Witchy Things
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
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The Tale of the First Witch
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
Emperor Leviathan
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Great Serpent of The Abyss, Prince of Envy
Known by Job as the monster lurking within the deep seas, Leviathan is an ancient Draconian/Serpentine God of the Abyss, Subconscious, Envy, Seas, Emotions, Calmness, Healing and much more. He presides in the Abyssal waters, and can often help practitioners with shadow work as well as initiate them into the Draconian traditions. He is listed as one of the 7 Princes of Hell, presiding over the sin Envy. He is said to be created by god in the abrahamic lore, representing the Chaos of waters that cannot be tamed by man, he is of course a representation of uncontrollable force/chaos. Because Leviathan presides over the waters, just like the sea, his personality according to various practitioners of this path, is calm and can soothe anxieties and fear, he can help one explore the subconscious, and help practitioners heal from the past. However he can also be wrathful when needed be just like the seas. Hence please approach this Emperor with respect. He is an incredible healer, who understands emotional pain, loneliness and much more. He understands the depth of the subconscious and the amount of power it holds. Leviathan is associated with chaos and the mysteries of the deep seas, it is said by the Hebrew/Christian lore that he will be slain at the end of days. His role in the Book of Job, reflects the older Canaanite Lotan, Leviathan has since been compared and associated with beings like Tiamat, Lotan, Jormungandr, Tannin etc, who are all Draconian Gods. Leviathan is also said to be the female dragon whereas Behemoth is the male counterpart, because of this Leviathan can appear as either male OR female, however he wants to appear as, he should be respected as such.
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Emperor of the Abyss
Lord of the Abyss
Lord of the Seas
Prince of Envy
Great Devourer
The Great Serpent
Coiled Serpent
Leviathan His name means "coiled, twist"
What can you work with Him for?
Shadow work
Abyssal magick
Draconian magick
Chaos magick
Sea magick
Gnosis working
Drawn to his name
Drawn to waters, oceans, seas
Blue (the colour)
Imageries of him/things that represent him
Snake/Dragon imageries
Acts of self care
Bl00d (With his blessing, do not blatantly give blood to random beings)
Visiting the ocean/beaches
Dedicated rain water
Dark chocolate
Cardinal Direction: West
Planet: Neptune
Colour: Blue, dark blue, teal, black
Element: Water
Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Azurite
Tarot: King of Cups, Queen of Cups, The Emperor, The Devil
Happy Leviathan's day to my fellow Demonolators! here's a post dedicated to Him! Hail the Great Serpent of the Abyss! Hail Emperor Leviathan!
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
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Artists: Facundo Scenna (left), protobacillus (right)
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
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Sins for the Left Hand Path
The concept of Sin has always been tricky to define, especially when moving away from the Right Hand Path perspective. What is sin? Are there some things that are universally condemnable? Is there a superior set of moral rules, overruling those of mortal society? Is all morality subjective, or is there a code of Ethics or something similar that applies in a more absolute way, no matter which society and subgroup asks that question? These points are difficult to prove, because there won’t be any agreement between different parties; also, a consensus can only be reached if there is no other way but to accept certain conditions for the arguments, and this has been notoriously hard to do, especially when people use argumentative ways or various philosophical schools to support or to disprove their theories.
In attempting to define what Sin is, I will first remove the concept of automatic stigma or blame from the equation. By automatic I mean the easy condemnation across the board if someone does something, without taking into account the specific circumstances for the act or one’s own mental state. Does that mean that all types of Sin are excused, or pardonable? No. Of course not. But in attempting to understand what Sin is, we must first reach an agreement on the foundation of stone of this concept. It simply means, to err. It is a faulty or wrong approach on something that is disadvantageous to the person or to someone else, or even the whole of humanity. Is it possible to avoid erring? No. In fact, it’s part of our nature to err. It’s through the process of erring that we learn and we evolve. So there should be no inherent blame in erring, when ignorant of the error or the consequences.
