So many people come and go here... makes me feel better knowing you won't abandon me...
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Well, umm I don't think we should dawdle on sadness... but rather on the fact that we're still together yes?
Morning. Good morning.
I know, I understand how you feel. I suppose we both have lost too much to lose anymore. 
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I promise you you’re not going to lose me. Never.
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-smiles a little then-
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I lost so much already... I can't lose anymore Kida.. I can't get any worse...
Morning. Good morning.
Of course I remember them because they’re real! You’re not losing any time or your mind. That won’t happen to you, I won’t allow it. 
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Y-You remember them too... -smiels a little relieved at the news-
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I thought i was really going out of my mind... I though I'd lost so much time... I... Oh Kida -hugs her again- You just gave me the best news yet dear.
Morning. Good morning.
But you’re not lost in a dream dear, you’re here with me. They are real, Buzz and Oli are real because I remember them too. They can’t be fake if I know them too.
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Of course you are... ri-ight... I mean...
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it wouldn't be right if you weren't real... it would be very very bad... if i was still lost... in a dream... Oh.. well.. there's Buzzy Buzz and Oli... people I thought we're my friends... -frowns-
Morning. Good morning.
At least you’re awake now and we’re talking. You do realize you’re not dreaming right? I’m real you know that right?
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People that you thought were real? Who? 
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I... I'm not sure... I think I actually slept for too long and then got up. Maybe I was sleep walking because I don't remember coming into the garden...
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and then there's my room... I spend to much time in there, drawing pictures of people I thought were real.
Morning. Good morning.
I have missed you too Aurora! Far too much.
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Where have you been? I know this asylum is big, but you couldn’t have been hiding somewhere that I couldn’t see.
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I have missed you so much... my dear... dear... friend...
Morning. Good morning.
Yes, its me. For a second I thought everyone but me had left. 
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Kida! it really is you... I-I'm not dreaming anymore!
Morning. Good morning.
Aurora? You’re still here?
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Kida? is that you dear?
Morning. Good morning.
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Not that there’s anyone here to greet.
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Looking for the Sun +Open+
It had been raining all day, Aurora had never liked rainy days because they mean that she couldn’t go outside. Sighing softly she moved from her bed and sat on the cold floor of her room. Thunder and lightning dance outside, she could hear it as clear as if it were coming from the inside of the room. It made her jump for just a moment startling her awake. At this point in her life she had not slept for two days straight, and the fatigue in her body was beginning to weigh on her as it always did.
Sitting on the floor she began to riffle through her memories. Some of flowers dancing with the wind… other of birds and trees moving about. She searched and search pushing papers and photographs away until finally her tired eyes landed on the one thing she had been searching for a picture of the sun. The warm ball of light that always made her feel safe. The sun was happiness to her senses and kept her warm and content. It had been missing from her on that day and in order to make sure she did not forget the need to search for the memory of it arose.
Aurora could not help but smile at the portrait, though not an accurate one to the naked eye but to her it was enough to bring a small smile to her tired features. She felt light then, as though she were a drift. It was too soon for her to fall asleep, she usually lasted a lot longer than two days and yet her body wanted to give in. but, before her body could betray her a sound caught her attention. Slowly she moved her head towards the door and then once again she pushed herself off the floor and towards the hallway.
Her portrait of the sun remained forgotten on the floor for now as she twisted the knob and peered down the darkened hall. “Hello… anyone… there?” she called softly trying to make out if anyone was there or if once again her mind had begun to play tricks on her. She moved a little further from her spot, trying to see if she could see anyone other than the shadow looming up and down the seemingly hall.
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Kuzko, I am loving your style dear... Woah... -giggles once more and runs behind him towards the cafeteria- I'm a strawberry ice cream fan myself.. with lots and lots of sprinkles and chocolate sauce all around!
Someone walked in on me in the shower
Ice cream? Hell yeah! That’s exactly what I’ve wanted all day! *pulls her quickly down to the cafeteria* Which kind? Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?
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Well to be honest... I don't really like sleep. The pills just have been working better on me I guess. But I do feel a lot more, peppy? If that' even is a word... and slightly hungry. Can we get some ice cream? Yes?
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Someone walked in on me in the shower
That’s good. I should give you some of my sleep, I mean I sleep for probably 75% of the day. You look a lot less tired.
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I can imagine their surprise at finding you there instead of an empty shower... -giggles a little while longer and stops- Me? Oh well I've been splendid... at least I am now... not sure how long I was asleep for though but I did get to dream for once so that helps makes things better.
Someone walked in on me in the shower
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It probably was the most hilarious thing I’ve encountered all day. Hey Rora, how you been? Haven’t seen you in a while.
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Someone walked in on me in the shower
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I hope they liked what they saw. Wait who am I kidding, of course they did.
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Well, I think everyone is pretty but that's just my opinion... you see... hi...
Hello lovelies!
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