s covering for someone. It doesn’t matter, so just eat.”
Steve still doesn’t buy it. Jonathan will always use their hangouts as a break, so his eyes don’t try to kill him. Argyle values friendship too much to take a shift during one of their hangouts. If what Steve knew about them was right, though.
But, he decides to ignore it, and eats dinner.
The next week, however, something like this happens again. It’s not an everyday thing that the group gets together at the coffeehouse after work to talk, some can’t justify buying coffee five days a week when they can just make it themselves. But today, everyone is there. Everyone except for Jonathan and Argyle.
“Isn’t it weird that they aren’t here?” Steve asks, mainly to himself. He’s sitting at the bar, bugging Eddie while he’s on shift.
Eddie shrugs, passing a drink across the bar to a customer. “Maybe they’re busy again. Didn’t Jonathan shoot like four wedding in the past two weeks? That’s a lot of editing.”
“But he would bring it here. Especially since Argyle would get off shift,” he looks down at his watch, “an hour ago. They would come in here together and chill with the rest of us.”
“Don’t know man. Maybe they just wanted to stay at home. The weather is kind of shit today.”
It’s never stopped them before. Something else is going on.
The next time it happens, it’s on game night. He asks Nancy if she’s heard from them and gets shut down immediately. Something about the both of them needing to work. Nothing else.
When it keeps happening, Steve starts to get more and more suspicious. Everyone else seems unbothered. Blind to the excuses that mean nothing, and continue on with their lives. When Steve knows that they are hiding something.
He decides to bring it up again when him and Robin are making dinner. Trying to use both their heads to figure this out without Nancy shutting him down immediately.
“You don’t think they finally,” Steve makes a motion with his hands, indicating that they are together.
Robin glares at him from the kitchen. “Probably not, Jonathan’s demi, remember.”
“That is not what I meant,” Steve says, partially annoyed. “I just meant like, dating. What if they are dating.”
“I would hope they would tell us if that actually happened. We’ve listened to too much of their suffering to not know.”
Steve stares at the cutting board. Not so sure about that. “I think Nancy knows something.”
“Here we go,” Robin groans.
“No, Rob, seriously. Like every single time I ask, she shuts me down almost immediately. With the same excuse. Jonathan is busy editing, or has a shoot, and Argyle is working a closing shift. I’ve never known Argyle to have this many closing shifts in his life.” He turns to her, hoping to see that she sees what he sees. “Isn’t that a little weird?”
“I guess,” Robin goes back to stirring the vegetables in the saucepan. “But maybe their rent got raised and they had to pick up a few extra shifts. Wouldn’t be that surprising.”
Steve is still not convinced. “Maybe.”
A week later, the group was planning on going to see a movie. Some weird horror movie that Nancy and Eddie love, but will probably traumatize both Steve and Robin. Normally Jonathan and Argyle would come along and laugh at how unrealistic it is, but they bailed again.
They’ve been bailing for about a month now, something was definitely up.
Steve stands in line to get the popcorn, letting the rest of the group go into the theater to get their seats. Hoping that Eddie is able to save a seat next to him for Steve.
Out of the corner of his eye, Steve sees two people who look familiar. After thanking the guy behind the counter and turning toward his theater, he sees it. Jonathan and Argyle walking in with their tickets. They make eye contact with him, looking caught.
“Well, there you guys are,” Steve says, trying not to make it weird. “I feel like I haven’t seen you guys in weeks.”
“Uh, yeah,” Jonathan says. “Just been really busy with work, that’s all.”
Steve nods, going alone with the lie. “Yeah. I’m glad you guys were able to make it tonight though. Unless, you know, you came to see a different movie.”
Argyle opens his mouth, going to say something. Jonathan nudges him with his shoulder, shutting him up. Argyle presses his lips together in a forced smile. Eyes wide.
“Yeah. We were just going to get some popcorn, so why don’t you go into the theater, and we’ll meet you in there.”
The smile that forms on Steve’s lips is one of pure joy. “I don’t mind waiting. It might be easier to carry all this shit to the theater.” He takes a glace down and sees their hands clasped together. “Four hands are better that two, so.”
“Four hands?” Argyle questions under his breath.
Jonathan looks down at their hands, and pulls them apart.
“You guys weren’t going to see the same movie, were you?” Steve questions. Feeling smug.
