• Ollie Donnella Finke • 21 • photographer/videographer • I also like to sing • twitter: olliee_popp • instagram: oliveryourfeed •
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“Exactly! Come on, let’s go. Do you wanna ride a ride?”
“Well plenty of opportunity for some more fun!”
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“Exactly. I like it that way. You just...seem to have more fun, you know? And who cares if people look at you weird. I’m gonna continue doing my own thing. Oh, no, a fancy meal? I’ve gotta pick the best spot in town!”
“Amen,” she replied, raising her left hand. “Never be afraid to do your thing—ever. And as for that complimenting business, I can guarantee high-quality service, or I owe you one fancy meal at the restaurant of your choosing.”
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“Well the fastest rollercoaster is in Abu Dhabi. I think it’s like 150 miles per hour. So it’s not the highest but definitely the fastest. I even think it’s at like some place for Ferrari, I can’t remember that detail, though.” He shrugged and waved a hand, grinning up at Tate. “It would though, wouldn’t it?! I’ve wanted to go to Cedar Point in Ohio, too. That park sounds fun.”
“That’s…kind of disappointing to be honest. I thought it’d be somewhere cool like Australia or something. But the rollercoaster sounds amazing, I would love that.” Tate’s smile widened. “Sounds like you have. That’d be a fun road trip.”
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“A couple? Ooo, you’re living a dream.”
“Not in so many words… but yeah, I do. A couple, actually.”
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“Eh, don’t worry! We’ll do what we have to do. I love food, too. It’s not always my friend but I love food too much to give up on certain things.” Ollie laughed and raised his eyebrows. “Wow it’s like daddy daughter date to the next level!” He wondered why she wasn’t around them, though. “Yay! I can’t wait. I’ve got to think of a name for the goldfish. You gotta name everything. Wait—really? Whole??? That’s a lot of butter. Though, I melt it and put it on my popcorn. But that’s different...it’s not solid.”
“Yeah fingers crossed we don’t get too stuffed.. I wouldn’t want you carrying me out of here because I fell into a food coma. I mean, I’m a pretty big fatty when it comes to food, so beware.” She warned with a laugh. “Yup, my dad and my daughter and my daughter’s father. Big family convention thingy.” Though they were off doing something else. “Then we have to go do that after this! We’ll make it a mission to win you a goldfish! — Ah, I feel ya on the butter thing. When I was kid I used to steal sticks of butter from the fridge and eat it whole.”

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“Umm,” Ollie thought, “I actually think it’s in New Jersey? Kingda Ka. It’s at some Six Flags there but it’s like 450 some-odd feet high.” Looking over at Tate, Ollie grinned. “I’ve researched. I know my facts. I haven’t been there yet but I plan on it.”
“Yeah, that would be a pretty good deal. I don’t know a lot about rollercoasters around the world, but I’m sure there are some better amusement parts out there. Where’s the tallest one? Because that would be amazing.”
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“Well good! So do you have some special then to...enjoy the luxury with?”
“I think most people do, so you’re not alone.”
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“Cam! No! Cam. Caaaam. You gotta go. It’ll be fun! And it’ll be with me. Come on. We’re gonna do it.”
“I… Um… Well… No… And I don’t plan to so don’t even think about it.”
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Camryn ✉ Ollie
Cam: I think bossman likes you more than he likes me.
Cam: Not that I blame him, you're pretty great. ;-)
Cam: I think it is, he's been looking for you and meowing like he's calling you. It's cute but annoying because it's loud.
Ollie: Aw really :))))) psssh you're too kind
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“I’ve been on a few rides and bought a drink. But that’s about it so far!”
“I’ve been here for a little while, having some fun. What about you?”
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Send me ☆ + a question and my muse will have to answer it truthfully with absolute honesty
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“Good! I’m glad we have the established! I like doing my own thing. Ya know, beat of your own drum and stuff.” He giggled alongside her. “Oh God...well...looks like I’ll just have you as my personal complimenter. I can accept that.”
“No way! You’re at home. Therefore, you can do whatever you want! I hope your blinds are closed, though!” she joked, laughing. “I’m kind of the queen of that—you should know that right now. I take a lot of pride in making people blush!”
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“It really is,” he grinned, pointing at the drink in the boy’s hand in front of him, “I totally need one of those. It’s rainbow. I don’t care what it tastes like but I need it. So let’s get me one of those first, actually. Come on!” He said with excitement.
“I know, right? Totally underrated ride.” He grinned at the other and took a drink out of his huge rainbow margarita. “Well I’m game for whatever you are! Let’s go!”
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“Yay! Then we’re gonna have a blast! Did you just get here or have you been around the grounds yet?”
“Hell yes! The ferris wheel is my favorite ride!”
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“Right? I love traveling so it would be the best mix ever. I mean, I went to a few amusement parks while I traveled over the last few years but it’s only been in the U.S. and as great as we claim to be we don’t have the tallest rollercoasters or anything.”
“It is, I don’t know how it works but it does. That sounds like quite the adventure. It would be pretty cool to just travel around and go on rollercoasters all the time. Yeah, those are the worst. Especially if you’re expecting more.”
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“See, there we go. It’s semi important. I enjoy my luxury of...sex. Yeah.”
“I mean, I could say it’s not important—but that’d be kind of a lie.”
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“I know! Which is why it’s fun. I wanna get a goldfish.”
“Sounds good to me, and really? that’s one of the hardest games”
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