oliviacursebreaker · 10 days
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wow i love researching
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oliviacursebreaker · 11 days
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floor time.
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oliviacursebreaker · 14 days
sebastian ignoring geneva as if she didn’t SAVE HIM FROM AZKABAN AND DO EVERYTHING FOR HIM ALL YEARRRR
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go off girlie, beat his ass.
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oliviacursebreaker · 14 days
i might in fact pass away
Reblog this if you would not only accept, but welcome fan art, moodboards, etc. of your fics
All of these used to be so common for people to show their appreciation of different fics and authors, and I think it’s a shame people don’t do it anymore. I love seeing fan work for my fics!!
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oliviacursebreaker · 14 days
i'd like to thank the academy
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until I figure out ao3, it'll be there!!
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oliviacursebreaker · 15 days
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oliviacursebreaker · 15 days
Should I be doing my university assignments rather than thinking about my interconnected universe of OCs within the Harry Potter world? Yes.
Am I doing my assignments? No.
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oliviacursebreaker · 15 days
Should I be making Hogwarts legacy ocs instead of writing? No.
Am I making Hogwarts legacy ocs instead of writing? Yes, yes I am.
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oliviacursebreaker · 15 days
oh if only i knew how to draw
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oliviacursebreaker · 15 days
"On the heels of Warner Bros. Games releasing “Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions” Tuesday, Warner Bros. Discovery’s chief financial officer has confirmed that a more direct sequel to 2023’s hit Wizarding World game “Hogwarts Legacy” is a goal for the team moving forward."
A direct sequel for Hogwarts Legacy? MORE SEB AND OMI??
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oliviacursebreaker · 15 days
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oliviacursebreaker · 15 days
From the prologue of Heir of Blood
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So much had changed in the time since I first entered the Map Chamber, and yet as I neared the entrance to the Caverns, I felt exactly the same as I did then. Young and afraid.
The Keepers had left their portraits and I was entirely alone. Perhaps as I had always been meant to be.
Crossing the threshold into the Caverns, I forced myself to slow. To stop and look around at what might be the last thing I ever see. Countless had died at my hands. Their names and faces were nothing more than blurred memories now. I couldn't be sure how many of them deserved to die. I couldn't be certain that they all needed to. Their deaths had carved my path forward, their bones built the bridge I'd now cross into the afterlife.
"Stop!" Footsteps descended towards me, quickly as if the person was running. "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"
I whirled around, spinning so fast that the ends of hair smacked me in the eyes. For a moment, all I saw was copper red. When that cleared, though, my eyes focused on a boy charging towards me. Freckled and brunette, his eyes were wide with an emotion hot like anger and bitter like regret. It couldn't be. "Sebastian?"
But it was.
"How did you find me?"
"I asked you a question, Irvine." Sebastian drew closer, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows as if he was readied himself for a battle to come. His hair laid messy, more so than usual, as darkness shadowed beneath his eyes.
It didn't seem to matter how much time had passed with us, how many fights and falling outs we'd had, in this moment— it was only us. "Now's not the time to be stubborn, Sebastian. You shouldn't be here."
"I can't think of anywhere else I should be." He stepped forward, the little space between us vibrating with the knowledge of how near we were. "There is nowhere in this world I wouldn't find you." Sebastian's hand found mine, pulling it away from my wand's holster strapped to my thigh. "Don't do this."
A crack sounded in my heart, splitting me between what needed to be done and what I so deeply wanted. "I have no choice."
Sebastian's face was painted in pain. "Please," he begged as if it would make any difference.
Tears pricked my eyes. There was no word I knew to describe what pulsated between us, nothing strong enough to detail just how rawly powerful it was. But power came with a price. "The Keepers entrusted me with this, with all of it. I'm the last Keeper and it's my duty to protect the magic. To protect Hogwarts!"
"And who is protecting you?"
"I don't matter in this."
