oliviaxcameron · 3 years
( special delivery for: @stellaomalley​ )
It had been the most wonderful night for Olivia at this event with already kissing Landon and loving being his date and to hooking up with Roman in one of the empty rooms of the club. Approaching the bar to get another drink for herself as Landon was looking at the items in the silent auction, she ordered herself a glass of whiskey before turning to look at the blonde that appeared beside her. “Having a good time so far?” She asked, eyes glancing down to her big boobs that she was probably known for and then to her dress. “I love your dress. It’s gorgeous.”
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oliviaxcameron · 3 years
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oliviaxcameron · 3 years
    Landon could only hope to see more of Olivia after their evening at the gala. While he wasn’t great with relationships—having only two real ones under his belt—it didn’t stop him from dreaming one up with her in his head. She was beautiful, smart, and charismatic that he’d be amiss not to think beyond this night. “You are a woman that should be spoiled and spoiled often,” he replied flirtatiously, noticing her lean against him. Her additional words made his brows arch not only with surprise but anticipation. He surely hoped that would be the case—that their evening would end in a proper shag. God knows he was dying to bed her. He didn’t even have to say it openly since it was rather obvious the way his hands trailed against her body and the amount of attention he paid her. “I would love to. I have a theory of what’s underneath that dress and an unspoken bet,” he quipped as they then moved further in line to get their photo taken. Once the honors were done he obliged her idea and stirred the beauty to the closest bar, his hand holding onto hers like he’d lose her in the crowd. “The bar sounds like a good starting point. If you don’t mind me saying, I’m imagining you with some extravagant necklace from the auction and nothing else.” A bold statement indeed, yet he was shameless in keeping it to himself.
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While Olivia only had the thoughts filling her head of what their sexy night could look like after the gala, she also wanted to pay attention to his personality and see how he was around others. She already knew that he was kind, driven and smart so she hoped to see more of his personality shine throughout the night especially if she wanted to see him more after the event in all. She couldn’t help but smile a bit to how he was holding her hand as his eyes happily paid attention to the rest of her body. Smirking to his words, she trailed a finger down his chest and torso and looping it around one of his belt loops. “I hope you keep that image in your mind for the night as I will be whispering more images like that one to keep you...” she paused, her eyes trailing down his body to her fingers close to his crotch, “excited,” she purred as her eyes looked back up into his. “Who knows, with how we’re touching each other right now, I might let you take us out of here early,” she winked and without another word, she lead him to the bar and ordered a glass of wine to start off before letting him order his drink. As they waited, she leaned against him as she looked around the crowd. “I sure hope you ask me to dance tonight,” she said, looking up at him again though shot him a smile instead of her famous sly smirk. As flirty as she was going to be tonight, she also wanted to show him her sweet, kind side as well. “Who are you most excited to introduce me to tonight?” She asked with a raised brow as she was interested.
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oliviaxcameron · 3 years
    Jealously wasn’t a good look on Roman but hopefully he was doing a good job at disguising it. His eyes were now too busy feasting on Olivia’s perfect assets, which helped dial down his irritation concerning the O’Malley guy. “Shame on me for waiting so long. I won’t make the same mistake next time,” he winked, enjoying her compliment and the way she looked him over. Had he known she would have attended with him, he would have snatched her up right away; but then again, the night was still young. Once her arm was enveloped in his, Roman led them to a bar that had a short wait. In the meantime he directed his attention to Olivia, unable to pry his eyes too far from her. “It’s been a blast so far. Did some pre-event partying in a limo. A little weed and a whole lot of champagne and shots. You should have been there,” he gleamed a smile as he lightly leaned into her. When it was their turn to order he allowed the lady to go first and then ordered a dirty martini and handed the bartender some cash. “I don’t know, where’s your date? Maybe the two of them are conversing or having a drink together too.” It was a possibility given they both were O’Malleys. As he waited for the drinks, he trailed his finger down her arm to watch for a reaction. It was a slow, light taunt that gave him a twinge of excitement. “I wouldn’t mind stealing you away for the rest of the evening, if I’m being honest,” he shamelessly admitted with a mischievous gleam in his eye. He doubted either of their dates would like that too much, but he did live for danger.
