i miss my friends
853 posts
Oliver. Currently getting my shit together..
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
They exchanged smiles as Luis patted his back, and laughed a bit. “Of course, dude. Thanks for being mine.” With that, Oliver got up off the floor, and stood up next to Luis, throwing an arm around his shoulders.
He looked around the apartment, looking proud. “I can’t believe we’re finally married.” He said, trying to keep a straight face. It only lasted a few seconds, before he began to crack up, doubling over with laughter.
They always joked about them dating, or being married. It was quite funny actually, and pissed Alec off quite a bit. His heart sank momentarily at the thought of Alex; he missed his cousin terribly. He hoped she was doing better.
After their little fit of laughter was over, Oliver removed the U-Haul key from his pocket. “Okay, seriously, we have to bring that U-Haul back before my ass gets fined for double parking.” He made his way through the apartment, jumping over a small box on the way.
“Let’s go get some pizza!”
{new beginnings} luis&oliver
Luis could see how tired Oliver was by the way he slumped to the floor and sprawled himself out in their living room. He chuckled to himself, sliding himself down to sit beside the male, and he let out a tired breath. They got a lot done that day; they deserved a little break.
As Oliver spoke, Luis let his eyes wander on their apartment, nodding his head in agreement. He always felt like he was stuck with his mother, like he’d never be able to leave and would waste his life trying to take care of his mother and her problems. Now, though, he could finally live his life, even though he didn’t have Alex with him.
He felt his heart sink inside his chest as he mentioned thinking he wouldn’t be alive, and honestly, Luis didn’t think he would be, either. Oliver was the worst he’d ever seen him just a few months ago, and frankly, he was a bit glad that Alex got taken away. If he still had Alex, he would probably be too busy with her to help Oliver. Everything happened for a reason, right?
A smile formed on Luis’ lips, and he turned his head so he could look at Oliver. “And thank you for being my best friend.” He reached his arm out and gave him a pat on the back, still smiling.
If their past selves could see them now, they’d be so damn happy.
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
A short sigh of relief escaped Oliver’s lips when he saw there were only three boxes left. Luis grabbed the smaller ones, and he grabbed the big one. They carried them downstairs to their apartment, which was a relatively easy task, and set the boxes on the floor.
As Luis began to speak, Oliver lowered himself to the floor, laying on his back with his arms and legs spread wide across the floor. “Yeah, sounds good, just give me a minute.” He said, looking around at all the boxes that surrounded him and his best friend.
It was starting to become real. The life that Oliver thought he had destroyed a few months back, was coming back together again.
“This is honestly just like, blowing my mind right now.” He said, shaking his head while sitting up. “Like, this is our place. That’s so crazy,” He laughed a bit. “This might sound morbid, but honestly, a few months ago, I didn’t think I would be alive right now.”
He thought back to his old self, always on edge, looking for his next big rush, destroying his body, his friendships, and his life.
“But, everything’s better now, and most of it is because of you, and I can’t even start to explain how grateful I am for that, because I really don’t feel like getting all sappy and shit right now.” He laughed.
“But seriously, thanks for everything you’ve done, dude. Thanks for not abandoning me when shit got too crazy.”
{new beginnings} luis&oliver
Luis laughed along with Oliver as he mentioned the u-haul, and he followed Oliver back outside to get the last few boxes. He wasn’t quite sure what they’d do afterwards- maybe order a pizza, since he was pretty hungry. But in that moment, Luis couldn’t wait to see what the future would hold for them.
There were only three boxes left in the u-haul, and Luis grabbed the two small boxes and left the one big one for Oliver to grab. Luckily, there apartment was downstairs, so they didn’t have to go up any stairs when moving their things, so getting everything into the apartment was pretty easy.
Once the last three boxes were brought into the house, Luis huffed a tired sigh, dropping the boxes onto the floor and looking at Oliver.
“Well, we’re done with that. Wanna take the u-haul back and we can go get some pizza? I can follow you in my car,” he spoke, feeling his stomach growl as he mentioned pizza. He was already ready to lay on the floor and pass out.
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
to nunezluis:
It was finally the big day. After working countless hours at The Dot (and even doing a few babysitting jobs for the neighbors kids) Luis finally saved up for him and Oliver to get an apartment together. Of course, they split the cost, and would be splitting the rent and utilities equally, but finally having a decent apartment rather than a old, dirty one like his mother’s was probably the mos exciting thing to ever happen to him.
Of course, it would be a lot better if Alex was with them.
Alex had been in the mental hospital for who knows how long now. Luis had lost count of the weeks and months it had been. He could visit her, but it wasn’t the same as being with her normally. He missed her so damn much.
Since he couldn’t really be there for Alex, though, he was there for Oliver, instead, helping him through is addictions and getting him back on the right track. Finally, they were starting their lives.
“Damn, this box is heavy,” Luis huffed as he picked a box up out of the u-haul, bringing it inside their apartment and dumping it in the middle of the living room. They still needed to buy some things- decorations, kitchen utensils, food. Mostly in the u-haul was just things from their bedrooms, with a few surprise gifts both their parents gave them to help them with their new home.
“Thank God we’re almost done.” 
As soon as he woke up this morning, Oliver had already decided that today would be the best day of his life.
After working his ass off at the local Tim Horton’s, and getting help for his addiction and with his mental health, everything finally seemed to be falling into place for him.
He was moving into an apartment with his best friend, Luis. It had always seemed like a dream, one that everyone has with their best friend. A few months ago, Oliver never would’ve imagined that dream really coming true.
A few months ago, he was too fucked up to function everyday, and was sure he’d be dead before he graduated high school.
