Omegaphallic: Politics Reborn
16 posts
A blog on the leftwing of the men's rights movement, leftwing Canadian politics, BDSM rights, and other heretical shit.
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omegaphallic · 4 years ago
The Forgotten Realms, you Summer 2021 has Dinosaur people called Saurials. They talk via smell instead of sounds. The most fameous member of the Saurials is the Paladin Dtagonbait.
Remember when you had all those people asking for dinosaurfolk? It got me thinking, and I'd like to formally request phoenixfolk (and then, eventually, a phoenixfolk planeswalker). Yes/maybe/no?
I’ve pitched the idea, but it died. There’s always a chance it will come back though. : )
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omegaphallic · 4 years ago
The Forgotten Realms (huge Forgotten Realms fan), followed by Strixhaven, then Kaldheim, then Innistrad.
I asked this question on my Twitter, so I’ll ask here as well. What product that we’ve announced for 2021 are you most excited about and why?
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omegaphallic · 4 years ago
The Forgotten Realms (huge Forgotten Realms fan), followed by Strixhaven, then Kaldheim, then Innistrad.
I asked this question on my Twitter, so I’ll ask here as well. What product that we’ve announced for 2021 are you most excited about and why?
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omegaphallic · 4 years ago
Watch the Red Pill documentary to get actually informed on Men's Rights.
Happy International Men's Day! Do you know why there wasn't a secret lair for the occasion? Was it just too close to another charity lair, or no acceptable charity could be identified?
When you become a parent, you start celebrating Mother’s Day and Father’s Day with your kids. At some point you get asked the question, “When’s Kids’ Day?” The proper answer that most parents give is “Every day is Kids’ Day”. When you’re from a group that gets catered to every day, it’s not necessary to have your own special day to be catered to.
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omegaphallic · 4 years ago
Women are the ones catered to in laws, government spending, charities, divorce courts ect..., I can point to many examples of that, I'm betting you can't point to one current example of society cate ring to men in modern times.
Happy International Men's Day! Do you know why there wasn't a secret lair for the occasion? Was it just too close to another charity lair, or no acceptable charity could be identified?
When you become a parent, you start celebrating Mother’s Day and Father’s Day with your kids. At some point you get asked the question, “When’s Kids’ Day?” The proper answer that most parents give is “Every day is Kids’ Day”. When you’re from a group that gets catered to every day, it’s not necessary to have your own special day to be catered to.
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omegaphallic · 4 years ago
Women are the ones catered to in laws, government spending, charities, divorce courts ect..., I can point to many examples of that, I'm betting you can't point to one current example of society catering to men in modern times.
Happy International Men's Day! Do you know why there wasn't a secret lair for the occasion? Was it just too close to another charity lair, or no acceptable charity could be identified?
When you become a parent, you start celebrating Mother’s Day and Father’s Day with your kids. At some point you get asked the question, “When’s Kids’ Day?” The proper answer that most parents give is “Every day is Kids’ Day”. When you’re from a group that gets catered to every day, it’s not necessary to have your own special day to be catered to.
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omegaphallic · 4 years ago
Women are the ones catered to in laws, government spending, charities, divorce courts ect..., I can point to many examples of that, I'm betting you can't point to one current example of society catering to men in modern times.
Happy International Men's Day! Do you know why there wasn't a secret lair for the occasion? Was it just too close to another charity lair, or no acceptable charity could be identified?
When you become a parent, you start celebrating Mother’s Day and Father’s Day with your kids. At some point you get asked the question, “When’s Kids’ Day?” The proper answer that most parents give is “Every day is Kids’ Day”. When you’re from a group that gets catered to every day, it’s not necessary to have your own special day to be catered to.
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omegaphallic · 4 years ago
It's the event that changed both the nature of Planeswalkers, but perhaps as importantly it changed the nature of Planar Travel. Most none spark based forms of Planar travel stopped working. Given the push to merge D&D and MtG cosmologies, I suspect that certain rules and elements of The Mending will be revisited and maybe retconned, or updated to make MtG and D&D more compatible.
Question for you all. What do you all think of when I say “The Mending”?
