onixalaro · 17 days
Anime crossover thoughts:
I think Bakugo and Edward Elric would be friends. And get along. And bond over complaining about their dumb(but loved so loved)boyfriends. They definitely have the same sense of fashion and share the same level of intelligence.
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you!)
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onixalaro · 20 days
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My Hero Academia – You Are The Reason, Calum Scott
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onixalaro · 1 month
w⁠(⁠°⁠⁠°⁠)⁠w how it's possible to draw THIS
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onixalaro · 1 month
it's amazing.
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first time he sees izuna's mangekyo or smth?
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onixalaro · 1 month
REAL for me Hua Cheng is only with Xie Lian
no hate but shipping hua cheng with anyone who isn’t xie lian makes no sense lmaooo
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onixalaro · 1 month
Hi! I was wondering if you had any royed fic recs? Like, your faves or something?
oh boy oh boy okay here we go i hope you’re ready for The List. 
(I’ll only rec fics that i’ve finished reading and leave the ones I haven’t or aren’t complete for last, with a “read at your own risk” warning because i dont know how they end lmao.)
An interesting trip - ShanaStorytellerSOULMATES!!! The first words you say to your soulmate are written on your skin :3c A good tug on your hearstrings, i LOVE soulmate AUs, and this is is really clever.
a terrifying clamour of trumpets - ShanaStorytellerTrisha’s disease is hereditary and ed has to race against the clock to tie all his lose ends. Heartbreaking and incredible.
Know the Difference - ShanaStorytellerEd and Al are messengers of God. The prose of this one is amazing, i don’t think i’ve read such wonderful freaking poetry half as good as this i love it.
Son of the Desert - ShanaStorytellerIshvalan!Ed&Al AU. The most wonderful thing about this is the way they propose in Ishval. Very poetic, good side-story as well. >v>
as a fever, rattling bones - dawnstruckEd is an unmated omega and Roy is his alpha CO. There are no omega officers in the military so amendments have to be made. I HAVE DONE ART  FOR THIS FIC I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I’m ABO trash and i’m proud. 
Leading the Blind - Tierfal“Roy adjusts to a life of legal blindness, and Edward avenges three years of short jokes.” Just. Just beautiful read the whole series there’s nothing better than this. I can’t stop crying.
They Have All Been Blown Out - Tierfal“To say that waiting is not Ed’s forte would be understating matters a bit.” JUST- JUST READ IT. This is the other fic in the ‘Leading the blind’ series that i highly recommend (just read all of them you’ll have a great time) because i had to literally stop reading to print out a picture of kermit having a cardiac arrest. go read it now.
you grip (your hands around my throat) - fishingclocksModern cop AU! Roy and ed are assigned a case together. Funny and fluffy, lighthearted from what i remember ;)
Colours in Your Eyes - BatsutousaiSOULMATES SOULMATES!! The only colors you see are your soulmate’s eye color until you touch them for the first time. Batsutousai is a genius they write the most wonderful fics they take the concept a step forward i’m in love.
Play to Win - lightgetsin“Ed loses his virginity, and then his inhibitions. Roy loses his mind.” Any fic where ed is a slut is a fic for me B) also this is hilarious, i’m laughing just remembering it i HAVE to read it again.
A Game for Two Players - lightgetsin“The Bastard is not in love with me, and I can prove it. With science!” A follow-up on the previous fic. Fucking- i love it. i love them both please read’em this one’s good too.
transposition ciphers - applecrumbledoreAfter a heated encounter, Roy and Ed exchange letters during one of the brothers’ long trip. Simply one of the most beautiful fics in this list. The letters are so
 compelling and lovely. You can absolutely TASTE them falling in love with each other during their correspondence. Delightful.
Feral - Phantoms_EchoEd and Al are feral children taken in by Roy and his team to their vet clinic. This one’s problematic i know and i don’t care, but it’s heartbreaking and really exciting so
 meh, read at your own risk and all that. mind the tags.
