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take courage, my heart: you have been through worse than this. be strong, saith my heart; i am a soldier; i have seen worse sights than this.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
olyteus · 3 years ago
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olyteus · 4 years ago
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olyteus · 4 years ago
howre we feelin today boys
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olyteus · 4 years ago
uhhh little update: destiny just released a bunch of new lore and my gay lil autistic brain is hyperfocusing on it HARDCORE, so my presence here will remain fairly sparse
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olyteus · 4 years ago
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     HE  IS  ALONE  IN  THE  VOID.   intrusions  no  more.   there  is  a  point  in  the  depth.   it  cannot  be  directly  viewed.         delve.         dive.         deeper.       still,   only  a  point  in  the  aphotic  depth.   the  nothing.   expansive.   osiris  sinks  to  gain  new  perspective.   the  point  remains.   it  is  so  faint.   distant.   though  he  knows  he  can  see  the  light.   his  reach  stretched  thin.  clarity,  in  the  space  between  his  hand  and  the  point.   the  osseous - white  point.   dim  now.   the  omnipresence  was.      hungry  acknowledgement.   vast.   himself  against  the  enormity;   an  endless  unfurling  midnight.        and  a  lone  point.
ind. priv. sel. penned by thomas osiris from bungie’s destiny
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olyteus · 4 years ago
anyways official semi hiatus notice until i’ve been freed up of projects
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olyteus · 4 years ago
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olyteus · 4 years ago
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Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.
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olyteus · 4 years ago
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@apollonic​ said: ❛  like all agony  ,  there are pleasant moments  ❜ ( from quin )
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     OH  HOW  CORRECT  VOS  IS.   obi - wan  is  drawn  in  on  himself,   bare  back  facing  vos  as  he  holds  his  knees  to  his  chest.   there  are  very  few  people  he  allows  himself  to  be  vulnerable  with.   anakin,   because  he  knows  otherwise  he’d  never  talk  to  him.   taria,   but  that  was  so  very  long  ago,   and  they  decided  it  would  be  best  to  leave  that  aspect  behind.   and  with  quinlan.   but  that  too  was  long  ago.   this  quinlan  doesn’t  understand  the  depths  of  his  aches.
     so  being  vulnerable  .  .  .   it  is  in  of  itself  a  type  of  torment.   he  remembers  once-   when  he  was  struggling  with  teaching  anakin,   mace  once  told  him  that  he  cannot  experience  small  joys  if  he  cannot  learn  to  accept  his  pain.   (  and  he  does  accept  his  pain  .  .  .   perhaps  not  in  a  conventional  manner.  )
     ❝  you  don’t  understand,  ❞   obi - wan’s  voice  is  barely  above  a  whisper,   ❝  we  shouldn’t  be  doing  this  .  .  .   not  .  .  .   not  just  because  it’s  against�� the  code.   vos,   you  don’t  remember  before.   what  .  .  .   what  we  were.  ❞
     obi - wan  never  WANTED  to  explain  it  to  them,   perhaps  not  believing  that  this  same  result  would  happen  as  last  time.   that  they  would  feel  drawn  to  him  like  this.   but  maybe  he  should  have  tried  harder  to  push  them  away.   to  keep  his  distance.   to  keep  up  the  act  that  he  cannot  STAND  them.
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olyteus · 4 years ago
there is absolutely no way to check if ur mutuals w someone anymore
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olyteus · 4 years ago
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had fun in ovw tonight
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olyteus · 4 years ago
i want to... make a new promo but ... head empty........... No Thoughts
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olyteus · 4 years ago
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starters  /  prompts taken from hieu minh nguyen’s work ,  not here .  feel free to change pronouns  /  tenses as necessary .