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omegaphallic · 8 years ago
The Missing and Murdered First Nations Inquiry is a cluster fuck
I knew this was going to happen, I told people that it should have included male First Nation victims, they have higher rates of being murdered and going missing, but nope no one was having it. When the head of inquiry is dismissed because he wanted it to include male First Nations victims, you know this whole thing is a political theater, it's a feminist circle jerk, which really sucks because First Nations deserve better. They are more interested in feeling and looking progressive then they are in getting to the bottom of things. How can they get to the bottom of things when over half the victims are excluded, where the head of the Inquiry gets fired for trying to address that flaw, when the focus seems to be on feelings and not gathering experts to find out who murdered these people, where the missing ones are, and what is the cause of why so many of these mysterious go unsolved, and what technologies and investigative techniques can be brought to bare to change, and which reserves is this happening on and which is it rarely or not happening on and why is there a difference. And it needs to be unbiased. And while I'm at it every reserve and it's surrounding areas should be given an economic and social study to figure out how best to boost their local economy. And investments in schools and communications technologies need to improve.
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omegaphallic · 8 years ago
Girl vs. woman: Informal vs. Formal Terms of Address
Some feminists like to complain about adult women being insultingly referred to as girls, instead of women. The truth is both girl and boy are simply informal terms of address, women and men are formal terms of address. Look at some examples of usage when it comes to adults. "I'm going out with the boys tonight", "It's going to be a girls night", "Boys and their toys", "You go girl", "You mess with my boys, you mess with me", "Let's get the girls together, and have some fun". Vs "The women of this country deserve access to abortions", "access to domestic violence shelters for men are lacking in this province", "women are graduating at a hirer rate then men in most 1st world nations". Notice the difference in usages, girls/boys: Informal, personal forms of address, women/men: Formal, impersonal forms of address. Also note that when boy or girl is intended to be an actual insult it's prefaced with something to show it's being used differently from it's usually informal purpose, such as "You acting like a LITTLE boy", "You need to GROW UP and stop acting like a young girl". And side note purposeful misspelling or girl or women such as grrl or wymon makes those who use them look pathetic and silly, seriously what are you over compensating for? I mean serious nothing says sticking it to the man as being illiterate on purpose/s. Note: /s indicates the statement is intended as sarcastic, just for future reference for those who don't done, tone is not well communicated via the internet.
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omegaphallic · 8 years ago
I fucked up
I posted two blog posts on the same topic twice in a row. I did this because I thought the first one got lost when tumblr asked me to give them a good review, so I explored the topic a second time. I was wrong, it got published. Oh well it's a learning experience.
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omegaphallic · 8 years ago
The Twin Heresies: On being a leftwing MRA
Two great heresies, one great flavour. I tend to piss alot of people off (yes I know, welcome to the internet, who doesn't piss a lot of people off here). I piss off the leftwing establishment because I'm an MRA and I call them on their bullshit. I piss off most of the anti establishment left because I reject feminism and I'm an MRA and I call them on their bullshit. I piss off some on the rightwing of the Men's Rights Movement, the social conservative element the most, because I'm an unapologetic leftwing sex positive MRA, and they don't like anyone challenging their monopoly on the Men's Rights Movement. I'm fiscally leftwing, but culturally libertarian, I think government should be big daddy, not big brother. I do believe a Utopia is possible and fight for it, but my idea of a Utopia includes the freedom to think a Utopia is a stupid idea, along with an end to poverty and war. Having been both a Feminist and an MRA the biggest difference is in freedom to be a heretic. I've got into some nasty fights with right wing MRAs, not all of them to be fair, but the ones who think the MRM is their private domain to remain unsullied by filthy leftwingers. And no one got banned or censored no matter what fucked up shit got said by either side. This is a totally different experience from feminist spaces which are extremely authoritarian, love to silence anyone who disagrees with the dominate ideological beliefs, often kill debates, and who in some cases ban people for even participating in the wrong subreddits. I've been mocked by a A Voice For Men writer in one of his articles for daring to suggest young women had a better reason to vote for Bernie Sanders then seeing him as a sugar daddy, but I've never had my voice silenced in the MRM the way I have in leftwing feminist dominated spaces. I worry that the left is drifting towards the authoritarian side of the spectrum away from the cultural libertarian side, which has given rise to an army of useless SJWs who are destroying the left and endangering the very groups and institutions they value by petty, controlling, and bratty behavior. So this is where I stand dancing on a knifes edge between factions that hate each other, trying to find the right balance that allows me to make a positive difference. I know I'm not alone and I hope I can encourage more leftwing MRAs and others who don't feel like they fit into the expected factions to speak up more as well.