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As much as Olivia was wanting to take Landon home because of the sexual tension between them, she was loving how Roman couldn’t take his eyes off of her and she already wanted to tease him and make him go crazy. “Weed, champagne and shots sounds like a great time,” she said with a chuckle as they waited for their drinks, leaning into him as well so he could feel the curves of her body more to tease him. “My date is somewhere in the crowd mingling so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were,” she said knowing that Landon liked making his presence known like she did. When she felt his finger running down her arm, she felt goosebumps and she turned her head to look up at him, keeping her body close to his still. His words made her smirk and she turned to face him more, even raising her finger up to his tie and ran her finger slowly downwards. “Yeah? I feel like we could get into some trouble together,” she purred, even glancing down at his lips for a moment though thought about both of their dates. “As much fun as that would be, we should probably stick with our dates. Mine already wants to buy me most expensive necklace in the auction,” she said, the smirk staying on her lips hoping that she would find some jealousy in him.
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oliviaxcameron · 3 years
Bella never intended on being late to things but for some reason it just seemed to happen. There was always something going on, heavy traffic or some last second emergency that had taken up her time. This time the reason for her awful punctuality was her date. Apparently he was the kind of man who believed the world only turned when he was around. As soon as she’d managed to get rid of the man she wondered over to the nearest server, picking herself two glasses of champagne. “Much better. Has anything interesting happened yet?” She asked the nearest person to her.
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While Landon was off mingling with others, Olivia made her way through the building with a glass of champagne and eyes on her. Smirking as she strutted and it was when she came to a stop when a blonde woman asked about her time at the event so far. Turning her head to see her holding two glasses of champagne, she chuckled assuming they were both for her as she sipped on the one she was holding for herself. “If anything interesting you mean jealous women getting fights with their significant others when drunk about flirting with other women and both getting kicked out, yes,” she said with a chuckle, “interesting things have been happening,” she responded with a smirk before taking another sip of her drink and looking around. “I’m ready to see more fights go down amongst the jealous,” she half-teased before now turning her full attention to the blonde. “I’m Olivia by the way, Olivia Cameron.”
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oliviaxcameron · 3 years
    Happy she obliged his idea, Landon stirred his exquisite date towards the line for the photographs, keeping his hand on the small of her back as she held onto his hand. Fortunately the line was moving swiftly with only a few couples taking up more time than needed for a good photo. Those were the types Landon found himself leering at before his attention moved back to Olivia. “It would be an utter shame if we passed it up. I’d like to have a momentum of our evening together. Maybe there will be a few…” he smiled charmingly before continuing his thoughts. “I plan on spoiling you tonight so if you see anything at the silent auction that you are vying for, please let me know.” Landon loved a challenge and an auction certainly presented a decent one for him. Looking over her dress again and then at her lips, Landon couldn’t halt himself from complimenting her. “I believe most of the stares will be in your direction. I’m pretty sure you could make a paper bag look sexy.”
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When standing in line, Olivia couldn’t help but lean slightly into his hand that was on the small of her back as she watched the other couples get their pictures taken. Turning towards Landon, she ran her tongue across her bottom lip to his suggestion of spending more evenings together. “Maybe there will be,” she teased with ease before grinning to the words of his about spoiling her and she nodded. “I will and I hope you don’t stop spoiling me, even after the event is over,” she purred, leaning closer as if this conversation was only for them to hear. Running her eyes over his features, especially his lips, her smirk widened to his next sentence and she found herself moving slightly closer, eager for what was to come between the two. “If the night goes well, maybe you could see this what is under this dress,” she purred and before he could even respond, she winked at him again and turned to see that it was their turn to get their picture taken. Once their picture was taken, she lead them more into the building and she turned to him once again. “How about we get a drink and mingle with others before looking at the auction?” She asked with a raised brow in interest. “What would you like to do, Landon?” She asked, purring his name to tease him even more.
