onlykaeya · 4 hours
unavoidable that you will be the villain in someone else's story. You will be painted in an unfavorable light. You will be the irredeemable one. and all of this will happen despite how nice you might usually be or how kind or how respectful or how warm. and you will just have to move on.
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onlykaeya · 4 hours
Five Palestinian journalists killed by Israel in Gaza in under 12 hours.
Their names are:
Amjad Jahjouh
Wafa Abu Dabaan
Rizq Abu Shakian
Saadi Madoukh
Ahmed Sukkar
Palestinians are not voiceless, they are actively being silenced.
A total of 158 Palestinian journalists have been killed by Israel just in the past 9 months in Gaza, for the crime of exposing Israel as the genocidal entity that it is.
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onlykaeya · 1 day
i hate this fucking "i'm just a girl" brand of feminism bc it is so easy for young women in their 20s who are afraid of big changes and personal growth to revert to depending on their gender and the associated fragility of it so that they can make it through life when really they're just trapping themselves in a position where they cannot and will not grow out of that fear.
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onlykaeya · 1 day
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Prada Pink Re-Edition 2000 Terry Mini - $1,050
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onlykaeya · 1 day
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onlykaeya · 1 day
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onlykaeya · 1 day
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onlykaeya · 1 day
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adore these photos next to each other. before and after a sunday breakfast for two
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onlykaeya · 1 day
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The Watermelon Woman (1996) dir. Cheryl Dunye
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onlykaeya · 1 day
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art by the.gauntlets
gofundme for the family
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onlykaeya · 1 day
while i was standing in line for my pills, this old lady in front of me was complaining about how the 4th of July is too frightening for her daughter and she was like "i don't know how people can waste their money on fireworks like that, they should donate it to a good cause instead." absolute fucking queen
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onlykaeya · 1 day
Hey babes you should stop relying on Americans for your opinions on manga and anime. Just because they read more than you doesn't mean their analysis is always right.
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onlykaeya · 1 day
ok im gonna be a little mean but genuinely white usamerican queers need to gain some perspective. i mean yeah i guess you all will lose rights or whatever (and its important to remember that you WILL lose rights regardless of which old white guy is in charge) but i do not think that it takes precedence over the actual genocide going on that your "99% hitler" supports and backs
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onlykaeya · 1 day
mark ruffalo likening project 2025 to 'sharia law' because why confront the realities of christofascism and the fact that it consistently comes from people who look like you and speak your language and and share your beliefs when it's easier to pin it on the scary brown muslims in their scary far countries? as though there's no precedent in his own environment for this sort of behavior, that he needs to outsource the metaphor from another culture, because even the most 'progressive' of white liberals can't resist the allure of racism and islamophobia. and don't even get me started on jkr's 'gender taliban' because every second spent thinking about that woman is a second wasted in my book.
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onlykaeya · 1 day
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onlykaeya · 1 day
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CRYSTAL READING: Your first impression of each other (partner/lover/future spouse)
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
If you don't resonate with one section of the group that you picked, you can pick one group for your impression of them and another group for their impression of you, just read the respective section.
Your feedback is much appreciated. If you find the reading resonated with you, leave a comment, I'd love to know 🎐
About me | Masterpost
Buy me a drink or book a reading with me - KO-FI (Read this post : personal reading)
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1. White
Your impression of them Energy: Horse
Brilliant mind accompanied by a fun heart.
You will notice that they have different sides to them and you will get curious. You will want to see them in different situations to see how they will behave, their expressions, their shift in energy.
Their voice and manner of speaking will captivate you, or at least will catch your attention, whether positively or negatively. They may say something shocking to you, with a confident or nonchalant attitude. Their voice could be soft and slow, expressive, not the kind of monotone that drone on and on, you may notice a drawl in their speech.
But there's also some quickness to them, could be their posture, a slight jittery feeling, something that is not smooth. They will look different from your usual type or different from everyone around them.