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omegaphallic · 8 years ago
My Political Views: I am a left social libertarian (Left: 5.41, Libertarian: 6.52)
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omegaphallic · 8 years ago
What It's Like Being An MRA On Left
Two great heresies, one great taste. On one hand you piss off most of the establishment on the left that sees itself as feminist, and on the other hand you piss off a lot of the anti establishment on the left many of whom, but not all obviously, who also think of themselves as feminists. If that's not enough you piss off some rightwing MRAs who seem to think they have a monopoly on the Men's Rights Movement, even if they have none of the solutions. It can be a bit isolating, but also a lot of fun being a heretic among heretics. I'm far from alone, but I am one of the most out spoken on the MRM left, to my knowledge, and please feel free to correct me if I am mistaken on that. The biggest difference between being a heretic in the MRM and being a heretic on the left is that being a heretic in the MRM is allowed and exceptable. So I've gotten into some serious nasty arguments with rightwingers within the MRM, and no one got banned or suspended from internet site, no one reported anyone. Where as it's not unusual for leftwing sites to ban those who don't support their ideology, or even simply question it, and some leftwing sites even go as far a banning people because of what subreddits they belong to. The MRM has respect for freedom in general, both left and right and feminist sites usual don't, exposing a cancerous authoritarianism that is killing off the left and ideas.
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omegaphallic · 8 years ago
Multiculturalism: A Cultural Ecosystem
I was originally planning on during on second blog on forms of historical slavery that resembles alimony (basically types of slavery where slaves could own property and businesses but had to pay a tax not to the state for services rendered, but to their master because by law they we're considered property). But that's going to take some more research, so instead of that, I'm going to make my second post be about Multiculturalism done right vs. Multiculturalism done wrong. It's Multiculturalism as an ecosystem filled with choice vs. Ghettozation aka Museum piece Multiculturalism. I support people bringing and sharing the best their cultures of origin have with me and everyone else and vs versa. That is why cultural appropriation is a good thing, it leads to stronger cultures and better ideas and more creativity for everyone as cultures evolve. It also leads more personal choice for everyone. The bad type of multiculturalism pushes people into ghettoes, not just physically but culturally, pressures people into elements of their cultural heritage they may find distasteful or worse, and can isolate them from some source of help if they need, and drives cultural stagnation, not cultural evolution, and it protects harmful cultural practices. It's the antithesis of choice. Something that doesn't get talked about enough in multiculturalism is subcultures, like being a Goth, a Trekkie, and so on, basically cultures you choose for yourself, which I find more meaningful then cultures that you simply inherit.
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omegaphallic · 8 years ago
Why the MRM should support Basic Minimum Income
Basic Minimum Income would be a major tool in helping address major men's issues, perhaps the best policy being proposed right now, and here is why: • It would help address the homeless men crisis, where countless men are falling through the cracks of society. It would give them the resources to get a roof over their head, which help restore their sense of dignity, allow them to take showers regularly, improve their health, and all of this would make gaining employment easier. • It would make escaping situations where the man is being victimized by domestic violence easier to escape because its a souce of income he can access if he needs to flee and can't maintain a job in the mean time. • With Minimum Basic Income there is no excuse for alimony because divorce won't cause anyone poverty. Removing the last excuse for alimony will lead eventually to end of the slavery called alimony (a comparison between alimony and a historical form of slavery from ancient times will be a future blog post). • Men won't have to take jobs in unsafe low wage working conditions anymore just to survive or feed their family. Nor will any men feel like they have to join the military just to escape poverty • Compared to welfare and disability BMI respects peoples dignity more and doesn't punish them for looking for work, restoring the dignity to many men, and making it easier to participate in the work force. • It evens out the playing field when it comes to being able to afford an education between men and women. Women has countless scholarships that men don't get making post secondary education more accessible for women then men. A BCI would help men afford to go to university while allowing them to focus on getting good grades, not on paying off a large debt. • Millions of men have been put out of work by automation and bad trade agreements and millions more will join them. This will help them put food on the table, reduce the stress of bills, stress that can lead to mental health issues and even suicide. • It will help men trying to start a small business, which can have little to no income at first, and many expenses. I sure there are many more benifits for men to BMI, but this is already a massive tool to help men and their issues. And of course this also helps women, for many of the same reasons, which is wonderful too. It's a win - win -win scenario.
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