onefuckedupfamily · 7 years
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Still a couple behind but heres Dobermon! #Digijuly #digitalart #fanart #digimon #dobermon
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onefuckedupfamily · 8 years
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Here’s Dobermon for an anonymous requester. Whoever you are, I hope you like the picture!
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onefuckedupfamily · 8 years
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commissions are open~
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onefuckedupfamily · 8 years
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Minaki’s Digivice
This Digivice can contain Dobermon when he is in the real world (Fanbeemon stays outside), and also possesses the Spirits of Light once they’re transferred into it--the Spirits transitioned to Takuya’s care after Kouji’s death, but changed homes as soon as their Warrior’s daughter got her Digivice. This is how they lend Dobermon the power to digivolve.
((My wonderful Kouji @littleshatteredlight cleaned up my design, and even added her name!! It reads ‘Minamoto Minaki.’ Even after Kouji’s death, she chooses to keep his name instead of taking Ken’s or using her birth one, which was Hanagiri.))
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onefuckedupfamily · 8 years
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Minaki’s Partners & Digivice
((On today’s episode of Sparrow Can’t Really Draw, there’s my design for Minaki’s digivice! Uncolored and colored (dark gray, light blue accents). It functions a little differently from both Ken’s and Kouji’s...further explanation to come.))
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onefuckedupfamily · 8 years
Minaki’s Partners
Kouji will die when Minaki is seventeen. He will not get to see her graduate high school. Kouichi disappears from existence as soon as his twin breathes his last, as that was all that was tying him to this plane of reality. Minaki decides she will try to become a doctor shortly after this.
Ken goes to the Digital World immediately after Kouji’s death, deletes his extensive programming, and leaves the world free of both him and his devices. It is a full year before he returns again, bringing his daughter there for the first time.
She immediately befriends a Fanbeemon and a Gazimon. Within minutes, a Digivice different from both Ken and Kouji’s sits in her hands.
The Gazimon digivolves instantly into Dobermon, the process aided by the Spirits of Light who have not forgotten their Warrior or his daughter. Dobermon never returns to his original rookie form. Whenever called upon, the Spirits of Light provide Dobermon the energy to digivolve into Cerberumon, and after that, Anubimon. Dobermon and Cerberumon remind Minaki of her Uncle Kouichi. Anubimon reminds her of her dad Kouji.
Fanbeemon seems incapable of digivolving, much to his frustration. Ken, well aware that this Digimon reflects his part in Minaki’s life, is more annoyed than the Digimon himself. There comes a desperate point in time, however, when GrandisKuwagamon lends all his strength to Fanbeemon, causing him to digivolve to TigerVespamon as an exhausted Wormmon collapses into Ken’s arms.
Dobermon and his evolutions share much personality-wise with both Kouji and Kouichi, whereas Fanbeemon seems very similar in some respects to Wormmon.
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onefuckedupfamily · 10 years
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My mystery mantises have molted to L3!! And I still have no idea what they are :T I thought during their L2 phase that they could very well be Hierodula sp; but their coloration still causes me confusion. Even more so, this little dude popped that pose in the first picture; which really threw me for a loop.  This is a defensive pose in which the mantis attempts to blend in with its environment by mimicking a twig, or blade of grass, etc. I have observed this pose in my Acromantis nymphs, and other species of bark/stick mantises—but never in my Hierodula nymphs.  And this one is Pedt. look at his eyes, they’re fusca! The other mystery mantis that molted to L3 (who I’ve named Nit) has the standard green eyes, but everything else is identical.  Yeah, I’m still at a loss for IDing these little dudes…
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onefuckedupfamily · 10 years
"Do we have enough blankets?"
"Yes, dammit," Ken snapped. This was stressful enough without Kouji's constant worrying.
"I'm just making sure! Should...should we paint her room?"
"Yeah, I guess. But not pink. I'm drawing the line at pink."
"Okay, so what color?"
"I don't know...light purple?"
"Lilac it is."
