olivia-evanss-blog · 9 years
Is anyone alive? its been more then quiet.
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olivia-evanss-blog · 9 years
when aren't you confused?
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every time I log on here… I get more and more confused… 
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
I bet he is, and i’m sure they didn’t mean to lose him. Every family must have someone like Jeremy who accidently loses dogs.
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That’s true. He’s far too cute to not be being missed.
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
Can I join you and steal your popcorn? Not really a question, I’m going too.
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I think I’m gonna sit down with a bowl of popcorn and have a movie marathon. Aw yeaaaah.
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
Speaking as someone whos dog has been lost before, you should put up posters so that the owners can find him. I’m sure they miss him a lot. 
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A dog followed me home today. That totally means I can keep it, right?
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
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Mark my words Jeremy, I will get you back for this.
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Oh, exactly. It was so peaceful for once. I didn’t want to wake you. 
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
Well i'd hope if it was something really important someone would wake me up, instead of just leaving me. You were a bit worried but still not enough to check on me, really feeling the love Cass.
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Yeah, that’s not good, because what if it was for something really important, not that this wasn’t important, but you know… I’m glad you’re alive though, was a bit worried there for a second.
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
You call that a waste? That's what I'd call that a nice Sunday.
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So I pretty much wasted my Sunday laying in bed watching netflix.
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
Awesome,I mean not awesome but glad I wasn't the only one. Now I don't feel as bad.
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I didn’t attend either, so that makes two of us. 
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
I was tired, I set a alarm clock and everything but I turned it off in my sleep. I'm getting scarily good at that.
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You need to stop this napping nonsense that you sleep for like five million hours. I missed you at the party. I needed my partner in crime!
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
That should have let you know I was asleep..I'm only quiet when i'm eating or sleeping..sometimes i'm not even quiet eating.
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Hey, don’t blame us. We shouted for you but there was no reply.
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
Taking a nap after school resulted in me waking up this morning and totally missing the party. Thanks to my lovely siblings for waking me.
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
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What?! No,no no. I think Buddy is warming up to Loki, I made them have a therapy session. and by that I mean I held buddy down and let Loki sleep on him.. Buddy didn't freak out much or anything, they're cuddling now. Maybe it was just he was curious..
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While I would normally be okay with that—- The cat’s been in the house two days and Buddy is going insane. And we aren’t getting rid of Buddy. Honey, I think the cat may have to go.
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
They must be aliens, only logical answer for someone who likes it. Its all just numbers and then they add in letters too and imaginary numbers, No fun in any of that.
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True. I don’t understand how someone could find it fun, like, how does that even happen? 
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
Oh..then yeah I may have forgot that step.
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What … no. I mean not telling me, or Jeremy or you know our parents.
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
I don't think anyone likes math, I bet the whole school would join. The person who invented it probably doesn't even like it.
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We should form a club- Everybody Hates Math. 
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olivia-evanss-blog · 10 years
Yeah, me too. I really hate math.
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Failing math? Who, me? Ha. Haha. Ha. 
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