onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
Sybill thought about what Severus had said and nodded. “Perhaps I can also train myself to be stronger so I may protect the people I care about?” She suggested, adding to what he had said. Sybill knew she wasn’t the strongest dueling, and if a war were to occur it was more than likely she’d stay out of it despite her obvious relations with the muggle world. She was scared nonetheless, and felt miserable having to think about these scenarios.
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Severus nodded. “Exactly.” He cracked a grin. “You just might become a Slytherin, no offense meant.” Severus thought back to the many times he sorely needed such skills and how excited he had been to come to Hogwarts so he can be independent and leave his home and start his own life. “You look like someone who want to protect many people.” It was a statement, but also a question. 
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
“Even if they’re not targeting half-bloods, it doesn’t stop us from worrying. Don’t you know any muggleborn people you’d be scared for?” Sybill held her crystal to herself, feeling extremely scared for the people she cared about and herself as well. She spent a lot of time in the muggle world, she could see how she herself could be a target as well.
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Severus shook his head automatically. “None of my friends are muggleborn,” he told her sullenly. Lily was no longer his friend, after all. He glanced at Sybill, who still looked quite worried. “Well... this is how I think. There’s not enough time in the world to be worrying about life and death. And too many people that can die to worry about. Mind your own business, train as hard as you can, so you can do whatever you want.” He shrugged and turned away, suddenly flustered. He didn’t usually talk this much. 
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
Biting her bottom lip, Sybill looked over to the other student. She sighed softly before showing him the rectangular prism. “You see I’ve been trying to predict the future with this, see if there’s anything different than the orbs.” Sybill licked her lips before continuing. “Since the…the murder, I thought it would be wise to see if any more would occur and,” Sybill paused before looking at Severus with wide eyes. “The Grim is upon us…”
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Severus felt a trill of fear crawling up his spine at her words, despite his long-time aversion to the subject of prophesies and predictions. He ran his hand through his hair nervously. “Well, it’s not us that we should worried about, right? I know that it’s the muggleborns that are targeted.”
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
“Well, unlike you, I don’t have people waving their wands at me and spitting out berserk jinxes,” Cassandra said with a raise of eyebrows, almost challenging him. “I may know a few things, but I don’t know if it’d be a smart idea to tell you them,” she taunted, a smile finding it’s way on her lips, “Because when you get in trouble, it’ll be easy for you to rat me out for teaching you.” 
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“What, do you not trust me? I can keep a secret.” Severus smirked. “I wouldn’t rat out a friend; there’s no advantage to me doing so.” He withdrew his wand from his holster and twirled it between his fingers casually. “Let’s find an empty room to duel.”
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
Sighing in relief, Sybill loosened up, happy to know that someone wasn’t going to do anything cruel to her at the moment. People had walked over and done petty physical things like push her and knock over her stuff, but it was the verbal abuse that she dreaded. 
Sybill smiled softly, a rather awkward smile. “I’m trying to read the unknown and see into the future using this rectangular prism. Normally we use orbs because it gives us a round, clear vision, but using this prism I can see visions in a rather sharp, more harsh manner.” She explained, beaming slightly at the happiness of sharing her knowledge on her passion. 
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Severus nodded. “It’s like when you use gold instead of aluminum cauldron, then. Gold gives a more potent affect, but its temperament is awful to work with.” He sat down solemnly, staring at Sybill staring into the prism. Was he ever like that? So innocent and carefree? He smirked inwardly. Who was he kidding? He had always been nosy and inquisitive, sticking his head into places where it didn’t belong. That leads to trouble. Whereas Sybill might be labeled as an “oddity”, he was an “enmity”.
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
“Ah, I admire your passion, Ms. Carrow.” 
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“When I say I would do anything to find out who killed the girl, I mean it.”
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
Severus blew a strand of hair from his face. “No.” If it were coming from any other person, he might have felt insulted, or even relish such a reaction. Since the reaction came from Sybill, Severus knew that it was completely impersonal. The girl had enough on her plate to deal with from the classmates. Perhaps it was this, or the fact that she seemed so disarmingly innocent, that Severus felt relatively comfortable with her. “What are you doing?” Severus asked after a pause.
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It was a slow, boring day, Severus noted. Usually, this would be a good time he could do research or catch up on some books he found from the library, but today neither one sounded appealing. Glancing up ahead, he noticed that Trelawney was staring at something in front of her. For lack of anything to do, he went up. “So…” He uncomfortably sat his satchel down. “You look busy.”
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
It was a slow, boring day, Severus noted. Usually, this would be a good time he could do research or catch up on some books he found from the library, but today neither one sounded appealing. Glancing up ahead, he noticed that Trelawney was staring at something in front of her. For lack of anything to do, he went up. “So...” He uncomfortably sat his satchel down. “You look busy.”
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Glancing into the crystal, Sybill felt a surge of magic spike through her mind and body. While it wasn’t an orb, the rectangle effect gave a more harsher, more sharper vision. 
“Amazing…” Sybill watched as a figure moved and expanded, indicating that someone was coming near, unknown to her that they were approaching.
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
Severus let out a snort. “Have you not seen the people around here? Hormones and magic obviously do not mix. And four special Gryffindors have them in spades. Would you know any tricks to fighting multiple competent targets at once?”
