Row, Row, Row Your Gut Away
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The treadmill is like the popular guy at the party who everyone wants to hang out with. The elliptical is his less cute friend who everyone ends up dating because they are afraid of the hot one. That makes the rowing machine the guy that was secretly hot and amazing but no one realized it until years later…am I right rowers?
If it were’t for my friends at Throwback Fitness (see below), I probably would have forgotten about the rower all together. I used it here and there throughout my swimming career when I was unable to make it to a practice, but for the most part, I graduated to the treadmill and the stair master soon after and never felt like I got a good workout any other way. After arriving in NYC and realizing all of the amazing workouts I had at my disposal, I began stepping outside my normal routine and trying new workouts.
Ryan and Brian are two guys that reached out to me about their idea to open up a studio based around the rower and soon I started attending their workouts at Throwback. Soonafter, I discovered CityRow and then Crossfit, of course, and I realized that rowing was a phenomenal workout if I was willing to push myself. I learned about proper technique like leaning back to engage your core and making sure your arms pass before your knees. I learned about sprints and calories burned and how to pace myself for a 1,000 meter row.
I realized that I could hit up the rower at the gym and get a better workout than just running on the treadmill and that it is a great partner for a weight training workout like Crossfit. You don’t have to go to an organized place like Throwback Fitness or City Row or even Crossfit to give yourself a good rowing workout, however, you may want to find a spot to teach you more about proper technique before you go to town by yourself at the gym.
Already know the fundamentals? Here is a workout I did last week when I only had about 30 minutes to kill it at the gym during the day:
For Time: Row 100 meters - then rest 3 minutes Row 500 meters - then rest 4 minutes Row 1,000 meters - then rest 5 minutes (Repeat)
And if you are in NYC looking for a good rowing workout, here are some of my favorite places to go:
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[Photo by GiltCity]
1. Brick New York (257 W 17th St)
You can take a B/X (bootcamp), Crossfit or even a yoga class.
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[Photo by: FitReserve]
2. Throwback Fitness (303 W Fifth Ave, Suite #227)
They incorporate old school gym class with a hardcore workout.
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[Photo by: Refinery29]
3. City Row (80 Fifth Ave, Suite #1501)
You are on and off the rower with weights and pilates-based moves.
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[Photo by: Crossfit Solace]
4. Crossfit Solace (38 E 32nd St)
Freestyle gymnastics, yoga, Crossfit and bootcamp in this huge space.
I challenge you to get out there and kill a rowing workout this week whether it is on your own or in an awesome group fitness class like the ones above. You will be addicted if you aren’t already!
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Making Love to the Foam Roller
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Today I am thankful for the invention of the foam roller, the marathon stick and Mineral Ice because they are saving my legs from a powerful weekend. From 15.3 of the Crossfit Open on Friday night to the United NYC Half Marathon on Sunday, I am just now emerging from the comfort of my couch to begin to walk again…and I have no one to blame but myself.
Before I launch into the craziness that is this athletic brain, I got some great feedback from a friend who read my post, “Just Because You Do Crossfit, Doesn’t Mean You Are All About Crossfit.” What started out as an opportunity to explain that I use Crossfit to supplement other activities, turned into me defending Crossfit itself which was not my intention. As you can see by my athletic adventures this weekend, I love having Crossfit as part of my routine but not as the sole proprietor. From running to swimming to spinning, I use Crossfit to build my strength in order to achieve goals in many activities. I think it is a phenomenal tool for any athletic pursuit you have - even if it is to just have a better awareness of your body and what it is capable of.
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(Photo by Katie Rowan @rowanke]
With that said, in the long run, I know my legs will be stronger for what I put them through this weekend but I definitely felt the struggle. 15.3 for the Crossfit Open had both an RX (the strong dudes) and Scaled (the diesel but not quite the strongest dudes) version. I did the Scaled version which was:
50 wall balls (using a 10lb. med ball)
200 single jumps w/ jump rope
**As many rounds as you can in 14 minutes.
During “Friday Night Lights” at Brick NY in Chelsea, there is a DJ and a judge and tons of your peers cheering you on as you get after it each week so I pushed myself hard to get it done. Ended with 762 reps!! Keeping my upcoming half marathon on the brain, I obviously foam rolled immediately after and hydrated with some Heineken…
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I woke up on Saturday feeling like someone who got into a fight and was only allowed to kick and be kicked in the calf and quads. It was awful. From walking down stairs to walking through the city for work, I had no idea how I was going to complete 13 miles. I foam rolled and hydrated and pumped the ibuprofen into my system praying that I would wake up on Sunday with fresh legs. I even slept in my compression socks and massaged my muscles with Mineral Ice. Now while I was convinced my legs were a little better when my alarm went off at 5am on Sunday, I still felt like I had dug myself into a hole.
