Presentation Critiques 11/20/2019
1. Ethics in the Workplace
a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zytc1qJTq-8
b. This video was very well put together, in my opinion. There were images, gifs, a common theme, and organization. The presenters voice over was nice, she sounded well prepared. The video was very informative. Also the different images and music kept the attention of myself. Although the music was too loud. Also there were a few times that the video presentation was off with the words. Overall the presentation was probably an 8/10.
2. Soft Skills - Business Ethics
a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pExDOe3yKsw
b. The presenter knew most of her stuff. The information was very well organized and also, important. There were a few times that the presenter read from the screen, that is a big no. Also, the organization of the information on the screen was weird. It was as if they weren’t using the whole screen, because there was blank space behind her. It was a bit unattentive because of so many words on the screen and so much talking. Too much information can hurt you. Overall the presentation was probably a 7/10.
3. Ethical Dilemma Presentation
a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iru8ldgRN-0
b. There was good information. Short bullet points with more explanation was good too. It lacked grabbing my attention though. The monotone voice and bland colored slides would steer me away from this type of presentation. Overall the presentation was probably a 5/10.
4. Business Ethics Speaker - Keynote Speaker Presentation Video
a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bkpy8mCc5cI
b. Right away, the video caught my attention. Counting down like an old movie AND then a man in a prison uniform. This gets a watcher thinking, like “what did he do” “who is this man”. He pronounces his words. He gives detailed information, such as his prison number. The only thing I didn’t like was that it was many presentations put into one. The image was constantly changing and that made me pay less attention. The transitions were very fast too, so I felt like I needed more information. Overall the presentation was probably an 8/10.
5. Ethics Presentation
a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LKA9M_vQ5o
b. Gaining attention is lacking, the background is bland and it is just the presenter, not any slides or anything. I liked how she related to the audience though, this made the audience trust her. That is a very important point to make. She proves her point through everything she says. She also has a lot of information in this 3 minute presentation. BUT you can tell she is using notes too much. Sometimes she stumbles on her words, so she should have practiced. But her question at the end got me thinking. Overall the presentation was probably a 6/10.
0 notes
My Answers to HW6case, Q3
Q3. Write up your case on your blog with the following subheadings:
“The facts of the case.” Here is where you describe the case in your own words.
“Analysis.” Examine the case in terms of the consequentialist and deontological approaches.
“Future environment.” Describe your vision of a future in which technology is more advanced than today, or society has changed in some significant way.
“Future scenario.” Describe how this ethical case (or an analogous one) would or should play out in the environment of the future, and give your opinions about it.
1. The facts of the case
a. A carebot is a family care and personal assisting robot that is typically issued to the elderly. Carebots are taking care of patients and can be up for purchase at a doctors prescription, or just by a worried family member. A carebot is capable of regular nurse duties. Most responses of the poll decided that a carebot should do what is best for the patient. There is not a stand code for any type of robots yet.
2. Analysis
a. The deontological approach suggests that rules have to implemented for a robot to follow in these situations. They need to create a universal code, and when they do, following them will be the ethical decision. The consequentialist approach is suggests that the outcome of the patient that is being cared for determines if the carebots actions are ethical. A Humean analysis would suggest that a good “person” (artificial intelligence) would do things out of a good character. I feel that the deontological approach goes best with the case, because it is an approach with rules, and that’s what needs to be implemented. I read many articles referring to carebots as robotic nurses. They are capable of what human nurses are. So their rules should be close to the same. And if a nurse is ethical, a carebot would be too. Regarding sleazy rhetorical devices, I didn’t catch any.
3. Conclusions
a. In conclusion, this is an opinionated case. Upon further research and reading, it would be ethical for the carebot to follow what is in the best interest for the patient, as would a human nurse. A carebot should not give an alcoholic, an alcoholic beverage. Especially if a doctor recommended to stop. Their health will be better without it.
4. Future environment
a. In a future environment, less patients will be fueling nursing homes. A lot of elderly patients want to die where they are comfortable, and that is in their home. Carebots will be the main care takers of those in poor health. This gives families peace of mind that their relatives are being cared for and they are comfortable.
5. Future scenario
a. In the future scenario of this case, a carebot will follow a strict code of ethics. Their feelings (AI) won’t play into their decisions. They will do what is best for the patient that they are taking care of. They will have to be up to standards put into place for any human caretaker, since they will be replacing those.
