Oliver Hunt32Paediatric Surgeon“One of the most courageous decisions you will ever make is to finally let go of whatever is hurting your heart and soul"
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Text: Oli
Ris: I'll bring you coffee and breakfast in the morning.
Oli: Unnecessary I have a perfectly fine coffe machine here
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Text: Oli
Ris: have a night night.
Oli: 😘
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Text: Oli
Ris: right. i'll remember that.
Oli: love you none the less
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“I really shouldn’t be doing this, because the owner of this place is a giant dick and will get on my back for it,” he raised his eyebrows for comedic effect, as Ezra was the owner himself, “but drinks are on me tonight.” He leaned forward on his forearms against the counter top, one eyebrow remaining raised, and paired with a grin. “So, what’ll it be?”
Oliver grinned when he head that drinks were on Ezra tonight, “You’ll probably regret that, man.” He half joked, because he did want to drink himself under the table tonight. “Jack Daniels on the rocks.” He raised an eyebrow before continuing, “Actually, make it a double, since it’s on the house.”
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Text: Oli
Ris: i don't hide things from you.
Oli: Sometimes there's things siblings don't have to tell each other
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Text ✉ Reese & Oliver
Reese: So...a little birdie may have told me that hypothetically speaking you'd want to grab coffee and go exploring.
Reese: Now why am I bringing that up you ask?
Reese: Well, my name isn't Dora, but that doesn't mean that you can't pack your backpack and grab your map because we're going explorin'!
Oliver: I am so in
Oliver: What were you thinking?
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Marissa couldn’t think of anything to say to her brother. She was too nervous to think of anything to say to him. She hadn’t seen her father for years now…and she hadn’t seen Oliver for almost the same amount of time.. but he was different. Her father had never blamed Marissa for anything that had happened to her mother. Oliver had never screamed and shouted at her about so man things. It was harder for Marissa to be able to really talk to him. She sighed as she got out of the car. She really didn’t want to do this. But she could see the smile on Olivers face and she couldn’t say no to him. “I’m only doing this for you, Oliver, don’t tell me that.” She stated with a shake of her head. “Just don’t leave me alone with him.” She muttered as she moved into the hotel. A small sigh of relief came through her lips as she saw Lakyn. “I didn’t know this was the place that you worked!” She stayed by Olivers side, but she couldn’t have been more glad to see Lakyn over there. It was definitely nice to see a familiar face.
Lakyn was walking around the Inn, it was a pretty slow day so she was taking note of all the little repairs to give to her handyman when she heard the door open, as she turned to greet them she was met with Marissa’s voice. The sound of the familiar girl brought a smile to her face “Hey Marissa! yeah yeah this is my place, my little home away from home i guess you could say” she smiled, looking around as she was visibly very proud of her inn and the work she’d put into it “what brings you here today?” she finally brought her attention back to the girl before looking at the male standing next to her “and who’s this strapping young gentleman?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at Riss in a teasing way, bringing a strange man to a hotel. Even though Lakyn knew that wasn’t the case she still wanted to tease the girl at least a little bit.
After a small laugh she looked back to the male, holding her hand out “hi there, i’m Lakyn, friend of Marissa and manager of Whispering Pines here, nice to meet you” she smiled sweetly at the man trying to make a semi good first impression. Even though she had teased Marissa a little bit she didn’t want to embarrass her in anyway in front of him “have any good stories about our girl over here?” she asked as she moved over to give Marissa a little nudge with her elbow.
“I know.” Oliver nodded his head as he walked behind, he felt guilty dragging her to do this, but he knew it was for the better. Everyone had done something, or said something that they didn’t mean when they’re mother died. Hell, he wasn’t an angel himself. But, there was no point in holding grudges. They were family no matter what. “I won’t I promise.” He reassured her as he walked into the hotel, surprised that she knew someone instantly. Oliver stood slightly behind Marissa, allowing her the space to converse with her friend as he looked around for their father. His attention was then dragged back to the conversation happening in front of him as he saw a hand being extended. “Hi, Oliver.” He extended his hand to shake hers, “The brother.” He then laughed when she teased his sister, but nodded his head none the less. “Do you have all day?” He raised an eyebrow at her. Then looked down at Marissa with a grin on his face. “Manager, you said?” He looked back at Lakyn. “We’re kind of surprising out father. He flew in last night, and has taken up residency here in your lovely inn. Do you think you could give his room a call to let him know we’re here?”
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Text: Oli
Ris: don't be patronising !
Ris: tell me what happened.
Ris: i'm not five oli.
Oli: Sometimes I wish you were.
Oli: You were nice to me then :D :P
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Text: Oli
Ris: i'm gonna need more to go on than that.
Oli: Ah don't worry you're pretty head about it.
Oli: I went out with the guys from work after work. I just got in.
Oli: why are you up so late? It's past your bed time missy.
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Text: Oli
Ris: because you just seem off... and i've known you my entire life so i know what off is for you
Ris: c'mon, out with it.
Oli: Life, Marissa. Life is what is off.
Oli: You lay out your intentions, and it just gets thrown out the window.
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Text: Oli
Ris: okaaay so that's a lie....
Ris: i'm fine as per :)
Oli: What is up with women looking for further meaning to texts than what is written out plain as day?
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Text: Oli
Ris: howre you doing big brother?
Oli: Fantastically little sister
Oli: how are you
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INSTAGRAM: whatisupdoc uploaded a new photo
Is it vacation time yet?
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text / gabriela
Gabriela: whatever!
Oliver: [read]
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text / gabriela
Gabriela: whatever.
Oliver: now who's being passive agressive
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“Oh quit with the fucking excuses!” Juniper snapped.This was why she had tried to get away from him. She had tried to avoid having this conversation with him because she knew how bad it was going to be. She knew how overwhelmed she was going to be when it came to him and she couldn’t keep her emotions in check. “We talked about hte future oliver. And you - what? Decided it wasn’t good enough? Decided that you didn’t want it anymore?” She raised an eyebrow. “Be a fucking man and fucking admit it! Admit that you didn’t want me! Admit that I was nothing to you! Admit that I wasn’t fucking worth it because it was cruel! WWhat you did? It was cruel. Because one moment things were fine and the next you were gone!”
Oliver sighed and rolled his eyes as she told him to stop giving excuses. He knew that no matter what he said, she would find fault in it. “So when you go back and think about all the things we did and all those things we said, all those things point to me thinking you meant nothing to me ever?” He scoffed. “God damn it, Juniper. I told you everything. I fucking let you in. But the fucking issue was me. And, it was always going to be me. I fucked up. I was always fucking up. I needed to grow the fuck up.” He looked away from her again, his eyes burning with his own tears. “If you meant nothing to me, why the hell did I come home with a ring?!” He exclaimed, but instantly regretted. He never intended on telling her that. He shouldn’t have said it. He wanted the ground to eat him right there. He wanted to run.
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