But here’s the thing; people often use excuses for themselves, because they don’t like being put on a bad spot. So they pretend not to see what they do, or they quickly disregard the outcomes of their actions, choosing to be superficial about many things and their consequences. Also, by being superficial they make a conscious choice to remain ignorant, either because it’s easier for them, or because they have a good excuse for doing the wrong thing. So it is safe to conclude that while ignorance as a starting stage is not a sin, choosing to remain ignorant is certainly a bad thing, leading to many errors; so we can call willful ignorance a sin.
A denial of certain obvious truths is another such sin. For example, we know that things change and that Change in fact is a major force in everyone’s life. To stubbornly hold on to disproved ideas, superstitions, problematic mentality, and so on simply because there’s a refusal to change, is not the best approach in life. Also, anything that condemns us to a life of subservience to oppressors and tyrants for no other reason other than them being some sort of appointed rulers should be equally abhorrent, similar to a life enslaved and made to do things that violate one’s essential freedoms. So whatever causes this could also be listed among the sins.
One can make such a list of things that are to be aware of and to avoid, if wanting to lead a healthy and balanced life. For those walking on the left hand path (LHP), like myself, I have attempted to compile such a list, which is by no means complete. Feel free to add whatever you deem necessary.
1. Desire to remain ignorant or naïve.
Obstinacy to gain knowledge, and having boredom or idleness towards improving oneself will certainly lead you to become one of the herd. In almost any case in life, ignorance or naivety leads to exploitation and further drama. To protect oneself, quite the opposite should be sought after. Becoming truly transformed through wisdom and Truth is always a difficult process, which requires sacrificing the mundane self which latches onto simplicity, sentimentality, and having a bubble of comfort. Reality is often harsh, and the Left Hand Path is for those who seek to be warriors in the face of adversity, as it will teach us through struggle and make us stronger. In this path, our limitations must be shed, and our minds must be fully accepting of the actual reality of things, no matter if it is painful or not. Ignorance will lead us nowhere in the end, and will keep us small and stagnant. To Transform, our weaknesses, fears, and old perspectives must die. 
2. Deliberate narrow-mindedness.
Refusing to change attitudes and perspectives when shown a better way or the truth of something. Stubbornness, rigidity /inflexibility, adherence to customs and old habits even when proved to be a fallacy or superstition.
3. Endorsing Abrahamist mentality.
Servitude (all are slaves to God), guilt-tripping (born with the original sin), forced indoctrination/induction from young age (like baptism, circumcision etc), enslavement of the mind (against scientific discoveries), inferiority of women (Bible and Q’ran statements etc), scapegoating (blaming others or Satan for their own faults and misbehaving), not taking accountability (Vatican not apologizing for former grave errors), promoting racial hatred and genocide (crusades etc), violation of sacred lands (Native Americans, etc), legitimization of torture and persecution (Inquisition), thus violating essential human rights, against contraception (thus promoting unwanted pregnancies, and diseases like HIV spreading in poor countries), using falsified documents as evidence and miracles that didn’t happen as proof of divinity or divinely appointed status, and arrogance to other spiritual people who belong to different groups.
4. Overtly merciful.
This makes others overtly dependent upon the giver, and puts the giver into a disadvantageous position, or weakening their resource pool. Mercy must be tempered by reason, and in certain cases, by severity. People tend not to take too seriously those who give too easily. Also, such actions will discourage the person in the weaker position to do anything to improve their situation, and will make them idle and dependent on others for all their lives. Tempered mercy would be to empower the weaker person, and even heal them or assist them in finding some opportunities, and then let them fly with their own wings. Another issue is that mercy and forgiveness are far too often given to the undeserving. Many may view this as being “strong” or “noble”, but this actually creates more issues, and appropriate justice is therefore not delivered. By being merciful towards those who are not deserving of it, the guilty ones will feel more inclined to continue their wrong-doings. In these cases, such mercy breeds more evil into the world, as the people who are overtly merciful are too weak-willed to bring the deserving justice to the guilty, rooting out their corruption. Mercy should only be shown to those who are genuinely regretful of their mistakes, and are making an active commitment to changing themselves for the better.