I do not blame anyone but myself for going H.A.M. on Friday night and expecting to recover in 24 hours for this race, but I knew that focusing on the blame would not get me to the finish line any faster. Luckily, running with my friend Ashley, aka RunningBun, who was ready to keep pace with me the whole race, saved my life. Before the race, we got in a good stretch with the charity team I was lucky enough to coach this season: Team SeriousFun then paced ourselves out for the whole race. We kept trying to slow down but kept up a pretty awesome pace anyway and were cheered on by some of our amazing friends and supporters along the way.
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My legs went in and out of pain and numbness but I just kept my head up, smiled and plugged on with my amazingly motivational friend by my side. We finished the race in 1:49.42 which was not a PR for either of us but pretty fricken great considering we both weren’t at our goals in training yet (saving that for the NJ Half in a month). Needless to say, I finished that race, hobbled to my brother to cheer on his girlfriend Melissa, then went straight home to sit on the couch and never get up.
So as this story began so it will end…I am paying the price today for a ridiculously legs-focused weekend but I can’t really be mad about it. I feel like a true athlete who just laid it all out there and went after her goals and now has the story and leg sores to prove it. And..I get to justify taking a day off and watching the entire season of Empire in one sitting. When’s the next event?
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That Time I Thought I Could Snowboard
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First off, let’s get something straight. How much do I look like I am good at snowboarding? Fresh gear (pants & jacket from Under Armour), huge smile, chillen in the snow. Playing the part is half the battle right? SOOO WRONG. This may be one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life.
I realized I have the need to be good at everything I do the first time I do it which is an impossible ideal to uphold. There is absolutely no way I could envision myself being awesome at snowboarding when I have never even done a snow sport in my life. Legit sledding and straight up rolling down a snowy hill has been the extent of my athletically-based snow activities. So with that said, when I booked this snowboarding excursion, I should have prepared myself more for the pain that would unfold.
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Speaking of booking the trip, if you live in NYC, Urban Sherpa travel is the way to go. I paid about $140 for a round trip bus ride, equipment rental and a lift ticket which was a pretty sweet deal. The bus picked you up in Times Square around 6:30am and took you to Windham Mountain (they also have trips to Hunter Mountain and weekend trips to Killington). The bus left around 5pm and got you back into NYC by 7:30pm. It was a great day trip!
So back to the snowboarding. My friend Charlie came with me to teach me the ropes and we started with a few of the basics before I hopped on my first chairlift (is it just me or is that kinda scary too?) and we made our way to the bunny hill with all the rest of the 5 and 10 year olds who were learning for the first time. Did I mention that I blame my parents for never taking us as kids? Anyway, after trying out a few techniques like feathering the snow and keeping my body tight, we broke for lunch before agreeing to try a larger hill.
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I didn’t exactly feel prepared for a larger hill, however, I am not one to shy away from a challenge. Additionally, in the back of my head, I expected some miraculous snowboard master to inhabit my body and make me awesome. Welp, that did not happen, as you may have already guessed. Every few minutes I would fall on my ass and about halfway down the mountain, I found myself in tears that I couldn't do it. I looked to my right and saw a 6 year old girl in skis doing the exact same thing. 
Was I being a huge pussy? Yes. Was I giving up on myself? Hell yes. Did I get up and try again? About 8 more times the answer was yes. Until finally, I unclipped my feet and stomped down the rest of the mountain. I totally sucked and stopped having fun and just wanted to be on my butt in a warm chair with a cup of hot cocoa. It was a good lesson for me in releasing any expectations of being good at something before I even give it a try. And finding the humor and fun in spending half the time on my butt looking up at the sky. So needless to say, I will try again and suck again and try again and probably get a little bit better but hey, going outside your comfort zone is always a little difficult..am I right?!
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Just Because You Do Crossfit, Doesn't Mean You're All About Crossfit
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[Photo by: rowanke]
Whenever I mention to other athletes that I enjoy going to Crossfit classes, I either get a nod of acceptance from those who Crossfit themselves or a look of disdain. I then feel the need to explain myself and the reasons why I think it is great and that I don't lift weights I can't handle and before I know it, I realize that I am defending a workout that I enjoy. Why has Crossfit become such a divide? You don't see people scoffing at those who just got into yoga or pilates but for some reason, Crossfit has taken on this love/hate vibe simply because they have excelled at one of the hardest things to do: creating a community.
