One factor that influences the use of the labels “soft science” or “hard science” is gender bias, according to recent research my colleagues and I conducted.
Women’s participation varies across STEM disciplines. While women have nearly reached gender parity in biomedical sciences, they still make up only about 18% of students receiving undergraduate degrees in computer science, for instance.
In a series of experiments, we varied the information study participants read about women’s representation in fields like chemistry, sociology and biomedical sciences. We then asked them to categorize these fields as either a “soft science” or a “hard science.”
Across studies, participants were consistently more likely to describe a discipline as a “soft science” when they’d been led to believe that proportionally more women worked in the field. Moreover, the “soft science” label led people to devalue these fields—describing them as less rigorous, less trustworthy and less deserving of federal research funding.
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if forcefemming prisoners was really part of the Kamala Harris platform she'd sweep the country tbh
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The sight of Kamala Harris praising Dick Cheney and welcoming his endorsement is unsurprising but wretched all the same. Extraordinary rendition, systematic torture, and the annihilation of hundreds of thousands of Afghans and Iraqis - these are just trivialities for respectable American liberals, who invoke Trump's malevolence and uncouthness only to excuse their own love for empire.
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“Every film is political. Most political of all are those that pretend not to be: 'entertainment' movies. They are the most political films there are because they dismiss the possibility of change. In every frame they tell you everything's fine the way it is. They are a continual advertisement for things as they are.” — Wim Wenders
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the student driver asked which way do i go, but the zen master just nodded
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Give it to me, Becca. You want it? I need it.
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July - Brendon Burton
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oh my god i logged off most of the night tonight but they really brought this border sherriff up on stage to talk about how evil the traffickers are
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bro we are so fucking cooked we are never getting out of here this shit is so evil
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New York University led by troubling example when the school shared an updated code of student conduct last week. Ostensibly aimed at curtailing bigotry, the new language instead shuts down dissent by threatening to silence criticism of Zionism on campus. Students who speak out against Zionism — an ethno-nationalist political ideology founded in the late 19th century — will now risk violating the school’s nondiscrimination policies.[...]
Tucked into a document purportedly offering clarification on school policy, the new NYU guidelines introduce an unprecedented expansion of protected classes to include “Zionists” and “Zionism.” Referring to the university’s nondiscrimination and anti-harassment policy, known as NDAH, the updated conduct guide says, “Speech and conduct that would violate the NDAH if targeting Jewish or Israeli people can also violate the NDAH if directed toward Zionists.”[...]
“Using code words, like ‘Zionist,’” the guide says, “does not eliminate the possibility that your speech violates the NDAH policy.”[...]
The entire premise of the guidance — that “Zionist” must be functioning as a “code word — is a flaw egregious enough to reject the entire document outright.
The language here is of utmost importance. The text does not say that “Zionist” can and has been used by antisemites as a code word, which is no doubt true. Instead, it takes it as a given that, when used critically, “Zionist” simply is a code word.[...]
According to NYU’s guidance, then, Zionist and Zionism are either antisemitic dog whistles when invoked critically or a protected category akin to a race, ethnicity, or religious identity. Ethically committed and politically informed anti-Zionism — including the beliefs of many anti-Zionist Jews like myself who reject the conflation of our identity and heritage with an ethnostate project — is foreclosed, and the long history of Jewish anti-Zionism, which has existed as long as Zionism itself, is all but erased.[...]
“For many Jewish people, Zionism is a part of their Jewish identity,” the NYU guidance says. And this is of course true. That does not, however, make Zionism an essential part of Jewish identity.
There are conservative Christians for whom the damnation of homosexuality is a key part of their Christian faith too, but Republican lawfare to see homophobic positions enshrined as protected religious expression have been rightly and consistently condemned by the liberal mainstream.
“The new guidance sets a dangerous precedent by extending Title VI protections to anyone who adheres to Zionism, a nationalist political ideology, and troublingly equates criticism of Zionism with discrimination against Jewish people,” NYU’s Faculty for Justice in Palestine said in a statement in response to the updated conduct guide.[...]
“Furthermore, the new guidance implies that any nationalist political ideology (Hindu nationalism, Christian nationalism, etc.) that is integrated into some members of that group’s understanding of their own racial or ethnic identity should be entitled to civil rights protections.”
27 Aug 24
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Eugène Jansson - At Dusk (1902)
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if life is as short as our ancestors insist it is, why isn’t everything i want already at my feet by Hanif Abdurraqib
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i KNOW i keep talking about this but watching in real time as the dems are reclaiming "freedom" and "patriotism" (nationalistic fervor) from the right and explicitly running as the law and order tough on crime party and throwing incarcerated folks that they're meant to be helping under the bus because the "prosecutor vs felon" sloganeering works so well with audiences and also the harsher border control party (because trump was a self-interested hypocrite with no follow through but he was right that we need to be tougher on borders) and more hawkish on foreign policy / "strongest military in the world" party (because trump was too "weak" and "feckless" on that front), and then seeing millions of people slurp that shit up because the slogans are catchy and the stump speeches are better written and the production value on the videos is high and the vibe is brat… shit feels fucking bad man.
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The overdiscussed question of whether there can be a value-free social science will not be much discussed here, but it must be accounted one of the chief failings of modernism that it places moral argument outside the pale of rational discussion. In this connection it should be more widely known that Morris Schlick, the founder of the Vienna Circle of logical positivism and a vigorous lecturer on the theme that moral knowledge is no knowledge at all, was murdered in 1936 by one of his students.
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While demonstrating animal suicide itself in a lab is believed to be possible by some,[11] the ethics of driving an animal to kill itself are debated.[10][12]
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