0 notes
My Answers to HW6Case, Q2
Q2. Online students: Explain the case and discuss, one at a time, each question you devised about it, plus the 3 standard questions. Post this on your blog.
The source of my case is: https://www.openroboethics.org/results-should-a-carebot-bring-an-alcoholic-a-drink-poll-says-it-depends-on-who-owns-the-robot/
Case explanation:
A carebot is a family care and personal assisting robot. A carebot is capable of the things that a human nurse is, therefore they are basically a replacement nurse. There are debates on which actions would be ethical in specific situations of a carebot. For instance, should a carebot bring an alcoholic a drink when they ask?
Questions I had:
1. Should a carebot do what’s right?
a. A nurse has a duty to do what is right an ethical, so a carebot should follow the same rules.
2. Should a carebot follow all orders?
a. As a replacement nurse, the bots judgement should be that of a human nurse. For example, even though a patient owns the bot, a doctor has specifically said no alcohol, the carebot should not fetch a beer.
3. Does the carebot have AI (feelings)?
a. Explicitly stated “The CareBot is guided by pure artificial intelligence processed in on board computers.”
b. http://www.geckosystems.com/markets/CareBot_trials.php
4. Where are doctors issuing carebots?
a. The first nurse robot was issued and working in Texas Health Hospital. It was stated that there is a long way to go, but the systems are being utilized.
5. Can a carebot’s system be hacked into making it do whatever it’s told?
a. Just like any other system, a carebot has the vulnerability of being hacked.
3 standard questions:
1. What if you apply deontological ethics (rule-based) to this case?
a. This is sort of the base of this article. Carebots should have an ethical code, just like any other human, if they are performing actions. Following a set of rules that are set in place, makes their actions ethical. Otherwise, their actions are not okay in any way, because they’re going against what they’re told.
2. What if you apply utilitarian ethics (similar to consequentialist ethics) to this case?
a. The outcome of the carebots work would determine their actions. If the work of the carebots was helping the patient as intended, their actions are okay. If it is hurting the patient, their actions are not ethical.
3. What if you apply virtue ethics (character-based) to this case?
a. As long as the carebot is utilizing artificial intelligence, you can apply virtue ethics. If they are doing their actions out of goodness, it’s ethical. If it is to harm someone, it is unethical.
0 notes
My Answers to HW6case, Q1
Q1. Notes for the case related to robots for the robotics unit. This should include
A link or other citation to the case you are using, or if it is from personal experience, point that out.
A list of 8 or more important facts about the case. These could help you tell your group members or anyone or remind yourself what the case is all about.
A list of questions (4 or more) to think about or discuss about the case.
A 5th discussion question about how computer security relates to or could relate to the case.
The source of my case is: https://www.openroboethics.org/results-should-a-carebot-bring-an-alcoholic-a-drink-poll-says-it-depends-on-who-owns-the-robot/
Eight important facts are:
1. A carebot is a family care and personal assisting robot.
2. A lot of carebots are issued to elderly people.
3. Bots can be purchased by a patient or family member.
4. A carebot is capable of executing everyday nursing tasks at home, such as those a human nurse would do.
5. In the poll, people who prioritize personal autonomy stated that the robot should do as told.
6. In the poll, people who prioritize societal benefits stated that the robot should do what is best for the patient.
7. In the poll, people who prioritize compromise stated that a balance should be found of what is best and what the bot is told.
8. A respondent stated “If robots are equivalent to human nurses, don’t make them so absolute. Surprise me. “Be wrong once in a while” – that’s what being human is about… Learn the humility of imperfection.”…. I totally agree. If they’re replacing nurses, they should be quite the same.
Four questions to ask about the case:
1. Should a carebot do what’s right?
2. Should a carebot follow all orders?
3. Does the carebot have AI (feelings)?
4. Where are doctors issuing carebots?
One question about computer security:
1. Can a carebot’s system be hacked into making it do whatever it’s told?
0 notes
The link to my website is: https://intertentacular-tou.000webhostapp.com/
Over the past 2 weeks (from HW5Proj to now). I finished my research on legal cases, and attacks, plus I formed my answers to the three standard questions. I cleaned up my rules and validated all of my .html and .css files. This is my final project.