5. Ingratitude when helped, or receiving help after asking.
Nobody likes this, whether they are a human being or a deity. It is good to have manners, especially when you ask for assistance. When you are given help, you should show appreciation. To say that “it would have happened anyway”, or “it was random, an accident”, is certainly the wrong thing to say. Even if the spirits don’t penalize you, they will certainly be unimpressed by you. This would also damage your credibility and the chance of assistance in the future.
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
as a luciferian, one silly little thing I greatly enjoy doing is using phrases of surprise or disdain similar to those of christian origin but with a more dark / demonic flavour to them!
instead of saying "oh lord / my god" or "oh good heavens" or "jesus christ", I often like to say things such as:
"what in belphegor's realm?"
"great son of belial..."
"by lilith's talons!-"
"oh lucifer..."
"what in satan's name?"
"creatures of the night!-"
"by samael's throne!-"
"oh, princes of hell..."
"what in all of tartarus?"
"by the old gods of the dark!-"
"by leviathan's gaping jaws!-"
I'll admit it's a bit goofy and can catch people off guard at times, but I've been trying to get into the habit of using such phrases rather than those that glorify a god I do not personally follow.
do you guys have any similar phrases that come to mind? (you don't have to be luciferian or a satanist to reblog or add onto this! all are welcome!)
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
Lord Lucifer
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Light Bearer, Prince of Pride
Lucifer, said to be the most beautiful angel God has ever created was the first to rebel against his “creator” and banished from the heavenly order. He stood for equality, fairness, rights for us humans, yet God did not approve so hence his banishment. Lucifer is a God, an emperor of the infernal. His name originated from the Roman folklore used to represent Venus, and he is said to be Prometheus to the Greeks, Enki to the Sumerians etc who brought knowledge to humans despite the orders of the demiurge who said not to. He opened our eyes, gave us knowledge to see and know, to differentiate good and bad, to evolve. He represents duality, the bringer of light and also the prince of darkness. He understands the outcasted, he understands how it feels like to be vilified despite standing up for what’s right. He understands the pain one goes through when fell to the deepest pit of despair, and he cares for those who aren’t accepted. Lord Lucifer rules over justice, equality, fairness, revolution, enlightenment, rebellion, light, darkness, healing from trauma, pain etc.
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Titles and Aspects:
Light Bearer
The Bringer of Light
Prince of Darkness
Prince of Pride
Lord of Thaumiel
The Tempter
Bringer of fire
Bringer of knowledge
Lord of equality
Lord of Illumination
Bringer of enlightenment
Father of rebellion
Lord of Justice
Bringer of Revolution
Morning Star
Lucifer, Luciferos
What can you work with him for?
Shadow work
Discovering the self
Infernal magick
Protection magick
Gnosis working
Qliphothic workings
Draconic workings
Baneful magick
Justice working
Embracing one’s sexuality
Standing up for your own beliefs
Being drawn to him
Seeing him in dreams (dependent if it’s subconscious or not)
Seeing his sigil
Red wine
Black coffee
Crystals such as obsidian
Plate of fruits
Loafs of bread
Images or statues of him
Books dedicated to him
Learning about him
Dragon fruits
Planet: Venus
Element: Air, Fire (secondary)
Cardinal Direction: East;South
Crystals: Obsidian, onyx, clear quartz, black tourmaline, hematite
Tarot: The Devil, Death, The Emperor, King of Swords, Hierophant reversed
I felt called to him lately, so i decided to make this post dedicated to him. May he get the attention he deserves, may his legacy on earth continue to sprout!
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
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The Fire. a tarot spread for beltane.