When you guys are eating together, you will notice that they have some kind of childlike behaviours around food. Could be playing with their food, mixing stuffs together, making strange concoctions, there is a certain playfulness and eagerness to them.
But if you first meet them in a different environment, you will get to see a different side to them. In professional and working environment, they will appear as a very hardworking and serious person. Others look up to them for advice and command. They could appear intimidating and cold. You may notice some anxiety or nervous energy behind their cold and hard exterior. I get a feeling that you may kind of want to poke them a little ?
Their impression of you Energy: Dragon
They will see you as a confident, go-getter person, a little intense. They feel like you're respected by a lot of people and you're surrounded by people. You could be a powerful friend to others or you have powerful friends. Could be because the first time that they get an impression of you, you will be seen working with a lot of people.
You have an inner confidence to you, or more like an inner sense of abundance. They may notice some negativity from other people towards you, or they sense that all the abundance that you're having, whether materially or mentally is from your own hard work, not from the other people, other people may even obstructing you from getting what you want. They get the impression that your assertive image was made by going through many hardship.
Despite you appearing as an assertive and confident person. They don't seem to view you as a loud or harsh person, on the contrary, they see you as someone who knows how to have fun and be spontaneous, in touch with their feminine energy. They may think that you're in the art field or doing something creative. Could be your creativity go against a certain social norms so that's where the negative energy from other people comes from.
They also sense that there's something hidden about you. Like you have some fears, some feeling of emptiness or loss deep inside you that you're not fully aware of.
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2. Brown
Your impression of them Energy: Shark
I don't think this person will leave a nice first impression on you. You won't feel comfortable with them. Their energy seems kind of harsh, a little ruthless, no nonsense.
Could be because at that moment in their life, they're dealing with some lost or negativity or they are hiding something so they will come off as colder than usual.
You will feel that this person is emotionally cold or at least emotionally closed-off. They feel distant to you. Maybe because you will first see them from a far. There is a dark energy surrounding them. They could wear lots of dark clothes or their features are dark. An air of prim and proper, you will feel like they are taking good care of their physical health.
They will seem to keep to themselves even though they kind of stand out. Their demeanour is quiet but their energy is loud and intense. You could meet them at some places related to learning and teaching, they will likely be the one do the teaching. Maybe due to the subject that is being taught that you get the impression of their seriousness and cold manner.
Another scenario will be that you get your first impression of them through some kind of talk or written works, could be some articles, about them or written by them. Their words will be direct, to the point, you may find the contents to be not sitting right with you but you will get a little curious about them or wanting to refute their words.
Their impression of you Energy: Gazelle
Quite the opposite of your impression of them.
They will see you as someone dreamy, a little vulnerable. You could be in some kind of trouble or distress at the moment that they see you. Could be something related to legal matters, they may see you arguing with someone, or with them perhaps.
Likely that you are in a unfamiliar environment, sitting or standing there beautifully but lost and confused. They will notice small things about your posture,  the way you walk or the way you turn your head, giving out your hand, leaning forward, things like that. It looks fluid and graceful.
They may want to approach and help you but hesitated. You could look like a foreigner to them, your features are different from everyone around. Hence the hesitation, they will need to think about a way to approach you appropriately. They will think that you're far from your home, you've just moved to a new place.
In some deep corner of their heart, they may already have gotten a sense, a hunch, a fleeting feeling that you would be the one, someone that they want to build with.
Your voice and the way you speak with leave an impression on them. Not sure if it will be a positive impression though, they may find you to be combative or argumentative and they will wonder if you're usually like this or not.
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3. Red
Your impression of them Energy: Sea serpent
The short answer would be 'beautiful'.
You will immediately notice their physical appearance, they tick all your boxes in term of that. But they seem to not really notice their charm on you or in general. Physical appearance could even be a source of their insecurities.