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oliviaxcameron · 3 years
In the silent auction room catching a glimpse of @oliviaxcameron​
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    Roman found himself leering at Olivia’s date, who happened to be associated with the O’Malley family. In his irritated stare there was also confusion as to why she selected Landon Fox as her evening companion. For a couple minutes he watched the two get on well, sensing the flirtation between them. It wasn’t until Landon moved out of the room and left Olivia behind, that Roman made his move. Coming up behind the brunette he uttered a greeting in Russian, “Привет, красавица.” His dismayed look was now replaced with a charming smile, which she easily brought out in him. “I was hoping you were attending tonight’s gala…but a little disappointed you didn’t want to attend with me. I always have the best party favors,” he smiled. He was definitely going to pry about her and Landon after easing into it slowly. “You look gorgeous, by the way. I’m sure I’m the hundredth person to have told you that this evening. You are probably sick of hearing it.” His eyes danced over her flawlessness, taking in every one of her perfect curves. Her dress left little to the imagination which Roman found to be exquisite. “May I steal you away for bit to have a drink with me?”
Olivia had been having much fun at the event so far, especially flirting with Landon the entire time and hoping to rip his clothes off later in the night. When he left her side, she was standing alone looking at the items until she was greeted by her mafia member and she couldn’t help but smirk as she heard his words in Russian. Turning to look at Roman, she reached out her hand to press it against his arm and giving it a squeeze. “Roman, looking very handsome tonight,” she said, letting her eyes run down his body and back up, always appreciating his taste in expensive clothing. “If you really wanted to be my date tonight, you should’ve asked me right when you knew about the event. I would’ve said yes,” she told him with her smirk widening a little more. “Thank you, Roman,” she said when he complimented her and she bit down on her lower lip watching as his eyes danced around her body. When he asked to steal her away for a drink, she didn’t hesitate to nod. “I’d love that,” she told him as she slipped her hand around his arm and walked to the bar with him. “Enjoying the event so far? Where’s your date?” She questioned, ordering herself a drink when they got to the bar and leaned against it comfortably, keeping her eyes on Roman.
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oliviaxcameron · 3 years
Cameo Nightclub for the Charity Gala with @oliviaxcameron​
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    Decked out in a new designer suit, Landon entered the nightclub with his date on his arm, feeling buoyant and giddy for the evening festivities. This was hardly his first time at Cameo, though he did try to maintain a distance whenever O’Malley-D’Amiano tensions were high. He didn’t suspect anything untoward to occur and genuinely aimed to have a good time. Turning towards his date he asked, “Should we get our picture taken to commemorate the evening?” Any chance to show off was right up Landon’s alley—and this Armani suit certainly deemed fit for extra attention. “Then I can show you off to all my friends and watch them squirm with jealously,” he smiled.
Olivia was already feeling sexy that night in her black, curve fitting, strapless gown but with Landon as her date, she felt sexy and confident as hell. They both looked sexy in their outfits for the night and if the night ended up going well, Olivia could be taking his right off. Turning to look at him when he spoke, she smirked to his question and nodded. “Of course! It’s something to remember this night and we both look hot so we might as well show ourselves off,” she wiggled her eyebrows and chuckled though when he talked about jealousy, she reached her hand up to press against his chest as her fingers played with one of the buttons on his suit jacket. “We’re going to get a lot of stares tonight for looking this good so we might as well give them a show,” she said with a wink before taking his hand and moving them over to get their picture taken.