0 notes
Notes on Robotics Lecture 11/11/2019
1. Why do we need robot ethics
a. Roboticists must guarantee that autonomous systems are going to be able to exhibit ethically acceptable behavior in situations where robots or any other autonomous systems interact with humans.
b. Someone has to be held responsible for their actions
i. Just as people have to obey laws, robots should have the same, because laws are put in place to better our world.
ii. I think that the manufacturers should be responsible
iii. After all, they created, programmed, and produced the product.
c. Many people don’t see it this way, because those people did not actually produce/intend every action taken
d. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
2. Types of robots
a. Military
b. Medical
c. Autonomous
d. Industrial
e. Most have some sort of human interaction
i. Therefore need ethics
3. Modern Day
a. Robots are highly based off of Artificial Intelligence
b. Artificial Intelligence
i. Theory that computer systems can have human intelligence, senses, feelings, etc.
ii. https://builtin.com/artificial-intelligence
c. Need safety, privacy, and human dignity
d. http://www.unesco.org/new/en/social-and-human-sciences/themes/comest/robotics-ethics/
4. Are robots even ethical?
a. The use of machinery to do tasks that humans can seems on the other end of the spectrum.
0 notes
Notes on Robotics Lecture 11/6/2019
1. What is robot ethics?
a. Roboethics (robot ethics) is the area of study concerned with what rules should be created for robots to ensure their ethical behavior and how to design ethical robots.
b. https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/roboethics-robot-ethics
2. Isaac Asimov
a. Three Laws of Robotics
i. Robots must never harm human beings or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
ii. Robots must follow instructions from humans without violating rule 1.
iii. Robots must protect themselves without violating the other rules.
b. Liar!
i. Short story
ii. Introduced term “robotics”
3. BS 8611
a. British Standard for Robots
b. Follows the three laws
c. More modern
d. Written 2016
e. By scientists, engineers, researchers, ethicists, and philosophers
f. builds on existing safety requirements for different types of robots, covering industrial, personal care and medical.
g. https://shop.bsigroup.com/ProductDetail/?pid=000000000030320089
4. Concerns
a. Robots are becoming more popular
b. When not produced the correct way, they could do more harm than good.
c. But they could help better the world in their autonomous ways
0 notes
My Answers for HW5proj
If it is a paper, write 349 words or more of it to your blog. MS Word tells you how many words are in a document you are editing in a little status bar in the lower left corner of its window. OpenOffice Writer has a tool that you can click to find out the # of words. Let me know if you can’t find it. Do not include material submitted for a previous HW, obviously.
If your project is not a paper, do the equivalent amount of work, and provide a brief (but with specific details) description, and evidence as appropriate, in your blog. If you’re not sure what to do, I can try to suggest something.
<!doctype html>
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<title> Spyware: Ethical or Non-ethical?</title>
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<h1>Spyware: Ethical or Non-ethical?</h1>
<h1>What is Spyware?</h1>
<p> Spyware is unwanted software that steals your information.
Spyware can be on many types of platforms. Spyware can come from
phising or can even be sold with softwares we pay. Some companies
will pay software companies top dollar to include their spyware.
<h3> According to malwarebytes.com, </h3>
<blockquote>“Spyware is actually a type of malware that infects your PC or
mobile device and gathers information about you, including the sites you visit,
the things you download, your usernames and passwords, payment information,
and the emails you send and receive.”</blockquote>
<h2><a href = "cases.html">Spyware Cases</a></h3>
<h2><a href = "ethics.html">Ethical Approach</a></h3>
<h2><a href = "top10.html">Spyware Attacks</a></h3>
<p> Works cited: </p>
<pre> NortonOnline. “What Is Spyware? And How to Remove It.” Official Site,
Gassée, Jean-Louis. “Beyond Fabricated Spyware Tales.” Medium, Monday Note,
22 Oct. 2018, mondaynote.com/beyond-fabricated-spyware-tales-bb297bcb5694
“Spyware - What Is It & How To Remove It?” Malwarebytes, www.malwarebytes.com/spyware/
Calvello, Mara. “What Is Spyware? (+5 Ways Hackers Try to Steal Your Info).” G2, G2
Learning Hub, 6 July 2019, learn.g2.com/spyware.</pre>
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<h1>Spyware Cases</h1>
<h1>Spyware Legal Cases</h1>
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<h1>Ethics vs. Spyware</h1>
<h1>An Ethical Approach to Spyware</h1>
<h2>What if you apply deontological ethics (rule-based) to this case?</h2>
<h2>What if you apply utilitarian ethics (similar to consequentialist ethics) to this case?</h2>
<h2>What if you apply virtue ethics (character-based) to this case?</h2>
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<h1>Spyware Attacks</h1>
<h3>Spyware is a lot like phising. At my IT internship, they will send out random phishing emails,
to see how the employees are protecting themselves. These are the top 10 attacks, in no particular order.