  ❛  it seems important to mention all the things that went wrong  ❜
  ❛  don’t ask if i’m a ghost  ❜
  ❛  i fled and did not return  ❜
  ❛  i cannot love you  ,  if i love you  ,  i will die  ❜
  ❛  for years i chose death  ❜
  ❛  i belong to my mother’s fear  ❜
  ❛  what do you do with tenderness when all you expect is fury ?  ❜
  ❛  he looks like he will keep you safe  ❜
  ❛  any love i find will be treason  ❜
  ❛  why did you bring me here ?  ❜
  ❛  i count the hornets that escape their mouths  ❜
  ❛  i only ask for your laughter  ❜
  ❛  look at me in the old way in this new light  ❜
  ❛  sometimes i wake up and my body does not follow  ❜
  ❛  it wasn’t the same without you  ❜
  ❛  i’m still trying to figure out what it means to stay  ❜
  ❛  it’s all very predictable  ❜
  ❛  how can i love something that isn’t ruined ?  ❜
  ❛  like all agony  ,  there are pleasant moments  ❜
  ❛  i want to be better at lying  ❜
  ❛  i’m afraid if i say it out loud i will cast a curse  ❜
  ❛  some men don’t know they’re hungry until they eat  ❜
  ❛  some spells take years to cast  ❜
  ❛  there are rules you have to follow if you want to survive  ❜
  ❛  i know you’re not supposed to smile back  ❜
  ❛  madness  ,  too  ,  can be cumulative  ❜
  ❛  trying to forget is not the same as leaving  ❜
  ❛  i really should get a sense of humor  ❜
  ❛  i understand no one  ❜
  ❛  i cannot stop him from disappearing  ❜
  ❛  her body was a dress i hung for motivation  ❜
  ❛  you were once and perhaps continue to be the myth you tell to scare yourself  ❜
  ❛  there are countless ways to justify company  ❜
  ❛  you are predictable in your longing  ❜
  ❛  i don’t want to explain a thing  ❜
  ❛  i knew if i just asked him to leave he would have  ❜
  ❛  there are countless ways to open a carcass  ❜
  ❛  all i’ve ever wanted to be was useful  ❜
  ❛  there’s still time to be saved  ❜
  ❛  shut up  ;  i know the story  ,  or at least the lesson  ❜
  ❛  you wont find it  ;  you won’t find whatever you’re looking for  ❜
  ❛  i could get away with being clumsy with knives  ❜
  ❛  i want to study the mechanics of leaving  ❜
  ❛  any adjective can be true if you cry hard enough  ❜
  ❛  i see little futures in the distance but none belong  ❜
  ❛  i am beginning to forget what i expect from the world i always knew  ❜
  ❛  you can’t think of regret as a town you move too when grief snores too loud  ❜
  ❛  in death we belong to everyone  ❜
  ❛  i want to return to my old body  ❜
  ❛  i think the life i want is the life i have  ,  but how can i be sure ?  ❜
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olyteus · 4 years ago
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     MAUL  REFUSES  TO  TELL  him  the  truth  —  refuses  to  reveal  his  weakness ,  his  shame .  refuses  to  tell  him  how  difficult  it  is  to  sleep  alone ,  these  days .  that  he  has  somehow  become  unused  to  the  lingering ,  aching  loneliness  that  was  his  lifelong  companion .  until  now .  he  had  never  imagined  that  he  could  have  such  a  closeness  with  another  being  —  especially  HIM  —  and  if  someone  had  told  him  even  as  recently  as  their .  .  .  reconnection ,  that  he  would  miss  the  man  when  he  is  gone ,  well .  he  would  have  gutted  them  where  they  stood .
     but  that  is  the  truth .  the  bed  is  cold  and  empty  without  him ,  and  what  little  rest  he  was  able  to  achieve  was  fitful .  (  not  that  he  needs  much  sleep  to  begin  with .  no ,  that  had  been  trained  out  of  him .  )  and  he  would  sooner  die  than  allow  kenobi  to  know  this  —  which  is  just  fine ,  really ,  considering  he  is  not  the  only  one  with  a  secret .
     no ,  there  have  been  small  inconsistencies  in  his  story ,  pieces  that  don’t  quite  add  up  to  how  often  and  how  long  he's  in  town .  but  that  is  neither  here  nor  there .  he  will  not  demand  the  man’s  secrets .  not  tonight ,  at  least .  he  rises  from  his  chair ,  the  metal  of  his  prosthetics  creaking  ever  so  slightly ;  the  joints  are  far  too  dry  in  the  arid  desert  climate .    ❝  yes ,  well ,  i  was  not  tired ,  so  i  thought  i  would  meditate  for  a  while .  i  had  not  expected  you  back  until  morning ,  in  all  honesty ,  so  seeing  you  back  so  soon  is  quite  a  surprise .  ❞
     HE  SETS  DOWN  THE  pack  of  supplies  he  took  with  him  on  his  outing,   along  with  new  supplies  he  did  end  up  actually  getting.   for  example,   some  oil  for  maul’s  prosthetics  which  he  pulls  out  of  the  bag  first.   perhaps  someday  he’ll  explain  everything  to  maul.   but  the  boy  and  his  lineage  is  his  most  guarded  secret.   (  and  oh  how  many  secrets  he  has.  )   ben  finishes  unloading  their  new  supplies  until  eventually  he  pulls  the  bag  with  the  pieces  of  his  lightsaber  out  of  his  robes.