1. The Shadow.
An ever present darkness looms over your shoulder. What is hiding within your shadow? What challenge do you need to face?
2. The Fire.
The Beltane fire glows brightly. What does it want you to see? What is the source of your strength?
3. The Path.
You can endure the darkness and overcome your fear. What do you need to remember as you move forward? Where should you focus your energy?
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
Correspondences for Death (Necrobotany)
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Dandelions, ideal for connecting with certain spirits
Roses, to show your love for the deceased
Calendula, for blessings and love
Marigolds, perfect for ancestral worship
Lilies, for a sense of security and togetherness, ideal for deceased children
Orchids, for balanced emotions and adoration, ideal for deceased lovers
Daisies, also ideal for deceased lovers and lost family members
Tulips, to spread happiness
Carnations, a common funeral flower, especially in France. Used in The Netherlands to remember fallen veterans specifically
Heather, said to conjure ghosts and open portals between worlds. Can be used to heal deceased warriors, as it’s said to only grow where no blood has been shed. Heather also marks the resting places of fairies
Holly, often planted in graveyards to protect both the dead and mourners
Hyacinth, helps souls cross over the veil after death
Bluebell, used to comfort those who are mourning
Cowslip, associated with death and rebirth
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Lavender, for peace in passing on. Used to heal the dead, aid with divination and dreams, and protect the home. 
Thyme, to give peace to those who died in violence. Use to contact both the dead and fairies
Rosemary, for remembrance
Chervil, often used in rituals for the dead
Mugwort, usually used to aid in divination and communication with the dead
Bay, usually used to aid in divination and communication with the dead
Lemon Balm, for peace and healing
Wormwood, to strengthen communication with the dead, as well as for healing and revenge
Basil, used in purification and cleansing rituals, a common symbol of sorrow in Ancient Greece. Use to aid in divination, hedgecrossing and spirit communication
Cinnamon, can amplify divination magic, and was used in the Ancient Egyptian mummification process. It’s commonly associated with spirit and deity work
Dittany of Crete, burned to manifest spirits, also valued as a symbol of love and healing
Fennel, a protective and purifying herb used to prevent spirits from entering your home
Juniper, guards against ghosts and illness, used in healing and purification spells. Juniper berries make good offerings for the dead
Mint, a popular funerary herb in Ancient Greece, also used for healing and protection during travel
Mugwort, used in spirit work
Mullein, can help one see spirits of the dead and the afterlife
Oregano, it was believed that growing oregano on graves ensured the dead were happy
Parsley, has a strong association with the dead, also has protective qualities
St John’s Wort, used in spirit work and divination
Marsh mallow (Althea), associated with death and rebirth, marsh mallow can be used in departing rituals and to honor those who have passed
Foxglove, used for contacting the dead and underworld deities
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Cypress, heavily associated with death and spirits, as well as being sacred to Hades and Persephone. Makes a good offering for the dead
Hawthorn, associated with death, and serves to drive away unfriendly spirits. Was also said to be a portal to the Otherworld and is sacred to fairies, so don’t mess with it
Hickory, associated with mourning and death
Poplar, is sacred to both Zeus and Hades, and represents death and rebirth. Often used for Samhain, ancestral rites, funerals and ceremonies involving the underworld
Willow, a common symbol of death, even being a popular ornament on gravestones. Sacred to both Hades and Hecate, as well as being associated with ghosts and spirits
Yew, represents death and rebirth, and is sacred to Hecate. Runes, Ogham sticks and Ouija boards are commonly made from Yew wood
Elder, used in death rituals and funerals
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Apples, a common Irish symbol for the dead
Pomegranates, to represent various Death and Underworld Deities
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Myrrh, commonly used in death magic to give off good energy
Frankincense, a traditional incense to offer the dead
Dragon’s Blood, burned to aid in spirit work and protection
Sandalwood, burned to support spirit work, protect a space and consecrate tools
Wormwood, develops psychic powers, carried to provide protection, and hung to ward off malicious spirits
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Water, a traditional offering for the dead, often left out for passing spirits
Wine or other alcohol
Juice, namely pomegranate or beet
Oils, such as olive oil, pomegranate oil, coconut oil, almond oil, etc. 
