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obi wan + being stuck in a hole mid lightsaber fight
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I just realized we went through all of Obi Wan Kenobi and he has no idea Asoka is alive. They never got to see one another again.
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You are one of the best contract killers in the world, but one day, at your dead drop, you find $31.25 in small change, and a letter written by an eleven year old boy.
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Please reblog this if fanfiction has been beneficial to your mental health.
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What the fuck
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Not to show my age or anything, but I’ve been waiting for this series for FIFTEEN GOSH DANG YEARS and I can’t believe it finally happened. And with David Tennant and Michael Sheen no less. 
So, in honor of the show I finally did a “redraw” of this (also 15 year old) piece. It’s amazing how much has come and gone in my life since then. These are more like how I used to see them, but definitely influenced by the show. I can’t unsee Michael Sheen as Aziraphale and why would I want to UGH HE’S ADORABLE.
Side note if anybody wants 15 year old fic recs hit me up. :)
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Avengers: Infinity War (2018) dir. Anthony and Joe Russo
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KELLY MARIE TRAN as Rose Tico in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
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Katie McGrath as Morgana in S2 of Merlin.
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this is how you know shit’s about to go down
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Robert Downey Jr. has a much darker past, we have read it and we already know it, but he is hiding it from us doing an overly proud demeanor.
Chris Evans has anxiety and major commitment issues, he talks about it and we already know it, but he always has his radiant smile drawn on his face to hide from us.
Chris Hemsworth's family life was once at a risk of divorce with kids, but he and Elsa managed to keep it afloat despite all obstacles, and they are going for a happily ever after like nothing happened.
Jeremy Renner has done wrong in his past, caught into a false accusation, but now he has his daughter's custody and he lives a peaceful life, even without us knowing.
Scarlett Johansson, abused as a child actress, has to do romantic scenes with actors twice her age during her teenage, going marriage after marriage with her daughter, but yet scored a double Academy nominations and continues to be a role model for girls all around the world.
Tom Holland, with the pressure of rising to the fame as a child, he still continues to entertain the world even though his fans are somewhat childish and very intrusive.
Sebastian Stan, an immigrant who lacked social skills in the past, incredibly shy and yet hide all those from his fans because he knows that they all love him dearly.
Mark Ruffalo, continues to save the world by going against all those big companies as an environmentalist, has a really strong political opinion, but yet being so down to Earth around us.
Brie Larson, facing all backlash from the social media, for voicing her heartfelt opinion, still going on to inspire young girls around the world to stand up for themselves.
Last but not least, Chadwick Boseman, giving his best for 4 Marvel Movies (Civil War, Black Panther, Infinity War and the Endgame) and 3 Non Marvel Movies (Marshall, 21 Bridges and Da 5 bloods) from 2016, while having stage 4 colon cancer, fighting until he was succumbed to the death. And we never knew.
Be nice and kind to everyone, not only in the various social media platforms, but also in the real life. Because we really don't know what is going in their lives.
Once you realise that, you maybe too late to even correct your mistakes. ❤🙏
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Loved everything about this movie!!!
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Hey, are you an artist or writer with WIPs?
Come here... I got a secret for you pssst come ‘ere
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Thank you, Mister Stark. Yes, Mister Parker, very well.
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I would love to see you take on #2 for obiyuki.
We were dancing but all of a sudden it’s a slow song and we’re standing here awkwardly staring at each other
She’s just- standing there. 
Obi stares at her from the rim of his pseudo-champagne glass - filled with sparkling cider, mind you- he’s trying to be good for once - across the hall. And he gets it, you know? Zen’s busy with the planning for prom so there’ll be pockets of time when he’ll leave his date alone, but- there’s a line that has to be drawn at some point, right?
Obi sips at his drink a little more, watching quietly as Shirayuki sighs and begins walking off in search of a place to sit. She eventually settles for a chair at the table in the far-most corner of the room. Absently, Obi notices that she is undeniably pretty tonight, with her pale green dress flowing down her silhouette and hair done up looking like a faerie. But the despondent look on her face spurs a worry that overshadows whatever appreciation Obi has for her outfit tonight. He wonders if going up to her would be permissible. They’re friends- and friends talk to each other during proms, right? He doesn’t have a date, and her date’s off being busy, so it wouldn’t look strange...right?
