Though Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints, it’s a disease of the immune system, which normally protects us from infection by attacking viruses and bacteria. For reasons no one fully understands, RA causes the immune system to go awry and mistakenly attack healthy cells such as the synovium, a thin membrane that lines the joints. As a result of the attack, fluid builds up in the joints, causing pain and inflammation. Over time this can wear away the cartilage and erode bone, causing a lack of function and mobility. In most people, the inflammation usually becomes systemic, affecting organs such as the skin, heart and lungs.
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ONUS Hospitals is one of the Best Orthopedic Super Speciality Hospital in Champapet, Hyderabad. Dr. M. Balaraju Naidu internationally trained & experienced Orthopedic Surgeon having Specialized in all types of Orthopedic health problems.
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In a total shoulder, the arthritic surface of the ball is replaced with a metal ball with a stem that is press fit in the inside of the arm bone (humerus) and the socket is resurfaced with a high density polyethylene component.
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ONUS Hospitals is one of the Best Orthopedic Super Speciality Hospital in Champapet, Hyderabad. Dr. M. Balaraju Naidu internationally trained & experienced Orthopedic Surgeon having Specialized in all types of Orthopedic health problems.
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ONUS Hospitals is one of the Best Orthopedic Super Speciality Hospital in Champapet, Hyderabad. Dr. M. Balaraju Naidu internationally trained & experienced Orthopedic Surgeon having Specialized in all types of Orthopedic health problems.
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Modern replacements generally work well and are very durable. Failure rate is very low and most of them will last 20 years. However, there is a small failure rate and a revision of the old replacement may eventually be required
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Revision Hip Replacement (For previously failed hip joint surgery). Primary hip and knee replacements do fail in for a number of reasons. Regular follow-up is essential for people with primary joint replacements. Revising them is highly specialised surgery requiring extensive training and access to sophisticated implants and hospital facilities. The old implant removed and replaced with new. Surgery may involve use of bone graft and/or custom made implants. Identifying failing joint replacements early is crucial for a successful outcome and therefore a regular follow-up by an orthopedic surgeon is advised.
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Why undergo a total knee replacement when partial or unicompartmental knee replacement may be more suitable for you? More than 25% of patients with severe knee arthritis may be appropriate candidates for this type of surgery. Here, only the worn out part of the knee is re-surfaced unlike in a total knee where even the normal part of the knee is sacrificed. The partial knee replacement feels much more like a natural knee
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Hip fractures are cracks or breaks in the top of the thigh bone (femur) close to the hip joint, sometimes referred to as proximal femoral fractures. It can either occur in the part of the femur inside the socket of the hip joint (intracapsular), or outside the socket (extracapsular).
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Modern hip replacement surgery is very durable. There is no age limit and anyone with severe hip disease can undergo total hip replacement providing they are fit for surgery. Diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure etc. are not contraindications for surgery as long as they are in control. With good surgical technique most patients can sit on the floor too.
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Though Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints, it’s a disease of the immune system, which normally protects us from infection by attacking viruses and bacteria. For reasons no one fully understands, RA causes the immune system to go awry and mistakenly attack healthy cells such as the synovium, a thin membrane that lines the joints. As a result of the attack, fluid builds up in the joints, causing pain and inflammation. Over time this can wear away the cartilage and erode bone, causing a lack of function and mobility. In most people, the inflammation usually becomes systemic, affecting organs such as the skin, heart and lungs.
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ONUS Hospitals is one of the Best Orthopedic Super Speciality Hospital in Champapet, Hyderabad. Dr. M. Balaraju Naidu internationally trained & experienced Orthopedic Surgeon having Specialized in all types of Orthopedic health problems.
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In a total shoulder, the arthritic surface of the ball is replaced with a metal ball with a stem that is press fit in the inside of the arm bone (humerus) and the socket is resurfaced with a high density polyethylene component.
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ONUS Hospitals is one of the Best Orthopedic Super Speciality Hospital in Champapet, Hyderabad. Dr. M. Balaraju Naidu internationally trained & experienced Orthopedic Surgeon having Specialized in all types of Orthopedic health problems.
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ONUS Hospitals is one of the Best Orthopedic Super Speciality Hospital in Champapet, Hyderabad. Dr. M. Balaraju Naidu internationally trained & experienced Orthopedic Surgeon having Specialized in all types of Orthopedic health problems.
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Modern replacements generally work well and are very durable. Failure rate is very low and most of them will last 20 years. However, there is a small failure rate and a revision of the old replacement may eventually be required
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Revision Hip Replacement (For previously failed hip joint surgery). Primary hip and knee replacements do fail in for a number of reasons. Regular follow-up is essential for people with primary joint replacements. Revising them is highly specialised surgery requiring extensive training and access to sophisticated implants and hospital facilities. The old implant removed and replaced with new
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