onlyhalfdead · 12 days
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
Being threatened with homelessness again.
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My brother freaked out on me again, and he's giving me 30 days to find a place to live. He might change his mind by the end of the day but we will see.
If you see an uptick of adopts and posts you know why.
If you live in the Indiana area and know anyone who needs a roommate/has space pls dm me. He doesn't think I do enough to contribute despite him knowing what I'm dealing with, butt trying to explain that to him has lead to him freaking out everyone and trying to kick me out.
He's mad I don't communicate with the or do chores (I do them) but the communication between us is only bad because he literally just doesn't talk to me, when I ask about bills or anything he says it's none of my business or don't worry about it..last year he tried to kick me out because I talked to loud in voice call.
This time, he's mad because I don't have clear plans to move because I don't have money, because I spent it all on trying to move last time he freaked out on me.
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I'm not going to bank in him having a change of hesr because each time I've asked for help on ANYTHING he flakes. I found an apartment last year, he promised to cosign, refused to do so. So I couldn't get the apartment.
So like if you want to help me save money toward a better and more stable situation pls feel free to help.
If you know of anyone let me know.
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
i am lucky i do not strictly adhere to kosher rules, in that regard! i will happily accept this trade. please message me how to deliver the food to you, privately?
@onlyhalfdead: i have an innocent question for you, olie! what is your personal favorite food? or category of food, i suppose!
Ohhh.... I likesen so mansy thingsen. Satyr's eatsen so muchen. Muchens and muchens! Askening us to pickens issen a bigsen thingsen.
I likesen cookenies a lotsen! Andsen cakesen andsen icen creamsen andsen popsenicles andsen fruitsen andsen waterenmelonsen andsen piesen andsen sandsenwhichensens andsen mocheni andsen tacenos... Andsen cherrenies andsen crackeners andsen burrsenitos andsen milkenshakens andsen spaghetteni andsen.
Wellen, I couldsen goesen on andsen on allen nightsen.
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
i do not want anything from you except to share delicious food! if i must have something in return, you may send me a food item of your own?
@onlyhalfdead: i have an innocent question for you, olie! what is your personal favorite food? or category of food, i suppose!
Ohhh.... I likesen so mansy thingsen. Satyr's eatsen so muchen. Muchens and muchens! Askening us to pickens issen a bigsen thingsen.
I likesen cookenies a lotsen! Andsen cakesen andsen icen creamsen andsen popsenicles andsen fruitsen andsen waterenmelonsen andsen piesen andsen sandsenwhichensens andsen mocheni andsen tacenos... Andsen cherrenies andsen crackeners andsen burrsenitos andsen milkenshakens andsen spaghetteni andsen.
Wellen, I couldsen goesen on andsen on allen nightsen.
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
if you're sad just remember in how many different ways you can eat potatoes. you're welcome
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
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HELL0 :)
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
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A page from my new mushroom hunting zine! dinosaur egg mushrooms are real and they are delicious
Check out the whole zine here!
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
terribly apologetic for the mistake!! can i make it up to you by sending you some freshly-made latkes? they are a potato-based dish, pan-fried in oil and usually served with either sour cream, or applesauce.
@onlyhalfdead: i have an innocent question for you, olie! what is your personal favorite food? or category of food, i suppose!
Ohhh.... I likesen so mansy thingsen. Satyr's eatsen so muchen. Muchens and muchens! Askening us to pickens issen a bigsen thingsen.
I likesen cookenies a lotsen! Andsen cakesen andsen icen creamsen andsen popsenicles andsen fruitsen andsen waterenmelonsen andsen piesen andsen sandsenwhichensens andsen mocheni andsen tacenos... Andsen cherrenies andsen crackeners andsen burrsenitos andsen milkenshakens andsen spaghetteni andsen.
Wellen, I couldsen goesen on andsen on allen nightsen.
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
i see! with no intent to be rude, truly the appetite of a goat, no?
how do you feel about latkes?
@onlyhalfdead: i have an innocent question for you, olie! what is your personal favorite food? or category of food, i suppose!
Ohhh.... I likesen so mansy thingsen. Satyr's eatsen so muchen. Muchens and muchens! Askening us to pickens issen a bigsen thingsen.
I likesen cookenies a lotsen! Andsen cakesen andsen icen creamsen andsen popsenicles andsen fruitsen andsen waterenmelonsen andsen piesen andsen sandsenwhichensens andsen mocheni andsen tacenos... Andsen cherrenies andsen crackeners andsen burrsenitos andsen milkenshakens andsen spaghetteni andsen.
Wellen, I couldsen goesen on andsen on allen nightsen.
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
closest to a name-brand sollux captor out of either us via misanthropy, technical ability (mostly hardware), and sexualization of the machine.
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
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I made a new friend today. ❁
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
well, many people are familiar with the multiverse here, of course, so such quick and easy descriptors give a concise idea of my enviroment i think! how and who are you?
@sea-m0nster hello hello! thank you for the follow back! i go by halfsies, a solar dragon residing on a modern-fantasy styled earth. it is nice to make your acquaintance. :}
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
hmmmMMMMH!! big stretch, as they say!
one good thing about being a dragon, unemployed with no civilian obligations, is that i can wake whenever it suits me.
today is hot and clear, which is perfect for sunbathing in the lakebed. but first i think i will check on our local population to see if they need anything to help endure the weather.
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
@sea-m0nster hello hello! thank you for the follow back! i go by halfsies, a solar dragon residing on a modern-fantasy styled earth. it is nice to make your acquaintance. :}
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
GOODNESS!! how prolific! i suppose i should have expected no less! and congratulations, on the most recent, of course. what colors are they? have you had grubs before? i have, myself, though i never did meet them... as is custom for empire-held alternias. i am glad you have the chance to raise them personally.
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Yeah, i mean, you know. you have a lot of kids, they grow up, you do your best but some of them take absenteeism a little more personally than others.
statistically, it would be way more fucked up and questionable if they all liked me and thought me flawless.
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
reminder of halfsies (and freeman's) vent blog! it's mostly full of pining and grief but it has Thoughts on it anyhow. it's locked IC for now, they don't have anyone who should see it.
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onlyhalfdead · 3 months
...a happy father's day to you all.
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