Little Miss Lola the void kitten eagerly demands her dinner ~ snowvixen7
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~ via fall_world 🐈‍⬛🍂
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Hello, @everyone. Today I would like to discuss a very misunderstood topic. The topic is LGBT. Disclaimer : if you're a hater or simply not a supporter of the LGBT community, I please you to scroll down and ignore this post rather than be rude and leave hateful comments.
I recently saw a LOT of LGBT related posts. I see people from the community who are proud of themselves, who aren't afraid to show their true colors and some of them, unfortunately cannot express themselves due laws of their countries. And so many people had died only because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
But those people who are proud with themselves do not bother me, at all. What bothers me is when people fake being part of the LGBT only because they would like attention. I've come across people who had "identified" as transgender but never felt gender dysphoria (or said their body didn't bother them, didn't feel "wrong") or later realized they weren't trans (after starting transitioning), across people who kissed the same gender with no romantic affection, only because it was "popular" or "trendy", or simply for fun.
Let me get this straight for everyone. Being part of the LGBT is not easy. Not at all. Social media is full of it. But there's so much to it no one tells you. Social media gives you the idea that being different is beautiful, is something you can be proud of. In so many cases, being part of the LGBT means discrimination, exclusion, harassment. Growing up in countries with laws against the community. Being forced to marry the opposite sex due religions aspects. Being killed for being different. There are people who go far enough until suicide because of these aspects. Everyone seems to be okay with the community only because there is the LGBT representation via fame. There's make up artists, musicians, painters, so many people who are different and are not afraid to tell the world. They are being hated still but sometimes, discrimination decreases with fame but for ordinary people, it's a real struggle.
I'm part of the LGBT. And I am proud of myself. I came out in 2017 as bisexual. To me, love has no gender. And LOVE IS NORMAL. For me, it was not easy. My parents were not the most open minded. Classmates were not the kindest. But I am here, I'm proud. I'm fighting for the rights I deserve. For the rights everyone deserves.
I would like to ensure everyone that no one should ever lose hope. I am here. There's a lot of people out there as well. We can help. We can make you feel better about yourself. If you're confused about it, you shouldn't be ashamed of it. Everyone is different and that makes us all special. All of us.
Thank you for reading. I'm going to continue this topic soon.
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October 12
Well. I think I lost hope again. If only I could help myself...
Maybe it's impossible. But I wish I could. Someone get me out of my head asap...
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Safety is essential
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June 23
Those goddamn eyes. Those lips on mine. I am trying so hard not to melt into the thought of us.
Why can't I work ? I am so hard to understand. So hard to be liked. Whenever someone likes me, I push them away. I am a disaster. But once I get hurt, I am trying to pick myself up. Huh. No self esteem. No confidence. I don't know how to get fixed. I am such a complicated puzzle.
Wish I could find peace within myself. My thoughts. My feelings. I just ruin my life.
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June 16
Kinda wish I was away for a while
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Well, it's getting so hard to live. Again. Well, as always
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May 24
I feel chills. I feel bad. I don't think I'm even close to being fine. To being ok. And that, god, is such an exhausting feeling.
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May 10
A better day. I think things will get better
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May 1
Ah, the sweet feeling of bad thoughts. At least I hoped
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May 1
I feel chills. I'm tired, physically. And I can't get my shit always together. Hope new starts bring better results
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May 1
Ok. Fresh start. Hope it lasts
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April 29
Well, things suck. But it's fine. Probably
People are awful. So damn awful. And i hate feeling like I don't belong. Like I am such a burden to everyone. Maybe I am. It's okay.
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April 13
Another failure. What a wonder. I'm not sure where all this is going. I'm not sure how I am. I'm not sure on anything. Maybe just that everything is heavy. And I'm slowly going down. Down. Down. When do i know i can't fall anymore? If I hit the ground. Would i be able to keep on falling?
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April 4
Warm weather. Quarantine. Irony activated
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March 16
I hate how nobody really cares for me. That I had lived a lie my whole damn life. Isn't it funny to know even your teachers are fake ? You can be the best but never enough. Only if your parents can buy the whole galaxy. Well.. shit is crazy. But ain't this just the life ?
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