721 posts
Hopelessly infatuated with Buck and Eddie. My main blog is Onetrueemotion and you can find me on AO3 under that name as well. Ask box is always open but it may take me a couple days to answer.
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one-eighteen · 5 years ago
In the rain, first kiss 😩
(a;lhgalsdjfghalsdkfj oh the fluff *clutches heart*)
“Buck, what the hell are you doing?” Eddie shouts from the relative safety of his covered deck. He hugs his arms close to his chest and squints into the torrential downpour. “Get the hell back here before you catch a cold!” 
When the first fat drop of rain hit the clear deck roof followed by a rapid onset of LA’s infamous tropical storm, Eddie didn’t expect Buck to drop what he was doing and run out into the rain, barefeet no less. Yet, here they are. 
Buck spins in a slow circle, his arms stretched out wide, his upturned face split in a radiant smile as if frolicing in the rain is the best idea he’s had all week. 
“You know that’s a myth, right?” Buck yells, his voice distorted by the tattooing of water hitting the roof deck. “Get out here! It feels fantastic.”
Eddie glances up at the sky and frowns. It’s raining so hard, as if the sky went fuck it and split right open. Yet, when he watches Buck catch rain water with his tongue, he can’t help but feel a little blessed. With a loud curse, Eddie ducks into the rain, and the first few cold drops shocks him into a trot. 
God, only Evan Buckley can get him to run out into the rain in his t-shirt and sweats with no shoes on. 
Buck’s smile grows impossibly wide when he sees Eddie running toward him. He holds out his hands, and Eddie stares at them. They’ve touched before, but not like this. This feels…intimate, like they’re heading toward something neither of them can come back from. Buck wiggles his fingers, and Eddie throws caution to the wind. Fuck it. He takes those offered hands into his own, and his chest swells with giddiness. 
Buck’s hands are large and warm, and it feels better than Eddie could ever conjure up in his imagination. 
Two grown ass men running around in the rain should feel ridiculous, but it doesn’t. It feels right. They circle each other, laughing and splashing and fooling around until Eddie can’t remember why he didn’t want to run out into the rain with Buck in the first place. The downpour makes it hard to see, but he can still make out Buck’s bright smile. 
Buck runs toward Eddie and tackles him. Eddie rolls with the momentum, and they tumble down onto the wet lawn. Eddie can’t remember the last time he let himself go and just have some fun. Can’t remember the last time he let his guard down around anyone as much as he does around Buck. They roll across the grass, and Buck growls as he tries to pin Eddie down. 
A small part of Eddie would have let Buck win, but that part is very, very small. Eddie plants his left knee and grabs Buck by the front of his shirt, with a heave, he rolls Buck beneath him and leans his full weight on top of Buck. Buck tries to move, but Eddie’s got him pinned. 
Their laughter peter out as Eddie stares down at Buck, and he’s mesmerized by Buck’s thick, wet lashes framing his sparkling blue eyes. Those eyes are slitted with mirth, and Buck’s lips are parted as he pants for breath. 
Eddie’s mouth dries, and he flicks his tongue out to catch an errant raindrop sliding across his bottom lip. Buck’s wild smile turns soft, and the rise and fall of his chest slows as they hold each other’s gaze. The air around becomes charged, as if a tiny storm is brewing between them, and Eddie’s skin buzzes with an urge he’s been suppressing since the day he laid eyes on Buck. 
He leans down just an inch, and his heart jackhammers in his chest. What if Buck doesn’t want this? What if he’s reading into something that’s not there? But the look Buck gives him now is anything but encouraging, and Eddie decides, for a second time that day, to throw caution to the wind. 
Their faces are so close Eddie can taste Buck’s breath, and he brushes a thumb across the birthmark above the corner of Buck’s eye before claiming Buck’s mouth. 
Buck’s lips are soft and sweet, and beneath the cleansing taste of rain is an indescribable flavour that can only be Buck. Eddie’s eyelids flutter shut as his tongue flicks out to taste the seam of Buck’s mouth, then his eyes fly open and he pulls back as if he’s a thief caught red-handed. 
