olivia-price · 5 years
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olivia-price · 5 years
it was really just a dumbass way to say “hi i’m poor”. i know how to stretch a dollar.
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Then I definitely need you to teach me your ways. My dad’s been cutting mine and Luke’s allowance I think as a way of punishment, and it’s embarrassing how poorly I’ve been adjusting.
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olivia-price · 5 years
At first, I thought they’d just shut down because of another unforeseen infestation, but when Jack and I broke in, nothing seemed off. No renovation supplies around either so that’s outta the equation. Which then leads me to believe: Mayor Wood’s coverin’ up for something they can’t explain. Something they don’t understand or somethin’ that could cause mass panic.
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You and Jack broke in? Not that that surprises me, but if it’s a cover up, you’d think there’d be more security surrounding it too. I mean, that at least lines up with what my aunt said about the financing claims. It’s strange, for sure. And it must be big, because if the goal really is to stop the town from panicking, closing a whole school down on top of everything else is anything but a move in the right direction.
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olivia-price · 5 years
oh i get it; you don’t know me. you have no idea how much i can do with $50.
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By all means, enlighten me.
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olivia-price · 5 years
i’ll add it to the list. so far people have been surprisingly undemanding.
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And for that we should be grateful. 50 bucks never gets you as far as you think it would.
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olivia-price · 5 years
My brand.
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You know that college right by the town’s borders? It got vacated recently. No one’s even said why or what happened, which is weird. I mean there should be concrete plans of action by now, right? Or at least some explanation. But everyone involved’s keeping a tight lid on it.
My aunt mentioned it when we first moved in, but to be honest that woman is full of conspiracies, so I had a hard time keeping up. But you’re right, it seems too long for them to still be keeping quiet. What do you think is really going on over there?
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olivia-price · 5 years
On top of that, my dad has been needing me to help at the church more because we have to start preparing for the holiday season. Appreciate it, Olivia. Honestly I think Holly deserves it. She’s one of the smartest people I know and also one of the most genuine. How have you been adjusting to Riverside?
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Well just with what I’ve witnessed so far with her as my captain, I can definitely jump on your endorsement. I’ve been adjusting well, or at least I think so. I was hoping to drop some old habits by coming here, and I’m not quite sure if I’m succeeding yet.
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olivia-price · 5 years
If you can spare an Arizona and some salt and vinegar chips for me, that would be greatly appreciated.
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i appealed to my boss at gas n’ go to help supply the lockin and he agreed to donate up to $50 in snack shit so…. get your requests in before i just buy myself the good chips.
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olivia-price · 5 years
You’ll realize just how much of a nerd I am the longer you meet me. It’s pretty intense. The amount of hours I’ve logged on Steam is crazy. A win? It would be great to win but Logan is a senior and I’d much rather him take the lead and I can always come in full force next year. 
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I don’t doubt you, two weeks is a hell of a commitment. I’ll be sure to save your name on the ballot for next year then. I’m at a bit of a loss myself on who to vote for. Being new doesn’t help, and it was easier at my old school when I had my own name on the ballot.
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olivia-price · 5 years
I’m not like most girls, Olivia. (I’m worse.)
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Right? Homecoming King and Queen’s outdated at best and a ploy to distract us from the larger picture at worst. You caught up on Riverside rumors?
I can tell. With you as our royalty, we’d have the first spirit week with actual spirits.
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Rumors? Can’t say that I am, please enlighten me.
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olivia-price · 5 years
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call me, beep me
olivia price + pinterest
the girl keeps everything she loves hidden away over here. her version of a finsta
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olivia-price · 5 years
So this is what you get up to when we have an off week, switching one game for another. But congrats on the nomination, you hoping for a win?
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“So I’ve been playing Borderlands 3 non-stop for the past two weeks and realized that my phone has been on Do Not Disturb when I was stupid and thought no one was texting me. On the bright side, I’ve beaten the game and found out that I’m up for homecoming king. ”
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olivia-price · 5 years
Don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say they wouldn’t want to be homecoming queen.
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But a Master of the Hunt? That definitely gets my vote. At the very least, it’d probably rake in more student engagement than a parade.
To whom this may concern.
I’m gonna be real w/ y’all for a quick second. When they announced the nominations via intercom, I wasn’t paying even an ounce of attention and I shit you not… something in me just decided to reflexively shout ‘It wasn’t me.’ Librarian wasn’t too pleased.
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That being said, though, I officially announce my active campaign against becoming Homecoming Queen. Instead, please nominate me as your next (and first!) Homecoming Master of the Hunt. I assure you all a jolly good time spent running through dense forests and bathing in the blood of our prey. Please consider.
Yours truly, Huntmaster Georgia “Gigi” King.
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olivia-price · 5 years
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                        .fear {                                 display: none;                         }
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olivia-price · 5 years
♔: my muse’s celebrity crush(es)
charlie hunnam is her ultimate. also joe keery, but she will never openly admit that one
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olivia-price · 5 years
muse headcanons!
send me a symbol and i’ll tell you:
☠: my muse’s biggest fear ☮: when my muse feels the most at ease ☺: something that makes my muse happy ☹: something that makes my muse upset ♫: my muse’s favorite song, band, and/or music genre ✇: my muse’s favorite movie, director, and/or film genre ♔: my muse’s celebrity crush(es) ❤: what my muse looks for in a person they like ☂: my muse’s favorite season or time of year ∞: if my muse believe in ghosts, aliens, etc. ✧: what my muse’s netflix queue looks like ✎: what my muse’s best subject in school is/was ♧: something my muse is really good at ✺: something my muse loves and never gets tired of ✗: something my muse hates or gets angry about ☆: what my muse would be famous for if they were famous ✿: what my muse would like to do when they’re older ✈: where my muse would go if they could move anywhere ✆: the last person my muse called and what it was about ✉: the last person my muse texted and what the text said
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olivia-price · 5 years
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