that’s nice
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Tagged by @geneer-gebubu to post 10 pics that describe me
@nemesisvariant @fuddlesthegatekeeper
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@ tma hive: which episode you personally find the scariest out of them all? mine’s probably mag15 lost johns’ cave
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Hey, repost with how obscure your music taste is and your most listened to artist on this Spotify stats site. The higher your score, the more obscure your music taste is. I want to know what you all get :)
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Also shout out to @oneiros-who-slumbers for helping me with my Beholding avatar aesthetic
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developing some stuff for a short film i want to make over the summer based on norse mythology… trying to figure out a design for odin that is ambiguous and silhouetted but still recognizable. 
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- The ASMs want to know if you bleed Orange. The come to you with an exacto knife to check, the same exacto knives you stocked recently. They will sell it for 15.95, five dollars more than it is worth.
- When you come in for your opening shift things are slightly different from what you remember. Products have been moved, and there is a faint smell of blood in the air. The Night Crew claims that they know nothing. What other secrets are they keeping?
- You clock in for your ten pm shift. The managers and supervisors have quarter pallets to set. You do as many as you can, setting them carefully around the store. When you come in for your next shift every quarter pallet is moved. Management claims to know nothing. There are more quarter pallets to set.
- You clock in for your ten pm shift. The punch clock screams it’s disapproval. Some time, somehow, you have mispunched. You are today’s sacrifice.
- You punch out for lunch. The clock screams. You have mispunched. Everyone in the lunch room turns their blank faces toward you. “DOUBLE BEEPER,” they cry in a flat monotone. A moment later they turn away, their faces dazed and confused. What has happened? No one remembers.
- Your boss’s name is Steve. Your other boss’s name is Steven. You look down at your apron. ‘Hi, my name is STEVE’ it reads. You don’t know who wrote it since that isn’t your handwriting. You struggle to remember your own name.
- You attend the all-store meeting. They sit you in hard, black chairs all facing a central dais. The store manager praises the Home Depot President and leads the throng in a chant. They know the words by heart. You sit still, knuckles white on the seat of your chair. Your doctor advised you no more cult behaviour.
- One of your coworkers wears a crown. He is unlikeable, he is always late, and he must constantly move from department to department for poor work performance, but is never fired. He makes more than you despite the fact you are better than him at everything, but Management loves him. Only the weak survive.
- The Store Manager sits in his office behind a door that is always closed and locked. Sometimes your coworkers are summoned to his office. When they return, they are not the same. You dread the day your name will be called.
- The HR manager is a slim woman with a pretty face and a bright smile. So is the next one, and the next one, and the next one…
- The Night Crew is an enigma. They come late. They leave early. No one knows what they do. No one wants to know what they do.
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mom said it’s my turn to conjure the old gods
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The probability of you getting attacked by a gorilla at any given point is very low… but it’s never zero.
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over the garden wall | spooky scenery
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prophecy class cancelled due to foreseen circumstances
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happy halloween! here is a ghost duet
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ghost choir 👻 🎵
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i don't need therapy just give me a big swishy black cloak and a talking crow and i'll be fine
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