olix23-blog · 7 years
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In my time of dying, want nobody to mourn All I want for you to do is take my body home💀 (at United Nations)
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olix23-blog · 7 years
One of the many forms of art in this world of ours is music. It can do many things like bring people together, help learn new things, give different ideas, improve the creativity of a certain person and so on and so forth. There exist different genres of it. Each one of them plays a different role. Let’s take heavy metal as an example: this sub-genre of rock fills the person listening to it with excitement. You feel much more pumped than ever. It relives anger and stress in a way. That’s way a lot of people, mostly teenagers connect with it. But of course there are gonna be a lot of people that will hate it. Saying:”It’s just noise. It’s too loud. The lyrics don’t make sense”. A lot of the times it’s mostly true, but let’s analyse this. Metallica is the king of heavy metal right now. Founded back in 1981, they still play shows at 50-something years of age. There has been a rise and fall of the band. It’s not the topic of this so-called story. On the bands earlier work we can different influences from classical music such as Bach, on songs like Damage Inc. Because of this heavy metal fans brighten their horizons in music and start listening to other genres. This classical music influence is also evident in bands such as Megadeth and Iron Maiden.
Personally, I listen to anything. It can be any genre or sub-genre. But, unfortunately I started of really weird. When I was a mere child I listened to mostly pop music and music which was targeted to kids the ages of 4-10 years. A couple of years passed, Iron Man became a big thing in Russia(yes, I’m from Russia) and it’s soundtrack was everywhere. That’s is exactly how I got into rock, by only listening to AC/DC and Queen. Yes, I know, I was sort of an idiot. Anyhow at the age of 14 or 15 I experienced one of the darkest periods of my adolescence… I WAS A WEEABOO OF ALL PEOPLE. WATCHING ANIME ON A DAILY BASIS AND LISTENING TO THE OPENINGS AND RECITING DIFFERENT QUOTES FROM ONE PIECE AND NARUTO. Phew, sorry for that rant. Trying not to get off topic. At that time I only listened to Japanese songs, ranging from openings, endings and other material from the artists. I was a bit ashamed of myself, until a saviour came. His name was JoJo. Why JoJo? Well, it is because of the handful of music references it had to rock, rap, pop, Japanese, classical music. I was really interested in the characters named after different bands and songs, so I decided to listen to a lot of the music. This got me into rock again, mostly classic like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. Eventually I found three of my favourite bands because of this manga. Which are RHCP, Foo Fighters and SURPRISE Metallica. This turned me into a bit of poser. I only listened to rock. Then metal came into the picture. Time passed and THANK GOD I got into other genres like hip-hop, r&b, electronic and classical.
Changing the topic, right now music is playing a big part of my life. It helps transmit my emotions, it influences me in every way possible and it even made love playing on instruments again(in the past I was forced to play the piano and hated it. But now I’m playing on a bass guitar and it’s amazing oWo). Now let’s talk about the emotion part of my tale. Music helped me out a lot with my emotional troubles: depression, breakups etc. But it also reminds of the good things that happened. I have about 4000 songs in my library, which is a lot and I don’t listen to all of them all the time. Doesn’t matter. A lot of the songs I have correlate with a different friend or person I’ve met in life. The memories can be good or bad. Still brings joy to my face. Songs like Yesterday, The Unforgiven or Say it ain’t so help with tough times. Everlong by the Foo Fighters and Under the Bridge by RHCP remind people of the good stuff. Pantera, System of a Down and other similar bands relieve all the stress or in my case help me with exercises. Frank Ocean or ATCQ put into a zone of relaxation. The main point of this is that music plays different roles in a person’s life. For better or for worse I don’t know. It’s up to you to decide.
The music charts are now dominated by Pop and Hip-Hop. I don’t have a problem with Hip-Hop. I like it most of the times. But stuff like lil pump and migos just show the bad side of it. Pop music on the other hand, I think, doesn’t have any soul or effort put into it. I’m not an elitist. There was a time where I liked pop like Shakira and other stuff. But today it all sounds the same and I don’t see a difference. I’m not here to say:”LISTEN TO THIS OR THAT”. Listen to anything you want. As long as you like it and it inspires you to be creative.
                                                    THE END
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olix23-blog · 7 years
one of my favorite songs
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