You may sense that they have some reservations about dating and relationships in general,  like they're not open to love at that moment. Could be related to the way they perceive their outer appearance, they may feel like dating puts too much focus on physical attraction and beautification of the self so they want to subvert that, wanting to just focus on getting to know the other person's deep inner self. That's your impression of them, whether that's true or not is another story.
You will notice that they don't talk much, they're quiet but have a well of wisdom underneath that other people can learn a lot from. So you will try to get them to talk more.
You will want to get to know their more poetic and emotional side, they will seem like someone who work a serious and dull job but have a side hobby or hidden talent that is very creative.
You may find them familiar looking, could be that you've already seen them in your dreams or somewhere in a fleeting moment.
Their impression of you Energy: Elephant
They will feel like you're going through some major change or looking for a new path. Could be related to financial stability. You seem to be worrying about that. They will see you as someone who is hard working, serious about your career, wanting to expand and achieve something bigger. You are willing to go through obstacles to get what you want.
But at the time that they meet you, you don't seem to be confident in yourself, you haven't found your inner peace yet, maybe you're struggling with changes, you want to change but also want to be able to control that change. They may fantasise about coming in and give you a helping hand or give you new insights to help guide you out of your confusions.
Beside that hard working impression, they will feel that you could be a home-body, and are a lot more relaxed and loving when at home, they will get curious about how would you be in a more familiar environment.
They will also find your way of communication interesting and fun, they could imagine having long hours of exchanging ideas with you, nothing too heavy and serious though.
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4. Green
Your impression of them Energy: Crow
They will make a strong impression on you, emotionally, physically and mentally.
They will give the appearance of someone who is friendly, open to connections. The kind of person that follows social niceties, they know the socialising rules, what to do to charm the other person, what to do to give the impression that they want. But, you won't fall for that. You will find them friendly and all that but you will wondering are they truly that friendly or not. Because they will seem serious to you, their facial expressions could be a little hard. You know some people when they try to appear friendly, they will smile broadly but their eye corners won't have that creases or their eyes are wide open, not squinting a little, they want to watch, to observe the other person. You could have that impression about them.
You will notice that whatever they are doing is not their usual routine. The place that you guys are meeting for the first time is not their usual habitat. They will go out of their comfort zone a bit, wanting to shake things up, to mingle. They don't seem to be an introvert though, could be some previous events in their life that made them a little closed-off, and now they want to go out again, a conscious effort. So you will feel a certain hesitancy from them, to stay or not to stay. When you're talking for the first time with them, that hesitancy will also be there, they will want to engage and talk their heart out, but also wanting to stand back a little, to hide. In their effort to appear friendly, they would try to act more spontaneously, turning up their flirty side a little bit too high for your comfort.
They will also try to 'subtly' tell you about their material achievements, low-key bragging. Maybe they think that will give you a better opinion of them perhaps?
Their impression of you Energy: Hawk
They will feel exposed by you, you see through their facade clearly. They will wonder whether you have some prior knowledge about them or is it just your intuition being exceptionally strong. A little spooked. There will be an urge to resist, to regain control (control of what?).
They will also sense that you have something hidden behind. You will act friendly towards them, in a benevolent and polite manner. You don't seem to be a social butterfly to them though. Could be that you don't exude an inviting air but when someone actually interacts with you, you will be friendly and polite, not turning them away.
They will feel that you 'fit in' whatever criteria they have of a spouse or lover, relationship with you will be easy and rewarding, easy as in the relationship won't be painful, free of drama and struggle. This idea stems largely from their impression of stability and strength about you, both emotionally and materially.  You seem mature, down-to-earth, know your worth, there's also a hidden intensity that intrigues.
They will be impressed by the way you deliver your words, there is a pure curious air about you. You could be the one that is more talkative than them or the words that you speak to them that day will linger in their mind, having a profound effect on them subconsciously.