"Just call it fucking purple. Don't give me this 'lilac' shit. I'm not gay."
"...Wait. Wait no. Fuck."
Kouji had burst out laughing, and didn't seem capable of stopping. "Y-you're not gay. That sex we had last night wasn't gay at all!"
"Oh just shut up!"
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onefuckedupfamily · 10 years
"We're not talking about this."
Ken sighed, leaning against the door frame. "This is a baby that just lost her parents."
"In a car accident."
"And I am the only one of parenting age for my family."
"...Minaki, huh?"
"Is she cute?"
"I guess? I've never met her. It's not like I was close to her mom. The last I spoke to Natsumi was when you met her, at the wedding--wait, what the hell does being cute matter to you!?"
Kouji smirked and shook his head. "It doesn't. Your mom better be ready to help us with this."
"Is that a yes?"
"It's the closest you're getting to one."
Well fuck. Ken had been arguing to take her in, sure, but he had no idea he'd actually end up doing it. He had no idea how this was going to work.
"Go call her back," Kouji prompted. Ken just blinked, pulling out his phone in a slight daze.
"Hey, mom? ...Yeah. We'll take care of her."
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onefuckedupfamily · 10 years
Everything was still, then Kouji started laughing.
"I'm serious."
It took him a moment to compose himself, then he turned his head in Ken's direction. "Are you fucking insane?"
"You tell me."
"Where the fuck is this even coming from, Ichijouji!?"
"My cousin's kid is now parentless and my mom wants us to take her."
"Tell her no."
"She started crying."
"Then I'll tell her no."
"You won't even consider it?"
"You, fucking asshole number one, prime dicklord, think you're capable of raising a child!?"
Ken had to smirk at the language used. "That's a new one."
"Forget the insults, we can't and you know it."
"Why not?"
"We have one good eye between us, idiot!"
"I don't see how that means we can't take her."
"Oh my God you're serious about this."
"Yes." Was he?
"You hate kids!"
"Hate's a strong word." Did he really want a small person to care for?
"You've kicked puppies and you want to raise a kid."
"Okay but that last one was an accident." He could barely keep from hurting Kouji when they first met, and he thought he was fit to raise a child?
"Go to hell."
"This feels a lot like I'm already there." Of course he wasn't. Why was he even trying to convince Kouji they could do this?
The younger got to his feet, anger written across his face. "Fuck yourself."
"Her name is Minaki."
Kouji shook his head with a disbelieving laugh and turned his steps to exit the room.
"She's five months old. Hanagiri Minaki."
"Shut the fuck up!" The door was slammed in Ken's face.
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onefuckedupfamily · 10 years
"So I just got off the phone with my mother."
"And? How is she?"
"Well what?"
"Do you remember my sister's daughter, Ken? Natsumi?"
"You mean my cousin? Yes. What's this about?"
"You and Kouji went to her wedding three years ago, remember that?"
"Yes, mom, can you get to the point?"
"You know she had a little girl a few months ago."
"You may have mentioned it, yes."
"Natsumi just died, Ken. She and her husband. In a car accident."
Silence. "I'm sorry. But I'm not sure what you want me to do about it."
"My sister died two years ago and her husband is estranged."
"Mom. I know."
"There's nobody to take Minaki in, and I don't think your father is up to raising another child at our age..."
"What are you asking me?"
"Oh, Ken... Would you and Kouji take her? I don't want her going into foster care, not when I know you two care raise her yourselves."
"...Have you met Kouji?"
"You think he wants a kid? Hell, you think I want a kid?"
"Please, just promise me you'll think about it!"
"Are you crying?"
"Promise me, Ken."
"I'll talk to him tonight..."
"Well what do you think about raising a daughter?"
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onefuckedupfamily · 10 years
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onefuckedupfamily · 10 years
Our muses have just buried their only child, and must now cope.
Ken closed the door behind them, standing there a moment and staring after Kouji as he climbed the stairs and headed to their bedroom. He remained where he was, watching the seconds tick by on the clock in their entryway.