“No, we weren’t,” Argyle blurts out. “We were going to see this comedy together because we’ve been dating for a few months now.” He immediately slams a hand over his mouth.
“A few months,” Steve says much louder than he should.
Jonathan starts looking around. “Dude, quiet down.”
“Sorry.” Steve lowers his voice to whisper shout. “A few months. I thought you were just dating for a few weeks.”
“You knew we were dating?”
Steve snorts. “You two are not as subtle as you think you are. Always missing hangouts conveniently at the same time. It’s really rude to cancel on your friends to go on dates for your secret relationship, by the way.”
“We’re sorry,” Argyle apologizes. Looking like he’s going through multiple emotions at once. “We just have been busier with work so the only times we’ve been free to go out are the days we would hang out.”
“You’re not going to tell everyone, are you?” Jonathan asks, hand rubbing at the back of his neck.
Steve shakes his head. “No, it’s your thing to tell. I wouldn’t do that. I just miss you guys. I am still going to gloat about being right, they just don’t need to know what about.”
“Thanks, dude.” Argyle finally calmed down back to one emotion.
“We really appreciate it.”
“I have to go, the movie’s about to start. Have a good night, guys.”
Steve turns and head to the theater. He finds the rest of them and sits between Eddie and Robin. The popcorn immediately getting pulled from his hands.
“What took you so long?” Robin asks over a mouthful of popcorn.
“The line was long,” Steve says. This was going to be fun.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low,
@thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady,
@apomaro-mellow, @dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic,
@fearieshadow, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging,
@potato-of-the-lord, @autumncrocusandladybug, @estrellami-1, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @gregre369
@my2amgaythoughts, @ellietheasexylibrarian, @emmabubbles, @eriquin, @grtwdsmwhr
@croatoan-like-its-hot, @dreamercec, @dreamy-jeans137
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oof00foof00f · 12 days
Character Development (Steddie)
“If I were you
 I would get her back.”
Steve snaps suddenly out of his trance—Eddie’s a pretty boy to look at. Dangerously so. In fact, half of this conversation has gone completely over his head, which is probably why he’s misinterpreted it completely.
“Hold on—pause,” he says, perplexed, “We’re not flirting?” They stop walking in unison, Eddie freezing out of shock, Steve anticipating it. Eddie looks at him, wide eyed, jaw going slack and then taught like he can’t decide which conveys his surprise better.
“I was just making eyes at you,” Steve says, and then groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. “God damn it, I’ve really lost my touch.”
“No!” Eddie exclaims quickly, “Ah, no.” He’s flustered. Steve sees the flush in his face—he’s not trying to hide it. “No it’s
 it’s working. I just didn’t think
 you’re into guys?” Steve shrugs.
They stand there awkwardly for a moment, and then Eddie bumps his shoulder into Steve’s and they continue walking, easing out of the tension.
 how long?”
“How long what?”
“Have you known?” Eddie clarifies, and Steve notices their knuckles are brushing between them. He gazes up at Rob and Nancy, who are blissfully unaware.
 someone came out to me recently so I started looking into it, called my uncle—man, that was an awkward conversation.”
“Your uncle?”
“Oh—he’s gay—has a partner and stuff. They live in California and we visited sometimes when my parents still took me places, you know.” Eddie blinks at him, nodding his head a little bit, but doesn’t look like he’s fully comprehending anything Steve’s saying at all. Steve takes a turn bumping Eddie’s shoulder, thinking maybe it’ll jolt awake some of those gears in his brain.
Their pinkies hook.
 what was the conclusion?” Eddie asks, like he doesn’t already know.
“I’ve had nasty thoughts about Harrison Ford way too many times to be straight,” Steve admits cheekily, “He said I’m bi, I guess. It means—“
“I know what it means, Steve.” Steve grins at him, a little sheepish, and Eddie smiles back, something soft and personal. It’s an expression Steve hasn’t seen him make yet, even with all his damn theatrics. To be fair, Steve’s growing quite fond of those theatrics, premature as it might be.
“So, go on,” Steve teases, “What were you saying about me getting back with my ex?
“Hmm, I don’t recall saying anything like that,” Eddie responds.
“Oh really?”
