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on-lock-down · 5 hours ago
turns out uhaul gays are literally the opposite of uhaul lesbians. build a relationship for six years and then pack your shit up and move away.
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on-lock-down · 4 days ago
you're not scared i'm gonna break your heart anymore? 😏🫦 not as much, now that the competition is out of the way 😎 uh wait 😄 what do you mean competition 🧐❓ i'm just 😊 i'm mostly kidding 😅 mostly kidding about what? 👀 nevermind 😶 no hey 🤨 i wanna know 🧐 come on competition with who 😄❓come on evan 🙄 don't make me say it 🫣 wait? eddie?💡😦 i mean you're living in the guy's house🧍🏻‍♂��� wha- uh okay ✋🏻 this is NOT his house ☝🏻😤 he was a renter 😠 AND 🫵🏻 he's STRAIGHT 😠‼️ UH 🙄 Okay! 🤐 you know i don't want to have to sleep with everyone i have feelings for 😡🙈 and i don't have to have feelings for everyone i sleep with😡🗣️
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on-lock-down · 4 days ago
"adjusting to life without eddie" buck, you crazygirl, get a grip. youre making it sound like he died. bro moved to texas, not a graveyard. you could literally text him right now. facetime him.
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on-lock-down · 4 days ago
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8.11 + buddie text posts
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on-lock-down · 6 days ago
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🚒 the type of shit Bucks been on lately ☹️
my last 911 x textposts
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on-lock-down · 7 days ago
crazy thing for buck to basically be like. yeah so what if i have feelings for eddie. doesn't mean im gonna fuck him. and then, because apparently that wasn't enough, he goes on to be like. yeah i fucked you tommy. doesn't mean i have feelings for you. like. the cognitive dissonance is Wild.
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on-lock-down · 7 days ago
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This is potentially life saving information everyone should know.
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on-lock-down · 8 days ago
genuinely I can't stop laughing at the fact that it's a canon buddie dynamic that eddie just goes around doing vaguely evil and illegal shit and buck follows him going surely this is all perfectly legally sound because eddie - my eddie, the paragon of goodness with a silver star - would never do anything illegal. but then again what else could I have expected from buck 'follows eddie diaz into what he suspects is a mob establishment with zero questions' buckley
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on-lock-down · 8 days ago
Maddie Han is our strongest soldier
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#maddie buckley-han number one buddie supporter
9-1-1 | Season 8, Episode 11, ‘Holy Mother of God’
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on-lock-down · 9 days ago
one thing that i think is really interesting about buck and eddie's conflict and particularly their little not-fight at the end of the ep is that for literal years they've been using chris as a shield to talk about how they feel about each other. every declaration of trust or affection or whatever is spoken through christopher (there's no one in the world i trust with my son more than you. the will. etc etc) . but the thing about this time is that chris (by virtue of him being in texas) is the barrier. he's the thing effectively causing the conflict so they can't use him to hide behind. which means that almost for the first time ever we get them both actively vocalising what they mean to each other, irrespective of chris. i don't know what i'm gonna do without you. he knows how to stay, unlike some people. i'm having more trouble dealing with the idea of you not being around than i'd like to admit. i don't like it anymore than you do. like!!!!! they're admitting they don't want to be without each other!!!! they're admitting they don't want to be apart!!!!! and that is.....genuinely monumental when you consider how rarely they say it out loud (even if they show it in other ways). like the entire episode is basically just them both being irritable and upset bc they don't want to leave each other 😭😭😭
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on-lock-down · 10 days ago
Sometimes a fic is tagged “fluff” but what they really mean is “angst disguised as fluff”
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on-lock-down · 10 days ago
Z’s buddie fic recs
some more really good ones i’ve read recently
carefully, I was going to live | fastcardotmp3 @fastcardotmp3 | M | 140k
Buck still finds out about Eddie’s will after the shooting. It just takes two years in a hospital bed before Eddie can wake up and talk to him about it.
this put me through the RINGER. it is so so beautifully written and i cannot reccomend this more
what a heart can do | bvckandeddie (zukkababey) @bvckandeddie | T | 89.5k
In which Buck becomes the guardian of the daughter he never knew he had. Together, they discover what happiness truly means to them.
