oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
Why did he not want to hear about the otherโ€™s boyfriend? He wasnโ€™t jealous, no. Apollo didnโ€™t get jealous, not of some tall guy who wasnโ€™t even here.ย โ€œHmm, sure look single to me, Thaynie Bear.โ€ Apollo teased the other, his smirk growing a bit bigger at Thayneโ€™s response to that. The stuttering got to him, that was the cutest thing heโ€™d ever seen.ย โ€œI think my heart will recover, darling. Hmm, letโ€™s see. I guess Iโ€™ll get a beer and some chili cheese fries, since I shouldnโ€™t be up at this ungodly hour.โ€
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Thayne knew that look way too well. The way his face seemed to fall a little whenever he spoke about Benji. It hurt, it truly hurt a lot.ย โ€œ...I donโ€™t wanna talk about it.โ€ He mumbled, hoping the subject might drop for at least a little while. The last thing he wanted was to start crying and worrying again like he did the last few hours. Hell, he even had to cancel his cam show for the night because of how much he hurt.ย โ€œIt better. But... Again, Iโ€™m sorry. Especially for whoever you were gonna hook up with. They donโ€™t know how truly special and kind you can be.โ€ He sighed, nodding as he ordered those as well before handing his card over.ย โ€œI probably shouldnโ€™t either, but...You know me and my sweet tooth.โ€
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
โ€œBenji, oh the tall one right? Yeah, I come here sometimes. Usually I come here after Iโ€™ve left the bars and shit and I need some food to sober me up before work.โ€ Apollo admitted. Raising an eyebrow at Thanuel, he hummed, not really believing what the man was telling him.ย โ€œYou are telling me that you came here to hook up with a stranger?โ€ Apollo questioned. Although, he had to admit that since his hook up didnโ€™t show up and he didnโ€™t think the otherโ€™s hook up was or if he was even telling the truth, he smirked softly at him.ย โ€œI could always be your hook up for the night. You gotta buy me dinner first though.โ€ He teased.
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โ€œYeah, the tall one with the kinda long hair. Looks like a damn moose.โ€ His smile got wider the more he thought about him, hating but also loving the effect that Benji had on him.ย โ€œMakes sense, though. Good tโ€™see youโ€™re still good old Apollo.โ€ He scoffed playfully, letting his elbow playfully nudge him.ย โ€œN...No. No. I mean, Iโ€™m not single. I wouldnโ€™t dare do that kinda shit.โ€ He breathed, though the change in expression told otherwise. He didnโ€™t even know if the other was coming back or not, and that uncertainty scared the absolute shit out of him. More than heโ€™d ever admit.ย โ€œIโ€™m sorry to disappoint.โ€ He turned his gaze to the waitress, giving a gentle smile as he ordered just a simple beer, as well as a few slices of apple pie.ย โ€œWhat do you want from here. Iโ€™ll pay for it.โ€
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
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โ€œAw, my little fluffy bear, you still mad at me?โ€ Apollo asked in a sing-songing tone of voice as he pulled his frown into a soft smirk.ย โ€œWhy? Ya know I live here, right?โ€ Sure, Apollo didnโ€™t have to be that much of a dick but he wasnโ€™t really used to being nice to someone. He did still care for Thanuel, hell how could he knot? The man was gorgeous, adorable and those eyes, boy, those eyes would turn anyone into a pile of dirt.ย โ€œI was about to grab some food and meet this guy for a hookup but he ainโ€™t showed, so looks like Iโ€™m just grabbinโ€™ the food. Why are you here?โ€
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Thanuel rolled his eyes once more at the nickname, but couldnโ€™t help the slightly wider smile playing on his lips. It was his weakness, sue him.ย โ€œWell, yeah I know. I just... I came here a lot with Benji, and I donโ€™t think I ever really saw you here. But... Guess we gotta cross paths sometime, right?โ€ He chuckled, moving to take a seat next to him. He had to admit, Apollo still looked almost exactly the same as he did when they dated, and it was a bit of a relief to him in a way.ย โ€œFigures... Guys here ainโ€™t nothinโ€™ tโ€™run home to, are they... I was honestly just uh... Doinโ€™ the same.โ€ He didnโ€™t want to admit how he came out here to eat away his feelings like he usually did, and then work extra hard to get all of the calories burned up so he still looked good on camera.