“Really. In fact, that’s a terrible idea. Bad for character development.” Steve laughs then—fully laughs—a sound that must be revolutionary for the Upside Down. No one has ever laughed here, no way.
“Character development?”
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oof00foof00f · 12 days
Moving this from twitter since nobody cares lol.
It sucks but I made it so just avert your eyes politely on the way past ok? Don’t be mean
Thinking about Eddie and Steve as a Harley Quinn/ Poison ivy fusion. Without the joker ofc.
Eddie was pulled in by a charismatic psychopath (Billy?) and warped. Chewed up and spit out but he’s free and now doing his own thing. Still super illegal though.
It’s hard to have go back to a 9-5 after all that. It’s also not like he was exactly on the straight and narrow before it either,so. He’s a jack of all trades kinda criminal, goes by Oddity (odd-Eddie,get it? I’m hilarious) anyway
He’s staying with a friend of a friend, Steve.
Steve’s got plant powers, he worked in a greenhouse and definitely never substituted for plants for human affection and interaction. Nope. Working there he meets a biochemistry professor (Creel?)who lured him in with pretty words and lies about his work and used Steve to further his experiments into reworking humanity into subservience, thinking no one would miss him.
Steve survived, got the plant mojo and did the whole murder revenge thing. And then spent his time speaking for the trees and doing crime to pay for it. Can’t decide on his name tho (Pennyroyal?)
So they live together and Eddie will get a wild scheme going
And Steve will inevitably have to to step in and corral him from going too far or too hard and Eddie will be there to pull Steve out of the vines that twine around him and the flowers that whisper how much better it would be to just lay amongst them forever
With gentle kisses because even at his most primal state Steve would never let his poison get Eddie.
And when Eddie begins to fidget,unable to stay still/safe and just needs to go out and tear things up because it still doesn’t sit quite right, being able to just
be. He was always too much; too loud, too odd to be allowed. So he goes out and picks a fight with the nearest do-gooder or champions an underdog to the bloody end. And Steve will go along if asked, make sure he’s watched over if not and will welcome him back home without question every time. He’ll wrap him up and reseed his affection into Eddie’s skin with kisses and hope that the love and safety can start taking root.
Anyway that’s it. Will go back into my cave now. Sorry
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oof00foof00f · 12 days
Rising rockstar Eddie sees Steve at one of their shows and falls for him hard and fast.
Little does he know, Steve is also moderately famous...he's in a boy band. Imagine something like Backstreet Boys or NSYNC.
Jeff knows. Gareth knows. Freak knows.
Eddie doesn't, and Steve doesn't tell him. No one tells him.
They walk past a billboard with Steve's band, and Eddie squints at it. "Hey. That guy looks like you!"
And Steve just laughs, "haha, yep, sure does! So where are we eating, babe?"
People don't recognize Steve much on the street because he dresses differently in real life. So Eddie is blissfully oblivious to the true nature of his boyfriend while CC and all their friends make bets.
And he always bitches when CC hum Steve's band's most recent hits. "Really, Gareth? Pop? Traitor."
But the second he learns who Steve is in his professional life, he sits down, listens to their whole discography, and actually memorizes some of the songs, because pop or not, his boyfriend is a pro, he's really good at what he does, and then he makes CC record a cover of his favorite Steve song (and also maybe because Steve tells him he composed some of it, and Eddie's so proud).
From that point, if someone shit talks pop in his presence, he frowns at them and says: "I'll have you know, my boyfriend's in a boy band! And you wish you were as successful as him, you sorry excuse for a musical elitist."
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oof00foof00f · 13 days
Beware the Suburban Lamprey
For @steddiesmuttyseptember week 2 prompt "bruise".
Rating: Explicit | WC: 1085 | CW: possessive behavior | Tags: hand jobs, a truly overwhelming number of hickeys
Eddie wasn’t entirely sure when his situation with Steve had started. He’d definitely grown fond of the man during the Vecna ordeal, and in the aftermath when Steve had helped him get to and from a million appointments without ever seeming put-out. The other feelings, though. The sexy feelings. Those had crept up seemingly overnight, and were much more difficult to handle. 
