onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
✦ He clapped, immediately taking Pal's hand and shaking it. He left a bell in Pal's hand. Fantastic, fantastic! Call me with the bell- And I'll appear, like a sort of spell~! ✦ He giggled, before making a door appear. Farewell! ✦ And so... He's gone.
✦ The jjngling is back.
✦ It pops in.
Dear me, what have i stumbled into?
I didn't mean to intrude, I was heading for the loo!
✦ He chuckles. His sweet façade is making you sick.
↳ @onlyamaskedfool
[pal sighs as they give mask a a judgemental stare]
"the fuck are you doing here dice, I feel like dice would've told me if they invited your dumbass to their home."
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
✦ It chuckled at Pal. I merely want to be useful, In every moment, my purpose to be fruitful. I only wish to lend a hand, Answering your every command. ✦ It smiled widely. Unnaturally widely.
✦ The jjngling is back.
✦ It pops in.
Dear me, what have i stumbled into?
I didn't mean to intrude, I was heading for the loo!
✦ He chuckles. His sweet façade is making you sick.
↳ @onlyamaskedfool
[pal sighs as they give mask a a judgemental stare]
"the fuck are you doing here dice, I feel like dice would've told me if they invited your dumbass to their home."
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
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"Remember when we were kids and your dad took a picture of us because you won that little race against us?"
"What picture...? I... I don't remember any picture..."
"... I think Starlo still has it. I'll ask him about it later."
This took an actual whole week to work on what the heck-?
Anyways, you know what time it is!
☆Bonus Meme time!☆
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
I'm merely here to give you a favor. I'm just a friendly neighbor! ✦ It floats about, flipping in the air. Both of us can benefit from this, That is, if you'd forgive?
✦ The jjngling is back.
✦ It pops in.
Dear me, what have i stumbled into?
I didn't mean to intrude, I was heading for the loo!
✦ He chuckles. His sweet façade is making you sick.
↳ @onlyamaskedfool
[pal sighs as they give mask a a judgemental stare]
"the fuck are you doing here dice, I feel like dice would've told me if they invited your dumbass to their home."
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
✦ It's playing with it's bells.
✦ The jingling and ringing is painful to hear.
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
✦ They chuckled at Pal. That is apparent, that I can see, But I am merely here to spread glee! ✦ They started to float and their mask's smile only got wider. That jingling is back.
✦ They pull out hats from who knows where and puts it on Pal.
✦ You hear soft jingling in the distance. ✦ It's only getting louder and louder.
↳ @onlyamaskedfool
"...... Interesting...."
[they rubbed their chin in intrigue... They wonder what mask could be doing....]
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
✦ They shook their head no. Fear is a feeling, indeed you are right, But it is possible to grab it tight. ✦ Cryptic, again.
✦ A small rift appears from the wall.
My sincere apologies, I didn't mean to intrude, In your space, unwelcome, my apologies included.
✦ Out steps Mask. Greetings Tree, how's life treating you today? The weather's quite nice, I do say.
Ohmygod I'm still making my physical form...
*my lower body is made of green mist*
What do you want?
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
✦ They nod quickly. It's fear, my dear Tree. My inspiration is lacking, I think that might be the key. I know you're good at such... So collect me some, thank you very much.
✦ That sure was cryptic.
✦ A small rift appears from the wall.
My sincere apologies, I didn't mean to intrude, In your space, unwelcome, my apologies included.
✦ Out steps Mask. Greetings Tree, how's life treating you today? The weather's quite nice, I do say.
Ohmygod I'm still making my physical form...
*my lower body is made of green mist*
What do you want?
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
✦ [ A sudden rift opens, arms twisting and contorting the doorway open. A grotesque sight. ] Greetings, Pal, sought you on a whim. Had to open my rift a bit, it was way too slim. ✦ [ Mask seemed giddy. The rift closes with no other surrounding effects. ]
✦ You hear soft jingling in the distance. ✦ It's only getting louder and louder.
↳ @onlyamaskedfool
"...... Interesting...."
[they rubbed their chin in intrigue... They wonder what mask could be doing....]
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
Imagine, oh dear, the skills you lack,
A world of limitations, your own track.
To fathom such ineptitude, a sight,
Imagine not being able to do that, quite a plight.
Mockery drips from each word's jest,
Incompetence on full display, unimpressed.
Imagine the struggle, a pitiful spin,
Oh, the woes of a talent so thin.
hello can you just stand still so i—
> [Check]
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11 notes · View notes
onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
Hey mask anon! If someone were to, perhaps, draw you... what outfit would you wear?
In tailored threads of charcoal and black,
A symphony of style, a polished track.
Suit and tie, a sartorial decree,
Elegance and confidence, the wearer to be.
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
Oh! A fellow fan of performance arts!! :) Uhmm.. oh dear I'm not too sure what to say... well... may I hear one of your poems-? :)
In the underworld, a flower gold,
Petals whisper tales, twisted and bold.
Yellow bloom hides secrets untold,
In the shadows, where darkness takes hold.
In hues of gold, a deceptive grace,
Echoes of malice in a silent space.
Beware the bloom with a sinister gleam,
In the undertow, where nightmares teem.
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
hey m
> [Check]
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
oh my gosh, look free cheese
In the prose arena, a keen-eyed scribe,
No fool am I, your tricks I deride.
Your subtle ploys, a transparent game,
In the realm of words, I scoff at your aim.
A puppeteer of phrases, but I discern,
No naive fool, my wit won't adjourn.
Your artful schemes, a futile ruse,
In this literary dance, no room for abuse.
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
☆ ---------------------------------------------- ☆ In the script of life, morals entwine,
A nuanced dance in shades of time.
No stark black, nor white pristine,
Just the grey where choices convene.
The ink spills not in absolutes,
But in the subtleties that disputes.
Morality's canvas, a shadowed blend,
In the twilight, where judgments suspend. ☆ ---------------------------------------------- ☆
Who are we talking about? I just saw a cool bird
Pal Anon :(
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
☆ ---------------------------------------------- ☆ In the tapestry of tales, joy weaves,
A vibrant dance that your heart perceives.
Sunlit words, a radiant display,
To chase the shadows, brighten your day.
A carousel of phrases, laughter's ride,
In the realm of verses, joy resides.
Let each line be a jubilant song,
To lift your spirits, where you belong. ☆ ---------------------------------------------- ☆
Tell me, friend, what's the mood in your verse,
A ballad of joy or a chapter terse?
Are you dancing with happiness, carefree,
Or caught in a ballad of somber melody?
☆ @onlyamaskedfool 🎭
Is it bad to say CURRENTLY somber....? I'm having a lot of conflicting emotions....
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
☆ ---------------------------------------------- ☆ Through the verses, let your burdens fade,
In the symphony of lines, find serenade.
With each phrase, a balm for the soul's plight,
In this written realm, everything is alright. ☆ ---------------------------------------------- ☆
Tell me, friend, what's the mood in your verse,
A ballad of joy or a chapter terse?
Are you dancing with happiness, carefree,
Or caught in a ballad of somber melody?
☆ @onlyamaskedfool 🎭
Is it bad to say CURRENTLY somber....? I'm having a lot of conflicting emotions....
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