In every major city across the US, there are those gyms or workouts that are "all the rage," Every place has it's niche and it's group of people that religiously attend. But the larger the city, the more options there are for fitness and the more the community is divided. This is when it becomes even more difficult to bring people together and keep them coming back for more. Crossfit, however, has found a way to build a formula that works. They connect with their athletes the second they walk into the door and give them measurable goals in tons of exercises to work towards. 
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[Photo by: rowanke]
I have had the good fortune to try out a number of different Crossfit boxes across a few different cities and the community is always the same: welcoming, encouraging, challenging and hopeful which for any athlete is the perfect combination. You feel comfortable, excited, nervous and powerful all the while struggling through exercises that you believe one day you will perfect. You can scale every exercise to fit your abilities and you never feel like you have to lift a heavier weight or go to a place that is unsafe for your own body. You are traveling outside your comfort zone in a controlled way and it's exhilarating.
Now while I love having Crossfit as part of my routine, it is not the sole proprietor. From running to swimming to spinning, I use Crossfit to build my strength in order to achieve goals in many activities. I think it is a phenomenal tool for any athletic pursuit you have - even if it is to just have a better awareness of your body and what it is capable of. Additionally, I have already noticed this past year where Crossfit has made me stronger - like the NYC Half Marathon or not being dead after a Tonehouse conditioning class (just to name a few) and I believe it can pose many benefits to those who may not know where to start when it comes to strength training.
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[Photo Credit: Katie Rowan @rowanke] 
So while I may be considered one of those people who “drank the Crossfit Kool-Aid,” it is for good reason. Focusing on one activity and one sport (unless you are an Olympian) can limit your body’s potential and also cause you to lose excitement or motivation for the things you once loved. Adding Crossfit into the mix can be positive for all athletes whether you just want to spice up your routine or find a community in this big city.
Instead of seeing Crossfit as a place where I am pushed beyond my limits, it now represents a place where I realized I have placed limitations on myself. I have learned to open my mind and expand my preconceived limitations. I can do pull-ups with a band and slowly witness that band getting smaller until I eventually do a pull-up (hopefully this year). Or just last week when I kicked up into a handstand and was surprised when I didn’t fall (for the first time). Not only that, but I have made friends who are right there alongside me making the same discoveries about themselves and we all just keep coming back and getting stronger - in all aspects of our lives. In the world of health and fitness...Isn’t that what it’s all about?
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Change Up Your Running Routine
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Like everything, the more we get into a routine, the more we get bored. At first, we are proud of ourselves for being consistent with our workouts. Day in and day out we stay motivated and then suddenly week to week we are back in the gym or out on the road putting in our time and energy to achieve our desired results. Then all of a sudden, consistency is no longer our problem. We have gotten into the groove of feeling good when we workout so much so that it is hard to imagine we ever got out of the habit.
…and then we get bored. We are close to getting unmotivated because we are sick of the same 6 mile loop of Central Park on a morning run or bored of the same spin class every Monday. This is a slippery slope. If we let the boredom go on too long, we can slip back into old habits simply because we are no longer excited and maybe not even seeing the same results anymore because our body is used to the routine. This is when we must take control and mix things up!
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One example, is with our running routes. For so long, I ran the same 5 mile path on the East River. It is literally a straight shot down and a turnaround before coming the same way back. Before long, I would snooze my alarms because I wasn't excited about the run anymore. So I began finding new solutions. The picture on the top of this post is from the West Side Highway where I dropped my bag off at a gym on the Upper West Side before tackling the uptown part of the path for a 7 mile run.
The next day, I dropped my bag off at work in Meatpacking and ran down the downtown part of the path to change the scenery. Another day I busted my butt up the Queensboro Bridge (middle picture) and ran through a park in Queens before coming back over to Manhattan. By changing what I am looking at and even what I am expecting, it has made running more of an NYC exploration instead if simply just a monotonous workout. Where can you go to change things up?
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New Fave Breakfast Spot: Oatmeals
As the cold weather creeps in, so does my desire for warm drinks and food like a hot cup of tea after a long day, a bowl of soup for lunch or some warm oatmeal for breakfast. So what is my new favorite discovery? It is called "Oatmeals" and you can find this tucked away gem in the West Village neighborhood of NYC.
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The sizes are Baby Bear (small), Mama Bear (medium) and Papa Bear (large) and you can go traditional with honey and bananas, salty & spice with truffle risOATto or super sweet with strawberry shortcake. I have never seen so many varieties of oatmeal in my life! The steel cut oats can be made with either skim milk, almond milk or water and you can choose from one of their carefully crafted options or make your own!