Steve certainly wasn’t making it any easier on him. It was summer, and Steve had taken to inviting everyone over to his pool, spending the entire time laying on a lounge chair with the world’s shortest swim trunks on. Steve had also been increasingly invading Eddie’s personal space. It seemed like he was always finding some way to touch Eddie - fingers brushing as he handed him a soda, hair brushing Eddie’s shoulder as he leaned over to see what Eddie was drawing, hand on Eddie’s waist steadying him when he nearly tripped on a rogue pool noodle. 
That wasn’t even the worst of it. He seemed to be flirting with Eddie. Which was really throwing Eddie for a loop, because he could have sworn Steve was the straightest of straight boys. It had gotten so blatant, though, that Eddie couldn’t ignore it. Steve had literally been batting his eyelashes at Eddie while sucking on a popsicle suggestively yesterday. Eddie felt like he’d stepped straight into the Twilight Zone, the only possible explanation for someone like Steve pursuing him. 
Today was even worse than usual. He felt like Steve was staring daggers into him the entire time he’d been playing a rousing game of chicken fight with some of the kids. He kept raking his eyes over Eddie’s body from where he was perched in his chair. As far as Eddie knew, his body was still the same scrawny, pale body with a few mediocre tattoos it had always been, and he wasn’t sure why Steve was trying to burn a hole into it with his stare. After a few rounds of chicken fight, he really couldn’t take it anymore. He retreated into the house, ostensibly to use the bathroom, but really just to get a breather from Steve’s gaze.    
He came out of the bathroom and ran directly into Steve. He squeaked and backed up into the bathroom again as Steve advanced, closing the door behind him. He looked almost angry, eyes repeatedly flitting to Eddie’s neck. 
“Hey, man. Everything alright?” Eddie asked, voice cracking a little.
Steve didn’t say anything, just kept walking Eddie back until Eddie felt the counter against his back and Steve pressed his chest against Eddie’s chest. Then Steve leaned forward and kissed him. 
Eddie let out a startled noise. He had thought Steve was about to yell at him, not kiss him. Steve pressed hard against his lips, and Eddie opened his mouth, his body responding even though his brain had stalled, letting Steve lick past his lips. Steve pressed his hips into Eddie’s and Eddie could feel Steve’s cock hardening against his. He moaned into the kiss and Steve took the chance to press his tongue deeper into Eddie’s mouth, tangling with Eddie’s own. 
Steve pulled away for a second to ask, “Do you want me to keep going?” 
Eddie nodded, too vigorously to maintain any level of chill. “Yes, please.” 
Steve kissed him again, hard, with teeth and tongue and very little finesse, honestly. He seemed hungry for Eddie in a way Eddie would not have expected. He pulled away from Eddie’s lips and trailed kisses down his jawline, heading for his neck. As he started to suck a painful but exhilarating bruise onto Eddie’s neck, he also stuck his hand into Eddie’s swim trunks.
Eddie gasped as Steve’s hand closed around his cock, stroking him. Steve kept sucking bruises into his neck and collarbone and shoulder, but Eddie was too far gone to spare more than a moment of worry about how he was going to look after this. 
Eddie fumbled for the waistband of Steve’s trunks, but Steve batted his hand away, pulling his own trunks down enough to free his cock. He shifted so that he was holding both his own and Eddie’s cock, lined up next to each other, then briefly reached over Eddie toward the counter.
When his hand returned Eddie could see a dollop of lotion in the palm, and then Steve started to jerk both of them off in one hand. Eddie watched, enraptured, then moved a hand down to join in. Steve didn’t bat it away this time. Eddie could feel an orgasm building embarrassingly fast as Steve lowered his head to Eddie’s chest, sucking even more bruises into his skin over his pecs. 
Steve took Eddie’s nipple into his mouth and bit down, and that was enough to send Eddie over the edge. He came into their hands, Steve following not long after. They stood there for a moment breathing heavily. Steve pushed away eventually, grabbing a hand towel to wipe the cum off of their hands and cocks. 
He looked up at Eddie with a satisfied smirk as his eyes ran over Eddie’s neck and shoulders. “Show those to whoever gave you that one,” Steve said, pointing high up on the left side of Eddie’s neck.
“What?” Eddie asked, completely confused. Steve turned him around to face the mirror, and he was stunned by the sight of innumerable bright red marks that would doubtless turn into bruises in a few hours. Steve pointed to an already formed bruise on Eddie’s left, standing out from the brand new marks. 