<ol type="1">
<li> Email: Emails can come to your inbox, or even another folder, showing from someone you trust.
With bad, virus-filled links.</li>
<li> Software</li>
<li> Adware: Adware tracks your browsing data to find what you are interested in. Then it can
decide what ads will most likely cause you to click on a link, spreading the virus.</li>
<li> Surveys: Promises to put you in a drawing through a survey gives the spyware professionals
your information so that they can attack you in more discrete ways.</li>
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------What I have done is added another stylesheet, linked the stylesheet to all of the subpages. The reason for the new stylesheet is because I needed to specify certain rules for the footer, to apply a navigation list to go to next and previous pages. It also includes the rules in Project.css for the rest of the page elements. I did research for my attacks page and I added more to the ethics page, the 3 questions. I also fixed the headers of all pages (cases.html, ethics.html, and top10.html)
Q2. Explain what needs to be done next on the project. Put this in your blog, labeling it consistently per the example template.
I need to finish my research for my attacks page, adding an explanation for all attacks, and attacks 5-10. I need to develop an ethical approach to all of the questions answered, and find more information on ethics. I also need to find ethical cases regarding spyware. This project is really coming along. I think all of my styles have been implemented and I just need to do research from this point forward.
0 notes
My Answers to HW5Case, Q3
Q3. Write up your case on your blog with the following subheadings:
“The facts of the case.” Here is where you describe the case in your own words.
“Analysis.” Examine the case in terms of the consequentialist and deontological approaches.
“Future environment.” Describe your vision of a future in which technology is more advanced than today, or society has changed in some significant way.
“Future scenario.” Describe how this ethical case (or an analogous one) would or should play out in the environment of the future, and give your opinions about it.
1. The facts of the case
a. Anthem Inc (independent licensee of Blue Cross Blue Shield) had several breaches in their data that resulted in several violations of HIPAA. Over 78 million members’ had their data hacked, out of these 19.1 million were breached. Anthem had to spend roughly $130 million in settlements and lawsuits. Their data was hacked into over a months time span. Their IT department just didn’t have the knowledge to catch and block the attacks.
2. Analysis
a. The consequentialist approach suggests that these are security trainings established to create the best company possible. Had the trainings been followed, phishing emails would have been noticed and this could’ve possibly been avoided. The deontological approach is suggests that the outcome of this situation (lawsuits and settlements), are just ½ of the story. If this had been avoided, an outcome would be more trust, therefore, more customers. A Humean analysis would suggest that a good person would not fall for the trap and not have allowed the hacking to come through them. I feel that the Consequentialist approach goes best with the case, because it is an approach with rules, and that’s what these are. Paying attention and following guidelines set in place would have saved this company millions and a lot of customers. They are lucky that they didn’t lose their whole business. Regarding sleazy rhetorical devices, I didn’t catch any.
3. Conclusions
a. I feel that technology has to have a bigger/more bold presence in any company. Cloud computing is such a big thing now. Most companies have remote workers, they save all their data in a stored drive. I think that it is about time that companies spend more money to better their IT departments and save themselves from this scenario happening again.
4. Future environment
a. In a future environment, (hence even today), cybersecurity is better. There are more firewalls, more knowledge on how to keep people out. Companies implement security trainings for physical and technical situation. This happens….rarely. In the future, this won’t happen. Hackers will quit being that and start protecting these companies.
5. Future scenario
a. In a future scenario, a hacker will take all of his hacking knowledge and become a data lead at a company. In this position, he will block those attacks, because he has the defense strategies in his head. He will know the attacks and outhack the hacker.
0 notes
“Last Lecture” Discussion Questions
Please discuss the video with your group, filling out this form as you discuss. Hand in at end of class.
