onions-1 · 2 years
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try before you deny
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onions-1 · 2 years
Mike after will didn’t laugh at his ‘vomit green’ joke
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onions-1 · 2 years
You guys ever forget that Nancy keeps guns in her closet?… like.. there just there
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onions-1 · 2 years
Sometimes i forget that Eddie is dead and not alive and a gay teen inlove with a ’straight’ ex-jock who turns out to be fruity and then they are inlove and omg max is alive and is blind and most likely in a wheelchair and her and Lucas are together and omg Robin and Nancy are together as-well? Mike and will are too!finally!! Nice!
And they all like happily ever after 😭
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onions-1 · 2 years
Wayne sees it all happen from his armchair. He’s quiet, hidden away in the corner, so usually the kids forget he’s even there within the hour. He enjoys being on the fringe of his nephew’s new group of friends from there, simply observing them, watching them from behind his newspaper, tuning in and out of whatever it is they’re talking about. Every now and then, one of them comes up to him for a chat or to offer him a drink, but they mostly leave him alone in his corner, just how he likes it.
He sees how Eddie makes every single one of them feel like the crappy old trailer is a place they can always come home to. He sees how Eddie always makes sure that Max is comfortable in her wheelchair and not missing out on anything going on around them because she can’t see. He notices how he always speaks to Eleven in an extra soft voice, reigning himself in a bit from his usual theatrics in order not to startle her. He hears how he’s never afraid to tell Dustin that he loves him and he sees the way Dustin starts beaming whenever he does. He sees how he makes a habit of taking Will aside from the group for hushed, earnest-looking conversations, and he sees how that always leaves Will with a brightness in his eyes and a smile around his lips. He sees how he plays around with the other two boys, Mike and Lucas, who are all over Eddie every chance they get. He sees how he always has some extra candy at hand for the youngest one, Erica. He sees the softness in his features, the sparkle in his eyes, whenever those kids are around, and it reminds him of how he felt himself, all those years ago, whenever little Eddie would show up at his trailer unexpectedly.
He also sees how embarrassed Eddie is to accept the help of Nancy Wheeler. He notices how she refuses to take no for an answer and shows up multiple nights a week to tutor him. He sees how she strictly refuses to let him get distracted when they’re doing their homework, and he hears the honest heart-to-hearts they have after they’re done. He sees the way Eddie looks at her: like he gained an older sister who is always looking out for him, even though she must be younger than him. Like he’d be completely lost without her.
He sees how much fun Eddie has with Robin Buckley. He sees how much chaos they create whenever they’re together. He listens along as they bond over music, and he tries not to eavesdrop as they talk about their respective hopeless crushes and being queer in a small town in rural Indiana. He sees the way Eddie looks at her: like he gained a twin sister who is exactly like him. Like he understands her in a way he never understood anyone before.
And he especially sees how Eddie feels about Steve Harrington. It’s written all over his face, so it’s really impossible to miss: it’s in the longing gaze in his big brown eyes, the way he shamelessly stares at the boy for minutes on end whenever they’re watching a movie together; it’s in the way he hangs onto every single word the boy says, even when they’re having the most mundane conversations possible; it’s in the way he leans into him, almost as if he isn’t noticing he’s doing it; it’s in the way he loudly laughs at every single one of his jokes, no matter how unfunny they are; it’s in the way he always seems to find some excuse to touch him, brushing their hands together when he hands him a drink or sitting a little bit too close to him on the couch or reaching for his shoulder whenever he makes some kind of flirty remark at him. Wayne sees all of it, but he doesn’t worry. Because he also sees the way in which Steve leans back into Eddie’s touches, he also sees the way in which Steve is constantly staring at Eddie’s lips, he also sees the fond looks Steve can’t seem to stop giving Eddie, and he definitely sees the blush creeping over Steve’s cheeks whenever Eddie is openly flirting with him. He sees it all happen from his armchair and he knows they’ll be alright.
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onions-1 · 2 years
no bc mike’s crush on eddie isn’t just abt how Mike stares at him, like that’s part of it but it’s also reinforced by the soundtrack too and like the whole point is the show establishing mike’s attraction to men outside of Will, not that Eddie’s competing with will or anything, of COURSE mike’s feelings for Will are deeper, but in terms of mike’s individual sexuality/being gay being established, he’s not just Will-sexual.
I am like half awake and idk if this makes sense but like. yeah
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onions-1 · 2 years
They just need each other again
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onions-1 · 2 years
Whoever does this is disgusting fr
its literally so easy to just not write smut about minors, lmao.