Eddie laughed and turned to face Steve. “That’s from a vacuum cleaner,” he said. “Gareth stuck it to my neck while I was asleep on his couch.”
Steve’s mouth dropped open. “You mean that’s not a hickey?”
“No, it’s not a hickey. Oh my god, were you jealous?” Eddie asked, delighted. 
Steve looked chagrined. “Maybe. A little. I’ve been trying to get in your pants all summer, and then you show up with that? I think I might have gotten carried away.”
“You think?” Eddie said, turning back to the mirror. “You’ve definitely staked your claim over Gareth’s mom’s vacuum, big boy. I look like I’ve been mauled by a lamprey.” 
Steve blushed. “Can this lamprey take you on a date to make up for it?” Steve asked, and Eddie turned back around, smiling. 
“Absolutely.” Steve leaned forward to kiss him again, and Eddie decided he would worry about how to cover up all these marks later. 
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oof00foof00f · 13 days
currently this is just called "streamer au" in my files and is mostly just a load of random scenes i've written out but to help motivate myself I thought I'd share a bit! basic premise is it's a modern au where Eddie streams games with the rest of the CC boys and Steve streams cooking food. Steve's channel is recommended to Eddie because he's awful at cooking and he ends up getting hooked on his videos.
A few weeks passed and Eddie was laying on his bed mindlessly scrolling through TikTok when an Instagram notification popped up on his screen. 
SteveH1986 is now following you. 
Holy shit. 
Eddie’s mouth dropped open as he stared at his phone screen. Quickly clicking through to Discord, he sent a panicked message to the group chat.  
unemployed firestarter đŸ”„: holy FUCKING shit guys code red 
freakoid: what 
unemployed firestarter đŸ”„: sent an image 
honk bitch: omg shoot your shot 
unemployed firestarter đŸ”„: NO gareth this is serious how did he find me  
honk bitch: dude you followed him weeks ago ???? SHOOT YOUR SHOT COWARD 
yes chef 👹🏿‍🍳: i second this you should shoot your shot 
unemployed firestarter đŸ”„: gihusgjkjahkjghkdjh no it’s fine i'm cool i’m calm and cool everyone i'm fine 
freakoid: literally the biggest lie you’ve ever told but okay 
Eddie let out a groan and collapsed backwards, throwing his phone down onto the pillow beside him. His phone buzzed again and he rolled over to look at the screen, expecting another message from the group chat.  
Snatching his phone back up and quickly unlocking it he opened up Instagram to find a message he’d never expected. 
SteveH1986: Hey man! Just wanted to say thanks for mentioning my channel in your stream and let me know if you ever want any tips or anything. Hope your cooking journey is successful! 
Eddie couldn’t stand it, who the hell let Steve be both the most beautiful man he’d ever seen and ridiculously sweet. This wasn’t actually fair.   
He realised he’d been staring at the message for longer than potentially acceptable and started typing before he could talk himself out of it.  
eddieeemunson: thanks! your videos have actually taught me something, like ive not set fire to the kitchen once since i started watching them 
Eddie sent his response and then instantly regretted it. Who the fuck suggests they actually set their kitchen on fire regularly. Steve totally doesn’t watch their videos, how would he know about that stupid inside joke? 
Spiralling, Eddie almost missed the next message coming through. 
SteveH1986: Haha good! Do you have any favourite dishes? Maybe I could fit one into a stream in the future. 
Eddie sat there for a second as every meal he’d ever eaten left his brain. 
eddieeemunson: umm well my uncle used to make this really good stew when I was a kid, with mushrooms, onions, carrots, all in a gravy. he’d just throw it all together and put it in the oven for ages and it would always turn out so good.  
SteveH1986: Something like this? 
Steve sent a picture of a glossy, dark brown stew that looked just like what Eddie remembered. 
eddieeemunson: yeah exactly like that! i think he got the recipe from this old magazine in the library but i remember it was british or something? so it also had these little scone things on the top but when we tried it they came out like rocks so we just stuck to boiled potatoes from then on aha 
SteveH1986: Oh cool, sounds like a challenge! I’ll look it up and see if I can find a recipe for those too. 😊 
Eddie wanted to keep their short conversation going but he wasn’t sure how, and so he simply heart reacted to Steve’s message and closed the app. He stared down at his phone in disbelief for a second before collapsing back on his bed again, groaning up towards the ceiling. What actually was his life.  
so yeah! a bit of fun, I'm slowly chipping away at it so hoping to actually post this on my AO3 at some point tagging @someforeignband bc you tagged me in a wiggly worm wednesday recently but i never actually posted anything !!