Your name: Lauren Nowlin
1. The video was intended as life advice to whom?
a. The intended audience for “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch, was young adults or children. He stresses living your best life, achieving your goals/dreams, and really, having no regrets. Spend time with your parents, grow into the person you are intended to be, and do what makes you happy.
2. List the advice items that your group can recall below. (Many, but not all, are related to ethics.) For each, note whether you agree or not.
a. There are so many advice pieces in this lecture. These are the ones that stuck out to me:
b. “The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something”
i. Agree, many people are faced with obstacles, and they can hurdle them with the correct mindset.
c. “Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.”
i. Agree, you may not get the intended outcome, but you got to do it.
d. “When you're screwing up and nobody says anything to you anymore, that means they've given up on you.”
i. Agree. I had never heard this quote, but after watching this lecture, I will go into things differently. We have a work quote “You can make 10 mistakes, but don’t make the same mistake 10 times.” After those 10 times, you are given up on, basically.
e. “Its important to have specific dreams. Dream Big. Dream without fear.”
i. Although I agree, I have to start living it. I have a fear that holds me back a lot, but this will be the ONLY way to achieve what I want.
f. “The inspiration and the permission to dream is huge.”
i. I agree. This says to me, you can do what you put your mind to, and that can be anything.
g. “A tremendous gift is to show kids what it feels like to make other people excited and happy.”
i. Agree. This is one part of my life, that I am glad my parents let me be apart of. Toys for Tots, volunteering, making other people feel good, makes you feel good.
h. “No matter how bad the circumstance it could always be worse.”
i. Sort of agree. Some people do have it the worst possible, but if they have the ability to dream and someone to believe, they can get out of it. For myself, YES it could always be worse.
i. “Luck is what happens, when preparation meets opportunity”
i. Agree. Luck is things falling into place, correctly.
j. Basically I agree with just about everything Randy said. I loved this lecture, I learned a lot, and had never heard of it before then.
0 notes
My Answers to HW2Case, Q2
Q2. Online students: Explain the case and discuss, one at a time, each question you devised about it, plus the 3 standard questions. Post this on your blog.
The source of my case is: https://www.hipaajournal.com/16-million-anthem-hipaa-breach-settlement-takes-ocr-hipaa-penalties-past-100-million-mark/
Case explanation:
Anthem Inc. is an independent licensee of Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance. In late 2014, access of their data was gained by hackers. This access was held until early 2015. Over 78 million members’ data was breached. This is a breach of HIPAA, a privacy law for insurances data. 6 violations were found by OCR and a $16 million settlement. A $115 million lawsuit was settled on behalf of the members’ whose data was breached.
Questions I had:
1. Was there no security trainings?
a. I assume. After researching, they NOW have chiefs in 3 different areas of privacy.
2. Is there not constant monitoring?
a. Yes, but appropriate measures were not taken. They did not have enough knowledge to end the hacking.
3. If they’re the second largest company, how did it take so long to resolve?
a. If they moved through phising emails like the article stated, they could have gained access through many different users on the system, at any time. It would be hard to know who’s access was gained.
4. Is Anthem still in business.
a. Yes, Anthem Inc is still in business. Although the breach lost customers, they settled a lawsuit and never skipped a beat.
5. Is there not a networking portion on IT department that should catch this? A month and a half is way too long.
a. Yes there is, but appropriate measures were not taken to handle this kind of attack.
3 standard questions:
1. What if you apply deontological ethics (rule-based) to this case?
a. Applying deontological ethics would entail following the rules. Your own company has policies and trainings. Following what they taught, phising emails would have been spotted and access would not have been gained. Therefore the violations would have been avoided.
2. What if you apply utilitarian ethics (similar to consequentialist ethics) to this case?
a. The outcome of following the rules would have been different compared to this one. This outcome resulted in a loss of trust and money, whereas, they would’ve had a lot more money without a lawsuit.
3. What if you apply virtue ethics (character-based) to this case?
a. It is sort of a hard case to tie character into. I guess it says a lot about your character if you are gullible and not someone who pays a lot of attention. An unattentive employee is probably one that let this happen, so the outcome was bad.
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My Answers to HW5case, Q1
Q1. As a “case” to discuss for this unit, use a law related to security, privacy, etc. Suggestions: HIPAA, FERPA, Computer Security Act, Sarbanes-Oxley, Gramm-Leach-Bliley,COPPA, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), US Patriot Act, Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, or some other law.