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5. Blue
Your impression of them Energy: Golden egg
They would pull at your heartstrings a little. The feeling of a a little pain in the chest when you see something moving, beautiful. Could be their physical appearance but more likely their energy will affect you that way.
They be standing or sitting still, not doing or saying anything. Their stillness will stir something around them though. Like when you see a calm, placid lake, you would have the desire to disturb it, to see the surface ripples.
They will feel like the sun, bright, immovable but not intimidating, not exactly. You may feel some reservations about them, simply because they seem surreal, out of place, the surrounding will seem mundane and dull, pale to their light. This is the kind of person that can pull your attention to them without trying, you will always notice them in a crowd.
You will feel that they can be a good companion for you. Whether in health or in sickness, whatever journey that you guys have to take, they will always be right beside you, holding your hand.
They will make you reexamine your thoughts and beliefs. You will get the impression that they have some pretty unique ideas about how the universe works and you will get curious and want to learn more. Not just about them but also about what life has to offer.
Their impression of you Energy: Gazelle
You don't seem to talk much, not much actions either. Are you guy meditating together or something ? They feel that you are hiding your light. You want to shine, especially letting your voice out, but something is holding you back. They sense an unsure feeling from you, could be you're still holidng on some past pains and that makes you to be on alert, cautious, not wanting to reveal your feelings.
That will be their intuition telling them. Outside, you will seem perfectly contented and relaxed.
They will find you to be very beautiful, in an earthy, sensual way. You know your body well, you understand your body's sacredness and how it connect to the world, this creates sensuality and grace. This may just be a fleeting thought, but they will wonder if your physical beauty does help you in getting what you want, or you seem to be well taken care of, a little spoiled maybe?
What will pique their interest will be one of your quirks. Could be the way you dress, the way you walk, the way you eat etc. You just do things differently. You guys could bond over some similar interests in movies, music, books, things that are not mainstream.
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6. Yellow
Your impression of them Energy: Moth
You will have the impression that they are a social butterfly, that they don't commit to a particular person, they just want to enjoy social interactions with other human beings.
You could even view them as a player with only physical intention in mind. A dangerous person.
They seem to have all the right tools to make anyone fall for them. They are confident, a little cocky perhaps,  but they show their emotions, they are not emotionally closed-off, they are generous, they know how to satisfy the other person's needs in relationship, not to mention that they seem suave and smooth with their body language. Giving both a dominant and caring impression. Balance between masculine and feminine energy.
You will notice that they have a rebellious side to them. Whether they talk about it with you or you intuitively pick up on it, they have some kind of pain regarding showing their individuality, likely from the past, they got ridiculed, made fun of or neglected. So they will want to prove the person that do that to them wrong, and then later on, to prove the whole world wrong. They have some deep wounds that need healing. That could awaken in the other person, especially their partner, the desire to save them, to heal them.
Their impression of you Energy: Dragonfly
I hope this won't develop into an unhealthy dynamic between you guys later on. They will see you as a saving light, the one with all encompassing love to pour out unconditionally. They won't see you clearly, likely will put you on the pedestal a bit. You just fit their image of pure love.
But all is not light and love though. You will reflect back their wounds about their individuality. They will sense that you have some social anxiety but you are still fearless in expressing yourself. A certain idgaf attitude.
This will give them a Tower moment, a wake up call. Later, when they are alone, they will think back on the interaction between you guys and they will feel an uncomfortable need to do something about their behaviour.
They will get a special treatment from you. You may seem soft and giving to everyone else, but to them, you will freeze up. They will feel like they are under scrutiny,  being silently judged by you. You are compassionate but you stand firm in your values, your faith is pure but your eyes are discerning.
They feel like they have to skirt around the edge a bit before getting closer to you. They have to go through your 'screening process' first in order to gain access to your love.
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onlykaeya · 1 day
tired of cannibalism as a metaphor for love or sex. can we get into cannibalism as a metaphor for colonization.
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