     using  the  force  he  reassembles  it  and  sets  it  gently  to  the  side.   ❝  i  see,  ❞   he  says  as  he  picks  the  oil  up  from  the  table  and  passes  by  maul,   grabbing  an  old  rag  up  from  the  ground  and  sitting  on  the  edge  of  the  bed.   ❝  well,   since  you’re  up  .  .  .   come  here.   your  legs  need  oiling.  ❞   he  won’t  admit  how  easily  he  notices  these  little  things  about  maul.   won’t  admit  how  comfortable  this  arrangement  is  now.   how  easy  it  is.   because  in  truth  that  easiness  scares  him.   in  the  past,   he  had  come  to  know  people  to  this  level,   once  noticed  little  things.   but  everyone  he  ever  allowed   himself  to  care  about  either  died  or  betrayed  him.
     he  doesn’t  want  to  risk  that  again.
     ❝  truthfully,   i  had  not  intended  to  come  back  so  late.   or  soon,   i  suppose  .  .  .  ❞   his  voice  trails  off  for  a  moment.   ❝  i’ve  been  helping  a  family  here.   the  lars  family.   they  freed  and  took  care  of  anakin’s  mother  after  we  took  him  in.   i  feel  i  still  owe  them,  in  some  way.   beru  appreciates  my  help  but  owen  .  .  .   he  is  a  difficult  man,   to  say  the  least.   would  look  a  gift  horse   in  the  mouth.  ❞   he  sighs  and  shakes  his  head.   all  of  this  is  true,   from  a  certain  point  of  view.   the  fact  he  is  leaving  out  some  details  doesn’t  necessarily  mean  he’s  LYING  about  it.
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olyteus · 4 years ago
“only six, hardly seems like a fair fight does it?” she asked, as she checked her power cell, on her own blaster. charge was full, that’s all she needed to know. once a hand maiden, and the queen’s second face – she found different ways to serve her now that she couldn’t pass as her double. ( too tall. her features too sharp. she couldn’t be mistaken for padme like she used to be. ) that did not mean sabe could not still serve. she played in the shadows now, instead of playing second. her dark eyes lifted to his, a small smirk on her lips. “you go right, i’ll go left?” she asked out of respect, used to taking charge in the missions padme sent her on. but she respected him. not only because he was a jedi master, but because he was a hero of naboo.
     𝐇𝐄  𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓  𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐒  𝐓𝐎  ask  how  much  she’s  willing  to  wager  that  there  will  be  more  backup  about  halfway  through  the  fight   —   as  it  often  goes   —   but  he  decides  to  hold  back  for  now.   his  time  working  with  the  queen’s  handmaidens  was  limited  and  feels  so  very  long  ago  now  but  .  .  .   it’s  nice  being  able  to  work  with  someone  who’s  as  capable  as  she  is.   having  the  company  of  people  outside  the  open - circle  fleet  is  a   much  needed  change  of  pace  he  thinks.
     obi - wan  nods,   ❝  sounds  good.   i’ll  warn  you  if  they  have  any  surprises  for  us.  ❞   and  so  far,   he  feels  none.   ❝  don’t  forget  to  leave  at  least  one  alive.   we’ll  need  information.  ❞   in  other  words,   he’ll  need  to  collect  it  the  jedi  way.
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olyteus · 4 years ago
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@apollonic​ said: ❛ your eyes betray what burns inside you. ❜ from maul
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     𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐄𝐃  𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄  𝐈𝐒  𝐀  fire  burning  in  ulixes’  eyes.   they’ve  been  at  each  others’  throats  for  𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬  now.   despite  their  truce,   despite  the  fact  they’re  working  together,   that  doesn’t  necessarily  mean  they  have  to  be  𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐃  to  one  another.   and  so  they  haven’t  been.
     maul  is  standing  there,   𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠,   despite  the  fact  that  he  slammed  him  against  the  wall  seconds  earlier.   he  feels  the  heat  under  his  skin,   anger  boiling.   ❝  don’t you 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫  shut up?  ❞
     ❝  you’re  so  𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄.  ❞   he  snarls.   𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞  𝐦𝐚𝐧.   arrogant  sith.   maul  thinks  he  knows  him  𝐒𝐎  well.   and—   he  closes  the  distance,   roughly  kissing  maul  on  the  lips.   𝐨𝐛𝐢 - 𝐰𝐚𝐧  might  not  have  hated  anyone,   but  ulixes  does.   and  oh  how  much  he  𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒  maul.
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olyteus · 4 years ago
lays down
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