A link or other citation to the case you are using, or if it is from personal experience, point that out.
A list of 8 or more important facts about the case. These could help you tell your group members or anyone or remind yourself what the case is all about.
A list of questions (5 or more) to think about or discuss about the case.
The source of my case is: https://www.hipaajournal.com/16-million-anthem-hipaa-breach-settlement-takes-ocr-hipaa-penalties-past-100-million-mark/
Eight important facts are:
1. Over 19.1 million members data was breached.
2. The hackers first breached the data on Dec 2, 2014.
3. Their last breach was January 27, 2015.
4. Anthem settled with a $115 million lawsuit for the members.
5. OCR’s investigation found 5 HIPAA violations.
6. Anthem settled with OCR for a $16 million lawsuit.
7. This is the largest ever HIPAA breach settlement.
8. The previous largest HIPAA breach settlement was $5.55 million, almost $11.5 million less.
Four questions to ask about the case:
1. Was there no security trainings?
2. Is there not constant monitoring?
3. If they’re the second largest company, how did it take so long to resolve?
4. Is Anthem still in business?
One question about computer security:
1. Is there not a networking portion on IT department that should catch this? A month and a half is way too long.
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Notes on “The Last Lecture” 10.23.2019
1. Randy Pausch
a. He has 10 tumors in his head.
b. He is dying.
c. The doctors gave him 3-6, a month before this lecture.
d. Virtual Reality fanatic
2. Lecture Points
a. Childhood dreams
b. Enabling the dreams of others
c. Lessons learned: how YOU can achieve your dreams or enable the dreams of others
3. Childhood Dreams
i. Always smiling as a child
ii. Anything is possible, with the man on the moon
iii. “The inspiration and the permission to dream is huge.”
b. Being in zero gravity
i. NASA “Vomit Comet”
ii. His students won a competition to fly, but professors couldn’t go
iii. He ended up going as a journalist when they offered to use VR
c. Playing in the NFL
i. He did not accomplish this dream
ii. This dream taught him the most
1. When you are screwing up and nobody is telling you, they gave up.
2. “Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted”
d. Authoring an article in the World Book Encyclopedia
i. He published an article about Virtual Reality after he had made it that far.
e. Being Captain Kirk
i. Changed to meeting, you can’t quite become someone.
ii. Leadership learned from Captain Kirk
f. Winning stuffed animals
i. Won a lot over his life
g. Being a Disney Imagineer
i. Brick walls
1. Let us prove how badly we want things
2. Stop people who don’t want it badly enough
ii. Top secret Virtual Reality project with Aladdin
iii. Negotiated a legal contract to work on his first and last Imagineering project
iv. They offered him a chance to become a full time imaginer
1. He said no.
v. He became a consultant
1. Had his cake and ate it too
4. Enable the childhood dreams of others
a. Tommy
i. Work on next Star Wars movie
ii. He worked on all 3
b. Created a course called Building Virtual Worlds
i. 50 students from art, design, drama, and CS
ii. Randomly chosen teams, change for each project
iii. Two weeks to design, implement and test
iv. Five projects during the semester
v. Any idea you want
c. Hello World
i. Creating a world through VR
d. A tremendous gift is to show kids what it feels like to make other people excited and happy.
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My Answers to HW4case, Q3
Q3. Write up your case on your blog with the following subheadings:
“The facts of the case.” Here is where you describe the case in your own words.
“Analysis.” Examine the case in terms of the consequentialist and deontological approaches.
“Future environment.” Describe your vision of a future in which technology is more advanced than today, or society has changed in some significant way.
“Future scenario.” Describe how this ethical case (or an analogous one) would or should play out in the environment of the future, and give your opinions about it.
1. The facts of the case
a. There is a 19 part code of ethics for the 116th Congress in the House of Representatives. This code went into play on January 3 2019. This code is for any member, intern, employee, or other part of the House of Representatives. This code of ethics covers looking best for the House, no discrimination, and no inappropriate relationships, etc.
2. Analysis
a. The consequentialist approach suggests that these are rules established to create the best House of Representatives possible. The deontological approach is a bit unclear, just because it does not state what the consequences are. But there will be consequences or there would not be a code of ethics. A Humean analysis is nothing to establish your opinion about, because there were no actions to make a character. But you have a good character if you do things for good reasons, and bad vice versa. I feel that the Consequentialist approach goes best with the case, because it is an approach with rules, and that’s what these are. A code of ethics is a set of guidelines to be followed by a certain group. There weren’t many sides to take in this, since it is not an actual case, and just a “Code of Ethics”. Regarding sleazy rhetorical devices, I didn’t catch any.