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The place is so small and raised from the street that you would completely miss it if you weren't on the lookout for it, but once you go inside, you are greeted with extremely friendly and welcoming service, cute seats and tables to eat and delicious lattes or oatmeal cookies to pair with your breakfast choice. It was literally all women who had just come straight from a SoulCylce class down the street so you are in good company for a casual weekend brunch with friends. To read more about it, check out their website here or visit it yourself!
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This is the fig, gorgonzola oatmeal bowl with a balsamic drizzle. Photo by CBS local. I made my own with steel cut oats w/ almond milk, raspberries, coconut & walnuts…so delicious!
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Five Things (Monday)
This weekend was an amazing one of catching up with my high school friends in Baltimore, Maryland, celebrating the birthday of my old lifeguarding buddy Liz and a Sunday Funday of butternut squash risotto and a date to the movies to see Nightcrawler with Jake Gyllenhall. What else happened last week? Check out my five things Monday..
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1. Lyndsey's Wedding
Last weekend the big sister I never had got married to the love of her life in NYC! Lyndsey has literally guided me through club swimming, high school, college and now we even live in the same apartment building in NYC! I was so happy to stand beside her as her bridesmaid in one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever been to! From pictures in Central Park to dancing beside a beautiful view of the city..it was an unforgettable night for an amazing friend :)
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2. Lululemon Men's
The first ever lululemon men's shop is opening in NYC's SoHo neighborhood on Black Friday (at the corner of Prince & Wooster). I am so excited to be working on the opening of this store and the amazing innovation and creativity that has gone into creating an entirely new shopping experience for men. If you are planning to do some holiday shopping in NYC next weekend..I highly recommend you come check out the store opening complete with beer, football, and oh yea, gear! Follow @lululemonmen on Instagram/Twitter for more updates!
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3. Best. Roommate. Ever.
Last week, I was telling my roommate Kvehl I needed help to not snack at night (always my downfall when I'm tired). She told me that she needed help getting motivated to get up early to workout (my strength). So we decided to help each other! I send her motivational photos/quotes in the AM to encourage her to wake up and she guards the snacks at night..or as she did the other night, puts beautiful celebrity photos in the freezer over top of the ice cream…it worked! Best. Roommate. Ever.
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4. Arthur Ave
My cousin Katya (bottom right) is a freshman now at Fordham University which is just a quick subway ride up from Manhattan so 2 of my brothers and I made the trip up to experience the famous Arthur Ave (the Bronx's even better version of NYC's Little Italy). Not only did we have the most delicious wine and eggplant parm but we finished our evening with one of the biggest and most amazing cannolis I have ever had…good thing I put in a super hard workout before and after that dinner experience! #burnittoearnit
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5. Under Armour harem pants
I have gotten into this style of bottom over the past year considering I wear workout clothes every day. Harem pants give that tailored and stylish look with a little bit of funk as opposed to just your average spandex-y pant. I am actually really impressed with some of the "lifestyle" pieces Under Armour has been rolling out lately because they are silky, stylish and comfortable which is perfect for everyday use! These guys are available in the teal you see above, light gray, black and plum. You can order them here.
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Blank: Cancer
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I have had the sincere pleasure of getting to know this amazing guy below, Will Lanier. General Mgr of Brick NY. He is not only an amazing Crossfit coach, lululemon ambassador and friend but he is also pretty damn inspiring in the face of adversity. Will was diagnosed with Colon Cancer at the age of 27 which has become an increasing statistic in men under 30. This extremely healthy and fit individual who prides himself on pushing others to their limit, found himself a few months ago, getting to his. He began the long road of 3 major surgeries to remove his colon all while battling medical bills and NYC rent on top of it all.
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For those of us who love him…which is A LOT of fricken people, we put our heads together to come up with a show stopping event to not only raise money for Will's medical bills but to just unite all those who have a family member or friend battling cancer together to raise awareness for those battling this disease all over the world. The response was amazing,
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The event started as a small idea and turned into a day of fitness classes dedicated to WIll Lanier from top fitness instructors all over NYC who had a personal and emotional connection to this amazing leader. To say the day was extremely moving is an absolute understatement. From the NY Knicks City dancers to Miss NYC, everyone turned out to either sweat for support or just fill out a sign to DOMINATE cancer for their loved one. 
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(Holly Ringer, Master Instructor @ Flywheel)
Everyone walked away hugging someone they just met or sharing stories about losing someone they loved to cancer or surviving it on their own. As we worked out, Will worked in the hospital to get through his second surgery and woke up to pictures, videos, messages and huge donations from those who wanted to share their love and support with him.