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
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โ€œAhhh, Iโ€™m sorry to hear that, man. You must have a really nice protective case and screen to prevent those falls from destroying it.โ€ Hugo smiled while tucking his phone into his jacket pocket, and at the response to his phone still being intact, the blond chuckled, โ€œYeah, these phones are so bloody fragile, I think if I didnโ€™t have a case on it it certainly wouldโ€™ve shattered. Like my father likes to sayโ€ฆ Ya know, they donโ€™t make shit like they used to, my lad.โ€ he laughed returning an equal sort of handshake. โ€œThank you, Thanuel, likewise. Anโ€™ might I say, youโ€™re name is certainly not a common one, I quite like it. I hope my bumbling didnโ€™t interrupt your plans, mate.โ€
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โ€œOh I definitely do. Iโ€™ve got that uhh... Otterbox thing. Super durable, but kinda heavy on the hands if Iโ€™m honest. At least it works, though.โ€ He shrugged his shoulders with a smile.ย โ€œThey really are. I swear, theyโ€™re not like Nokia phones... Those things? Those things could probably survive a nuclear war and STILL work. Iphones and Androids could never.โ€ Heโ€™d thought about switching back to a Nokia once or twice, but he was also so addicted to his android that he didnโ€™t think he could ever really switch back.ย โ€œOh, thank you! My parents kinda drilled it into my head that I was named after an angel. but Iโ€™m anything but that.โ€ He hummed with that same smile.ย โ€œNah, you didnโ€™t at all, donโ€™t worry! Iโ€™m sure my partnerโ€™s still there waiting for me.โ€
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
โ€œI have not been happier than normalโ€ She rolled her eyes at him and bumped her shoulder against his.ย โ€œIโ€™m averagely happy.โ€ She added.ย โ€œIโ€™m justโ€ฆ.glad to be hereโ€ฆgetting a fresh start away from all the bullshitโ€ She waved her hand and sighed. Living it Atlanta had been rough after both Thayne and Zelda left herโ€ฆespecially after her break-up thingย she really felt like a zombie just going through the motions.ย 
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โ€œOh now thatโ€™s a damn lie and we both know that.โ€ He teased playfully with a huge grin.ย โ€œYeah, me too though... I mean, I guess I should have packed you up in the car and plane with me, but... You seemed kinda happy in Atlanta. Even without me being there.โ€ Thanuel chuckled, moving to wrap one arm around her shoulders.ย โ€œBut something seems up... Like you just saw an actual, living angel, besides myself of course.โ€
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
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Thanuel knew he had to at least leave the house once in a while, even without his boyfriend by his side. The only thing is, hisย โ€˜mooseโ€™ had left town again, and he had to admit, he was a bit upset about it. However, he figured, like every other time he was upset, that some nice pie from the local diner could cheer him up a little. He wasnโ€™t, however, expecting to see his ex there, making him stop dead in his tracks as his heart raced. It hadnโ€™t ended on a good note, at all, but Thanuel was a very.... Lovey type of guy. He couldnโ€™t get rid of feeling that easy, and in a way, he hated how much he still cared about the guy.ย โ€œYouโ€™re not wastinโ€™ away.โ€ He rolled his eyes as a smile tugged at his lips.ย โ€œSurprised to see you here, though, if Iโ€™m honest.โ€
Open Starter: A Local Diner.