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Grains, especially brown bread
Darkly-colored or Earthy-tone Candles
Foggy Weather
Marsh Water
Snow, especially snow collected from graveyards
Cleaning up graveyards
Songs and Music
Anything personal to the person you’re giving an offering to
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Anubis, Egyptian God of Death, Mummification and the Afterlife
Arawn, Celtic ruler of the Otherworld, Leader of the wild hunt, and God of Death and The Underworld
Baba Yaga, Slavic Goddess of Death and Rebirth
Cernunnos, Celtic God of the Wild as well as Liminality and the transition to the afterlife
Cerridwen, Welsh Goddess of the Moon, Rebirth, Transformation, Death, The Underworld and Magic
Ereshkigal, Mesopotamian Goddess of Death and the Underworld
Hades, Greek God of the Underworld
Hel, Norse Goddess of the Underworld and Death
Morana, Slavic Goddess of Winter and Death
Odin, Norse God of Wisdom, War, Poetry and Death
Osiris, Egyptian God of the Underworld, Death and Resurrection, Fertility and Agriculture
Oya, Yoruba Orisha of Weather, Death and Rebirth, Patron of the Niger river and a Psychopomp
Persephone, Greek Goddess of the Underworld
Santa Muerte, Mexican folk goddess of the Afterlife, Healing and Protection
Thanatos, Greek personification of Death
The Morrigan, Celtic Goddess of War, Magic, Death and Rebirth, Sovereignty and Fate
Veles, Slavic God of The Underworld, Earth, Water, Music, Magic, Trickery, Cattle and Wealth
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Write a message on an herb or flower and burn it to “send�� the offering
Leave coins, flowers and herbs on the grave
Pour liquid into the ground, or leave them out in a bowl (make sure it won’t harm the local wildlife)
Leave them out as “standing offerings” for any dead who pass by
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
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✨C𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕣 M𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕜✨ Colours are made up of different vibrational frequencies. As the world is vibration and we are vibration we connect to these on subtle levels.
As each colour vibrates to a specific frequency, it leads them to have their own magickal qualities. If we use a colour that aligns with the energy of your spells, it can make they more effective. This can be done simply through different colour candles.
White is an all purpose candle. White candles can be used to replace other colours when they are not available.
How do you use colour magick?
Lindsay 💜 —————————————————————— #colours #colour #greenmagick #nature #moon #moonphase #divination #astrology #greenwitchcraft #energy #tarot #intuition #wicca #pagan #witch #witchcraft #witches #esoteric #witchesofinstagram #witchy #magick #witchyvibes #occult #witchythings #witchystuff #bruja #witchywoman #witchesofinstagram #witchythings #witchytips
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
i saw you mention awhile ago that you started your practice with chaos magic, is there anything from that period that you still use/find valuable or informs your current practice?
Literally all of it. Starting with chaos magic was such a huge advantage because it really is not a philosophy of magic, it's a series of interrelated techniques and problem-solving skills. While over the years my practice has moved firmly into historical witchcraft and magic, the way I approach these traditions is heavily informed by chaos magic. Historical practices by their nature are very incomplete especially if there isn't a modern revival so practitioners have to fill in the gaps on their own. A chaos magic background makes it so, so much easier because you have a full toolkit to approach these sorts of problems.
I would highly recommend basically everyone read Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine and Visual Magic by Jan Fries
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
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January 31st
Gap day
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
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January 30th
Gap day
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
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January 29th
Gap day
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
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January 28th
Gap day
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
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January 27th
Gap day
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
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January 26th
Gap day
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onlywitchythings · 3 years ago
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January 25th
Gap day
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