Beneath him, Buck worries at his bottom lip, and his pupils are blown so wide the blue is but a thinning halo. 
“Hey,” Buck murmurs. 
“Hey, yourself,” Eddie rasps and takes a shuddering breath. 
“You know how long I’ve waited for you to do that?” Buck brushes a finger across Eddie’s bottom lip. 
“How long?” 
“Too long.” Buck grins and grips the back of Eddie’s head, applying just enough pressure to bring Eddie’s forehead against his. “Kiss me, Diaz.”
Eddie narrows his eyes at the cheeky use of his last name, but he’s only too happy to comply as he closes the distance between them with another kiss.   
Prompt List
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one-eighteen · 5 years ago
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Kids Today (9-1-1, 2019)
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one-eighteen · 5 years ago
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Madney + someday
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one-eighteen · 5 years ago
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one-eighteen · 6 years ago
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one-eighteen · 6 years ago
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I…. have no words
Is this Oliver Stark or Evan Buckley????
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one-eighteen · 6 years ago
Me @ the writers killing off Shannon:
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one-eighteen · 6 years ago
omg my heart <3
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one-eighteen · 6 years ago
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I am proud to officially declare that your probationary period is at an end. Welcome to the Los Angeles Fire Department, Firefighter Diaz.
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one-eighteen · 6 years ago
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Buck & Maggot 🐛
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one-eighteen · 6 years ago
Ryan Guzman and Chrysti Ane
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one-eighteen · 6 years ago
I just want to say, I am very disappointed that we didnt get a Hen/Karen kiss last night. The conversation about having another baby should have ended with a kiss and the fact that it didn't but we got seven thousand Buck/Ali kisses makes me livid. It barely counts as queer representation if you refuse to allow them the same level of affection that the straight couples get.
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one-eighteen · 6 years ago
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Thanks @evaneddie for the screenshot
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one-eighteen · 6 years ago
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Jonathan Grebe, Ryan Guzman, Oliver Stark, and Kenneth Choi behind the scenes of 9-1-1 on Fox from Jonathan Grebe's Instagram story
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one-eighteen · 6 years ago
Totally valid addition, thank you.
You're absolutely right, theres a lot going on in this show and a lot of characters to focus on. Which I think is a big part of why it bugs me so much that Ali got so much screentime in this last episode, because nobody cares and it took valuable time away from the characters we do care about. And that they went and killed Shannon off, making the time they spent on her storyline feel wasted too.
I'm very disappointed that all we got was a joke scene... Even if they aren't interested in developing Buddie as a ship I don't get why they just completely stopped showing their friendship as well which was very strongly shown at the beginning.
Ugh I know right. Like we got the little livestream comments and we got the hug and that’s it. Not even a conversation. No Buck comforting Eddie about Shannon or Eddie comforting Buck about his leg. There were so many quality bro scenes in the first half of the season but next to nothing in this second half.
I just want to yell at them WE GET IT, we’re not getting canon buddie, but at least give us the platonic scenes back bc we’re dying here. I’d rather have that than nothing. But I think they’re scared now that any scenes between the two of them will get called out for queerbaiting. (Even though their “fanservice” scenes are more queerbaity than just giving us some gd friends!buddie)
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one-eighteen · 6 years ago
I find it funny that every time girls are around they freak out over Buck and Eddie and Chimney is used to being completely ignored because the two hotties are there. Him and Hen are just doing their job while the other two are suffocating in hormones.
Yeah but like, can you blame them lol. Dont get me wrong, Chimney is fiiine but hes no Buck and Eddie (sorry). But just once I'd love to see Chim and/or Hen getting all of the attention and Buck and Eddie are like. Huh. So this is what it's like not being the center of attention. (Eddie appreciates it. Buck not so much.)
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one-eighteen · 6 years ago
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2x01 // 2x18
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