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Severus did not quite know what he was doing there. You reap what you sow. He sighed to himself. Now here he was, his pride not allowing him to leave. He settled himself down for a long wait. Might as well try to have a conversation. “Well, some people are trigger-easy, quick with hexes whether I merit such a wonderful reward or not. ”
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
Severus did not quite know what he was doing there. <i> You reap what you sow. </i> He sighed to himself. Now here he was, his pride not allowing him to leave. He settled himself down for a long wait. Might as well try to have a conversation. "Well, some people are trigger-easy, quick with hexes whether I merit such a wonderful reward or not. "
Severus stiffened a little at the comments, then smirked. “Now, now, I believe this is public grounds. By definition, I am just as entitled to be here as you.” Severus knew he shouldn’t be picking a fight like this, especially towards the prickly girl in front of him. However, the way her eyes glanced over and dismissed him just got on his nerves. He lowered himself leisurely on the ground, and purposely lied down. He did make sure to keep a hand near his wand. He then looked up and mock-fluttered his eyebrows. “Why, I do believe we can get along.”
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He was definitely persistent, and Cassandra had to give him points for that. From what she’d gotten in this encounter alone, she could tell that he wasn’t the innocent little victim a lot of people mistook him for, but rather someone that provoked others. Hearing his smarmy comments first-hand, she wasn’t necessarily surprised by the amount of people who were bothered by him, but she didn’t care enough to pay him the time of day. “Fine,” she blew out a sigh. Her eyes immediately followed his hand when he laid down, watching how it neared his wand with narrowed eyes. “What, did you really think I care enough to waste a hex over you, or something?”
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
Severus stiffened a little at the comments, then smirked. “Now, now, I believe this is public grounds. By definition, I am just as entitled to be here as you.” Severus knew he shouldn’t be picking a fight like this, especially towards the prickly girl in front of him. However, the way her eyes glanced over and dismissed him just got on his nerves. He lowered himself leisurely on the ground, and purposely lied down. He did make sure to keep a hand near his wand. He then looked up and mock-fluttered his eyebrows. “Why, I do believe we can get along.”
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“Perfectly, Ms. Rosier. Who would dare to contradict the wishes of our resident lady temptress?” Severus was strolling along the Black Lake, eager to get away from the hair-raising maudlin display of emotions inside the castle. Severus felt a flicker of regret towards the muggleborn, but quickly squashed the feeling. It was self-preservation, after all. Those foolish enough to display their feelings and even show their sympathy towards the muggleborns these days are asking to be killed, especially if you are in the Slytherin house. 
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
Severus was only looking for some peace and quiet now that the recent news have wreaked havoc on the emotional well-beings of everyone in the castle. Luckily, with classes postponed, there was hardly anyone in the library. It was just the place Severus headed to review his upcoming curriculum. As he settled down onto a desk in a lonely corner in the library, he heard some muttering coming from somewhere behind him. He tried to ignore this. Again, there was some shifting noise. Somehow, what he usually could have easily ignored now exacerbated his irritated nerves. With a deep sigh, he got up.
“Dearborn, talking to oneself is quite unbecoming. Especially in the very public library. Where others must also work.”
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Scattered pieces of parchments and open textbooks surrounded Doc who had taken up residence in the corner of the library on the floor. Classes had yet to start with them being postponed and despite the fact he had other things at the back of his head, he couldn’t think about that right now. He’d know since the day he left the previous year that Hogwarts wasn’t safe and now they’d just confirmed it. While he wanted to be around his friends, he just couldn’t bear to be around them all while the initial shock was still sinking in. He starred down into one of his books harder, the words only becoming blurry the longer he looked at them, “Focus, Doc. You can do this,” he muttered to himself, determined not to give up.
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
“Perfectly, Ms. Rosier. Who would dare to contradict the wishes of our resident lady temptress?” Severus was strolling along the Black Lake, eager to get away from the hair-raising maudlin display of emotions inside the castle. Severus felt a flicker of regret towards the muggleborn, but quickly squashed the feeling. It was self-preservation, after all. Those foolish enough to display their feelings and even show their sympathy towards the muggleborns these days are asking to be killed, especially if you are in the Slytherin house.
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The Black Lake never seemed to be infested with students, so while everyone took to crying on each others’ shoulders and worrying about the murdered girl in the castle, Cassandra did just the same. Except alone. 
Though she doesn’t really care much for what her peers have to say about her, she knew that if she was caught caring about something that happened to a Muggleborn, it would somehow get back to her cousin and parents. She was never really in the mood for their nagging, especially not when it was heavily influenced by their prejudiced upbringings. She didn’t care for it and she really didn’t need a Howler from her mother, yelling about how she’s tarnishing their reputation or something else completely preposterous. 
So instead of letting her feelings and thoughts run free with everyone else, she sat near the edge of the Black Lake with her feet submerged, watching the breeze cause ripples in the dark water. She was left all alone with just her thoughts to keep her company, and she was glad to finally let them out. It was sad, and it did scare the soulless girl, not just because it was a murder, but it was a murder of a muggleborn girl, similar to her best friend… Merlin, this was getting too dreary too quickly. 
On any other occasion, the sound of intruding footsteps would’ve angered the brunette, but this time around she was grateful to them, though her words said otherwise. Turning her head to look at the intruder, she spoke with a harsh tone, “Yes, I’m okay, and no I don’t care enough to talk about what happened in the castle. Is that all?”
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
For all your days prepare, And meet them ever alike: When you are the anvil, bear, When you are the hammer, strike.
Preparedness by Edwin Markham
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
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house aesthetics [4/4]: slytherin
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
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hp aesthetics - slytherin
those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends
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onlyhalfaprince · 9 years
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house aesthetics [bonus for anon]: slytherin
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