It is my opinion that Kaz “Dirtyhands, Bastard of the Barrel, Demjin, Your Worst Nightmare” Rietveld Brekker and Inej “Wraith, Spider, Suli Lynx, Your Worst Nightmare Prt 2″ Ghafa do not have many pet names for each other, if any at all. 
These two have both embraced countless titles (willingly or not) that have helped shape who they have been at one time or another. They use careful words to threaten, to trade, and to fight. Terms they’ve used with each other in the past (specifically our favorite “my darling Inej, treasure of my heart”) are used to cheapen an otherwise meaningful thing (in this case, a request for a favor). Inej admonishes Kaz with poetic proverbs and philosophies on the regular. 
But in the times when they are the most vulnerable, in the times when they both have shed their armor, they don’t use any titles. They are not Brekker and his Wraith. They are not the rapidly rising gang leader of Ketterdam and the unstoppable queen of the sea. 
They are just Kaz and Inej. Two people whose innocence was stolen and repaid by further hardship that made them into the people we all love. 
To Kaz, there is no sweeter sound than Inej’s laugh, but just wait until he hears her say his name softly and with all the reverence he’s working hard on deserving. 
To Inej, there is no more profound gesture of devotion than Kaz working with her to make all her dreams come true, but just wait until he welcomes her home, gloves off, and saying her name with such worship as he denies every god in the world. 
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Blemish - It Starts Right Away, Of Course (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/zouXXMOh84 
Bellanora is stolen away by Bishop to go who knows where and to do who knows what. But if he keeps looking at her with those awfully dazzling eyes, she might just not care about any of it.
 "The eighth blemish showed up the next morning on her right hip and that's when Bellanora knew she had fallen in love with Bishop." ....... Falling in love has never been so obvious. In a world where marks appear on the body whenever you fall in love, Bellanora Jones has been fighting hopelessly against her romantic heart for years. She's only 19, but she already has seven heart blemishes. On her way to college in historical Charleston, South Carolina, and convinced she has to find the "one" or swear off love altogether, Bellanora meets a plethora of boys that make her heart flutter. Before she knows it, the eighth mark appears. Bellanora hopelessly falls in love yet again, and it's time to ask herself if it's all worth it in the end. Will number eight be her soulmate, or will he just be her eighth heartbreak? (new chapter every Tuesday)
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Love Sincerely, Muse - Brave (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/PxlyUHx904 "Let's write a story. Let's put down some words in a chronological order which can be used to portray a feeling or a mood or that can relay a story. And let's make it emotional. Let's make it raw and irrational and devastating. Let's see to it that it can tear the heart from the body, yet keep it beating. Let's replace souls with heartbreak and tragedy and despair." 
Dear Reader, 
Unrequited love, tumultuous storms of anxiety, and desperate pleas for reprieve are the masterpieces of a rambling artist and her toiling muse. She's seventeen, depressed, and thankful for all of her troubles. These are the pieces of a shoddy heart. Don't take them all at once and don't believe everything you see. 
Love sincerely, Muse 
(new pieces twice a week)
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Blemish - Bellanora Jones is a Botanical Menagerie (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/cUPPvJjxX4 "The blemish showed up the next morning on her right hip and that's when Bellanora knew she had fallen in love with Bishop." Falling in love has never been so obvious. In a world where marks appear on the body whenever you fall in love, Bellanora Jones has been fighting hopelessly against her romantic heart for years. She's only 19, but she already has seven heart blemishes. On her way to college in historical Charleston, South Carolina, and convinced she has to find the "one" or swear off love altogether, Bellanora meets a plethora of boys that make her heart flutter. Before she knows it, the eighth mark appears. Bellanora hopelessly falls in love yet again, and it's time to ask herself if it's all worth it in the end. Will number eight be her soulmate, or will he just be her eighth heartbreak?
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Help, my friends, I have just become a part of the Star Trek fandom, to the vast dismay of my Star Wars little bros. Tell me: I have begun watching the original tv show on netflix and have discovered many more and movies seem to exist outside of the alternate origin modern movies and there are books as well? What all is there and in what order I shall consume it? What constructed fan languages are there? Fanfiction recommendations? Drown me in this new fandom for I will thirst otherwise!!!!!!!
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