"You do to me!" If the proper response existed, it was lost on me. Sebastian's breathing disrupted the silence stretching between us. "Please... I can't lose you too. Geneva," his hand cupped my face as his fingers laced into my hair, "I'm begging you. Don't leave me."
For a moment, I thought he might kiss me. Under different circumstances, perhaps I'd let him. I brushed my thumb across his cheek, wiping away a stray tear. "Maybe in another life."
"We're not done in this one," he said through shaky breaths.
Love seemed to be too weak a word to describe what I felt for him. Our bond overtook destiny, overtook fate, but it seemed that even the greatest stories had to come to an end. Our time was running out, the metaphorical sand of our hourglass drained almost entirely to one side.
"If you do this," He paused as if to give me time to take it all back, to leave with him and pretend our world doesn't rest upon my shoulders. "I will never forgive you."
Pain etched itself across my heart. Deep in my bones, I felt the ache. "But you'll be alive."
He pulled away from me in an instant, cold rushing in. "Life means nothing without you."
"Sebastian, I have been doomed from the start!"  His life had to matter. He had to move on. Had to live, even if I wouldn't be there to see it. "I am destined to die."
"You are destined to be mine!" His voice echoed through the cave, with such conviction I would've thought it to be true. I would've thought our fates must've been intertwined. That he was my destiny and I was his. There'd been moments in the quiet hours of night where I believed it, where I hoped it was true. But if his fate depended on mine, he would be just damned as I. "I'm not letting you do this."
"You can't stop me," I reminded him without a moment of hesitation. 
Sebastian Sallow may have been the Master of the Dark Arts but I was the Master of Magic, the Hero of Hogwarts, the Slayer. He knew damn well that he was no match for me. 
read the rest here!
i'll add it to ao3 as soon as i get off their waiting list, i SWEAR
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oliviacursebreaker · 16 days
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Hogwarts circa September 1890
i was playing around with photo mode today and needed to share this screenshot of the castle!! still figuring out how exactly to work photo mode but i’m already obsessed
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oliviacursebreaker · 16 days
If you like an unpopular character and you feel lonely, just keep making a fanwork of that character. Seriously some of us don't pick an obsession until we see a fanwork that turned on the switch.
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oliviacursebreaker · 16 days
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First Kiss
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oliviacursebreaker · 16 days
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this might just be the best edit i’ve ever made :)
geneva irvine i love u
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oliviacursebreaker · 17 days
HEIR OF BLOOD | Sebastian Sallow X FMC
There is no light without shadow and no shadow without light.
Geneva Irvine has never fit in, never felt quite normal, though she hadn't realized just how deep her differences went. Buried in her bones and waiting like a time bomb, there was a magic unknown to her family- and to her. Now unleashed and unrelenting, tragedy tore through her parents and five siblings, leaving her entirely alone in the world. Until Professor Fig's arrival.
Thrust into a world she didn't know existed, Geneva starts at Hogwarts as a fifth year. As she struggles to catch up to her peers, dark forces conspire around her. Nothing is as it seems, and no one can be trusted.
[ This story follows the basic outline of Hogwarts Legacy, beginning with the start of the MC's fifth year. Changes have been made because I can lol.
While most characters can be found within the Harry Potter canon and Hogwarts Legacy storyline, there will be some original characters throughout.
Majority of chapters will be told from Geneva's point of view, though there will be some throughout from different point of views, such as Sebastian's or Ominis's.
CW: This is a darker telling of Hogwarts Legacy and what will follow. There will be mature content in this work, including topics and description of death, blood/gore, depression, PTSD, grief, nudity/sexual content, and alcohol and drug use. Because of this, characters have been aged up. ]
Book 1 (this one, Heir of Blood) will detail the events of Hogwarts Legacy's main storyline, however there will be changes to the endings, characters, and reactions that I wished we could've gotten in game. I have plans for this to be a trilogy soooo ... buckle in! 
If you think you know the story of Hogwarts Legacy, this story will challenge every belief. 
and yes, Abigail Cowen IS Geneva Irvine.
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