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Apollo felt like he had been sitting in the dinerโ€™s booth for the last two hours, that was how hungry he was. In reality, he probably had only been waiting for about twenty minutes.ย โ€œFucks sake. I donโ€™t care how hot he is, Iโ€™m fuckinโ€™ hungry.โ€ The man mumbled before getting up from the booth and moving over to the counter.ย โ€œMy date ainโ€™t coming, so can I just order? Iโ€™m starvinโ€™ and wastinโ€™ away ta nothinโ€™.โ€
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
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Thanuel had been looking for the park himself for way too long. He knew it was here somewhere.... But where... When he heard his boyfriendโ€™s voice, he looked behind him, giving a gentle smile.ย โ€œI havenโ€™t seen a thing... Though, maybe the GPS might be a good idea, huh?โ€ He teased, pulling up the gps and typing in the proper coordinates.ย โ€œ.....We went the wrong way.โ€
Happy Harvestยฎ๏ธ - Benji
Location: Streets of London
Status: Open starter event
Benji was looking forward to the event, the only issue was his lack of sense for direction. He had been going through random streets but nowhere was a park in sight.ย โ€œExcuse me there!โ€ He called the moment he saw someone.ย โ€œIsnโ€™t there a festival around here?โ€
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
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โ€œAlright, youโ€™ve been way happier than normal... What gives?โ€ Thanuel couldnโ€™t help but hum with a smirk as the two headed down the street towards the local coffee shop.ย โ€œNot that you canโ€™t be happy, but... Thereโ€™s somethinโ€™ going on, and as the obligatory older brother, I gotta know. Is it a guy? A girl? A new pet or somethinโ€™?โ€ He teased, stopping the two from walking for just a moment so he could properly hear her.
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
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โ€œIndeed.โ€ The blond sighed and offered a friendly smile at the older gentleman, โ€œItโ€™s the first to happen to me, actually.โ€ Hugo loved his gadgets, smartphones, tablets; whether they were Android or Apple, he didnโ€™t care. They were exceedingly useful and made for incredible learning tools. How he wouldโ€™ve adored to possess such technology when he was still a student, when he experienced great stress during his self inflicted-studies. He managed to be careful with every device he owned. Lifting his cellular phone from the pavement to examine the damages, the screen was, without a doubt, severely damaged, but after pressing the side button, the screen still illuminated and he was still able to see that he missed a call from his mother. โ€œRight you are, mate. The phone still works, just some exterior damage. Iโ€™ll have to make a trip to my phone carrier soon, eh?โ€ Hugo extended his hand for a handshake, โ€œThank you for your concern! Iโ€™m Hugo.โ€
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โ€œShit, Iโ€™m sorry. Itโ€™s happened to me about... five times maybe? Then again, most of thatโ€™s the fault of having carpal tunnel and it just kinda... Sliding out of my hands without feeling it. โ€ He never really liked to mention that, and hated admitting it. But he felt it was about time to admit to himself that that waswhat was happening.ย โ€œOh good! At least itโ€™s okay and not shattered in half, right? I do know a phone place that replaces screens and such for a pretty low price. I definitely recommend them. Theyโ€™ve done quite a few of my phones.โ€ He chuckled, taking the otherโ€™s hand and giving it a firm, yet gentle handshake.ย โ€œItโ€™s really nice to meet you, Hugo. Iโ€™ve always liked that name. Iโ€™m Thanuel.โ€
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
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Whatโ€™s your favourite time of day to have sex?:ย โ€œAny time, honestly. Although, Iโ€™ve always loved sleepy sex,ย  so.... Especially before bed, and right after waking up.โ€
Rough or romantic?:ย โ€œDepends on what Benji would rather have, honestly. But i typically prefer romantic.โ€
Quickie or marathon session?:ย โ€œOh a marathon, for sure!โ€
Whatโ€™s your favourite part of foreplay?:ย โ€œLeaving marks on Benji for everyone to see later on. And I love when he does it to me, so everyone knows Iโ€™ve been claimed.
