Final BTS video overview:
My final video outcome was successful in lots of ways that corresponded to my theme. I slowed down all of the videos to be in time with the chosen song, added fading transitions in order to keep it flowing slowly. I added text to the beginning and end for title and credits on a downloaded background that I used for my mood boards throughout the project, this had the shade of pink that has followed through my entire project. I also experimented with moving transitions and blue which combated the problem of working with little footage and if it wasn't the right size the transitions made it look intentional.
I also really love the chose of song with the footage, it goes well with the models movements. I think I have really pushed myself with the outcomes I've created and hopefully the love I have for the project and outcomes comes across.
As you can see the video is below the requested time due to circumstances of my model not making my final planned shoot (see shoot 3 mood board). If I was able to get this footage I would of incorporated footage of not only the model but the jewellery focus in nature, especially water as I really wanted to show that with the pairing of wet makeup. I would scattered this footage in between what I have already created so it flowed nicely and finished with a clip of running water.
Hope you enjoy!
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Final BTS video:
NOT MP4 VERSION! MP4 version available on Cagd. (reason for low quality)
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Final publication overview:
Overall I am really pleased with my publication outcome. Despite being unable to complete another photoshoot I have still pushed myself to create something that is experimental, fun and tells a story whilst focusing on the styling and jewellery elements.
I've used a lot of the pinks from my colour scheme that helps creates a slow, especially where in some picture those tones are present.
I've also use a lot of text from the song lyrics from my BTS film that helps builds a connection with them both and adds another layer to some of the pages. One of the pages I decided to entirely used lyrics that I've chosen that I think creates a big statement but I think works really well.
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Publication Inspiration:
I wanted to create quite an experimental outcome, incorporating the pink hues and BTS song lyrics in some pages. Some of my inspiration showed parts of this.

Behance (2020) Wes Anderson - Editorial Design [Online]. Behance. Available from: <https://www.behance.net/gallery/99072337/Wes-Anderson-Editorial-Design?tracking_source=curated_galleries_graphic-design> [Accessed 7 May 2024].
https://www.good.is (2012) GOOD Pictures: Ye Rin Mok’s Dreamy World - Good [Online]. https://www.good.is. Available from: <https://www.good.is/slideshows/good-pictures-ye-rin-mok-s-dreamy-world> [Accessed 7 May 2024].
www.behance.net (n.d.) Behance [Online]. www.behance.net. Available from: <https://www.behance.net/gallery/150546449/Cake-Zine>.
www.behance.net (n.d.) Behance [Online]. www.behance.net. Available from: <https://www.behance.net/gallery/150546449/Cake-Zine>.
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Behance (n.d.) SUMMER with Polina [Online]. Behance. Available from: <https://www.behance.net/gallery/55328761/SUMMER-with-Polina>.
Brides (n.d.) 16 Corset Wedding Dresses for a Regal Look [Online]. Brides. Available from: <https://www.brides.com/corset-wedding-dresses-5084983> [Accessed 7 May 2024].
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LELET NY (n.d.) Glossy Bar Barrette [Online]. LELET NY. Available from: <https://leletny.com/products/glossy-bar-barrette?epik=dj0yJnU9RXJiT2tmenRBUzIwTm5Fc0N1bnhXSjNySlUzN2ZrUmImcD0wJm49b1B5QkVOQ1JabkxJOFhGOEc1ZUVWQSZ0PUFBQUFBR1k2TGZ3> [Accessed 7 May 2024].
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www.instagram.com (n.d.) Instagram [Online]. www.instagram.com. Available from: <https://www.instagram.com/piamance?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D&epik=dj0yJnU9RmpmbS1rRTBvcWdZOFhrMmFES2pJVXo4dU9wdWNoSWQmcD0wJm49MkdKRC04OGFyM21oT010T28wU0lVZyZ0PUFBQUFBR1k2TGhn> [Accessed 7 May 2024].
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One of my favourite final edits for my publication.
A lot of the other photos didn't feel like they needed as much of an extreme edit, but I really thought this one could be pushed and would look great as a stand alone image on a double page spread.
I created a very prominent blue hue, whitening/brightening and contrast and luminosity on the shining parts of the makeup and jewellery.
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Chosen song for video.
Really love the lyrics, pace and her tone of voice.
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Initial BTS video ideas:
My video is going to focused on picking up the details of the styling, makeup, movement and the body.
In these initial clips I directed the model to really focus on using her hands and looking at and away from the camera with purpose. I thought slowed down the movements and eye contact would really connect with the viewer.
I was unable to collect as much footage as I wanted from my first shoot day but will continue to collect from my final outdoor shoot.
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Look 1 selection for editing for potential final publication.
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Contact sheets from first final shoot day featuring four different styling and makeup looks.
The decision to work with one model was so I could really focus on the styling and makeup on one face shape and skin tone. This also meant I created a flowing story of sleep and dreams. She became the dreamer.
1: Look one features pink blush makeup, mesh fabric DIY dress styled with pearl jewellery also created by me in the way of rings, earring and body & hair jewellery. Mesh fabric as the backdrop.
2: Look two is centred around flowers and petals, styled with real and faux flowers, white crochet dress, gold earrings and pearls and flowers in the way of props. The makeup was bold with block colours and flower metals around the eyes with close up shots that show this. I also used mesh material over the lens that created a hazy effect that emulated a feeling of deep sleep. Focused lighting and the use of the black backdrop made for heavy contrast and working with many different poses took it one step further.
3: Look three features child like styling with an oversized sweatshirt pinned with bows, braided hair with pearls wrapped throughout. The poses were very effortless and limp for a softer feeling, with the use of spotlight and the black backdrop for heavy contrast this was exaggerated even more as the model was the only focus.
4: Look four was the wet look. The styling was clean and matched the plain white backdrop to create clear outlines and focus on the makeup and silhouette. I do think the lighting and styling could be taken further which is what I'm going to achieve in my final outdoor shoot but I also think these can be improved with editing and manipulated easily for utopian feel.
Photography, styling, direction, hair & makeup : myself.
Model: Lisa Madi Kazi.
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Font and colour scheme for publication and final photoshoot.
Font: Nautica
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Played around with some editing to add some extreme and basic effects, mainly working with contrast, directional blur and luminosity.
I also did some basic editing of smooth skin and erasing hairs.
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I've chosen a select few that I will possibly add to my final publication. Although there wasn't a detailed plan for this photoshoot some of the shot came out really well, the blur from movement and messy hair really adds to the dreamer effect I want to create.
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