omilesblog · 6 months
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omilesblog · 7 months
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omilesblog · 7 months
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omilesblog · 7 months
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omilesblog · 7 months
Owner was worried the recently adopted cat wouldn't get along with his dog.
(via zachp0wer)
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omilesblog · 7 months
He almost ate the spoon
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omilesblog · 7 months
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Your daily dose of cat memes
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omilesblog · 7 months
So excited for the stick 😂😂
(via Pedrica1)
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omilesblog · 3 years
today im thinking about the huge buff bread guy from kikis delivery service. highly underrated guy
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omilesblog · 3 years
"My neighbours thinks I torture dogs for a living"
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omilesblog · 3 years
Now that both Sophie and Ryan are well devolped character, I am interested in them becoming a couple.
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omilesblog · 3 years
I have to admit the writers made a huge disservice to Kate Kane. Making her come back the last 5 minute to leave her family again and Sophie.
I hope these bad writing is not going to affect Ryan storyline in the long run
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omilesblog · 3 years
Now that I watch Avalance engagements , I remember why I didn't like the Sanvers engagements.
The first thing it was rushed as hell. They known each other less than a year. This was this the first relationship of Alex after coming out.
They were having a lot of disagreements. They didn't even get to part were the relationship was stable. Look at Avalance they had disagreements but that's why the writers gave them time to work on their flaws before they got married. In season 5 they practically are an married couple.
Sanvers didn't get enough time for just them just being together . The writers were focusing on giving them obstacles to overcame than actuelly letting them be romantic with eachother. They focus a lot on just their fight. Even on valentines they had to argue
Alex proposing to Maggie came out nowhere. It was more plot driven than character driven. The Lot writers hinted at the idea of marriage two season before the engagement.
And the most important thing the never focus on Maggie being actually flesh out character
I wish tv writers would understand that lgbtq couple getting a wedding isn't enough. Give them devolpment and screentime
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omilesblog · 3 years
What I find out funny is every post that are being so farfetched by saying arrow treated Sara better, you know it's the same 10 blogs who keep posting and reblogging these.
Like how much you to reach to say to that Arrow treated Sara well.
They introduce her by saying she slept with her sister boyfriend. They didn't care to devolp the lance sister relationship.
Remember her costume how it's was more for male gaze . We can count her minutes she got with Nyssa.
Arrow is known for killing female character for no reason for value shock and man pain. Till know no one can actually give me reason why they kill Laurel. But still we should asked writers to treat female characters like on Arrow
They say they are all pro lgbt but they don't understand why lgbt fans like Sara more on legends where she got more screentime and we got to see her actually be in loving relationship with devolpment.
They say arrow treats lgbtq character better but how did they give Nyssa storyline by forcing to marry Oliver. You can't tell me Nyssa got a good treatment as an LGBTQ character on Arrow.
Saw some antis saying that Sara being killed the way that she was last episode is worse than the way Arrow threw her off a building and had her hit her head a few times on the way down. And that LoT is guilty of the “Bury Your Gays” trope because they killed her body. And “at least Arrow brought her back to life because Arrow treated their LGBT characters better than LoT.” (🤡)
And like, y’all are so fucking stupid lmao.
1. Sara was killed on Arrow to further a cis, straight, white, verbally abusive man’s story (and Laurel’s but mostly Oliver’s so he could be the biggest alpha male in the world by taking down Ra’s) and forcing the only other wlw character at the time into a heterosexual marriage with said abusive dude. To then later dumb her character down just so Oliver could be the Big Man(TM) again. (Really?? Suddenly Nyssa couldn’t take down Malcom pls 💀)
2. LoT didn’t even kill her lmao. She’s still the driving force of this season.
3. LoT’s storyline is to add layers to her character, and yes layers to her relationship. Her relationship is an extension of her character, sorry (not sorry) you hate that. But also like, die mad about it :)
4. The only reason Arrow brought her back was because the fans were rightfully pissed of that they did it in the first place AND because they were going to put her on a new show (LoT! Derp).
5. This storyline for Sara is not for shock value, like Arrow’s murder of her was (yes, it was for shock value on Arrow, there was no deeper meaning other than violence porn). LoT’s storyline for her is already shaping up to be a conversation about loving someone regardless of their past, and the everlasting philosophical question of what makes us “who we are.”
But y’all are so blinded by your hatred for Ava that I know all of this went right over y’all’s heads. 😂
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omilesblog · 3 years
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Angelina Jolie as Thena in Eternals (2021)
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omilesblog · 3 years
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omilesblog · 3 years
Batwoman is showing that is not cw fault that your show is not given lgbtq and poc character full attention they deserve but it the writers own ignorance.
Batwoman is giving us poc characters who get enough's screentime and with no straight couple getting all the attention. And it's on the same channel as supergirl. I hope more people give batwoman series more chance
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