Suddenly, her eyes flash up to his and Obi is struck dumb by the flush that immediately spreads across her cheeks. She smiles a little, hand tucking her hair behind her ear. Her eyes flicker away once, then back. Her hand slowly comes up to wave, and Obi’s feet automatically take a step towards her.
A hand claps heavily down on his shoulder.
“Obi! There you are!” Zen shouts over the music. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
Obi stares. Glancing back at Shirayuki, he sees that her hand is frozen mid-wave, before she tucks it back in the pocket of her dress. The blush hasn’t faded from her face, and Obi runs a hand through his hair in embarrassment. Not you, his mind scolds.
“Ah, Mr. Prom King!” Obi smiles tightly. “What can I do for you, Your Highness?”
Zen’s hand clenches on his shoulder and he leans in. “See, Obi. I’ve been swarmed the whole night by the committee, and I doubt that’s going to end anytime soon. So if you could do me a huge favour - could you please accompany Shirayuki for me? I know you wanted to come alone, but I feel really bad for leaving her by herself. So-”
Obi finds his hand landing heavily on Zen’s shoulder. Zen looks up, an alarmed expression crossing his features. Obi squeezes, shakes him a little, before forcing out a smile. 
“Consider it done,” Obi says through clenched teeth. Zen’s face melts in relief. “Have you told her?”
“Um,” Zen tries, a hand going to the back of his head. “I.. was kind of hoping you’ll let her know? I’ll need to go soon- ah yup-” he waves to someone across the dance floor, “-that’s my cue. Thanks so much, Obi! I owe you one!”
Zen runs off, and Obi is left to seethe. Turning back to Shirayuki, he sees her - chin resting on her hand, looking quietly out at their peers having a jolly good time - and he’s furious. Of all people who don’t deserve to be alone today, it’s her. She’s been so understanding all this while, and he knows, because he’s been there for every circumvented date, every interrupted lunch, every “Sorry I need to take this” phonecall. And. She’s been taking it like a champ. It’s almost sad to watch… Surely going through all that will warrant just one night of enjoyment?
Obi walks toward Shirayuki, teeth clenched so hard that his head is beginning to ache. He plops unceremoniously on the chair next to her and Shirayuki turns to him with widened eyes.
“Obi!” Shirayuki gasps, hand on her chest. “You scared me! Wait, what are you doing here?”
“Let me tell you a secret,” he says, bending forward. He crooks a finger to beckon her closer and she leans forward, her ear near his lips. “I’ve been assigned to be your knight for the night. To protect you from suitors who know none-the-better, and to make sure you and your pretty dress come out unscathed.”
Obi leans back with a huge grin on his face, watching as Shirayuki’s expression goes from shocked curiosity to an absolute upheaval of incredulity. She slaps his shoulder, a brilliant smile blooming her face. 
“What are you talking about oh my god-” she snorts, Obi notes with glee, “-only you, Mr. ‘I have many aliases and secrets’!”
Obi chuckles along.
Shirayuki crooks her head toward him, head falling back to reveal the long column of her neck. She closes her eyes and Obi can’t help but notice the way her eyelashes cast slight shadows on her cheeks.
“Ahh, I really needed that,” she say, her smile taking on a warm undertone. She glances at him once more, moving into his space. “Thanks Obi.” 
Obi’s brain promptly short-circuits, because the next words out of his mouth are, “Would you like to dance?”
And shit fuck that’s what a date would say and that’s not okay. He backpedals, “I mean- it’s okay if you don’t want to, I just figured since we are at prom and there’s a dance floor right there so.. Yea haha…”
Shirayuki takes his hand. Obi’s eyes widen. “I would love to, Obi.”
She pulls him up and drags him to the middle of the dance floor, and Obi’s heart just follows after. An upbeat song is playing and everyone around them is jumping and shouting. It’s a comfortable atmosphere, one Obi doesn’t mind letting loose a little. As he begins bouncing to the beat, Obi notices Shirayuki moving her arms in weird up and down movements. 
“...what are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” Shirayuki pants as she flaps both her arms up and down repeatedly. “I’m dancing!”
“...that’s definitely not dancing.”
Shirayuki sputters in offence, before pumping her elbows in different directions. “What would you know! Bad dancing is still dancing. I refuse to be apologetic about it!”
Laugher seeps through Obi’s entire body and he feels warm. He ‘dances’ with her - their arms linking at the strangest of timings in the song, hi-fiving each other like a couple of grade schoolers, ankles hooking each other as they hop on one leg around the other. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Obi wants to stay here for the rest of his life.