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onions-1 · 2 years
Will would dress like this in a modern setting
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Nobody can convince me otherwise
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onions-1 · 2 years
Mike after will didn’t laugh at his ‘vomit green’ joke
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onions-1 · 2 years
‘Ronance isn’t even a good relationship’ well Natalia dyer and maya hawke would disagree so beat that
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onions-1 · 2 years
Lumax is a bisexual couple
Reblog if you agree
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onions-1 · 2 years
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Els face after that ‘hug’ at the airport between byler
You guys gotta remember, els not stupid
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onions-1 · 2 years
Beautiful 😊
“I thought that if I tried hard enough- if I was going to fall in love with a girl it would be El.”
Lucas looks at Mike. He’s staring off into the distance. Blinking eyes and shuddering breathes. Lucas doesn’t know what to do.
So he lets him talk. It sounds like he’s needed to for a while.
“But it didn’t-,” Mike’s voice cracks and he looks at Lucas with a plea in his eyes. “It didn’t work.”
“I- I’m-. I think- I’m,” Mike looks away again, and Lucas watches him try to force words through his lips that he really doesn’t have to.
Lucas has known Mike and Will for too long to not know what this is about.
Mike starts to tremble, tears battling their way out of his eyes, and Lucas hugs him. When they pull away, Lucas starts to talk.
“Mike, you’re my best friend… and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t notice some things.”
Mike looks at him with wide eyes, “what?”
Lucas smiles, “you and Will, man. You’ve always been different with Will.”
“Oh… You noticed that?”
“Hard not to… but I think I finally started to understand when you made me bike all the way across town in a rainstorm to apologize to him. When really, it was just you who was apologizing.”
Mike glares at Lucas.
“And thinking about it now, you’ve always been way too protective of him. And a lot nicer to him than you are to anyone else in the party,” Lucas is on a roll now, there are years worth memories finally starting to make sense. Mikes never going to live this one down.
“Hey, wait a minute-.”
“And it’s always been Mike and Will, and then the party. Because apparently you two are just a package deal and then there’s me and Dustin and Max and even El. Like that used to make me feel like you two thought you were better than us… but it makes more sense knowning that…”
“…That I’m in love with him?” Mike admits quietly.
“Yeah. Knowing that you’ve been in love with him this whole time, man-.”
“-wait I thought you were done-.”
“Nope, this will never be over. I have years worth of this shit man. Years.”
“Oh, fuck.”
Lucas laughs.
Mike’s tone changes from lighthearted back to how it was closer to the start of their conversation, “I didn’t expect this to go well. I just needed to tell someone because I kinda felt like I was going to die if I didn’t. So, thank you for not… I don’t even know.”
“Hey, I’m sorry that I made you think that this could’ve gone badly. I-,” Lucas stops, remembering things from years ago. And remembering the look on Mike’s face. “Shit, man, I’m sorry that I was such a dick to you about El.”
“It’s fine. I probably deserved it. It wasn’t I wasn’t being a dick to you too.”
“Still, Mike. This is different.”
“Yeah, it is. I am.”
“…do you think Will is too?”
Mike stares at him, “what? No? I don’t know? Probably not. Why?”
“Well, since you and El broke up. And you’ve been hopelessly in love with Will-“
“For years. Maybe, it’s time for operation H.E.A.R.T.”
“What the fuck is operation heart, Lucas.”
“Help exhausting asshole with relationship troubles.”
“This was a mistake actually- I’m leaving.”
Lucas laughs and Mike buries his head in his hands.
“But seriously though. Thank you,” Mike says.
“There is nothing to thank me for.”
And Lucas means it. Mike has been his best friend for years and he’s seen how this was tearing him apart. He didn’t understand what it was, but he does now.
And now he’s got a new goal. Get Mike Wheeler a boyfriend.
Because he’s known Will as long as he’s known Mike. And they’re both absolutely hopeless.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk- I am a Mike comes out to Lucas first truther
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onions-1 · 2 years
People (midlevens to be more specific) really think will is trying to sabotage Mike and els relationship and being mean to el…
we’re talking about WILLIAM BYERS
The boy who asked if his brothers hand was alright when he was just rescued from the upside down? The boy who always hold open doors for el? The boy who started crying and offering to help his sister after seeing her get bullied and humiliated? I could go on and on
If i was with someone i loved and there spouse all day, I’d be a bit miserable too!!
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onions-1 · 2 years
El cant even act herself around Mike or even share things with him and midlevens are still think they have such a deep connection and there ‘so inlove??’
Are you blind? Or do you just hate the fact that el might not need a love interest?
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onions-1 · 2 years
Stop I’m laughing so hard rn 💀💀💀
el’s letter to mike saying “i hope my spelling was better this time” did mr “im a writer” mike wheeler correct el’s spelling mistakes in her previous letters?? did he send that shit back all marked up in red pen with a ‘C-’ on it??? 
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