Dragon’s Gold - BatsutousaiPrince Edward is sent to live in a tower in the desert, guarded by a fearsome dragon. This one’s so fuuun. I love dragons :3c
Moonlighter - BatsutousaiRoy is a cop and Ed is the thief who steals his heart B) I HAVE ALSO DONE ART FOR THIS it’s just
 UNF. so good. this matches their personalities so well (especialy ed’s!!) go read it and have a good time you’ll enjoy it. 
silent in the trees - orphan_accountSet in 1989 Roy is a forest ranger with ptsd and ed is his sassy supervisor on the other end of the forest. My most favorite fma fic hands down I have drawn for this fic too and i still think it’s not enough!! i just
 i don’t know what it is about it but it’s one of those things i adore. It’s almost mystical! I dont know where the author went but i hope they’re doing okay and that they know i love their fic to pieces.
Anachronism - artenonA time-travelling Ed ends up in Roy’s house. Read this for the love of god i just loved it so much. Read it and cry a little and then come back and yell at me for recommending it to you.
And one more thing - cryogeniaEd dates the entirety of central city, Roy is jealous. Please please please this is just the best. I can’t believe it it’s.. it’s so funny i love it so much just go and read it. Any time ed’s comfortable with his sexuality is good times and these, i assure you, are wonderful times.
Kindling - Tierfal“The heat’s not the only thing getting under Ed’s skin and scalding him from the inside out.“ Demisexual ed!! Sweet and good and wholesome. I love florence and the machine, and i just can’t stop thinking about this fic when i listen to her.
A Wicked Game - TierfalRoy and Ed pretend to be dating to go to an awesome vacation. Fake dating is the reason i’m alive, and this is just SO! GOOD! it’s so much fun to read, go ahead and do you won’t regret it B)
From the Worst of Times - Batsutousai Something goes off in central command and Roy and Ed team up to clean up the mess. Just— so sweet! and long! and good!! this author just makes everything so believable, everything makes perfect sense i don’t question any of it, it just is. simple as that. this is no exception, readi it you’ll enjoy it.
Second Chances, Second Thoughts - dawnstruckSomething goes wrong when Ed tries to give Al his body back. Kidfic. This one’s lovely. I just, i’ve read it several times and i can’t stop loving it. There’s so many good parts to it i’m in too deep.
My Heart and Soul are Yours - XyriathSOULMATES SOULMATES SOULMATES!! Pain is transmitted between soulmates and Ed and Roy have quite a few pains in their lives. This is just so sweet. And good. And sad.. these poor boys are injured so damn often it breaks my heart.
OKAY NOW TO THE ONES THAT EITHER AREN’T DONE OR I HAVEN’T FINISHED READING BUT YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY CHECK OUT. (please please please no spoilers if you have finished these thanks!)
Reverti Ad Praeteritum - BatsutousaiSent back in time Ed sets out to fix every mistake and save every life he wasn’t able to the first time around. A MASSIVE fic. It’s a complete re-imagining of the story, and I can’t wait to finish reading it so i can hopefully bind it in a book and keep it on my shelf.
The Twelfth Cup of Coffee - TierfalCoffeeshop!AU. The single most fluffiest fluff to ever fluff. Totally amazing so far and completely enthralling. Also something I would bind as a book when i’m done.
build your wings on the way down - ShanaStorytellerA combination of ‘03 and Brotherhood! All i want from this life is for this fic to update but i don’t wanna bother the author like that ._. so i’ll just sit here and wait lmao
For the Night Has Been Unkind - CoolJellyBean25Ed is taken prisoner by drachma. OKAY SO THIS ONE is very off-putting and I would recommend you to be EXTREMELY wary of the tags. Leaving that aside I LOVE. THIS FIC. it’s incredible, it’s reached out to my cold dead heart, revived it and slaughtered it once more. I can hardly wait to know what happens in the next few chapters and I can only imagine when (if ever) my children will ever be fine again BUT!! it’s still an amazing, captivating read that will leave you incredibly anxious forever. it’s great.
A Different Way Home - theJovianMuteRoy is a prostitute and Ed is his customer. This. I’m in love. I have way too many love affairs with fic but this one’s got such a refreshing twist that I can’t help but feel my heart pounding in my chest when i think about it. Go read it! It’s fluffy and sad and roy’s got bad eyesight in this one (ask me why i care, i couldn’t answer you). The relationship he and ed start to develop is sweet enough to rot my teeth. Please read it and tell me what you think!
The Codeine Scene - XyriathRoy is an undercover cop and Ed is a drug addicted prostitute. THE PREMISE. THE LENGTH. everything about this calls to me like a siren song, but i haven’t had the time to finish it. Read it if you can, xyriath is a wonderful writer.
