Jag har beslutsångest med allt jag gör i livet, men aldrig dig, aldrig med dig
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and when fear knocked on the door i didn't let him in
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Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. There was no one there.
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It all boils down to this,
I love you but I don’t know who you are anymore
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”but you cant say that at a dinner partyt”
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Life happens to everyone
Ride the wave
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Every place we spend time in is now haunted grounds. When I close my eyes I can still see us in the places we used to dance
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Hur mår vi? Hur mår vi? Hur mår vi?
Hur mår vi?
Hur mår vi? Hur mår jag?
Jag tror aldrig någon av oss vågat ställa den frågan.
”Man ska inte ner o gräva o rota” sa han. Jag insåg tidigt att det var ett hopplöst fall. Att rädda någon som kanske borde räddat mig. Han som skulle rädda dig fanns inte där. Så jag antar att det fortsätter såhär, en ond cirkel. Tills nån av oss har fått nog. Jag är där nu.
Vad gör det med en människa? Att växa upp med dom här känslorna? . Jag är så trött på underdog quotes och what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger anekdoter. Vi som sett det vet att det inte stämmer, att det aldrig stämmer. Ingen kommer undan utan sår. Det som inte dödar dig håller dig vaken om nätterna, får dig att tvivla på dig själv och allt som har med dig att göra, även din egna avkomma. Jag älskar dig så mycket att det gör ont, hade gjort vad som helst för dig, närsomhelst, varsomhelst, men ingen får mina tårar att rinna som du. Jag antar att det stämmer, dom som du älskar allra mest, sårar dig också mest. Jag har hållt inne på allt det här. Jag antar att jag har försökt anamma det du själv tror på så starkt. Inte känna efter, inte tänka så mycket på det, skjut bort skjut bort skjut bort. Tog mig tid att inse att allt jag försökt trycka bort, har haft sina klor i mig. Du kan inte vinna det här genom att springa.
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“W.H. Hudson says that birds feel something akin to pain (and fear) just before migration and that nothing alleviates this feeling except flight (the rapid motion of wings.).”
— Lorine Niedecker. Between Your House and Mine.
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I think what I’ve realized with age is that I could be happy just about anywhere. When I was in Hawaii, all I wanted was to settle down and live near the beach, spend every day in the ocean and with my toes in the sand. I’d live in a simple but cute house with the one I love and we would raise our kids on surfboards. I’ve always loved Spain, there’s something about the way that place makes me feel, something we are missing out on in Sweden. I love southern Europe, I’ve spent every summer there since I was 10 , I never miss home once I leave. I also love California, I love the endless sunsets by the beach and the way that city vibrates something entirely different than any other place on earth. There’s something special in the air, I’ve never been able to put my finger on it, I don’t think anyone really knows. Regardless, I love it. I love how nobody cares what you’re doing, there’s an endless stream of people everywhere you go, your anonymity is certain. I’m going to Nashville this summer, in August. I’ve always dreamed of that place, always had a feeling I belong in a place like that. Live by the river and decorate my porch with string lights and rocking chairs that we would sit on every night while we listen to the sound of the water pour down the river and the crickets sing as the sun goes down and the darkness swallows us whole . Just me and him. We’d dance in the kitchen in the refrigeration light and read books in bed. On the weekends we’d go to flea markets or the outdoor movie theater. It would be a simple, sure love. The kind I’ve always hoped for.
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What if this life is the one that we begged for in our last life?
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Mary Oliver, from “Hum Hum”, A Thousand Mornings
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Det kommer alltid vara bara du, du o jag, såsom vi en gång var
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I wish I could go back in time and see it with my own eyes. I think I’d like you more then.
I love you but I can’t be around you
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I found an old makeup bag from when I was a child. It was filled with a bunch of lip gloss. I guess I haven’t changed that much after all. In the bag I found a small pink mirror. The last time I looked at myself in the reflection of that mirror I was seven, I’m 25 now and I’m not sure what I’m what I am seeing in the eyes of the girl looking back at me. I wish I could give that little girl a hug. Let her know how proud I am, tell her she’s gonna be alright. I’m sure she’d be happy to know how I’ve kept the magic alive, even after all these years. Even after everything that has happened.
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