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oliviaxcameron · 3 years
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attending with her date: @landonfox
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oliviaxcameron · 3 years
( special delivery for: @nicodamiano​ ) location: the wild fox
While knowing what mafia family this establishment was owned by, Olivia enjoyed the atmosphere and the drinks they served, especially all of the whiskey. Sitting at the bar with a glass of whiskey in hand, she leaned back in her seat and looked around. It wasn’t until her eyes connected with Nico’s and her famous smirk formed on her lips and gave him a little wave. While she was aware that he didn’t seem to like her much as she wasn’t so outspoken for what family she was associated with, she thought he was hot so she was going to continue to flirt with him and leave mafia talk in the dust when drinking. “How’s it going, handsome?” She purred as he approached her.
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oliviaxcameron · 3 years
†   ✧   ── OPEN STARTER
The Gentleman’s Spot
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    Roman was keeping to himself that evening. Instead of mingling around the floor and drinking with friends or regulars, he was stationed at his favorite table to the left of the stage, smoking a cigarette in solitude. His mood was a little off for whatever reason. It could have been something his brother had said that got underneath his skin, or the fact that his last date turned out to be a complete drag. Actually, it was probably a combination of the two. It was still too early in the evening for him to check out. Fortunately the strippers were captivating his attention, that he barely noticed someone approach. Lazily he lifted his head and slightly turned it toward the intrusion. “Yes I need a drink and no you don’t have to buy me one. I own the place.” He figured he’d save them the trouble of the whole song and dance. “I’ll get us two each. What’s your poison?” A drink was likely to life his spirits.
“With that tone of voice it seems like you need more than just a drink,” Olivia stated as she slid into the seat beside him and nudged him gently with her arm, the corner of her lip curling up into a smirk as she did so. This establishment was one she knew all too well as she worked as a stripper for a long while a few years back. While she missed being on the pole and having her fun, she loved teaching people how to dance, it was what she was passionate about. “Whiskey, neat,” she answered Roman as she leaned back in the bar seat, looking at the strippers for a moment before turning back to him. “And I’ll happily be the person to turn your mood around.”
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oliviaxcameron · 3 years
†   ⋆    ── CLOSED STARTER
STUDIO 24 to see @oliviaxcameron​
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    While he waited for Olivia’s dance class to conclude, Aleksandr took a seat and watched the remainder of the class from a spectators standpoint. The way Olivia taught her classes had always fascinated him. Her movements were fluid-like, reminding him of a butterfly spreading its wings. After some minutes had passed and the class was dismissed, Alek stood up to greet his close friend. “Hey, you look amazing,” he complimented and placed a kiss to each of her cheeks. He had seen her dance so many times yet never ceased in being impressed by her. “Do you have time to grab a coffee or…dinner?” He asked subtly not knowing her evening plans. “Non-mafia matters, so nothing dire,” he added for good measure.
While Olivia was teaching her class, she couldn’t help but glance over at Alek to see him waiting for her which brought a smile to her face. The two had been close for years and she was always thankful for their friendship. Once she finished her class and waved bye to her students, she turned to see Alek approaching and she placed her hands on his arms as she felt his lips against her cheeks. “I always look amazing and don’t you forget it,” she teased with a wink as she gave his arms a squeeze before letting go. Of course mafia matters came to mind when he wanted to meet, though hearing his words made her smile just a bit more. “Dinner sounds great,” she said before checking the time on her watch. “This was my last class of the day so you came just in time. It won’t take me long to get my things so I’ll meet you outside in just a few minutes,” she leaned in and pressed a friendly kiss to his cheek before taking the time to get her things and clock out of work. Not much longer, she was approaching Alek outside. “Where are you thinking for dinner?”
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oliviaxcameron · 3 years
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── There’s a new day dawning in the perilous streets of New York City. Here you’ll find (Olivia Cameron) who is said to resemble (Margot Robbie), but is a (33) year old (Associate & Dance Instructor of Studio 24) swearing undying fealty to the (Mikhailov Family). Upon meeting them, they are (outgoing) and (determined). Do not be deceived, they are also (hot-headed) and (impulsive). After all, you cannot spell family without lies.