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(Noah Nieman & Courtney Paul of Barrys Bootcamp)
I was so honored to have helped put the event into motion and to make it a success that day thanks to the lululemon athletica community. WIll is on his way to one more surgery before he can be in full recovery. His next step after that? To continue putting this event on every year and to speak with those struggling with the same disease…the inspiration never ends!
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(Patrick Frost, Instructor @ Barry's Bootcamp)
This event was for all of those we love in our lives who have lost their battle, are in the struggle or who have overcome a form of cancer. The more we share our love and support the more the memory of all of those people will live on in us…for more information on donating to this cause visit Saxon Hart Causes.
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Five Things (Tuesday)
Never too late to wrap up some of my favorite memories, quotes, workouts and people from last week...
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1. AMEN.
Great quote to live by!
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2. Street Etiquette
I met these guys a few weeks ago and they are so fricken inspiring! They started as two guys interested in design and fashion in unlikely places and have grown into curators of some of the most amazing fashion lines, incredible innovators in the fashion world and just unbelievable awesome people to be around. I went to their Ted Talk last weekend and it was so cool to see the world through their eyes and some of the documentaries and photo shoots they have put together since the inception of their blog. You should check them out at Street Etiquette.
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3. Fitness Inspirations in Your Own Backyard
Many times we look to the big screen, magazines, or the professional field for fitness idols without realizing they are in the gym right next to us. There are those people that you see every day who make you want to push a little bit harder and believe you can get to that next level. Erica Giovinazzo (above) is one of those people. She was a coach at Brick NY in Chelsea where I first conquered my crossfit fear and is now teaching at their LA location. She has truly inspired and motivated me in NYC and will continue to do so from afar..thank you Erica!
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4. Throwback Fitness
Speaking of fitness inspirations, I met up with these guys a few years ago at a random diner to discuss their idea for a new kind of workout. Now 2 years later, they own their own space in Midtown and their workout is taking the city by storm! Throwback Fitness takes everything you used to love (and hate) about gym class and old school sports and has put it into a high intensity crossfit-style workout that will have you laughing and crying all at the same time. They take the throwback name to a whole new level with their 90s movie poster decor and short shorts. I highly recommend you check them out!
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5. Better Being Underground
Ever wonder where you can get the best sandwich in the city? Well feast your eyes on what is called the best place in town, Better Being Underground, on Leroy street in Greenwich Village. But keep in mind my friends that this is not your everyday "open all night" kinda place. In fact, they are actually only open Monday-Friday from 12-3! Better hope you have off today for Veteran's Day so you can give this place a try...
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Pushing Sleds & Climbing Over Walls
I have changed my focus when it comes to body image and fitness lately thanks to some discoveries I have made in NYC of super challenging workouts. I love feeling strong and seeing my body accomplish things that I didn't think it could or even what I know it used to not be able to. Two workouts in particular have helped to change my views: Tonehouse & Warrior Fitness Bootcamp.
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Tonehouse (17th btwn Union Sq West & 5th Ave)
I am honestly addicted to this workout right now. It brings me back to the days when I was training to be recruited to a D1 Swimming program and was doing all kinds of intense conditioning exercises to get my body ready for that high level of fitness. You have to be IN SHAPE to take this class. 
First off, when you enter the gym, the lights are dark red and music is playing from the movie Gladiator. Everyone looks super intense and ready to go. Shaun Jenkins, my favorite instructor (above with the Trojan hat), then huddles the group together and sets the expectation of pain and passion then you start running: jumping over small hurdles at a fast pace, adding burpees in between, the whole 9 yards. It is non-stop from the get-go. Then, depending on the day, you start isolating those body parts with some intense toys such as being strapped to a hardness on the wall and running forward or pushing a weighted sled down the floor. You never know what you are going to get.
The hardest day is Fridays aka "Conditioning Day" where you literally don't stop. You are sprinting and running and doing burpees like your life depended on it and you leave the class in a daze with your arms shaking..its not a shocker that I haven't made it out on a Friday night since this obsession began. It is a class made for those with an animal inside who is not afraid to go for it. There is no other class like it.
Classes are average price for NYC at $35 a session with packages if you think you will be a regular..I mean, with every day focusing on a different part of the body, how could you not want the whole experience?
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Warrior Fitness Bootcamp (35th btwn 5th and Madison)
Remember when I said I wasn't a huge fan of those Tough Mudder races? Well maybe that's because I didn't get a chance to experience Warrior Fitness Bootcamp yet. This is the most unique gym I have ever seen with a real life obstacle course inside! With a track on the outside and ex-Marine corps guys ready for action, this class is intimidating from the start.