But with the help of Luis and his mom, he got through it. He went to rehab, and meets with a therapist twice a week.
And now, he can genuinely say, he is happy.
Oliver sat down one of the boxes, just as Luis came in and sat down another. “Yeah, we need to hurry because that fuckin’ U-Haul is double parked, and I really don’t want a parking ticket today.” He laughed, and the two of them made their way back out to get the last few boxes from the U-Haul.
{new beginnings} luis&oliver
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
Alright, I guess you’re not gonna tell me. That’s fine. I hope everything gets better for you.
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Yeah yeah.
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
Just because you can’t change something, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk about it.
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But hey, if you don’t wanna talk about it, I won’t make you. It might make you feel better, though.
Yeah, and if everything wasn’t alright, I couldn’t change anything so it’s whatever.
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
You don’t seem okay. You sure everything’s alright?
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Yeah sure.
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
You okay?
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
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@oliolioxenfree: Happy Halloween! #SoSpooky Oh and happy birthday @littletorres :) #IDidntForget
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
All of the sudden, her tiny body lurched forward a bit, the contents of her stomach spilling all over her chest and lap. The plethora of pills got caught in the stream that the shower offered, and collected around the circular drain.
The sight made him shutter.
Brooke was slumped against his body, in between his legs. She coughed, then turned to face him. A few tears fell from her eyes, and Oliver felt a twinge in his chest.
Did he, feel bad for her?
Maybe. After all, she had apologized to him. And told him she loved him. It was a lot to take in, especially since he didn't feel the same way anymore. He tried his hardest to push them to the back of his mind, and he did. But he couldn't ignore the hole she had left in his heart; he needed something to fill it.
So he turned to drugs. And that's when everything started going downhill.
As she spoke, Oliver listened to her very closely. She had been to Rome? That was interesting. Traveling was something he had always wanted to do, but at this rate he was sure he would be dead before he even got to leave Toronto.
He tensed a bit when her eyes flicked from his to his lips, but he played it off. He tried not snicker at how funny the latin words sounded with her Canadian accent, and he kept calm.
He tensed again when she moved closer, once again relaxing immediately. "I think I get what you're saying..." He whispered, adverting his eyes to the floor of the tub. the warm water still rushed from the shower head, so Oliver turned it off.
She was saying she doesn't want to die alone. Oliver used to feel that way, but not anymore. He wanted to isolate himself. He knew it would probably end badly, but he couldn't hurt anymore people.
He refused to be held liable for another broken heart.
{lover i don't have to love} brooke&oliver
The feeling of his arms around her was a saving grace, and her pulse began to slow down by the minute. In his grasp, she began to feel so relaxed, as light as air, like she was floating through time and space, not a worry in the world because he was finally holding her again.
Maybe he didn’t hate her afterall.
But then, things began to feel a little too slow. Her feet dragged against the hard wood floors, her mouth hanging open, eyes heavy, breath almost non-existent. His voice was an empty attempt, like talking under water, and it took a whole three minutes to realize she was now drenched, slumping into his body, vomit down her chest and lap. A spiraled trail of pills, much more than the six she had just taken in his presence, cluttered around the edge of the drain, and she remembered that she had taken some before she left.
By god, did she feel hopeless.
Coughing and wiping her face, Brooke gasped  for air, unaware until then that she seemed to be holding her breath. Wiggling around to face him, she swallowed hard, tears no longer able to be blinked away.
"I learned this saying while I was in Rome…"
Rome. That was such a long time ago. That  was the trip she was supposed to go on with Daniel. That was just the beginning of their ending.
“Che cosa desideri. It means, what do you desire?” 
Licking her dry, petal lips, Brooke stared down at his, then back to his eyes.
"And to that, I always answered, I don’t know, or non lo so." 
She had picked up many fragments from many different languages on her trips, but said them all in her plain Canadian accent.
"But now I do." 
She paused and curled up closer to him.
“Mai soli." 
Blinking, she looked away.
“Never alone.”
That had always been her biggest fear; loneliness.
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
Text @Alex
Alex: then youre not in too deep
Alex: i love u cuzzie okay dont worry
Oliver: Okay
Oliver: I love you too
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
Text @Alex
Alex: you didnt kill anyone did you?
Alex: okay okay of course
Oliver: No
Oliver: Okay
Oliver: Thank you
Oliver: But honestly prepare for the worst
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
Text @Alex
Alex: ahaha sorry
Alex: oliver im sure you didnt
Oliver: No you don't understand
Oliver: I really did
Oliver: I can't tell you over text it's too much
Oliver: We have to hang out ASAP
Oliver: How about pizza tomorrow my treat
Oliver: Just like old times
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
Text @Alex
Alex: oh no whats wrong oli
Alex: do i have to kill someone
Oliver: Alex don't joke like that Jesus Christ
Oliver: Everything is wrong
Oliver: It's not just one thing
Oliver: I fucked up really bad
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
Text @Alex
Alex: well its a clever icebreaker i'll give you that
Alex: i miss you too kiddo
Oliver: We need to hang out or something Lex
Oliver: I need to talk to you
Oliver: Everything is really bad
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
Text @Alex
Alex: nah
Alex: whyd you do it though?
Oliver: Good
Oliver: I don't know
Oliver: I just
Oliver: I really don't know
Oliver: I just miss you I don't know
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
Text @Alex
Alex: stfu i know it was you
Alex: fukin nerd
Oliver: Dammit
Oliver: I thought I would be able to keep it a secret
Oliver: You're not mad though right
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olivergoldsworthy · 10 years ago
Text @Alex
Oliver: I saw you and Luis got nominated for Homecoming court
Oliver: That's really cool
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