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oof00foof00f · 14 days
Need more future fics that aren't dramatic fics about getting back with an ex or something but is just everyone peacefully living their lives post upside down.
Except Stobin who somehow manage to find trouble at every single job they find together.
They work night shift at a gas station that gets held up all the time. They temp at a start up that ends up being a scam. They become roadies for a bit for some random band that ends up getting really big and they get cemented into that bands lore forever. (And I don't mean CC this ain't about them.) They somehow get hired as the only legitimate employees at a business that's a front for the mob. (Even after they leave this job they still get invited over by the don for holidays.)
Meanwhile everyone else is in the background incredulous and very confused because how do two people find this much trouble at EVERY single job they are at. Esp because Stobin isn't even bothered by it at this point! Anything is better than the upside down, this is just normal to them.
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oof00foof00f · 14 days
Here, have an au drabble with always-a-girl Stevie Harrington and her boyfriend (husband?) being absolutely roasted by Max and their own dumbassery. Inspired by all the fics where Steddie open condoms with their teeth and a part of me cringes—even though, like, that’s probably accurate to the 80s, idek. đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž
”What?” Stevie says blankly. She resettles the baby in her arms, switching him to her other breast before he makes her feel lopsided—the mouth on this kid, just like his daddy. Who is on the other side of the room, frozen in the doorway with the tray of snacks she’d requested. 
“What?” Max parrots back, nonplussed by Stevie’s confusion. “You didn’t know? You seriously—“ and, fuck, she’s starting to smirk now, the little shit “—really didn’t know?”
“Are you sure?” Eddie asks, voice cracking and everything. His already big eyes are widened to maximum capacity, fixed on Stevie and their son and her baby bump that’s just starting to show with the next rugrat on the way, because apparently—
“Yes I’m sure,” Max nearly shrieks, lowering her voice just in time that little James doesn’t start fussing. “You’re not supposed to open condom wrappers with your teeth because the latex is right there too! Christ, how are you two considered functioning adults?”
Stevie’s face feels so hot, she’s sure she must look like a tomato right now. A tomato that hasn’t gotten a good night’s sleep in months and is ‘glowing’ from a morning spent praying out her morning sickness to the porcelain god. And like, don’t get her wrong, she’s happy with her life, she always wanted to be a mom
 but neither pregnancy had been exactly planned.
They’d always wrapped up before sex, so it had never occurred to her that she should double up by getting on birth control or something. 
Her eyes meet Eddie’s, and they’re both looking at each other sheepish as hell because holy shit. Holy shit. 
“We can’t ever tell them,” Stevie says. 
“Never,” Eddie agrees faintly, finally approaching with her snacks. (About damn time, she thinks impatiently as she reaches for a pickle, shock and chagrin notwithstanding.) “Robin will never let us hear the end of it. And Dustin—oh my god, can you imagine the lecture? The little shit would bring visual goddamn aids!”
Stevie covers the baby’s ears with the burp cloth she’s going to have to move back to her shoulder in a minute and hisses, “Eds, I meant the babies!”
“Dustin’s kind of like a baby,” Max snickers. “You’ll have to call these ones the twins. Irish twins, y’know? For clarity.”
Meanwhile, “Don’t look at me like that,” Eddie begs Stevie with a wince. “My hand to god, I’ll never try to be sexy again!”
“You’re damn right you won’t,” she shoots back. “When I told you I daydreamed as a kid about having six, I didn’t mean it as a fucking sprint!”
Privately, she doesn’t entirely mean it. Sure, preparing for an infant when already in possession of one is a lot, but she can’t say she’s as put out as everyone keeps expecting her to be about an immediate round two of putting on baby weight. Eddie had been going crazy over her curves during the two minutes or so each week they actually have time and energy to take times for themselves, and personally she’s convinced her tits have never looked better. Still

“You’re right about Robin and Dustin though,” she admits, turning to Max and steeling herself for negotiations. “How much to keep your mouth shut?”
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