As soon as the class begins, you are running around the obstacle course before you are directed to the stairs for the high rise building, you could climb as high as the 12th floor (you are starting on the 3rd) and back down before the running continues..and more stairs, possibly with a weighted vest...and this is just the warm up! Then it is a series of military style drills complete with military counting as a group the entire time.
And…you haven't even hit the obstacle course yet! Next its time to make your way down the monkey bars (which I did successfully btw..such a shock to even me! although I did walk away with some serious blisters) then climbing over very tall walls, climbing through pipes and ending with a rope climb. It makes you feel like the warrior you are which the trainers even have you yell out at the end of the workout…I am a warrior!
Classes are pricey sitting at about $50 a class (that is not a typo) but they have a deal right now with 3 classes for $60 but the catch is that you have to use them all in one month AKA I have one class to go! Maybe not an every day gym for you but definitely worth the experience.
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Congratulations again to all of the TCS NYC Marathon runners on Sunday! You contended with some crazy winds and dropping temperatures and still managed to run with a smile on your face :) It was amazing to watch from the sprinting pros to the weekend warriors and everyone else in between. I have already decided I am going to run it in 2015 and seeing all the runners this weekend already got me amped up to train!
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Over the course of the past few months, I have been working with a team of lululemon employees to create our first ever NYC Marathon after-party. It has been a ton of work and planning and it finally came to fruition on Sunday! We rented out the Celcius, a seasonal restaurant next to the ice skating rink at Bryant Park and gifted the runners and their families with drinks, food, snacks, massages, foam rolling sessions, haivainas flip flops, a photo booth and more! It was so awesome to meet and chat with all the runners who came from all over the world to attend the event.
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For every single person I chatted with post-race..their story was the same. They never considered themselves much of a runner but they always had a goal to run a marathon..so they did. Some of them caught the bug and kept running more, others hit their life goal and plan to bask in the sunlight of their accomplishments forever. Either way, anyone can do it if they really want to. So if you walked away inspired after watching all those runners and then immediately told yourself you could never do it…you are wrong! You can do anything you put your mind to from elite running to weekend warrioring..make a goal and go for it!
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Dear Backpack, I love you: The REAL story of an NYC Fitness Instructor
Today marks my 4 year anniversary of teaching my first group fitness class so I thought I would commemorate this moment with a funny tribute to this crazy lifestyle...
I have been "on the move" literally. I have been a homeless fitness instructor graciously passing the time in between apartments while still holding onto every obligation I have acquired since I began this new nomadic life…you with me fitness community? Even when I had and have an apartment to live in, I have learned to pack up for the day in the darkness before 5am knowing that I will hit up 3 different studios before the rest of the world has left for work and then end up back at home after the sun has set. Sounds fun, right?
I have met so many others like me along the way and we have connected on the ridiculousness that can be our lives at times and how we all wish there was a cafe that catered strictly to us between the hours of 1 and 4 when there is a lull at the gym and we can take a breath. So I have compiled a list of fun musings that I hope you get a kick out of and can even add a few of your own…shall we get started?
You are thankful you invested in a QUALITY backpack with LOTS OF pockets to store everything.
And when I say store everything, I mean that you have a change of clothes in case you go out later, multiple shirts and pants for the different studios you work at, shower gear to freshen up in between and maybe even your laptop in case there is time to get some emails done in between classes.
You have figured out the exact time of day when you can fit in your own workout before your next class, instagram a motivational quote and make a playlist without causing yourself added stress.
Your life has changed since you realized you can overlap songs on Spotify so your classes don't have time to think about a break.
You can jump in and sub anyone else's class without even knowing what the class is before you get there.
You have made fitness friends into real friends just by seeing them around the same time of day when you actually have time to grab some food or a Juice Generation smoothie.
You have your "usual places" where you know you can snag some free wifi, a healthy and cheap snack and maybe even just rest your legs before the second half of your day begins.
You have tried out all sources of energy and found the one that gives you that second wind when necessary.
Somehow you manage to convince yourself you haven't worked out all day even though you have taught more than 3 classes in 12 hours.
You know every single mode of transportation that can take you everywhere you need to go: what bus is the fastest, what subways are closest, what Citibike locations always work and how long it would take you to run there for an extra workout.
You have trained yourself to live on minimal sleep, subway cat naps and moments of zoning out while walking.
No matter how tired you think you are, you snap into MAXIMUM energy the moment you walk into the studio/gym.
You have that one time of day when you just don't want to talk to anyone or even think..just recharge those batteries.
You find yourself greeting and encouraging random strangers on your day off whether you are taking another class at a different studio or just running in Central Park..you can't help but cheer others on because it is in your blood.