3. Conclusions
a. I feel that better rules need to be established with Technology. For people of a “higher ranking”, and a society full of technology, they need specific rules, not general, for technology. Such as searches of technology, tabs of Federal devices, etc. Through all the other stuff, I do not see a major difference in this Code of Ethics and the one for the previous Congress.
4. Future environment
a. In a future environment, more rules will be created to better the House of Representatives. You learn with time, so no system will be perfect.
5. Future scenario
a. Another code of ethics will go into play on January 3 2021. A new code is established every two years, or with every new congress. At this point, they will establish new rules and decide what works best for the House.
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My Answers to HW4case, Q2
Q2. Online students: Explain the case and discuss, one at a time, each question you devised about it, plus the 3 standard questions. Post this on your blog.
The source of my case is: https://ethics.house.gov/publication/code-official-conduct
Case explanation:
This is an 19 part code of ethics for the House of Representatives. This is not just the one hundred members (2 from each state), this includes members, interns, employees etc. These are put in place to ensure that the House runs smoothly. These rules can be tweaked every two years, when the new Congress is created. This code of ethics is for the 116th congress.
Questions I had:
1. Do the different states have rules to add to this?
a. Yes. Just like myself I worked for one company, that is managed by another. I have to follow both of the ethical standards set in place.
2. When was this created?
a. January 3 2019. A new congress is added every 2 years. And the 116th congress came into effect on 1/3/2019.
3. How does this compare to ethics?
a. It has a lot to do with ethics, and doing the right things. It follows a lot of deontological ethics because of the actions.
4. Part 18, how does a consensual relationship before one is in the house compare?
a. “This paragraph does not apply with respect to any relationship between two people who are married to each other.” It does not specify if you are in a relationship, but not marriage.
5. Where does security of technology come into this? I did not see any codes on this.
a. There are no specifics on technology, but a lot of the codes can apply. Such as acting in a manner that looks best for the House and others.
3 standard questions:
1. What if you apply deontological ethics (rule-based) to this case?
a. Applying deontological ethics is very much like a code of ethics. It is rules that have to be followed by all employees of the House.
2. What if you apply utilitarian ethics (similar to consequentialist ethics) to this case?
a. The outcome of following these rules is not having problems with your employment. Although a code of ethics does not have consequences, just rules.
3. What if you apply virtue ethics (character-based) to this case?
a. A lot of your character would be your actions and views on important ethics. Following these actions and having good character would be your virtue ethics. A lot of these codes have to do with being your best self for the good of the group.
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My Answers to HW4case, Q1
Ethical Code
Q1. Prepare case notes on an ethics case related to ethics in research. Online students: post your notes to your blog. Your notes should include the following.
A link or other citation to the case you are using, or if it is from personal experience, point that out.
A list of 8 or more important facts about the case. These could help you tell your group members or anyone or remind yourself what the case is all about.
A list of questions (4 or more) about the case.
A 5th discussion question about how computer security relates to or could relate to the case.
The source of my case is: https://ethics.house.gov/publication/code-official-conduct
Eight important facts are:
1. The House of Representatives has a code of ethics.
2. This is the "Code of Official Conduct" for the House of Representatives.
3. Their code is made up of 19 “official rules”.
4. This is for the 116th Congress.
5. A member is ALWAYS to act in a way that best reflects the House.
6. A member may not accept gifts.
7. This is universal. It does not state different rules for representatives of different states.
8. These rules all apply for all of the following: A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee.
Four questions to ask about the case:
1. Do the different states have rules to add to this?
2. When was this created?
3. How does this compare to ethics?
4. Part 18, how does a consensual relationship before one is in the house compare?
One question about computer security:
1. Where does security of technology come into this? I did not see any codes on this.
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Ethical code for class session of 10/14/2019
Code of Ethics for Professors
Give your best knowledge
Be honest
Honor confidentiality
Keep it professional
Thoroughly explain every topic
Make sure all students understand
Keep your students best interest in mind
Grade fairly
Make time to meet with students
Respond to questions/comments/emails in a timely manner
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