one of my most favoritest buddie girl dads fics ive read i loved this so so so much i cant even
you come back with gravity | foxwatson / @eddiediazes | M | 15.6k
The first time that Eddie realizes with a startling clarity that he wants to kiss Buck, he’s 15 years old. or - the one where they're childhood friends, until buck moves away, and the only thing eddie diaz has ever really wanted is buck
so so so cute
would you lie with me and just forget the world | colonoscopys @colonoscopys | E | 45.6k
Eddie Diaz is 7, and 13, and 14, and 18, and 34 And he loves, and he loves, and he loves, and he loves, and he loves.
i am a huge sucker for buddie childhood friends aus this one is incredible
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on-lock-down · 10 days ago
“This feels like a fanfic” “they are in our walls” yes but have we considered that there’s no other way for Buddie to really play out because of theses plot lines
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on-lock-down · 11 days ago
Even if buddie does not go, cannon, I still get to talk about it as if it is. Simply because they have written it in such a way that they parallel not only Canon pairings in the show, but also just like general romantic love interests. Sure objectively if you ignore subtext, they are not together in any official capacity, however their storylines intersect as if they are romantic partners. 🙂‍↕️ and they can’t take that away from me
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on-lock-down · 12 days ago
ok don't kill me but imagine eddie dies while in texas. maybe it's a car accident or maybe it's a building collapse or structure fire on a call—it doesn't matter. eddie dies somehow, someway, and everything shatters. buck's at the grocery store, thinking about eddie while he passes the aisles with his favorite protein shakes, when he gets the call. he feels the whole world go numb as they break the news to him, tell him that eddie's gone. and everything seems to end with those words, and for the first time ever, buck's faced with the idea that he can't always save eddie. eddie died, and buck wasn't there, and buck couldn't stop it. can't reverse it, can't bring him back. he didn't even get to say goodbye. he was in a grocery store, and hours before he was with maddie, laughing on her couch and pretending nothing was wrong, and all the while eddie was bleeding out somewhere, dying in a burning building without buck's hand to hold onto. he died without knowing buck loved him, and that's the hardest part. only a couple of hours later, buck gets another call, this time from helena. she tells him that the funeral is on friday, and that eddie would want him and the rest of the 118 to come if he can pass on the news. it happens so fast that buck doesn't even have time to argue, doesn't have time to say no, he would want to be buried here, in la. he's so confused that eddie's heart stopped, but the rest of the world didn't. how is Helena still talking on the other end of the line? how could she have moved so fast, to finalize the worst thing that has ever happened? how is she still even functioning? buck is too numb by everything to argue, so he says i'll be there, and he buys a plane ticket and he goes into his closet (eddie's closet, because he's still living in eddie's house, and buck is overcome with the realization that it will never be eddie's house again) and grabs the black suit he hasn't worn since abby's mother's funeral and bobby has to hold him through a panic attack when he breaks down before boarding their flight to el paso. he goes to the funeral, bobby and hen and chim at his side, three rows back even though eddie would want them at the front. and he watches as eddie's grave is lowered into the ground, into the dirt of the city that broke him, the city that he did everything to escape from. he watches as the grave disappears, and eddie is taken away from him forever. after the burial, everyone offers their condolences to eddie's parents. ramon and helena say "we're just happy he got to spend his last few months at home." and buck wants to scream. he wants to tear it all down. he wants to dig eddie's bones back up and sneak them into his suitcase and deliver him to the place he actually loved, that he would've wanted to call his final home. it's so fucking unfair. eddie sacrificed so much, lived with so much hurt, and this is what he gets in turn? to be frozen in time in the place he hated above all else? he came here to patch things up with his son, not to die here. and yet. buck wants to tell the diaz parents you don't know him. not like I do. you don't understand—he doesn't belong here. instead, he stuffs his hands into his pockets and suffocates on the silence.
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on-lock-down · 12 days ago
started watching 911. thought you guys were exaggerating this gay shit. you were, in fact, correctly reporting the quantity of gay shit. amazing.
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on-lock-down · 18 days ago
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And that's why I'm happy for you. 'Cause you're going back to where you belong.
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