You're super critical of other people's workouts or music even though you might never tell them..you either repeat an exercise or song they used or mentally break down the areas they could have improved and how you would do it better.
You are casually out on a date, hear a song in the background and figure out a way to Shazaam it, download it and add it to your next playlist without losing focus on the current conversation.
You also can't help but think about the exact workout you would do to that song while you are out on the dance floor rocking out to it on a Saturday night.
You own more workout gear than regular clothes and you still buy more..and more.
You sound like an 80 year old smoker by the end of each week but somehow your voice comes back to you right before the next week begins.
You feel a need and desire to stay in tip top shape in order to motivate your classes and be true to your mantra of burn it to earn it.
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Five Things Friday
It feels so good to be back to writing! Thanks again to all my loyal readers for the push. It is amazing what extra time you can find in a seemingly crazy day when you really enjoy it. I encourage you all to comment on the posts if you love a post and want to hear more topics like it or if you hate it and want me to STOP RIGHT NOW. I love feedback and want to make this blog as much yours as it is mine. Feel free to touch base on my Facebook page as well: Click here. Now let's get going!
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1. Getting in the Halloween Spirit
Thanks to my amazingly crafty friend Alejandra, I threw together a Pumpkin Party at my new apartment this past Sunday complete with pumpkin carving, pumpkin beer, pumpkin snacks (as you saw my recipe earlier this week) and even decorating marshmallows as little ghosts and sugar cookies as pumpkins. It was a Sunday Funday that really got us in the spirit..I want to do it for every holiday!
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2. Anniversary of my First Marathon!
I am having serious FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) about not running this year. This time last year I was in the best shape of my life about to embark on the greatest life goal I have ever gone after and this year I am preparing to drink bloody marys and work at the lululemon after party. I have already decided I am going to run it next year no matter what..but I am excited to cheer for the runners this year!
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3. Wicked Workout for Under Armour Performance Center
This past Wednesday I lead my first indoor workout event for Under Armour with a Halloween theme! They gifted us with some amazing gear (I was Captain America) and it was 40 minutes of my bootcamp followed by 20 minutes of yoga with my amazing co-worker Anton. Everybody worked their butts off in a series of bodyweight exercises followed by a wall sit/burpee breakdancing circle. Best way to kick off the candy-filled holiday!
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4. Partner Exercises
If you and your best friend are looking to burn a few calories this weekend before you head out, there are a lot of fun and heart-pumping exercises you can do together to get the job done! This is one of my favorites from my class last week: one person does a wall sit while the other person does dips, then you switch. Another great one is for one person to hold a plank while the other person jumps over them and does a burpee on each side, then you switch. If each person goes for 1 minute and you complete each exercise twice, you get about 10 minutes of hard work done and done!
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5. Running Bun Puts A Ring On It
One of my best friends and favorite fitness bloggers, Ashley Byron tied the knot officially with her husband before her beautiful baby Jennie was born and they finally gave us all the chance to celebrate all their amazing milestones this year with a ceremony & reception! I am so happy we connected through running and lucky to have such an incredible friend in my life. Cheers to many more amazing accomplishments Ash! 
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Spinning on the Roof with Under Armour
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This summer was one for the books when it comes to outdoor fitness events I got to be a part of. I loved the feeling of working out in the open spaces of NYC with a sunset, a nice breeze and amazing people bringing all their energy to the table…it was exhilarating! It took the workout to a whole new level for everyone involved and I cannot wait to do some more!
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The one above was with the Under Armour Performance Center at the Starlett-Lehigh Building on 26th and 11th. They have multiple amazing rooftops and helped us to organize a 5 STAR event with a spin, Training C.A.M.P. and then spin again before our athletes enjoyed free food and drinks. The event aimed to bring all the companies who work in the building together for an evening of sweat and celebration. The live DJ, amazing music and awesome energy made the event truly incredible.
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I was so honored to teach it alongside my fitness mentor and my old boss at Under Armour, Curtis Williams. He has had years on me in both the NFL and then the fitness world and has been a great person for me to learn from whether by observing or just by asking him questions about his journey. He hustles to get the job done like no one I have ever seen and inspires me to keep moving forward, find my passion and go for it. I am so happy to have met him and to continue to heed his advice when the times get tough!
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Healthy Pumpkin Recipe: Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Protein Bars
I was looking for a healthy yet delicious recipe to make for a pumpkin carving party I threw at my new apartment this weekend and stumbled upon this one on PopSugar. The carving party was a huge success complete with pumpkin beer, sugar cookie decorating and The Addams Family to watch…gotta enjoy each season for what it has to offer! Anyway, I love that this recipe mixes protein powder (I chose to use SunWarrior) into the recipe because they are now a perfect breakfast for my on-the-go life! These are not meant for the gluten free but they are made for those who like a little sweetness when they wake up without all the extras. They were so easy to make too!!
