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Freddie Mercury, Jane Seymour and Boy George at the Fashion Aid event at the Royal Albert Hall in London on November 5, 1985.
Photos by Duncan Raban
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I don't draw a lot lately
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God, what an absolute tool, LMAO
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letting a man explain "crossplay" to me and he said "they don't let you play between platforms" and i said "because a train could come"
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"they weren't people anymore. they were just shapes. and their lines were just things that someone had written. they never existed. they never had feelings. they never would exist either. and it felt so sad. like i'd just lost these real people. and this whole thing we had, it was just... me. alone."
-Mae Borowski
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Sonic Advance (2001) - Amy Rose - Ending
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Animal Crossing Artwork made by Ashley Odell
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