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onixalaro · 1 month
Has anyone ever written a RoyEd fic where '03 RoyEd meets their Brotherhood counterparts? The idea of the 4 of them being so similar yet having different relationships is just very amusing to me.
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onixalaro · 1 month
Owww, it's so cute đŸ‘ŠđŸ»đŸȘ»đŸȘ»đŸȘ»
The first time Roy calls Ed "my love", Ed starts blushing and stuttering, heartbeat fast, weak knees, everything, because it's such a strong and sweet petname and Roy says it like he means it, voice so gentle, tone so sweet. Meanwhile Roy has no idea why Ed is reacting like that to him talking because he's been calling Ed his love in his thoughts so long now, he didn't realize this is the first time he says it out loud.
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onixalaro · 2 months
I absolutely support this opinion
About the httyd live action movie, I’m just praying they don’t fuck it up, I hope it’s at least half decent because in my eyes live action movies are not necessary to an animated movie’s story. That’s just my opinion though. They can be interesting, but it’s not an original idea, it’s just another form of the something you’ve watched before. The httyd are so unique to me and it’s not possible to replicate that. I know they’re based off of the books, but I feel they really took that concept and ran with it, it has so many unique and original ideas and I think that’s amazing. One of the only times I prefer the movie/show over the books. Again, just my opinion.
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onixalaro · 2 months
"HuA ChEnG StAlkEd XiE LiAn fOr 800 YeArS—"
Hate to burst your bubble, but in order to stalk somebody, you actually have to know where they are.
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onixalaro · 2 months
I'm crying 😭
Personally, I think Bilbo was pretty awful at processing his trauma (and the ring certainly did not help)
Bilbo quietly lived next his grief for years but never looked directly at it. He sent the mithril shirt to the mathom house. He watered down his story until it was something palatable for children—and what’s more, made himself as much of a bit player in it as he could get away with. Yes, he was still kind and generous and clever because he’s Bilbo, but he was probably also terribly lonely, surrounded by people who could never understand what he went through and what he saw. The only ones who could are thousands of miles away inside a mountain he refuses to visit because, again, he can’t look his grief in the eye.
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onixalaro · 2 months
i think bilbo and thorin should have kissed
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onixalaro · 2 months
today I saw a little girl running like in Naruto. You might think, "oh, how cute!" but it wasn't cute for me. I looked at her and thought about Itachi, Kakashi and all those children who survived the war.
I thought about how Uchiha Fugaku brought his four-year-old son to the battlefield so that "he would remember what the Shinobi world is and never forget". I thought about six-year-old Itachi trying to commit suicide, realizing that the meaning of life does not exist, and suddenly stopping because of a raven flying by while he was falling. I thought about Itachi, a thirteen-year-old Uchiha Itachi, looking at his suicidal friend Shisui, telling him that "it will be fine"; executing an order to kill his clan to prevent a Civil War.
I thought about Kakashi looking at his dead father, who committed suicide because of the decision to keep his friends alive during the war rather than finish the mission. I thought about Kakashi, who received the title of ChĆ«nin at the age of six, about Kakashi, who went on missions alone at the age of six, about Kakashi, who received the title of Jƍnin at the age of 12 and became responsible for his team in the war, about Kakashi, who lost an eye in the heat of battle, and then had to just watch how his teammate, a friend dies under the rubble. I thought about Kakashi killing Rin with his own hand against his will. I thought about Kakashi, nicknamed "Friend-Killer Kakashi".
I thought about all those young people who died in the war: Rin, Navaki, Yahiko, Neji; and about those who were irreversibly affected by the war: Kakashi, Obito, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Naruto and his friends, Itachi, Shisui, Shizune.
I thought of all the grown-up people who used to be children too.
and finally, I think about Madara and Hashirama, who dreamed that children would not have to fight.
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onixalaro · 2 months
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"The Champion Xianle rescued a falling child..."
also known as: the beginning of the end for poor hong'er.
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onixalaro · 2 months
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More of my tgcf pokemon au! xie lian and his champion team + baby xianle trio with their starters <3
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onixalaro · 2 months
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visiting paradise manor :)
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onixalaro · 2 months
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the first part of however many abt my silly hualian pokemon au but its just "here are their general designs and also here are their pokemon teams"
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