Another full minute without her.
He finally shifted, following after Kouji and slipping past the half-closed bedroom door to find him curled in a ball on top of the sheets, choked sobs escaping his throat.
"It wasn’t you fault, Kouji."
"Yes it was, shut up yes it was! If I wasn’t—"
"You didn’t choose to be blind, Kouji."
"And you! If you hadn’t insisted I come, then maybe—" That was too harsh.
Ken sat down beside his partner, no tears slipping down his own face. He’d cried too much already, and no longer felt able to do so. It was worse. “You think I don’t already know that?”
"Ken, I—"
"Don’t. You think I don’t blame myself for this, too?"
"No daughter should have to pull her dad out of the way of traffic."
"No brother should have to, either. But he still did it anyways. Because he cared about me. Because she loves you." Loved. The finality of the word settled over him, even as he didn’t speak it.
Kouji said it for him. “Loved. You mean loved. ‘Because she loved you.’”
"Don’t do this to yourself."
"Do what, tell the truth!?"
"Then don’t do this to me, Kouji." He had to remember how Osamu died, right? Or maybe he just couldn’t care. Silence settled over the room, only interrupted by broken sobs.
"Seventeen, Ichijouji."
"I know."
"She was goddamned seventeen! She had her entire life ahead of her!"
"I know."
"It’s not right."
Ken almost said ‘I know’ again, but changed it before it left his mouth. “It’s not.”
He didn’t know that one. Because there wasn’t any.
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onefuckedupfamily · 10 years
To be a bitch, all these have to be tied into our college au! First: 31
Our muses are teaching their first child how to walk.
Ken was kneeling behind Minaki, supporting her weight as he lifted her onto her feet. Kouji was on the couch, smiling with arms outstretched. They’d been doing this the past three days, but it was as if their daughter knew what was wanted and refused to cooperate.
This morning, though, her right foot flung forward, Ken leaning over her as she gripped onto his finger tighter and her left soon followed.
"Ichijouji, tell me what’s happening. You’re not swearing, it’s creepy."
"Shut up and wait."
Kouji sighed, smile falling and arms getting tired. “You know, if you’d just—”
The younger fell silent with a frown, opening his mouth to comment again only for his grin to return as a little body plowed into his knees.
"She made it."
"Yeah. She did."
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onefuckedupfamily · 10 years
Orchid Mantis
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onefuckedupfamily · 10 years
"Little child, be not afraid. The rain pounds harsh against the glass like an unwanted stranger. There is no danger. I am here tonight."
Kouji was leaning against the headboard, Minaki in his lap as Ken went to get the candles. She turned onto her back, tilting her chin up.
"Daaaad, I’m not scared." He sang anyway, ignoring the nine-year-old’s weak protest. She was the one who had snuck into their room five minutes after the thunder started.
A few more lines in and Minaki had twisted onto her side, the better to wrap her arms around Kouji’s middle. Ken was back, leaning against the doorframe with candles in one hand and matches in the other, watching in silence.
Minaki’s head now tucked into Kouji’s lap as he continued and stroked her hair, Ken finally moved, lighting a candle on each nightstand so they were bathed in a golden glow. He sat back down on the opposite side of the bed, smiling only with his eyes.
"And someday you’ll know, that nature is so. This same rain that draws you near me, falls on rivers and land, and forests and sand, makes the beautiful world that you see, in the morning."
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onefuckedupfamily · 10 years
Sparrow: "Send me "You've been a bad boy/girl." For my muses reaction to yours saying this as they shove them against a wall."
Sasate: 99% chance au kouji would sock ken
Sparrow: why do i feel like this is a common occurrence in their household
Sasate: it is
Sparrow: XD
Sasate: and they have to constantly remind minaki that violence is usually not the answer
Sparrow: i was just about to say what happens when minaki gets in trouble and asks papa why he hasn't shoved her against the wall for a kiss
Sasate: oh my GOD
Sparrow: i'm wheezing
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