The song ends and Obi and Shirayuki are both panting heavily, hands on their knees. They’re still guffawing at the other, sarcastic compliments to each other’s dancing coming out in pants. 
“Ready for another round?” 
“Scared you’ll be out-danced?”
“Oh, you’re on.”
The music that comes on next is not what either of them expects. A soft flowing melody resounds through the hall and couples around them begin to wrap their arms around each other. Obi stares at Shirayuki, who looks like a deer caught in headlights. 
He softens, hands going in his pockets as he looks toward the punch table. “Hey, let’s go get a drink? You must be thirsty after all that dancing.”
As he is beginning to turn away, a soft hand slips into his palm and grips at his fingers, pulling out of his pocket. Obi spins around and stares. Shirayuki is looking down, a blush very apparent on her face. She glances up at him and away again, hand tucking her hair behind her ear. The movement is so familiar. Obi thinks back to that very same movement not twenty minutes ago.
“Um,” Shirayuki starts. “I-if you don’t mind, I’d like to dance to this song. If you don’t mind, of course!” 
Obi nods absently. Shirayuki steps closer, her breath igniting every nerve ending at the skin of his neck. Gingerly she slips her hands over his shoulders, and looks up at him. Obi stares down at her.
“Um, I think your hands need to be on my waist, Obi.”
“Ah,” Obi blinks out of his reverie. “Yes.”
His hands go to her waist, placing them there gently, and this feels all sorts of illegal. Part of him wants to look around, to see if anyone has realized that the girl in his arms is surely not his, her standards can’t be that low. The other part of him is completely enraptured by the curious look in her eyes, the pursing of her lips, the blush high on her cheeks. 
Slowly, they begin to move side to side with the music, swaying back and forth. Suddenly, Shirayuki ducks her head and chuckles. “This does feel a little unnatural, doesn’t it?”
Okay, Obi’s heart is well on the floor. It’ll be great if someone comes and sweeps it up.
“It’s pretty uncomfortable, isn’t it? To slow-dance with someone you don’t have feelings for.”
Ah yes, now it’s bleeding all over the hardwood flooring. A mop might be a better idea.
“I-I-I mean,” Shirayuki stutters. “It’s not like you wanted to be here with me in the first place - there’s probably someone else you’d much prefer, isn’t there? I’m probably a pretty poor alternative…”
Obi stops. Shirayuki startles out of her rambling and stares back up at him. He frowns.
“Obi? What’s wrong?”
“...what makes you think that?” his hands fall from her waist. Similarly, Shirayuki’s arms fall back to her side.
“W-well,” Shirayuki says, twisting at the fabric of her dress. “You didn’t ask me. To prom. Um. I’d thought there might have been someone else, but you’re alone tonight. So I-I a-assumed that the person you wanted to ask probably had a date already? But you’re stuck with me so-”
“What about Zen? Aren’t you guys, together?”
“Oh Zen? I mean, we’re close! But not as close as we are? I thought you weren’t going to ask me so I agreed to come to prom with him - well, to wait for him to attend prom with me, I suppose - since he’s so busy.”
Obi’s mind is reeling. “W-wait, so you guys aren’t dating?”
Shirayuki’s mouth pops open. “Oh, no - no we aren’t! Oh my goodness, is that what Zen thinks? I’ll need to clear that up immediately gosh.”
Screw Obi’s heart on the floor. His brain has melted into the cement. And corroded away. Because- what?
Shirayuki goes for Obi’s hand again. His eyes jump to hers. 
“...Is that what you thought? ...Would it be okay, to um, assume that that’s the reason you didn’t ask me to prom..?”
Obi closes his eyes. Looks like the secret is out. 
“You’re really too smart.”
Shirayuki looks up at him hopefully. 
“Yes,” Obi says. “I wanted to ask you. Because, I like you, and- um you’re cool, I guess. And fuck, I didn’t expect this so I don’t really have anything prepared. And I’m messing this up, aren’t I?”
“No no, I like it. Um, and I like you. Too. I guess. Um.”
Obi pulls her close, brushes her hair behind her ear. Shirayuki flushes prettily, and Obi’s chest throbs. “Let’s get back to dancing? The song’s almost over. Then, we could continue this conversation outside, if you like?”
Shirayuki’s hands go up to his shoulders again. She squeezes gently, and Obi feels like he’s flying.
 “I’d like that.”
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