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Protein Bars
1 cup pumpkin puree 1/2 cup almond butter 4 ounces vanilla plant-based protein powder 1/2 cup maple syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 eggs (I used egg whites) 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves 1 cup rolled oats 2 tablespoons chocolate chips (I used less)
Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray a 9-by-11-inch pan with cooking spray.
In a medium-sized bowl, use an electric mixer to combine pumpkin puree, almond butter, protein powder, maple syrup, and vanilla. Beat in the eggs.
Stir in the flour, baking soda, and spices until a smooth batter forms. Stir in the rolled oats.
Spread batter evenly into prepared pan. Sprinkle with chocolate chips.
Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Source: Calorie Count
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Battlefrog HOO-YAH!
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I have been dying to do a mud run ever since I realized I was the only one not doing them. My brothers love the Tough Mudder, however, the whole 12 miles ending in electric shock therapy doesn't really appeal to me so I found myself the only clean person in the tri-state area every summer..until this August. A few of my fellow instructors at FIT RxN invited me to join their team for the Battlefrog either a 15K or 5K on a motocross course in Englishtown, NJ…I had no idea what I agreed to.
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For some reason I thought I was somehow equipped to just take on this race with no training whatsoever. I mean..I work in fitness so I should be in shape right? WRONG. This race was unreal. Designed by Navy Seals, it was the longest 3 miles of my entire life complete with rope climbing, carrying huge water containers and slipping down excessively muddy hills, scaling walls, and running through muck. Oh and when you couldn't accomplish an obstacle? The Navy Seals were in your face making you do chest to deck burpees.
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I was surprised at how I made it ALMOST all the way through the monkey bars, up a straight up wooden wall and ran through some serious tires. I was not surprised that I cannot rope climb or make it up a muddy hill without some assistance (thank you shitty old sneakers). The best part of the race, however, was undoubtedly the end. Instead of an electric shock freeway like the Mudder, these guys decided to create something even worse: the fiberglass wall. After you are all muddy and wet, you have to run up to a rope, grab on and walk your way up without any grip.
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Needless to say, I tried twice and despite some SERIOUS help from my friend JD, I ended with a full leg raspberry, a bruised pride, and having to take the losers way up the side ladder to the top in order to finish the race. I learned a valuable lesson that day: just go the loser's way in the first place when up against a fiberglass wall. All in all, it was a really cool experience but I am not sure you will see me at another one of these any time soon. I prefer the everyday obstacles of running like trying to avoid dog shit on the street and sprinting past a homeless dude who decided to post up on the East River.
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One More Post Please
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Oh hey friends..remember me? Might be hard to since I have not posted in quite some time. Turns out that my crazy lifestyle of running around has not lended itself very well to computer time and regular posting, however, with the strong urges of some very faithful readers, I am going to make more time for this trusty blog and spread all that I am learning and loving in the world of health and fitness (and dessert) in NYC and beyond. So I hope you haven't written me off (get that pun I did there?) just yet and can strap yourselves back in for the crazy ride that is One More Cupcake Please. 
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Now where to begin..Let's start with my new teaching schedule! I have tons of free passes if you are ever jonesing for a free class and want to use them up. I can't carry them around forever..
6:30am Spin @ CRUNCH (59th & 2nd)
9:30am Definitions @ Equinox (61st & 2nd)
10:30am ABS @ Equinox (61st & 2nd)
7:00am Weigh Hard Cardio @ CRUNCH (38th & Broadway)
5:45pm Bootcamp @ Under Armour (26th & 11th)
7:00am Weigh Hard Cardio @ CRUNCH (Leonard & Church)
6:00am TRX Mash-Up @ FIT RxN (61st & West End)
8:00am Bootcamp @ Under Armour (26th & 11th)
6:45pm TRX Mash-Up @ FIT RxN (61st & West End)
7:00am TRX Mash-Up @ FIT RxN (61st & West End)
There is so much to catch up on that I am going to wet your whistle with some big topics for the week and stay tuned for some great stories!
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Battlefrog..my first muddy/obstacle/intense race ever!
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Rooftop Remix for Under Armour: Spin, Bootcamp, Drinks, Food, Fun
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Lululemon team meeting @ the Gansevoort..big changes happening!
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Wanderlust 108 in Brooklyn: 5K run, yoga, meditation
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Ragnar Relay - running 200 miles from San Fran to Napa. BOOM.
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