Would you dress up for someone in bed?:ย โ€œI do it all the time anyways, so... Definitely.โ€
Whatโ€™s your favourite place to be kissed?:ย โ€œProbably my neck, or my thighs.โ€
Do you like sexting?:ย โ€œOh definitely! I love texting Benji little things during the day just to frustrate him.โ€
Whatโ€™s the best thing about your sex life?:ย โ€œProbably the passion and neediness, if Iโ€™m honest. Weโ€™re both eager to please each other.โ€
Whatโ€™s the shortest time itโ€™s ever taken for you to have an orgasm?ย And the longest?:ย โ€œUhhhhhh, god, I think the shortest was twenty minutes. Longest was two hours because I wanted to make sure Benji came at least three times.โ€
How would you make someone have an orgasm?:ย โ€œDepends on the person, I guess. Usually I can use toys to make someone cum, but I also love using my mouth, tongue, and hands.โ€
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
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Thanuel hadnโ€™t been feeling all that great the past few days. Hell, heโ€™d even skipped a cam show or two, which was really rare for him. Heโ€™d had a fever, chills, a headache, and just genuinely felt crappy. And of course, he texted his boyfriend about it, asking if he could possibly bring over some soup or something.ย 
When he heard the knock at his door as well as the door open a few moments later, Thayne was still covered up in his blankets in bed, trying to warm up (even though he was already almost burning up to the touch. He slowly turned, looking up to the taller male with a small smile.ย โ€œHey, I missed you... Iโ€™d ask for a kiss, but I wouldnโ€™t wish what Iโ€™ve got on anyone.โ€ He huffed out. But despite his words, his arm reached out to him for even the slightest touch.
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
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Thanuel couldnโ€™t help but overhear the otherโ€™s conversation as he was heading over to his boyfriendโ€™s bar. He saw the exact second the otherโ€™s phone would shatter, trying his best not to cringe when he heard that sickening cracking noise that everyone dreaded when their phone hit a hard surface.ย โ€œItโ€™s okay, donโ€™t worry. It happens to the best of us, right?โ€ He smiled sweetly, figuring heโ€™d talk to the guy and spare Benji a little time since he knew closing up the bar would take a while.ย โ€œIt still works, right? Hopefully itโ€™s just some cosmetic damage.โ€
Having been a good two weeks since his return to London, Hugo felt a little guilty for not informing his parents that he was finally back in town and after an entire decade. Heโ€™d changed, particularly during the past two years he lived in Queens, New York. They were some pretty TRAUMATIC times, Hugo never felt happier being back in foggy old London, back home, and finally being able to catch up with his old mates.
โ€œYeah, I am back in London, ya silly nit! Why would I lie about such a thing?โ€ He grinned with his mobile phone held against his ear, chatting with a friend he met back in medical school. โ€œYeah, that sounds brilliant, Friday works for mโ”โ”Oh! Hang on, someone is on the other line.โ€ Removing his phone from his ear, his phone suddenly slipped from his grip, it produced a horrid cracking sound as it landed face down on the pavement before him.ย โ€œAh, fucking hellโ€ฆโ€ he groaned. And blue hues caught the eyes of another nearby,ย โ€œClumsy fingers!โ€ Hugo grinned embarrassingly,ย โ€œUh, my apologies for language.โ€ย 
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
ft @eddiemainlxndโ€‹
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....too much is going on here.
Kitty Perry: bon appetite 2.0
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
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This is just too amazingly cute!ย 
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
โ€œYou know thats not through, asking for help is a choice a decision you can make. Being tall is genetic.โ€ Though no one was as tall as he was in both of his families.ย โ€œYou arenโ€™t useless cause you need help. It takes great courage so it just shows you are brave.โ€
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โ€œOh, no I know. It was just kinda a comparison in a way. Like... You being tall is jut who you are, and me being stubborn is who i am, yโ€™know? ..Itโ€™s probably a stupid one, now that I think about it.โ€ His playful, teasing expression began to fade a little.ย โ€œI know... Itโ€™s also me just wanting to be independent, I guess, and not really wanting to rely on people... Even if you have to get stuff off of the top shelf sometimes.โ€
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
๐Ÿ“ท Post the 12th photo from your phoneโ€™s gallery
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oneandonlythanuel ยท 4 years
Once he was finished, the smaller man was practically panting for breath, having it almost knocked out of him prematurely. But he regained it after a moment, only to have the otherโ€™s lips gently crashed against his boyfriendโ€™s, moving to take the lollipop from his mouth to make sure he didnโ€™t choke, or neither of them accidentally hurt themselves with it. As the other bent down, Thanuel couldnโ€™t help but giggle and try to hard not to accidentally squirm.ย โ€œYou really are dirty, arenโ€™t you?โ€ He teased, biting his lip gently before nodding quickly. There was no way they were done. Not when Benji was still hard and Thayne felt like he needed more.
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