Name: Olivia May Cameron
Face Claim: Margot Robbie
Age: 33
Birthdate: August 1, 1988
Star Sign: Leo
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She, Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Mafia Position/Job: Associate & Dance Instructor of Studio 24
Birthplace: Seattle, Washington
Theme Song: SAYGRACE - You Don’t Own Me ft. G-Eazy
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5′6″
Olivia was born and raised in Seattle, Washington to two alcoholic parents who didn’t care much for her. They ignored her a lot until they realized how great of a dancer she was at the age of three and put her into classes. She started dancing at the age of 3 and when she turned 15 years old, her parents were already too fucked up from drinking and driving her home and they got into a car accident, killing both of them and putting Olivia immediately into foster care. All throughout the years of dancing, she had competed in many dance competitions, ballet being her top category of dance, she collected a lot of trophies and winnings and was well known at her young age…once she moved to and from foster homes, her life turned for the worse.
Now 16 years old, Olivia had just moved into a foster group home for girls in Portland, Oregon and the kids at the high school constantly teased her for being a dancer…she failed classes and eventually dropped out, turning to drugs as they kept her alive…there was no positive mindset, all she wanted to do was get high and win more dance/ballet competitions. At 18 years old, she was kicked out of the dance academy for failing multiple drug tests and not wanting to go back to the group home for girls, she decided to be homeless and found a strip club to dance at…she was a very popular stripper, naming herself Diamond and many people loved her. She used her dance skills and flexibility to the test here and while she wasn’t the best in the beginning, she found herself easing more into the job as time went on.
Olivia made money by stripping and becoming a cam girl. Many thought she was beautiful and sexy so it seemed like the right fit. While she was doing great with both jobs, she constantly felt ashamed of herself for doing all of it. She knew it was one of the only ways to make money to not live on the streets anymore, that was until she found a waitressing job at the local diner. She was thankful that no one recognized her from the strip club or her cam girl job and while waitressing helped her from living off the streets, she was still disappointed in herself.
One day at the diner, Olivia was carrying too much to try to impress her coworkers and boss when she spilled a drink all over the man who completely changed her life for the better. Elijah Kane. He was like a breath of fresh air, the person she never knew she needed in all her life. She tried to play hard to get but decided to give him a chance and that was the best decision she has made in her life at that point. For four years, the two dated and he helped her turn her life around by quitting her job at the strip club and being a cam girl, to continuing to work at the diner and for the first time in a long time, she felt happy and it was all because of Elijah. She was completely hooked. 
It was an easy yes for Olivia when he asked her to be his wife and while she love getting married and getting to know herself better, she knew that this was too good to be true… With him working more and them sharing so much, Olivia found herself getting stressed out which caused them to fight almost daily. As much as she tried to keep her head up and to stay strong, the separation of their jobs and their relationship overall was destroying their marriage. One day after barely any sleep because of fighting with Elijah, Olivia found herself (again) wanting to make things right because she loved him. She bought him a coffee and when she arrived at his work with a smile of hope, she found him kissing another woman and that kiss is what made her pack her things and leave him. Let’s say that it didn’t take long for divorce papers to be placed on his desk. 
Olivia struggled like no other after this divorce because not only did she leave the man that changed her life for the better, but she left the man that made her feel complete. It took over two years to get over Jonas and to get herself back out by therapy, but a part of her still felt broken. Nothing was going to damage her more. Instead of drowning herself in alcohol and drugs, with the money she had, she up and left Portland to travel around different states, to find new adventures. Not having any solid destination, she drove and drove for miles on end, stopping in as many states as she could and meeting new people along the way.
Olivia ended up in the big, exhilarating city of New York and she couldn’t be happier to start her new chapter there. After a year of living in the city and trying to find jobs that would fit right, she found herself walking into the dance studio, Studio 24 and she felt right at home. For years she was scared to dance again as it reminded her of her parents, but now she wanted to change other kids lives; she wanted to make a difference.
Best Friend
Friends and co-workers
Played by Megan
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